




11-2O-8….11 28…1 2 8…1 28…1.


I have a new Face Book friend..

Hi..Zahri Zouhir…

I am in the last throes solving a Riddle which I began solving 26 years ago..

Which you may notice aligns to A-Z…

Z being the 26th Letter.

I did not intentionally set out to solve riddles of Existence..

The Idea seemed preposterous to me, absurd…

But my life’s plan which was always to literally Boogie- meaning celebrate life, for this is the literal memory of what I had of the reason I was born.

But I also had an awareness and memory of another realm and my family undercover here in this world.

A family so beloved to me, and the true representation, of what I have come to understand the true nature and origin of humanity…

Personalities…the essence and most extraordinary things which Human being have…

I call this the 5th Element and the consciousness of the 1=5th Dimension of being…


The Eternal Ones who embody the Eternal Truth..

I wandered around this reality, and realizing something was not quite right, I began to look for evidence of our Truth, in this story, our Beautiful Truth expressed..

I found these expressions in books, science, invention, art creativity, writers poets…but what they all had in common was something I found everywhere..


The source of the Electro Magnetic Filed..

That Magnet which draws people to others, or repels them.

After establishing that beauty existed here as well as the consciousness and wonderful, amazing fun personalities. I discovered here…

But something was amiss, these amazing personalities- these light expression which created hues, delicate strokes on canvas of lifes expression- air…Where mostly hidden or tainted, diseased from thier experiences in life here.. And their interactions with others…

I recall being literally frightened, even more so when I was able to coax out their true personalities, expressions and voices…Only to hear the voices and personalities so funny and expressive, speak of why they could not be themselves all the time..

I was in my early twenties, and this really frightened me.

I did not have a perfect childhood, far from it, but I did have a place where I lied. which was a place of Bliss of seeing from what I later came to realize was an almost forgotten point of view..

Not of the fool in the Tarot, nor of the optimist..

But rather a seat, and throne, from which you naturally see how things are connected, their true meaning and the Beauty in all things in creation in its most natural state..

Tis in this state, where I lived…

It is akin to living in a beautiful song, where the troubles of this world are but mere distraction- and lessons of a play.. Like going to school, and after each day, you would come home.. to your truest state..

I could not forget my natural consciousness of Joy, Extase, Bliss.. it was very easy for me to access that realm because it is my home state- it is where, as a flower blossoms in the most favorable, perfect conditions for it to blossom..

Making that flower, blossom as the literal sum total expression of that State of being which all the conditions were created for that flower to be born..

Perhaps, we could call this venue, that place where each of us are unique, each of us symbolize a unique personality, perfume and essence of a Dimension and a plane of Existence..


But this was my state, my Garden- but it was no Secret Garden…

I have come to realize that everyone has this secret Garden where they retreat to- I know it is hidden- like Dark Matter, the mystery- a potential which had to be coaxed out from within..

Mine however had no such limitations- it had not mental construct of inside outside, depth, space..it simply was…

And it was only by others calling attention to the way my Consciousness of View, or Expression of my Plane of Existence, did I become aware that it was not as others..

The response was not negative, far from it…But it invoked responses in others, often violent and full of rage and love so extraordinary.. A battle a War..

What the Devil is wrong with them?

They kept speaking about love, that they loved me..

but I realized that not only did they not really recall the meaning of what love is, but that they had forgotten their own scent and perfume..!

And that my scent, my natural expression which I could not even put into words, because I never had to question define my way of being..

It was just who I was..

Which brings me back to why the idea of Solving the riddles of Existence was such a preposterous notion to me..

Life I knew to be an adventure, an exploration and discovery..

Why we are here, but that was not the question on my mind, it was more the exploration of Being’ and being in creation..

An adventure where the answers and meaning would come Naturally when the time for that question was required, so would the answer come..

I understood that my scent, the scent of my plane of Existence, served as some kind of catalyst, a reminder to themselves that they had forgotten thier true scent and nature..

