
3:31 p.m.

3:31 p.m.


I O TT..O I…

I O.N.E…T.W O…

The Two as the One I.

When I went out after posting yesterday..and the play…

I did not need to buy anything really, and my body felt like bat wings… confirming to me that the transformation was imminent.

But I felt a desperate will and desire to get out of the house no matter the truly insane way I was moving down the street-

literally like an alien or an extra terresrial.

Which is why I have begun to go out more and more late when hardly anyone is on the road.

But as I walk, i focus most of my attention on controlling this alien frequency in my body.

I hardly pay attention of read the codes around, unless my body compels me, and my awareness insists.

So I walked.. my being and thoughts on the realization of the uniqueness of this experience and that desire to share it.. what it feels like.. with another.

But there is no one, I wish to share it with around me anymore, because I realize that they can not grasp even the basic meaning of my words much less have the empathy and imagination to understand the reality of this experience…

.. Perhaps to alien to be able to see as real.

But it never ceases to amaze me, even after holding this frame as I witness the inner transformation of my body.

*Only one person has witnessed my transformation in her Vision Dream…

Aurela Gemino.

This transformation was confirmed when my bill came to 17.64 USD.

I literally had to pause and ask the cashier, to repeat the amount.

17 at the 64th Move.

And when I realized that I had been so busy solving these scripts .. The Source… T S..

The Creator… T C…Terrible Death.T D.. Beautiful Death B D..

I had not had time to pause and even assimilate the facts I had recognized but not added to the equation such as E.F.

that Stephan Filgueria real intials are E F.

Eternal Family.

.. the implications of this was so startling to me, that by the time i got back I had to pause and enter the music, and go away for a while…. gradually from that place I was able to absorb the truth..

That it was the E Family as Alien Father Alpha who had moved in Esteban Miguel Filgueira to connect with me and take me out of the Delta Manor shelter.

Stephen was moved by both myself, who had found myself creating his face and being via my locker art, way before he arrived.

And by that force inside of him, of which not only was he the Chosen avatar descendant of Alien Father Alpha, head of the Alien Council of Babies and children consciousness creation and O.

But that he was also one whom i knew before…

But this time, his body was merging with Alien Father Alpha and through Him not only was he who has ever incarnated in Human form was indicating the all the lines he represented rising but as the Eternal Family completed in Arden.. Arden-Aurelia.


E F..

E A.

E G.

E E.


E: A F K G.. E.. A.

I realized that the sum total of the entire work of the last 27.8/9 years and the 19.5/6 months in New York, was all summarized in this equation.

E K…. 17.64

Eternal Family E F = B.. A.

17 64…. A G. F.. D.. Q: Quantum Qualification Fifth Dimension.

Joseph of the Sonata license plate and code, came last night between 7-8.

Just before I went for the walk.. i was aware that he could hear me howled as quietly as i could from the things happening in my body…

Joseph and I.

Joseph and Isaiah.



To Hold… grip tightly… Yam used as the sacred food of the OInri Igbo.. and represents the birth of the Body of Man as food as well as the Coco Yam.. C Y..

And yes, Yeshua came in male and female form as Yeshua and Mary…Jane..Yonahan…

Yeshua other male twin present- as in two men… I J..

I Jay.. was Yonathan.. Yeshua Mary Mother.. Mary Magdalena, Yoseph Yonathan Yeshua was the same as them but the one who is 5 and 5 in One.

4 1..

5 1.

I have explained all this before, over the years, so it is in the E Manual which any one can access via Fahad Hassen and Liberty C Liscomb.

F L..H L…

Yes.. A:6-12.. 2003… E: 8 12…

4:20 p.m.

Aurelia was the one person both Stephen and I had recognized as Aphrodite in her last incarnation.

And that is what i saw confirmed today, but I had known Aurelia before she came into the play as original Arden which is why i recognized him and he recognized me.

