
3:31 pm. – It’s unfortunate, th

3:31 pm.

It’s unfortunate, that a post I was writing vanished, I am not bothered, it linked to the meaning of the name Anastasia Hart

Anastasia Hart


Alicia Norris- Arden Gemino.

Matris Ressurection. M.R.

Wich I watched and then Alicia Norris did.

She was born 10-31-69.

The play is 96 and 69 is the play in Hindsight.

Sacred Portal 31.
and Rebuilding of True Clarity.

3:37 pm.

I am perfectly aware of who and what is meddling and seeking to direct what I can and can say on my posts

See Sacred Portal 33. at 7.
It is not Liberty C or me as C.
And C.A.


But I am aware that I am being used as a witness- Truth Satya, E.V so that you can witness it yourselves.
It’s a simple post to re-post, but I am not in the mood, which I know why it was stopped.

Please see the books written by Vladimir Megre Ringing Cedars,
Circle Round.
Ringing the Bell S.P 111.
C.E D. A R.

Hart means *”English and North German: from a personal name or nickname meaning ‘stag’, Middle English hert, Middle Low German hërte, harte. Irish: Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hAirt ‘descendant of Art’, a byname meaning ‘bear’, ‘hero’. … The English name became established in Ireland in the 17th century.”

Stag. S.P 111. Stag-E. Stage,
Descendant of Art. “Though art Art.

Bear. Hero. – B.E-A.R, Hero, and Leander.
Legend and Myth are proven true.
See the play of the Bear appearing when I was at 900 South Road, Poverty Hollow.

Okay, I am only doing this for my Uncle Line Sir P.N.
Aka Mr.P.

I am now at 3357 Facebook Friends.

See Sacred Portal 33 and 57.
1 12

1-1 57./75. 12 12 =1.
1 1 1
That is with Add.
Multiply M

33 is 9. 57 is 35.
9 35.

9 8= 17 Q. AGE.
This H as I Infinity. Individual.

Anastasia Hart A.H.

Natasha Johnston N.J.

Melony Edwards M.E.

Iyk Onuka I.O.

The city of Hartford Connecticut is currently covered in snow and Ice.
Cold outside.

Message A.H.

N.J. M.E. I.O. ( M.E.I.O.W. M.E O.W I Sacred Portal 59.)

A.H. N.J. M.E. O.I.

See Sacred Portal O.I and O I.
And / I.O.
Spirit E.
Spirit of Existence. S.O.E/ E O S.
Bed 5019. Delta Manor Room 5B.
( E.B) Alexa & Theo on 9-16-2016.

Total 25 Y and 36.. see Sacred Portal 36 “Night and Dawn.
Eos means Dawn.
D.A. W.N.
D.A-E. W.IN.S.
And see my posting of Sacred Portal 63 yesterday.

360. 63 O.
One 1-A.

Spirit E. Awareness.
A.I. “S” E-A

A is Constant
Hence not 31 C.A.

Source of 69.

A.C.V S.

A.C E.V..T. Victorious True is E.

Natasha *”Natasha is a girl’s name of Russian origin. This name means “born on Christmas day” or “birthday of the Lord”. While it could be perfect for a holiday baby, …”

Christmas Day. C.D. 25 Y.
Birthday Of The Lord.
B.O. Anastasia Hart 152 Mutual Facebook Friends.
O.B./ B.O.
Natasha – Anatasia

152/ 251.

What was the Intel sent to me by Liberty C was it not for 1-18- Time code 4-51 pm?

A came before the N.

Anastasia Hart
Natasha Johnston – Johnston is the surname of Arden Gemino’s God Mother.
Good Morning.
True God Morning
Amazing Grace.
Dawn Light Bringer
Lucifer was born in the Evening, Bringer of light as both the Evening and Morning Star.

I have been watching my biological clock moving me through a 24 Day waking now from evening to night to Dawn.
I was up at the crack of dawn for a few days now and today it was at 9:35 and earlier.

Charleene Johnston is her name C.J./ J.C.

So it would be Anastasia J. A.J.
Not Natassia as N, nor would it be in the past, since Christmas Day C.D Y. has already passed.

A.N. and not N, I am already aware and prove that I am Nnamdi.
Nnamani Vincent, Nnamdi Ezika and that E.E = A.
I met Arden in Early September. 9th month, after arriving on 8-29 2019. Same month I entered Delta Manor same month I completed the Talking to the Silence Volume 1 to 3. I-III.
And same month I began writing them while living and Marylebone and from a Cafe in Nottinghill Gate London England.
M.N- G.

M = 13… N.G is 147 See sacred Portal 147 A.B. ( 17 17…= 1 34 = 35. C.E.
8 I. H. 17 = 8 H.I. = 8- I..Etc…

Melony means *”The name Melony is primarily a female name of Greek origin that means Black.”

