
3:31 pm – C. C.A. – 4-12-2022. –

3:31 pm – C. C.A. – 4-12-2022. –

3:31 pm

C. C.A.


D-L-T V.


Delta 4th Dimension Liberty C represented as well as I as Lucifer, Luke, Lucas Roca
Azure as Light as Loves Fact.
D-L-F= 4-12-6.=22 V.

Delta 4 12 +:16.P. Emeka Kolo & Arden Gemino-Gemini

Devin D…- L+F = 18.
18 Alexander Grove
18 Mountain View
Arden Gemino- age code at present is 18.
Arden Fred Knox Gemino A F K G= 25.
Letter Y
Evidence AY
E-A Y.

Delta 4×12= 48.

See Sacred Portal 16…18 ..48.

16 +48 = 54. Age code 54 in this play.

18 +48 =:66.

On Kim Arthur Hinds Jr door.

6/6 =1.


And 67/76.


Annie Olivia
Opal Raven
Tina Joyce
Reyna Kelly

I..we were at 4999 Facebook Friends but I just saw that I received another Facebook Friend request which makes it now 5000.
( 5-3 with the 3 Zero’s)

Viola… Viola Floria .. ViolaChastity, let me pause for a moment and I will check.

Nidia Viola N.V. that is the last Name.
3:59 p.m

But before I do that, let me pause to note that the code 1 33 which Stephen Johnson saw and posred and which I asked if him knew what it meant is currently the number on my Microwave after I made my C.O.F F.E E.

133 is the numeric code for both EVOLUTION

1 33. A.= 3/3.
A F.
And in the Square
Square Waves and Cube or as Stephen Johnson posted Magic Square or Magic Box.

Liberty Liscomb and I are Present Here and Now and despite her moving to Virginia recently the 10th State. As the immediate past. She has been present in Being and Body as the J.S and S J
And Chris Gemino as well as their two first sons…
Ferrill and Arden.
Arden Ferrell

Aurelia Jeron Azure

Kim, Serenity
His Father and Mother who I met all of them except his ex wife Queen.

I met all the Key players including
Chris Gemino
And his mother June.
As well as Liberty’s Father. Donald.

And even the plays antagonist and Spy as Baphomet Jae Sherman who has since left the play and this apartment with her parting note claiming that She is The Source.

It has been a pleasure interacting with Stephen Johnson and observing him and the way his mind works.

And I know that many of you could see what I saw through observing the play.
And those who were present right her and now in the play,
Of Perfection as Perfect Timming and Symmetry of the Point of The Script as well as its Extension as a Video Game open to all and welcoming all to participate.

And as each of you, you watched me Navigate via Awareness. The Script and Story and discern from what appeared like Chaos, Random, and to quote Arden, what appeared to him as a messy script.

I agrees.

And constantly objected and protested at not only the nature of the Script but the unfairness and inequality of it, and its deceptive and evil nsture.
To bring coherence and Order to it with Logos and Reason with so many joining in without even understanding what it was all about.

That it was about proving empircall before a live actual audience an Enders Gane to a realm and Mental and Physical People in a deep slate of Coma, the absurdity and seemingly ridiculous idea of Evolution Awakening through a predetermined script….
In a world where even multi millionaire J.K Rowlings who amassed a fortune on a series of 7 books, while publicly declaring that she herself does not Belive in Magic.


But then what is Magic?
What is Voodun.
Why is it the first Universal Science which was turned into the world’s first religion
Long before Christianity.

Why is the Story of Avalon and King Arthur, Merlin Morgana Vivienne still capturing peoples imagination?
And like the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy so fundamental to this predesignate and predominate in this Script at last brought to Order Logos Harmony

Nnamdi O.L.H
O L. E.I.G.H.T.

Nnamdi was my younger brother
He was born in 1969.
What was so relevant about the code 69 and 96.

69=15. A.E code letter O.
96 = 15. O.
9 ×6;is 54.

69 =54.


1 108.

1-1 08.
Closing of the Flower of life 108
In Sacred Geometry

Yes, please see Sacred portal 109.

Judas ?scariot

And most of all why did he who is meant to be Long since Dead and Gone….use me, use my being and Body to prove his Erernal Truth in this playing field you call Time.

10 16

And B.F…H.. B.F.I

Infinite 106.. 16
That is the Age I met Arden.
Ferrell had just turned 19.

Its is obvious to me as well as stated and proven by me, that this is his Mind.
Mind of God you call it.
Mind linked to Heart

M.I..N.D.of G O.D
Mind Z.
Brad Pitt Workd War Z
Plan B.

It has obviously about the completion of his plan
Gods Plan.
Nnamdi to Arden.
Nnamdi to Aurelia

N.A..A N -E.

Nevi Ehko was that confirmation for me because though it was both his and Nathaniel Thomas Bywater birthdays yesterday and I congratulated both of them publicly only Nevi Ehko responded with Love Heart.
That was al I needed to see and know.

N.E. W S.

I was informed of something a few weeks ago and then over the last two days, that I literally had to get to 5000 Facebook Friends.

I did not even bother to post it as intelligence
After all I have been told so many lies….too many.
I have been almost overwhelmed by just how many and how elaborate they have been each day I open my page or hear the sounds from downstairs 217 or next door.



I trust my body, at least what it is telling me, but I do not trust any longer what is moving it, not after leading me through 64 portals +2 in the last 21 years and to the play of sound and resounse which took place here.

One truth

What use do I have for Mind Games and all these codes?

They are no use to me, never were, I only decided them to figure out what was going on with my life.

And now I know.

The Unforgivable

The Unforgiven

Not the Unforeseen.

But it is true, they went so far in this reality even with the presence of Truth
Almighty G.O.D.
That it had to be witnessed and I suppose that unfortunately was and is me.

5:19 p.m.

E S…P.


They just don’t care.

And so now, nor do i.

5:20 pm.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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