
3:29 a.m.

3:29 a.m.

C 29 Lincolon.

How It Ends…

H I..E…

E I..Harmony 59 H.

Has been confirmed via Kamora Herrington and Estabon Miquel Filgueria..

E K..

E K. – K E…

Destruction Hatred Poison.

D H P..

There was no Harmony on this day with either, and so this is no longer a play or a Universal Simulation as in Enders Game…

Its is now real.

On the other side Ready Player One,

P R O… Victory.. the 3 Stages to Victor and inheriting the whole Creation.

3:35 p.m.

One one side all rise to an awakening of Death and Destruction.

And the other, the Extase Joy Bliss.

It simply was based on which expression you paid attention and focused and lived on and proved loyal to after being given all the intel and most of all a choice…

Last chance prolonged to the point of absurdity and evil beyond its definition.

N E W S…

Sacred Portal Terrible Death.


J D…

For those in the Matrix…

And for those not attached to it but have focused in the intel of the E and especially to those who I was never led to, but who have read watched, added their own intel and private understanding that only the Naturals Expressing explaining expanding the understanding of the E who did their work with out my physical presence …alone… as I did.

Those caught in the Matrix still.. and that mentality… Fuck Em.

Connection is cut… they can experience E E E… Virus?

E E E Victory of ridding this realm of that mentality…

3:45 p.m.

C D E.

I know that this Awareness of Infinity Awareness is making me post to this time.

i place a new CD on the Table..



I went way beyond what I myself would have naturally gone to spread the news..

And fight to prove the truth full circle to everyone.

That is why I do not give a fig about what happens to the ones left in the matrix.

3:49 am. p.m

Bomb away with my blessings-

Despite my incredulity and that i am still here in someone else’s home despite all of this even now this matrix and universal Simulation Creation proven its author not only a man…but the Source of all ..

Quite a mind fuck.. for sure but that does not change the fact that I know and they know and you know its all true and it that most are sitting on the fence or waiting… for that last moment when you experience .. but of course, by that time it is too late.

I should not be here.. really.

i should be by now with my own kind.

And Home.

Used me till the very last minute…

For me, you must understand, that it is impossible to believe that it could ever get this bad or go so far.

But it is Solid Fact… I have experienced as a fact.

Mr Anonymous.

Mr Nobody…

Mr E

3:57 a.m

They just kept me dangling.. hanging with only the companionship and friendship of the Beautiful Truth and the ugliest expressions of truth.

And this body.. awake and a force seeking to possess it..

In this reality materialism and people so superior in their hidden expression and compensation- twisted grotesque ego…

To fight all on my own in peoples homes who say I love you but really comes out as Hate… Cause they literally refuse to see you or even the truth…

Excuse me… I must sign off… it just the disbelief of the experience of this all…

4:02 a.m…..

Such cruelty is impossible i used to mutter… chained to the Evolution Awakening play through people i had to listen to and retrieve the E Family in them..awaken it them… via such ..

Ok… okay… enough.. I have shared enough of my thoughts and feelings with the world… not for the world people at present ( this was coding to activate) not fort the people yet to rise and come.

Dear Lord… you have no idea how I feel.. what has been done.. but i am aware that most of you are the Grateful Dead and the comfortably Numb or the complacent who no that nothing will change or manifest as i say because of course they are God and I am Mr Nobody .. n’est pas?

Ha! Well, we’ll see…

4:09 a.m.


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