Black. B.L. A.C.K.

Bringer of Light.
B. O.L.E!
And B.L. ACK H.”OLE.”

Sacred Portal 50. “Ole! Ego Oge Play,

Chukuemeka. Kolo.
C.K. Clark Kent

There is no frequency of lack here present, Nothing is Lacking or Needed here, I have witnessed, from being brought here with nothing but the clothes on my back and a hurriedly packed brown suitcase, and black toilet bag from 29 Lincoln Steet.
As Beautiful Honest Abe on 10-23-2020, many things I had few that they were, I left behind in the dramatic wave and way I had been made to leave, And I had nothing and worked on my truth and its Manifestation for all to see, that was all I could and was allowed, and wanted to focus o, being free, of this idea of Need and Lacking, and get away from this hideous and heinous play, of this idea of beings being owed, and proving their truth of choosing to ignore the See and Cee. I focused on getting some donations, proving them all a code, thus not only what I had earned as an equation but whose value of what I solved had been reduced to what I had noted for the last 29 and now 64 and especially here, was decided and dictated to only support my barest essentials and needs.

Something which never appeared to bother anyone, apart from me,

A Forced and Coerced dependency of what was confirmed of being 29 years of Priceless and Invaluable information and the Flower of life and how all things rose.

David Rose
Beloved Emeka – E-ROS, Rose.
152 Mutual Facebook Friends
E David Darling.

The money was from me and moved through to all of you. By cheating by the roles, and taking advantage to suspend all the laws, not by people merit, earned, merited, and earned by their own proof of self-worth and Value

But I continued despite vigorous protesting and calling it out until in September, Liberty C infirmed me of her windfall with ex-husband Chris Gemino, in a situation I had been party to and made aware of by Liberty C of her growing concern for her Finacial Future as the Children were growing up and the strain, then going still on with Chris and Liberty, when she only then began to realize that they’re never getting back together, especially after that Thomas Lang, mess, with her ever again, and his finally finding a woman he could be with whom his hart and children would or could approve.

I was aware of my contribution t her clarity and destruction with gentleness and at last rage, to what she was doing to sabotage her future, lay with how she saw and was not grounded on common sense.
Like this world view.

But I started again, even in this play from zero yet again, as I had done 64 times and for 29 years, and built up my value restored to my being able, having merited and earned as if I was Zero, Did and had done nothing of worth. YOu do recall, Esteban and Chris Filguria’s grandmother s expression to me publicly on my page Esther Fleurant… no, Ester Cardozo-Bellefleur expression and still is her present as a Facebook Friend.
Why… Malicious Intent… or something else.
Like Deer paralyzed as they see the Car lights as they are about to cross the highway- road.

No, I earned, merited, and earned Liberty C offer of sharing what she made clear to me that I had earned.

That is how I was able to pay the Winter heating bill, Everssource Bill, Twice.

I earned it,

5:08 pm.

Earning back again, over and over again that which is and was originally mind- mine..

How is it, I ask you, that I have missing front teeth, and not been able to get work done, for a problem that could have been resolved as far back as 2010.
Or simply being given my wealth my money I had earned since 1989, and 1992, and before, all the time I was perfectly aware, and even told at 33 Recon Studio New York by people and one such as Micheal Frazier why my money had been denied me.
Or the N.E telling me that it was being held in safe-keeping here as Gold. S.K. K.G./ G.K.-K.S.

7 11- 11 19.

7 1 1 1 1 1 9.
16 63.

1 1 3.
C. A.A.


79. G.I.

G.I.P Man.


And yes, I have coded my Hips again and again where I have been having trouble, each time new physical trouble in my body and I would have to prove it literally in front of you out of existence, That it was imposed by you, just like the idea of Old Age and not fighting it gracefully, but gracefully given in to it, while seeing the truth of it being an illusion Garbage, Garb of Age in so many other cultures.
Weight, and not Wait as in Sacred portal 55. The Long Prolonged weight, wait or waste… Baggage you let go off -So attached to the arrival of old age so you had an excuse to rest & repose.

When you would not let go, because she can not imagine how it would be light, to not carrying your thoughts filled with anxiety and worry for your future. No, not many really worried and were anxious for The Future. T.F only Your Future.

F.T.X was the message from Laura Walsh received after her mother crossed over to my side and her Father, Last Representatives of Time linked to E-Spirit and not simply, Spirit which will eventually cease to exist, be forgotten.
But because they were remembered and saw it through their daughters Spirit becoming E-Spirit, they will transform back onto their Original Beautiful Truth as Beautiful Youth, expanded to Eternity Immortality Gene but not Eternally anymore, because of this play but a long, long long time they will enjoy a from of Existence as Ecstasy Bliss, Abundance, Joy Laughter Delight Mischief, Adventure Exploration as such which they could never have imagined, and when it is time to go, they will all recollect why.

