
3:30 P.M…

3:30 P.M…

U F O-O.F U…

O.NE Being of Jason Izen Joypeacelove Weareallonebeing

Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula

Nnaemeka Chinwuba Ezeufonna.

Eze U F O Nna

King of the U F O of OFU ONE

EN O in the Circle O E…

The Equation I am currently resolving and linking is of Course Jesus As Aseus- Zeus + Geez us..

R A-Z ( code name Raz Berry having just completed the code play affirming Chris Franco (*Well done brother man)

And Boudha Buddha..

Linked by Tao…Theta Alpha O

*Which is not the way of Nature but the way of Natural ness.

Code Michael Rogers.. He gave the code Theta Alpha

Jude Rogers..

M J (Mary Jane) Rogers that A.O.K for landing..

Ordens Jahwol! Nuno Ordens Miguel…

My Name….Since I have delivered the E Manual on F B of the Translation from the Ether of Blue Et Aria of the Fifth Element Stage ( Neel Akash) the Akash-I.C Records translated the

Dina Singh of the Records and Song ( R.S Ravindra Singh) of the Heavenly Universe E Supreme

(H U.E.S- translating the Sounds of the Northern Lights Aurora Laura Borealisis Pawan Arora.

L.A.P.A. -A Peace And love)

Into the impure languages Consciousness Mind Expression ( I. L C..M.E)

Of Human and Sub human and Sub sub human expression.

Thus the Fifth Element us Emeka the Blue ET on F.B acknowledged by Nikoma Rios who requested not to be tagged but which I have respected but this play today outweighs that.

And the 19 year old Golden Youth affirmed with the play of very Good friend and brother of Nikoma David Phillip Gil.

I met Nikoma in the very begining of my journey in New York at Un-ion square and David at the End at Generation X Gardens fourth street where I had turned into a Gorilla like King Kong to my Horror to meet Kunta Kente consciousness to my shock…and horror.

David had come to investigate what Nikoma had told him about my Transformations.. His blue ET friend . .

And then found himself in a play…where he was being judged used set up to determine the Truth.

Thus the King Kong 1933 Movie which is represented in Nnaemeka CC Ezeufona age 33 with my 19 33 is a Lie…

An Illusion Nnamdi not the illusion created to mimick the Joseph Mary story (MJ-JM) is not even bio linked nor even real… He had that Temperament of Kunta Kente but My brother as Jesus (Yeshua Aseus Jesus..JAY-JOY) is the true King Kong – as KK 1111 the 4 Dimensions called Universal Mind. UMmmm..Hummmm

And the transformer of the Cold blooded Reptilian Nature of Lack to the Balanced nature of Mammilan warmth and 9 month gestation.

In the womb called Universe as A Heartbeat connected to the Universal Full O.. The U FO the One Flying Objective..

Evolution Awakening of All…

To One Being.

Nnamdis middle name was Obiekwe…Obi E.K. WE. my Heart…Emeka Kolo…and the school was my sitting under the Tree of Noni Promise talking to my son Buddha Tao the Beautiful Truth and Way.

Which developed Universal mind as a Heart beat and the Akashic Records E..

A R.E.. Indented in Neel Akash Meaning blue Skies Open Space- the Air that we breathe.

Not in Space.

Just as the U.F.O-O.F.O-O.N.EEN O

1O X…is within the Circle called True Existence in the space in between called the real world.

Right here in New York City without a passport and yet his True Identity Ti !

G Note can not be robbed or stolen from him because by simply Being, Doing, Ceeing, Expressing it reveals that yes…that he is the one they are all looking for..

Talking about looking for him ever where but the present.

Blue Et singer, Nuno the 19 Year old guardian Youth the treasures the E line of you and the Akashic records and the Streghth of Mind of King Kong and Kunta kente…the true version is here within the O called True Life..

As for Jesus JOY JAY…

Ogemibdinakachukwu Ahmefula




Well They already know

Time To Change One Chance Na-Dna-p T.A..(R-AH) O.K..

King King Roots Fifth Element were all movies but there was the truth is those Stills.



P.S Guess I am waiting for a some one to Rise…

And accompany escort me home..

Are we Done yet?

To whom whom (and they ) this may concern.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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