But I could see that they had not, that it was hidden, undercover, in Vault- a treasured Chest- and tossed up in the Heavens.. in a place far away- a place which they once dreamed of, a way of Being they realized they could never be, if they wished to survive in this world.

They adapted, conformed, and became versatile, adept in being chameleons.. but that most sincere and honest ( likable and lovable parts of themselves… Their full blown blossomed self…

It seemed as though that dream of becoming, where like Ballons of childhood joy, released and never to return..

It was not about child hood really, though this state occur most in humanity when they are children…

Its a state of being Free, so free that you do not even realize at the time that it is Freedom which you are feeling, those sensational feeling, that sense of indestructibility, invincibility and such easy access to planes and feelings of joy elation excitement wonder bliss and Sigh- Contentment- Awe..

I never lost that state.. I lived there, and I realized that the people, scores and scores I were meeting at an overwhelming numbers, was not only not normal but that it was telling me something…

People had forgotten something they still remembered it, and the wonderful sensation of it..but could not access it not put it into words..

These were seeds of flowers I recognized already in my realm See of perception who were already in full bloom, but here, the Soil (World) was no longer a conducive place for them to blossom..

And I was not helping, much by being a reminder of something, I could see when I talked to the person true Namaste the person who resides inside of them which I could see as clear as day.

It is the same with the Face Book play of almost 45 months..

I have mentioned to people, so often it is almost maddening that I am not speaking to them, but to the person inside whom I have been demonstrating is my family, the true you who literally respond…and exist, even if you do not see that side of your self- the Whole you anymore.

Imagine, you have an extraordinary Tatoo on your body, and the reason you got that tatoo…Contained your I.D…a moment of blinding clarity when you remembered and marked yourself so that you would never forget..

But hardly anyone sees the Tatoo, or understands the meaning of it..

The do not really get it or you can not convey it, until you give up and forget about the true meaning of why you got it..

A reminder.. not really of the meaning of the Tatoo but the reminder to get back to that state of Being and consciousness of that True you..

You may recall why How you got the Tatoo, ad even recite its meaning and reason, but what about accessing that state of Being which made you get that Tatoo to remind that that the true you still Exists?

And yet when I see people I see that now invisible Tatoo, totally visible to me, an affirmation of what I already know.

Ultra Violet Vision?

Anyway, I then decided to set off to find my family, who I knew where undercover in this world, yet I could not help but walk on a parallel dimension of the Human story and perceptions…

I went looking for my Family yet at the same time I find myself curious and suddenly lIteraly Spirited into human story of this time line. even though my Focus was on finding the Eternal Ones..

Which led me to read, patterns and connect dots- my priority was still my family, and of course at the same time lead a deliciously Hedonistic but well refined life- but the more I sought to find my family- beings who experienced Being in the same way I did.. Where there was no requirement to explain ones way of being, of tippy toe through peoples unconsciously expressed jealousy of what many had forgotten was the natural outcome of being Free.. is Joy…Sunshine..One can not even really call it being positive..

But rather Logical… the Sun is shinning, your loved, there is beauty, there is Humanity and hence, there will be fun and adventure..

This is logical.. what do you do when you know nothing is wrong and conditions are perfect for adventure and wonder and even challenges to your own self to grow refine, in a playing field created with such care to mirror its meaning… Beauty..

Beautiful Expression…

Just Be…

Anyway, 26 years later, through adventures, but not of my liking or choosing but a path through the Human story and Experience..

And the experiences, I discovered on my Family undercover in this realm as those who sought to help their fellow humanity who they at first saw as thier reflections- despite existing in a perception quite different that others- but which they saw the hurt and suffering of their fellow man and responded with going of adventures and exploring otherwise, unknown terrains..

They became Extra- Terrestrials… going where none had gone before. And they returned with treasures to the ‘Cave men who were afraid to go outside..

And these stories, knowledge and wisdom became sources of inspiration, gave birth to legend, and in doing so, to others becoming wonderfully infected to take those maps and become E.T’s by in their own turn, to investigate the unknown..

And Wisdom came to the world..

