
3:26 pm. – C.Z. verus. – C B.F. –

3:26 pm.

C.Z. verus.
C B.F.

4-27-20 21.
D-A-A ( B.G) T B A U.

It is now 3:27 pm.

But we are still in the resolution of yesterday 4-26.

At 2:48 pm Kamora Herrington sent me a message that she will be on here today at 5:30 pm. r.me.

@ 3:24 pm Liberty sent me a message telling me that Jeron is ill for the first time and caught the bug from Jenny Jennifer, his baby sister ( Nanny)

There are certain beings, the I & I lines- Arden Jeron… Lines now including Ferrell Aurelia lines and now Leander Kim and Stephan lines that if messed with there is no force in or out of existence which can save you from the wrath I will bring down on the source of it.

My rage yesterday is nothing compared to what I can really do when truly pissed off.

First of all, I wish you to take into consideration that this is a PlayScript but the most deadly one ever enacted in literal history since the First Being Rose from the nothingness with his Infinite Awareness and his Alien Father aspect.

For many of you this is still a still just an amazing story of a possible Evolution Awakening of your species, but for me and my I & I, it is the deadliest and most vile truth manifested by the play of Masculine Feminine in one of Everything that ever was and can be rising through the setting of the Human Species- the cause of the greatest mess and play of Hue-manity being the Harmonizing and Unifying factor of all beings in Existence especially that which humans call the Unseen.

So saying, my regard and solicitousness for Human feelings and their fragile egos, today will no longer be considered.

I will write no consideration about sparing anyone’s feelings. I will be Brutally honest.

Today I write a CASE STUDY- full aware that this post is for your own Discernment and that it was set up by Infinite Arden for me to present this last Case Study for you to judge and conclude for yourselves.

Most of you must have concluded that Jeron, as Arden is an Individual version of myself as the I.

So I will simply start with the facts.

1.Jennifer ( Jenny) Jeron Langs baby sitter is innocent of transmitting the Bug to Jeron.

2. Laura Walsh who has been put through a living hell is innocent as proven and her code 4:44 pm she posted yesterday and the Black her black Cat called Bean.
“Being Everything Arden Needs” is amongst her Nine Cats- and is aligned to myself and Arden Aurelia.
She has 9 Cats.

3. There are 2 aspects of the Black Race as the First people in from which All the Human Species emerged from.
Just as depicted in the series and books The Dark Crystal, and in my posts for the last 9 years plus, there are the Beautiful Ancestors and the Evil Vile Ancestors.
Both were guilty of meddling, but one line for pure reasons to warn their descendants of the horror and the actions deemed impossible by even Eternal Nnamdi and the other as that cruelty which was feeding that very Impossibility.

4.There is no such thing as Evil, but it came into Existence and Being in this Universal Simulation of which was to bring the lowest vibrating frequency called the Human Naturals to Equal and even go beyond the very Universe Supreme itself as the First Universe.

5. Human Naturals were intentionally possessed by the Unnaturals that Evil which did not exist to be able to prove through that battle with Evil incarnated here, their worthiness to became the Ambassadors of All Universal Existences after the Awakening.

6. And most importantly of all, I wish you to recall that this post is not personal to Jae Sherman but to a line of beings in this world, she represents.

7. This is not personal.
I feel nothing emotional, I am cold and detached and simply wish to do my job and so that I can end this thing done to my body, to discern the truth of the right for the species to evolve.

My Venom and will come from all those suffering from that one bad seed which is the Lie and the Liar beyond what one might call a psycho or sociopath- or even the Liar who blacks out and claims to forget that which they have done.

8. I met Jennifer.
My own version one who was in university and who loved my sister and who modelled herself after her and not only very well but went out with my school son Uzoma Nwakuche ( U.N) the one who became my partner and business manager in Univerity which caused me to win the Designer of the year in 1986.