Liberty C Liscomb sent me a video of Jeron ( who i had just yesterday told Kamora Herrington that I was feeling the desire to make contact with him, her timely message was as if she was on that same frequency and responded. Not only with a delightful 10 sec video of Jeron but that once again it was Aurelia’s Harmony who created the play.

She had sent the video to Liberty and coded 12 49…from 900 South Road.

12 is L.. A B.. 49.

3 49…

9 4 3.

I then began to post and found myself linking her code to 14 9.

instead the 12 49 and her intel that it was one year ago.

Aligning it now without even being aware, from 12 49 which is confirmation of L is 49…

Liberty C Liscomb tel is 24 49…

1212= 24… 12/12=

1 49..

14 9.. It was still correct as Alien Father Alpha rep of sacred portal 49 is Alien Father and the E family

but it was as if Alien Father Alpha .. A I../ I A took over and began coding his own being through me.

1 = A

1 49…

L is a man.. Lucifer Christopher…Arden Eros.

One year to the day..

15 is letter O. and A E/ E A.

I found myself jumping from 12…to 33…= 3/3.. 1 49..

without even being aware until the moment of this very post.

Liberty contacted me.. for Aurelia Jeron.. A J.

Laura Walsh contacted me with intel .. 44..Age code Liberty.. 48 age code Kamora Herrington

52 My Age code link 1967-8.

Increments of 4..

A leap year..

and now completed at 56 but no longer a number..

but Initials Letter… real.


And that is when it hit me, that after I left the dark tunnel of living in an Green Point Assessment Shelter.. ( On McGuinness Ave meaning Son of the Chosen one) and Delta Manor and a truly Hellish play of beds numbers and people clean dirty, insane and genius and absolute stupidity all rolled up in one place, and having to spend a total of 31 months.. 2 months then 2 months again, and then 27 months at Delta Manor as Dark matter Nature- i had to navigate through that tunnel as the Arse Hole of the world.

That it was the E Family who had responded to the Expression moving in me via my Arts Science.

The implications of this, right to my reaching Arden Jeron Aurelia..

( Aurelia Jaden.. A J.. E Family Female form of the Y Chromosome in both Y and X= 25 24= 49.

12 49…

9 49.


I 49..

1 49…

I A 14 9…

N I/ I N..

9:48 p.m.

You see how by using me like this and making those 4 year Quantum leaps.. A Jump man.. I without asking my permission, i have to go back check and clean up the mess of explaining how and why i made a Mistake but it was not a mistake..

Annoying to say the least and a form of manipulation- because it forces me to re-work the equation to Human logic reason- of this of this age and the sequencing connecting has to make sense.

But the facebook memory today 2014 Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka E I N../ I N .E. 14 9..

(=23) was the code that I saw and knew it because i had equated and resolved to the equation D A I.. I A D… which is sacred portal 53.

8:53 p.m right now…

Which completes what Arden and I represent as the I and the All E.

EF which completed with Esteban Miguel Filgueira and Stephen Filgeria

E F .

S F..

Sensational Feelings- 25… Y.

And confirmed through the arrival of my most recent Facebook friend.

My E Family, I realized, with a shock which I realized was from the realization that i had been correct all along- had moved E.F to take me from the shelter and take part on this 20-21 month last play.

.. the realization that they did this.. that Alien Father Alpha could be this cold, cruel, ruthless to me.. was a shock.

Not because of the cruelty, but that he would allow it to go this far..

You have no idea what it feels like.. this body… this day in and day out coding, your lifes your Higher selves while being crucified by you all especially via your thoughts, Speech and actions..

5:00 p.m.

And when i saw those who contacted me today…

Liberty C Liscomb

Kamora Herrington in a play that you really should know about.. a play of Foresight which took place yesterday, from my sending her a message about communication that she was is the last to me tested… code L M.. L H… = 25… 20…

Arden Aurelia..as one… 45..

Yes.. Nnamdi.

54.. E D…

D E E D… to E D.. E N…I ..( I and I I)

9 9 =1.. A. E D E N…

A 5+4 5+14….