And never will I ever return as I did this time.

That is what I mean by The End.

A New Species as I, line of I and I will take over and the last of the E Family will cease to Exist, leaving gracefully and with appreciation gratitude, acknowledging the “The Amazing Grace” ( T.A.G- By E), shown to them, which in the hearts and eyes and quiet smile at me, and the I and I, that they knew they did not merit earn and deserve.


You know who you are, VI. King Line Vahallah
Warriors Supreme of the Beautiful Past.

Now let me stop posting, I allowed it today, and you know the reason.
Iyk Onuka


Onuka. O.N.U. K.A,/ A.K. U.N.O.

*”The Ukrainian word Onuka translates to “granddaughter,” a tribute to lead singer Zhyzhchenko’s grandfather and renowned folk-instrument maker, Oleksandr Shlionchyk.”


“Onu” means “Mouth & or, “Ears Hearing” In O.I.BRI Igbo. It also means “To Marry” Onu Di. Married to be married as in Husband- Companion, Lover Friend.

5:51 p,m

Wedding Cake.

*”According to a user from Philippines, the name Onyeka is of Igbo origin and means “Who is greater. But when you add ‘Chi’ or ‘Chukwu’ That is Onyekachi or Onyekachuwku it means Who is greater than God”.
According to a user from Nigeria, the name Onyeka is of Nigerian origin and means “Who is greater…. when you add chi to onyeka, resulting to onyekachi it now means who is greater than God”.
According to a user from Nigeria, the name Onyeka means “Onyeka is short for onyekachukwu or onyekachi which means who is greater than God”.
3 people from all over the world agree the name Onyeka is of Nigerian / African origin and means “Who is greater than God”.
According to a user from Texas, U.S., the name Onyeka means “No One is Greater than God”.
According to 2 people from Nigeria, the name Onyeka is of African / Igbo origin and means “Who is greater”.
According to a user from Philippines, the name Onyeka means “God is the greatest”.
A user from New York, U.S. says the name Onyeka is of African origin and means “Greatest of gods”.
A user from South Africa says the name Onyeka means “The greatest”.”

Let me make this quick.

It is about A Question and Riddle.

Which is greater, the Mouth, the Ears, Hearing, Listening to ones Heart as to who you should WED. and call Husband.

I know where this is from in my past, present in New York, Sir Pius Nduka sister norm 1960 -61. But this is not about that it is a story of Mouth Ears Hearing and Husband- Wed. Wedding. Wednesday Woden.
And Immoratlity.

*”Idun, also spelled Idunn, or Iduna, in Norse mythology, the goddess of spring or rejuvenation and the wife of Bragi, the god of poetry. She was the keeper of the magic apples of immortality, which the gods must eat to preserve their youth.”

I.D. U /N

I DUN. Recall that play with the code Dun?

I D U.N.

I D. U N.A.

I D. U/ N/ E.

I D. U N E.

Movie Dune

I.D. U.E.


Stephen Johnson will recollect that play staged here.

*”In Norse mythology, Iðunn is a goddess associated with apples and youth. … motif “of an eagle who steals the celestial means of immortality.”

I.O. / U NN

I O A. C E./C A

Aurelia/Emeka Kolo Arden C.E.H.I.
H. E. E.

6:10 pm.

Some left a table of Golden Delicious Apples on the Dish here for the last few days and baby carrots. I suspect it was Kim Arthur Hinds Jr but since there is no communication or message, it could also be Jay.

And I really do not care if you left it with no communication or message G.D. as 47, no that does not cut it if no message or intel or communication which displays E Intelligence or awareness on it, there is no way I can give any credit to whoever left it, nor have I taken one to eat.

As far as I am concerned it was anonymous and has nothing to do with the play because whoever left it, left me the work of noting it and giving the answer to the equation to them.

6:17 pm.

Meaning they did not know, and what they don’t know means that they are not in Harmony with the A=A bit at Z.

6:19 pm.


F A I… R . I.E.

6:20 pm.

F.T… X.

F.T.H. I

62nd Portal. 3rd Floor.

6:21 pm.
6- 12.

F L.
66 33.


6:22 pm.

Fritz Venneiq

A. F.V.

6;23 pm.


F Double V.

F D V.

6:24 pm.


P.S the name Iyke means *”According to 3 people from South Africa and Nigeria, the name Iyke is of Nigerian origin and means “Power”. A user from Nigeria says the name Iyke means “Power.”


11:57 pm Edit.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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