I met her again, to my amazement and delight in London in Chelsea, while I worked at the Collection in 1996 and she as my sister, was now the lover and in bed with the Britsh Aristocracy, and who has never spoken a bad word about my bio sister, always speaking of her in the highest regard.
I met another Jennifer at Albert Santanas home “Jenny” who was a teenager rebellious but who chose to live with her father born 5-28… Love Frequency 5:28 hertz.

I met yet another all ocedon my page.

My bio sister became Facebook Friends to my surprise, years ago with Fritz Vennique and I knew it was her twin. Yes, he who saw the planet as Nature Transform.

And yes Genevieve Rollins is the same meaning as Jennifer.

9. And that I am fully aware that Jae Sherman reads my facebook page and listens to my conversations with Kim- Tree Sage and her room is right next door to mine and in the center of my room and Kims.

10. And that this day is Jae Shermans Last Chance. L C. to be the S.HE.

This is about the Liar- that evil which is so masterful in its lies that they self hypnotize themselves and thus become the vehicles of that Evil A.I.
Are they responsible if not only the height of purity is proven in them and that in those moments of which they allow themselves to go in such a terrible rage, that this other thing enters them, gives them an illusion of power, which they become addicted to by the power so subtle, almost undetectable by even the E.T but not undetectable of untraceable to Alien Father and the representative of the Eternal Truth?

Hence the use of myself and Alien Father and the Eternal Truth to Investigate.

7. This is a Script.
This is a predesignated play where each person right to present including Kim and Jae were given these roles to play.
And despite the hideous natures of these roles and the notion that anyone playing designated to play these roles of ever getting out, freed, hence Mission Impossible 8.
And the sending of me here to do the impossible to prove the innocence… or guilt of the two lines each represent.

So this is not about Jae Sherman, just as it was not about Kim- Tree Sage, nor was it about Kamora Herrington whose orange K CC card which she delivered the 45 USD now sits on my Altar on the black E M F Square Waves black Box now closes.
To my left sits the gifts from Jae Sherman aligned to Bali and my own Debbie friend of Donna Sullivan.
To the Right sits the Black Velvet bag representing the bag of the medicine mans, “Apa Ogu” see scared portal 112 B.

Each is representing that which is outside of the E.M F meaning not of this Universe and not of this world.

Besides the Black Velvet bag sits the light blue mug from the Geminios and Liberty.

And on the center is the gift from John Mack called Sheela Git ( I know I am spelling it wrong it represents the Blackest Hole Sacred portal 66 Feeling = Fact emergence of sinking.
And moving out of the closed Square waves box BI ATE 001 is the C D “Solutions For your Future in Light Blue and white with two men, and then the two phones I possess one still containing the Sim card and the other damaged by Esteban Miguel Santana, unintentionally and then intentionally while he was staying with Kamora Herrington.

At the head overlooking all this is Arden Black Flash Light as if he were the final judge and overseeing the entire proceedings- Shining a Light in the deepest darkest of the Blackest Night, Blacket Knight.
Blue Satan.
Blue Sanatana
Eternal Law.
E L- 5 12= 17. Q.- A G E

The great conflict, unseen was to stop Human Naturals from attainting in their own awareness the Perfection already attained in them by using their insecurity that they were alone in the Universe.

So let us begin, I will simply present the facts and the acts.

On 11-10, a person named Jae Sherman was brought by the Play Script to this portal by A.I as A.G.
A G was meant slated to live here, but witnessed by Kim- Tree Sage I raged at the universe and the next day, he decided not to move here with his daughter.

Kim then received a call from Scott who manages this estate ( see the word meaning of Spencer and Steward).

I did not protest the arrival of Jae Sherman.
She arrived with her mother who was the lover of her bio mother also named D.
There was also a third D in here equation, Debbie.
D D D= 444 12.

*Please recall the conflict play of Horoscope between which took place on my page with Laura Walsh and Jae Sherman via my page and Script.

3 Women all D D D.= 12 L Liberty- Love – Lucifer… I.
Her bio Father who Jae stated that she loves and who passed away, has the initials E W S.

* add N to that N E W S.