And so did knowledge- the records and maps and treasures..

and then came Power and Control as well as Devotion and love..


No, the illusion of Duality, the illusion that Hatred would lead to any other thing than Destruction and self annihilation…

there was never duality, only a Choice…

What do you do with Knowledge- with Knowing. with Expression now that you have witnessed what it can do and what it can create..

That was the choice of discernment, to solve..

And we all know what happened, what choices where made.. and what was done to Knowledge and Knowing…

Manipulated distorted.. so many chose to use as Control Fear and Power from how they built their families, their homes, their societies, communities, cities world and finally planes of Existence.. In a Non Existence, of rage and frustration of what they felt they Forgot they remember.. they Know..

And I saw the experience and ingratitude and complete horror done to all these Supreme representatives of humanity gifts treasures, adventures of exploration was done to it.. To them…

And I could hear the Howl. their Howl of protest and outrage,

Wolfs Baying at the moon…

The Full Circle- the Reminder..

Luminosity, Light

Sine, Cos Sine

The effect of Moon on the Tides of Change,

The Mother with child..1-9 planet Months

The Human Being..

The Human Spirit..

Its Body, its Being.. it soul.

And so, I realized that I was not walking on my story, but the story of all who came before me, and the cost and price to share the greatest gifts of See so that your fellow humanity would rise..

I would never have walked this path..

I Ran..

But here I am at Zoro-Aster..


And so I added my Howl of outrage and indignation to the voices of those whose rage led me to walk the path to reactive the truth of their discoveries and link to form a picture of the truth that before I was even born- that Humanity had already expressed the Sum Total of Knowledge Expressed K.E..Y..of that which they already know…

Forgetting that We.. I, the E.. and the E,T can see that you really do Know..

there was not forgetting really, just going so deep Undercover a Sleeper residing deep in your cave…your secret garden- the truth that you treasure that deep inside you already know Y…WHY..VHYH EVV…God Harmony Expression…Perfect Symmetry…

Today I woke got up, late after being up all night..

I began my day at 1:O9 pm.. ( of course I was up but entered this face book play at this time)-

It was the time I finished the las post on Donna O’Sullivan page after I had completed the codes linking Dean Rodd D.R Human Harmony and Eternal Self as 1, in Expression Harmonious, E.H. which is the Key Note of this play and they one Expression (Beauty Symmetry posts ) which cause the E line too respond.

1O9 is the page Donna had opened up to my creation story over a month ago and left it on the coffee table, 109=19 which is the date, I arrived at 18 Mountain View 4 months ago to the day yesterday..19 is Letters S..1+9=1O…1=A..O..Full Circle..

S.A…Represented in the play by Stella Antley

A.S Alberto Santana my former host at 26 8..Z.H.

and linked to Fractaling As Emeka Eze…

ASSA! In Nri Igbo means Extraordinary Beauty..

The Page 1O9 Speaks about Mother as the Divine Feminine manifesting in form in Creation- which were my words which flowed from me inspired by her posts..

(As you may have witnessed by my sharing some of your posts, I am a treasure seeker, going onto each new face book persons page to explore the treasures which I know that the E unseen family of I.E, had laid there for me to discover, and then link the posts to meaning through beautiful expression at which they would respond through each of you..

Which I will soon give an example of with the meaning of your name.

Donna spoke of a experience before going to bed last night of Seeing first a most extraordinary blue wave of color come into her consciousness- as if she or her E-spirit had summoned it…

Then these almond shaped eyes appeared before me, all around me, it was amazing, I could not believe it was happening, what I was experiencing….

They looked exactly like the eyes in your drawings!

Donna Ruth… D.R…. Ruth means A Vision of Exceptional Beauty..

Dean Rodd…D.R…DENU..means Valley and leader of a group of TEN.

4 Months to the day…

They were smiling inviting, watching me, and I felt myself exploding inside with love and gratitude…Their eyes where masculine feminine..

Doe a Deer..I smiled (First Note..Red)

That was the nick name an ex used to call me …Doe Eyes…

She said.