A I..S…. J… S J.. 29

A Man.. A-Z 1-26.. add 3… 29.

The three lines..?

I I.. two men… and I.. A lady Joy. and a Gentleman. Jay.

29 92… 11 1/ 11 1.

twice Stephen left 111 usd in the drawer..

And I have called out his Harmony and 6th sense as being something that is not of this realm and yet he did not remember me but as Arden had responded as if he did.

So Liberty.. connected Aurelia and Jeron…

Kamora Herrington sent me a document, via messenger where she had literally wrote years ago that the ancestors had formed a court and Examined and tested her and that she had the triumphant news that she had passed..

she wrote underneath.. confirmation of yesterdays conversation where she saw the play and which I had to ask her for evidence of the Foresight – which proves that you are not of this reality because you were outside of this play and had been in its actual original telling and rose with that telling.

So here she was amazed to find that she had the evidence- of foresight via the play of yesterday when i said she was being tested and examined.

It also aligned to the 13th Gate and sacred portal 13…

OPhiuchus Aclepius O A.. Omega Alpha as resurrection Alpha Omega Omega Alpha…

And then today, I received intel from Heather Rose.. Definition

H R.. Hueman Race…

Harmony Responds.. is the correct equation..

Harmony He at Her.. responds…

And then the 5th Female response was from Alicia Norris A N.. 1 14 play posted on my page a few days ago..

Oven Time play.

5:17 pm right.

E Q.

Alicia means Noble Patrician

Norris Morris.. and she is aligned to Frank…

who reached me as Kasien Thompson at 900 south road as did Kyle Murphy

( Emeka Kasien… Emeka Kyle..

Esteban Miguel Filgueira met Kyle and Bean at the shelter as I was departing).

27 months later…

but i knew that even as Stephen took me away and led me here, that I was still at the Shelter at Delta Manor…

i was still in Terrible Deaths play…

many people ask with their veiled thoughts.. what great ordeal have i really gone through.

They see me, and I seem so together, so much in self worth and beautiful pride, the easily dismiss what I am saying i am going through, and what the script and the E Family inside but responding through all of you, as to what the horror i have been through no human no being has gone through.

I hear the people quiet sniggers to but I and the E family smile, for all who have challenged and denied the truth.. the response to that challenging of The Source- The Creator- ( T S T C.. TT S C..South Carolina.. Authoring Harmony- stated Nadee Nakandala 7-8 years ago recognizing what i was doing in just three days of becoming Facebook friends.. 2012-2013…

South Carolina is the 8th state.

Stephen is now 36 .. C F..

Chris Filgueira is almost 33..Oregon is the 33rd state.

39.. 9..

33.. 3/3 is 1… 3 6 9.. Nikolai Tesla… N T.. T N..14 20- 20 14..

the post today..

Play of Arden- 14th and 20th states… as well as Aurelia.. reps of Youth.

5 woman contacted me today..

5 in 1 if we add Aurelia..

Alicia Norris intel 5 Hurricanes never happened before except once in recorded history.. 5 Hurricanes – Atlantic…

5 perhaps 7.. the last two are being investigated.

play.. 5… 57.. E G .. ATM code…

A T M E…

is this not manifest expression of me.. and nature responding… as the E F… 56 11 1 K A

E M .. E K…A… E K E

5:51 p.m

Kasper Lomholdt Serup was the only male who contacted me today.. E K L S… Love/ Light Lucifer.. Supreme Stephan, Satan- Santana…

E K… 31… C A…

5 11 16 31 47… 11 28 2019…

Thanksgiving Day.

T D… Terrible Death…20 4… 24 E M F.. 24… X

S F is 25… Y

49…12 49… 349

24 49… 649

949… The only time this planets have ever been recorded in alignment was 949 A D.

And now first time recorded in history, 5 Hurricanes aligned…

Renee… Paulette Sally…

and Teddy and Vicky ( Victoy Vicky)

R PS…T V..

6:00 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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