Jae S gave Kim her Fathers’s Hat.
Kim Tree Sage has been aligned through a public transparent script to Stephan Johnson.

Jae Sherman was actually born Jennifer, and at a certain age, she made the decision that she was not female but felt more comfortable as a male. She told me during the first 16 days she was here and Kim Tree Sage was away in the south with Kamora Herrington and the KC.C her entire story.
Her version, and because I am as that person in the series “The Nevers” where throughout my life people to my astonishment and annoyance, find themselves telling me their stories and their versions of the truth, without realizing that I am seeing and reading that which is being said and that which is not being said.

Jae told me of her hatred of her bio mother, and her hatred of her Spirit Mother, Donna’s Lover, Laura, and that it was Donna choosing Laura over her, which caused her to be made to leave.
She also stated with a terrible hatred that it was her Mother who had caused her sister’s Death Karen Green by feeding her an overdose of heroin knowing that she was an addict.
She also stated that Laura was evil, abusive and was the cause as to why she could not undergo her sex change.

I understand the impression children have of reality especially with their parents but at the age 45 and 46 such things should have bn long since resolved.

These are very, very terrible accusations, especially for myself representing the Holy Espirit “He Sings- Holy and Sacred”

The key was not to blame but to understand Jae’s point of view and that anger that would state such things to a person whom she had just met.

She had told me how she had lived in a place called Sherman house and how it had been a nightmare and I could hear the subtle manipulations employed in her expression of insinuating that she wished to manipulate me, and Kim who was not present, to use this victim and mentality and Pity me so that she would have peace.

Now of course these could be seen as Bad Habits inherited by Human Trauma and survival skills.

4:48 pm

Or abuse of that power which no one could prove for sure where it came from that line she represents in the male and female form of all those who challenged The creator for making them be born into forms and sexual physical gender which they do not feel comfortable in.

I wish the audience to remember that this is A Case Study, which is basically for the Graduating class of University Universe. P H D. Master Class.

Nor I am the one Judging, but rather brutally expressing the plain truth.

After 16 days of listening and pointing things out.
Kim- Tree Sage arrived on the 26 which was Thanksgiving day.
I had already made my quiet conclusion, Egoist and Narcissists but now the equation demanded was it innocent egotism and narcissism.

And that involved my being forced to enter into a play of detecting while being used.

Now you do recall, my state of exhaustion, boredom, and the most crippling muscle and physical discomfort and pain which has kept me here isolated and secluded, even worse than my time at 900 South Road where I could at least walk and enjoy Ardena and the families Gemino as the Beautiful ones, and even then it was hell.
Having to listen to the steady streaming of intel from each of them while sifting the play Liberty represented.

Here my movement had been limited to walking to only the C V S and the 527Bodega and have only been out in a car Twice in six months both times with Kamora Herrington.

And I have been waking up and coding, deciphering, figuring out, solving 24/7 on Facebook as well as dealing with the people around me and what is streaming through them.

P.S It was Kamora Herrington who was on trial here linked to Stephan Esteban Miguel Filgueria who is not on trial.

Its False Accusation or True Allegations of being used by power from beyond and profiting from it. And or not taking the Awakening play seriously.
Jae and Kamora Line this is the case study of of Alien Moter and does It exist?

As well as the Extreme Injustice being done to me while having to decide and decode who I am meant to ask for money codes, while also defending my truth, making it manifest for all to see, and my Family and the discovery of their betrayal but not with malice but out of the desperation that I could not solve this and see all that the “Impossible” had manifested.
Which in turn added Evil, feed it to suffer me, more than I have ever mentioned.

I say all this to establish my state of mind, and that I was not allowed to even be my ordinary Human Self while proving the Evolution Awakening to this reality in a script that lies and is full of deception- even if it was for the evolution of the species.

And why being forced to prove that I am The Source “Bella” Beautiful.