It was as if there is a sheer veil separating us…and their eyes appeared not in pairs, but single eyes

Like the Symbolic eyes on the peacock feathers depicted with Krsna and the Hindi Pantheon…

Is a Persian Arabian name.. Proto-Indu-European

Zahir means Royal Blue..And Flower-Spring… Fresh and good looking like a flower a name used for boys- masculine

Zouhir ,means The Blossoming Flower, Spring time, Exterior (Outside, as in that which comes from within) It also means the Helper of Islam.

Zeina is also a Persian name meaning Beautiful…

Z+Z= 26+26..52… Please see sacred portal 26 and 52 drawn and labeled 4-5 years ago…

*26 years I began my Search for my family, only to find them peering out through the True Pool of the Sum total of True Beautiful human expression that state of Being which I resides in all Humanity- with this proof of them presence in this play- who are the Sources of the Human Soul…

Sol..Royal Blue..ROYGB..IV.R.O.B.E ..R.T.

Arrival of the Royal Blue line, of Springs transformation of the W- Winter into Spring, Youth Renaissance, Resurrection, Renee- Rebirth- Regeneration…R and R..

The Blue Flowers of my Open Garden, the Original Flowers of life, the Fresh and good looking- Beau Gens-A-Donai (Lordly Men Warriors of Peace). The Blossoming of the flower children into the men of E outside in this world. The Helpers of the East West Expression..EWE (Meaning Purity) through the silk thread and RD..Road of the Origin of Language Proto Indu European.. P.I..E

It is to these eyes to whom for almost 45 months and 26 years I have been publicly addressing..

Who have finally come out of the Full Circle of Perfect Symmetry of Expression O, Royal Blue..(O.R.B- B.R.O..Brother..Agape)having filled the illusion of the Void Abyss-Vacum and Zero- with the beautiful expression of their point of view..

Of the meaning of Existence..

Tis they who after a life time, from within humanities Body and Being, the rise as one outside in this world..finally coming into all your Cee and View- that I have been addressing my Family and so now the world will see, that I was never ever talking to myself, or really to you but to my Family the Royal Blue…

The Beautiful Truth Source of you.


P.S. I checked the name of the Actor who plays Leonardo Da Vinci-

Tom Riley…Tom means Twins-

Then I linked it to the arrival of my last two Facebook friends, both from France, both on motorcycles, with the exact same pose,

one from Verdun (4th Ad meaning Strong Fort..Famous for Dragees Sugared Almonds served to at the Royal Princes Baptism…

Dragee has another meaning in French.. And in 1374 was the Imperial Free City of the Holy Roman Empire)

and the other from Bercosan France…B.V.V.B…Blue Violet…5 7-7-5

Riley Meeson

Dean Rodd

then I linked Tom Riley to Riley Me-e-son…

And to the actors date of birth..

April 5th, 1981…4-5-81/ 18-5-4…

Which was my Brother Nnamdis Birthday..

Leonardo Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man..V.M…M.V..




R.D..Road back and Front..

Up and Down


Across as an X

D.M..Dawn Marie…4-13…17..Q..H.

RR…Robert Richard…18+18=36..9O..x 4 points of View or Divine breaths, merged into 1..The Apex which creates from 1- the 4 and from the 4, the 5..

the 1 4 5…

A..April (Which means Open)…D.E…Open Fourth Dimension to the Fifth..


E line

The Eternal Ones…

Expression – T-R.UTH..

Even in Fiction and a T.V show, perfect symmetry and harmony reveals meaning and from it Fiction moves to Fact..

and In perfect symmetry it reveals the Truth..

The three key players in thee Series are

Tom Riley…T.R…U T.H.E…(Uranus-Thantos Hypnos Eros)

Blake Ritson…B.R..O.. Blue Royal Obedience (Ahura Mazda)

Laura Haddock. L.H…12 8…96..96% Dark Matter…+4…

D.D.A.Y…4 1 25…

Tom plays a 25 years old

but he is 34../43…C.D-D.C


6:58 pm

Equation Solved.

7:16 pm…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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