
3:30 a.m. – This is the complet

3:30 a.m.

This is the completion of 13 months of intuitively creating on my desk top, that Art -Science.

I will share others of this when I can, the important thing is that this is posted in the Worlds Akashic Records of Memory.

You can Enlarge it, and I am sure you can align the plays on my post t the images and vice versa.

The S Transparent Crystal over the Vase,
The Italic Letter O.
The View – Panorama.

The Winged Stag- Reindeer and the Crystal Heart linked to Alicia Norris to Liberty C

The Fountain ( Lafont) Marian Laffoon.
The Pomm-E-Grant in it,
The Black Ashtray me “Me OW” on it,

The Wired cable outline of a person in a wheel chair as Agw beneath the purole- Violet letter R and held up by Kim Arthur Hinds Jr H.U.F Glass Weed container he gave me to use.
The Gemino Family Mug Gift to me. Bob Marley as Lion and Man, as well as The Joker.
The two C.D rom- Rooms.
R.I.V letters.

3:43 a.m.

Expression- A.R.T.S. C.I. E.N. C.E – E-ARTH. E Harmony Transforms Silence into Sound- Song- Story- Fact Solid, Feelings Sensational. A Freedom Song.

3:45 a.m.

C.D. E.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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