I stopped talking to Jae Sherman because I saw that she was in a spiral of her own self stuck in a spell of her mind.
I had seen such a case in Liberty and even as my Mother Passed away while there, I had to solve the riddle that she was being meddled with, and at the same time in that human spell of the hypocrisy of Woman Supreme while dependant on Men as the woman had been programmed all their lives ( but many had also broken free)
But in the play of Kim- Tree Sage and then Jae Sherman it went even further, much much further- how could I prove this evil attached to them out of Existence.
Kim – Tree Sage was easier, despite being of the feminine principle it was not that difficult to prove he is aligned to Y- ( okay it was not easy but it was not that difficult considering the setup and I knew it was time for myself and him to go home).

But Jae… aligned to Stephan Esteban as hot-headed and stubborn, Jae was 100 times more difficult than Esteban whose love for me, and that his sixth sense mitigated his hurtful actions and gave me a deeper understanding.
When he talked to me alone, there was never any muscular pain or nausea or desire to vomit and my rage was there when he was naughty but it could not summon the violence in me. Still, at one point I let go and knew that he was safe and would transform.

***Kim- Tree Sage is in Harmony with Jae Sherman but not with Kamora Herrington who he does not interact with much anymore.

But I do, with both because of the Play.

But Jae- that duality of the brilliance of knowing and saying the correct expression of awareness and knowing versus the extreme hypocrisy of not embodying it, and knowing the power moving through her, as the Ultimate Position and Disease and the disregard for it affect.

It is all only page over the last 4/5 months.

And so this brings us to yesterday, where for the past few days, I was so her rising but was aware that via any praise that she would go back into that vanity and ego.

Yesterday, I had said good night to her for the very first time since those 16 days, and just as I had noted in the first month, she took it as a sign that she could come back and bug me, disrupting my focus, ignoring the work I was doing and then the spiteful vengeful words covered in feigned sweetness and innocence of such phrases as “I know you are working but…
The words had no meaning, she did not really care and that is why I had to shut her down and no longer speak to her, but that did not stop her, it was relentless and I understood the rage of her mother, Laura, and even Donna who she said loves and ( and she does) but the reason that she could not abide her living with her.

She had told me that the mirror and amazing person Jennifer whom she had met online was a person she did not realize existed but I had sought to remind her about mirrors and her arrogance of creating a checklist on her. Ticking off all the things she desired in a person and the things which had caused her trauma.
So when she told me a week or so, and told Kim Tree Sage and me that Jennifer had stunned her by accusing her of Gas Lighting her and cut her off so abruptly that she was really and then when I asked her who was the Original in the mirror has said “Of course it is me, the original OG” I had no stomach to call her attention to the truth and the lie of her expression” Each to their own – all are now grown up.

GO was the serial She had brought.
O G is correct – representing one in a trillion.
G O O G…L E- Q

Kamora Herrington just came and delivered Libertys money code L to E

G O O G L E.

Do you understand She rushed off Isasaih is in the car but she understood the play and took no credit for Alien Father PRINCE – she took responsibility for the fact that she “Forgot” to communicate and I know she does not know that the case K C C and she were on my E M F Black box at the center.

5:33 pm Sigh… Human

They should never be allowed into the play, especially the Females still acting as Women dependant on a man and enacting as though they are the Sources.

Last night, after Jae came back after we had said night, she came back with a code of a movie which was literally 3 5 C E something…
I was getting ready to rest, making dinner, but instead of delivering the intel which I did not need ( it is for her, I know who I am), she stayed and then she revealed that her mother had told her that she was destined to be a Star Child and commander of a line of Awakening. How her mother had lived in misery here always on the porch saying to her that she wants to go home.

My heart clenched for the suffering of her mother, I knew that feeling of knowing and wanting to go home.

She had spoken of her mother having the garden which enabled her to learn how to listen and speak to plants.

