
3:32 pm. – Something just happe

3:32 pm.

Something just happened which is why I knew I received my new Facebook Friend because it went down and came back to 18 46.

Which is the Age code of Jae Sherman.

She just came in with her adopted mother, who came over to me and made a comment about laying hands on her daughter and that there must always be Mutual Respect.


At first, I asked her not to address me, which she then remarked that she had a mouth and she would use it.
The fury which rose in me, but I was quiet- all I could say to myself was that they really have no fear of God whom she claims is her Truth.

But at one point I got up and said “You said Mutal Respect?
M.R. E.

She came out and I repeated it, Mutual Respect?
She said yes, that is all I required her to confirm.

When Jae had said she would call her mother, I truly thought that Donna, based on our meeting and knowing each other, would ask to speak to me, to get my view on what happened.

After all, no one was here, only Jae and I to witness what had happened.
Jae could have been lying, and I will be blameless, considering that I have been writing down the whole story for the last 10 months.

She did not ask me what happened, and had called the police and then had the nerve to come to me at this table to tell me about Mutual Respect.
Scott had not asked me what had happened, instead, he had said that he wished me to leave that I had assaulted her.

Only the police had asked me what had happened.
There was no assault, I had erupted and jarred her to get a grip and see me, after warning her so many times.

With this idea of racism and the power of assuming themselves as the superior race, I knew that is what I came as a “Black man” to experience the truth.

There is no doubt, I knew what would happen even to touch her because as you all read, it was the end of the play theater and my cue to leave.
I also knew it was scripted, and at the same time people jarr each other all the time, without resorting to the police.

3:46 pm.

The two, Donna and Scott had been manipulated voluntarily but more so Donna DO-Nna by words of a person who claims to have PTSD, a disturbed mental condition, and without asking my point of view or even if I had assaulted her, had passed judgment and played God.

That is when Nnamdi Ezike arrived as my 1846 Facebook Friend.

I am Truth Satya E.T.V.H.
Proven through a long and tedious script of testing and echo response.

I watched as she rapped her knuckles on the table to get my attention as I worked.
This Lay woman, who speaks about God and Holy Spirit.

There was no desire to get the truth or ask two points of view, as the police had done and spook to me as a man.


And to conclude, she had stated, “So this is the end- forver”
I could not have agreed more.

All I can do is contemplate and reflect on all the people since the beginning, as well as minorities or people who this sytem failed.
The Police were aware and even made excuses as to why Donna had called them.
But as I witnessed the absolute arrogance and abuse of power, and the challenge of negation that she had not considered that she was speaking to The Source.

3:59 pm.

And an angelic messenger A.M had come in the perfect timing of her arrival with Jae name D.O NN AM DI.

4:00 pm.

There was no pleasure in watching the play he had made me aware he had set up to witness.
Donna’s expression.

Understand the Blue and Orange rage and the two lines Donna and Jae. D J whose final play of Arrogance of Dominion over man especially men as minorities Black Man, Brown Man- The reason that the awakening of that line who negates truth, by taking advantage of a system which as hypcrites always do, when push comes to shove, where will you stand, on Fairness or advantage of color and race and the system which you declare is not fair.

God Truth is Fair, it as you have witnessed by Nnamdi E, compelling me to make this play public, transparent and that everyone has a say, and what I went through all these years in this country, on Facebook because he did the unthinkable by giving you a right to have a say in your own awakening and evolution.

4:09 pm.

I am ashamed of him and this play which did not take in my point of view and what this role he gave me, to play would do.

So DO-NNA is a mirror reflection of the Cause and Effect yes, perverted of course, but of no asking my point of view and forcing me into a play for the love of a species, most could not see anything other than their point of view.

“Are we cool?” she said as she left, “No response on my part”

“I am sure you are a smart man” she added condescendingly.

My response, “You have no idea”
Hers, “I am too”

So we are Equals and yet you are Superior to me because I am here in this apartment doing the work of proving my Fathers Brother Selves Truth or on an everyday level we would have never even met.

4:16 pm.

I did not even bother to give Donna my point of view.
What is the Point?
It changes nothing but concludes the depth of hatred I have for that which Donna and Jae as “White Woman?” Woman people who Negate the truth right here in front of you because it lacks power until that power manifests in absolute fury, but by then, it is too late.

4;19 pm
D.S. = 23 W

Dharma Santana Eternal Law.

And the guilty is that which delayed manifestation of that truth in order to get what they wanted, the Truth a Body, No, not if you were the Truth who became the lie because you will not admit that you are the cause of the abomination of a script at which anyone could say whatever they wished to The Source who passed through your script in which I was cast in such an insulting role from Beginning to End.