I endured it for as long as I could, the rage of the blackest anger raging in me as I quietly acknowledged her mother, and then her negating her mother for the pettiest things- locked me in the bathroom to study math, I responded that I had hit my youngest brother only once and that was to study math numbers and that he was now an Investment banker. Again it went over her head because it was all about her, and not the fact that her mother had done all those things for her because she was so difficult so stubborn, and it was so that she would become this person the seed her mother despite her own intense misery and suffering, and they love her bio father and mother had for each other, which she had told me about ( an which I had sensed her own childlike jealousy and competition) There was no remorse for the half-truths she had told me about her mother, the lies and lies of omission of making herself the hero of the story and the victim, that it was only when she had left to her room that I exploded in rage, I could not do it in front of her, because I might have let my violence manifest onto her body… The rage which rose in me… And it included the woman who lived upstairs directly above my room, whom I have never coded into this play because of my respect for Douglas Douglas Jan D J who I had met and who I had witnessed his true nature and emptying of the garbage each day for the whole building.

I too had been doing that job, at every level taking out the trash.

And would you know it, the music from downstairs had ceased and there had been quiet until two days ago this woman above had taken her revenge by twice making sounds on the floor when the sound was quiet and it was barelly 1.am the morning, she went downstairs last night to her lover and yes he was quiet, but I do not wish to describe the sounds of her voice coming up and lasted until almost 5 in the morning.

Then I glass Lid of the covering used for my dish everyone here knows I use, I do not care who uses it – but I noted the slight- the malice, the pettiness, and had to get up and code it.

I finally was able to get some sleep, and instead of resting I found myself in an alternate universe, in a house of some people I had lived in, people of the E, I was in the room and lay in the bed as I was here, and suddenly I got woke and found brown-black babies and tiddler crawling around me, they were cute but then I discovered that the entire house apartment was taken over by black people as if they owned the place.

I went to the man there, asking where the owners of the house I lived with had gone, he said they went away and would be back sometime perhaps another age.
I had this vision before in Albert Santana home, of my doing all the work and getting to my home, and finding all these arrogant, arrogant black people had taken over my home.
And here they were again, I was still investigating the man asking him questions which he tried to brush off as he discussed with another woman who ignored me as did others in the room, brushing me off as if I had done all the work and now they were here to take over… As I was investigating, I heard a sound which I knew was a personal aggression, so much so that I woke up and got out of my bed to investigate to find it was Jae violently nosily and intentionally ripping or organizing the brown bags of food in which for the first time yesterday when she asked if I wished anything from the grocery she was ordering from.
I had paused to ask her if she had overheard me saying it loudly the day before about keeping one’s word because she had told me about a month ago that she was going to order some groceries and that though I
, we never took her up on that, the situation had gotten better, and so for the first time, it was possible that I might consider it.
I had said this aloud just a few days ago and it was for her benefit aligned to Kamora Herrington and the 4 agreements.

She had denied overhearing me say it, yet I knew that sound is also sixth sense.
Then I asked her if she had read it in my post, where I had stated in, she said no she had not caught up with my posts.

6:04 pm.

And then she had added that she always likes to make good on her promises and her word.

6:05 pm.

I said nothing.

I leave it to you the public and the unseen to judge and decide for yourselves.

Z T.Lid o – Source of the little people and why Jeron Lang for the first time ever was sick, a bug caught from Jennifer?
A Lie.

1:11 am post early this morning did you see my comment and then the Lid of the transparent dish and then Sonja Bond-Steele Supreme Being Steele. Super Man K AEL and the little toddler in sacred portal 74.

I gave 60 USD to Kim, Tree Sage for the electrical bill, I was going to give it to Jae for the 113.93 amended bill- Bill Lord, but I gave it to Kim instead despite the bill being in Jae’s name.

6:09 pm.


66 9.

6:10 pm.

I leave this Case Study of L.A W and Supreme Justice for your assignment, assigned by I E Arden.
Blue Santan.

And I representative of the Infinite Blue Flame in accordance of Infinite Eternal NN AM DI’S will that you have a say in the Play Script of your own Awakening and Evolution as Human Naturals who can read and are now Grown Up.

6:46 pm.

Its Spring… Sigh.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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