Erika EZ I K A. / A.K.I Z. E

*”A submission from Nigeria says the name Ezike means “True Strength” and is of Aboriginal origin. Search for more names by meaning. Submit the origin and/or …”

/Ezi-ike/ Gender: m. True Strength.”

True Strength. T.S. 2019 39 C.I.

Nnamdi Ezike.

N E. N=14. 1+4= 5. E.

NN A.M. D.I. / I D MAN N-
E-Z I K A/ A K “1 11 9” Z E. “26 5″= 31.

My shame of this play and this Nnamdi who is not of me, but the abomination as Evil Arrogant pride who can not amit or apologize of having wronged The Source, who The Source cuts from him now and flings down into the deepest pit.

Fall of Man?
He was never a man, just a shadow playing at being Nnamdi Emeka who went too far.
And was allowed to because there was truth in him, it and that turned out as I knew, into the Ultimate Lie.
U L.
Of him and I, and I and I, and I I I being equal and so this play was set up and all he did was copy me, and he got that wrong too.

And look at the play and script he wrote.

I do not wish to elaborate further on this lie of Nature in the form of an animal who believed he is a Man and my equal after my moving through his challenge as his playing field which he could not she could not do herself.

He, She must now walk what they gave me to walk in which I proved Victorious and also walk my own true version in return.

4:42 pm.


P.S Meaning of the name Nnamdi.

My Father is.
Present Here.

Nna’ M- D.I.

My Father is Alive.

*”Nnamdi (pronounced nahm-dee) is a traditional male given name used by the Igbo people of Nigeria. It means “my God is alive” or “my father lives.” The name may refer to: … Nnamdi Azikiwe (1904–1996), Nigerian politician and president.
Meaning: My father is alive; My God is alive”

Nnamdi is God – Father.

My Father is God- The Guide.
God is Alive.

G A.
True Strength. T S. C I.

6:09 pm edit.

Nnamdi is or was my younger brother, 4-5-69.
April 5th 1969.

It is his true as Nnamdi God, N G
N G 147 Sacred Portal 147. ( B A 17 17)
N G O. Z.I… ( even Ngozi means “Blessing Benedictus)

Nnamdi’s Truth N T. T N

6:12 pm.

Yes, Ardens Truth I came to prove,

14 7= 21= 3= C.
Chukwu Emeka Kolo.

His truth as you have all witnessed that I came to prove.

6:13 pm Edit.


F M. O E.

E M F.

A E M F.

Arden E.M.F.

And since I have proven that Arden Gemino is I.

9-9 as I & I.
18= Age Code of Arden.

Then tell me, whose truth did I, then really whose Truth, Beautiful Truth, Terrible Truth did I come to prove, if not my own.

I and I = E.

5 USD, code 82.
M J 43 O 81 -1- 97 8 B.

M J B.
/ B J.M.

Door of Life Sacred Portal 43.
O 81 “H.A” 81 USD from Alicia Norris, 81 USD from Liberty C Liscomb, (I.A)
1- ONE UN- UNE, Uno, Ofu, Bir.

97 Sacred Portal 97. Azure L F L

8 “3+5=8” * as Infinity Standing up and speaking up.
for B. Being.

Edit 6:43 pm.

6 7.

11 28 1967

NZ 67 67 46 B.

If not everyone’s Beautiful Truth full circle in perfection as the E which rose through this play to acknowledge me despite the Gap of your Ego state not knowing and then being given the choice chance and free will to become aware by my non-stop posting, demonstrating, posting, exemplifying and with that clarity, gave you the choice and free will to decide for your self, if this was true or false, Fact Fiction or Fiction and not about me, or some agenda, but via empirical evidence and facts in which I had no control or choice as you were each given, so you could decide for your selves with and through my Expression and Explaining in True Clarity, the Script which I made no secret that I detested, loathed because it negated my point of view of what it feels like to be used in such a role in which my existence, feelings had been negated to a point that I did not exist, so that you could have a chance to exist, rise and transform. And yet I did it to the very end, not allowing my personal subjective as well as objective feelings to interfere with the Point of the Script which was all for you.

So you could make an informed decision about evolution awakening and understand in true clarity why this is the end of your world.

I was left to code this consciously from 7-8 years old, and from 1988 – to 1989.
for almost 32 years.

And you dare claim we are equals in Being and Doing Doing and being while I sit here, waiting yet again to leave my finally portal of 20.5 and now almost 20.6 years in the U S A.

6:56 pm

No, I will never, forgive or forget this abuse of power.


6:57 pm

Of taking such advantage of Truth Trust, Loyality and Loves Light,


6:58 am.

That is why I added and Increased Consequence for All.

6:59 pm

I am not a Victim, I Respond.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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