
3:25 P.M.

3:25 P.M.



And this is where the Story ends…

That’s the song playing at 1O9 Manhattan Star Bucks at Green Point.

I just met up with Keith and received the gift code from Donna O Sullivan which allows me to pay the Train Fare to 18 Mountain View.

Approx 18 USD and buy things before my departure..


And the Gift from Jonn 😯 USD…

18O USD.

AH Mountain View….

Add the code from Fritz Venneiq

3O;97 USD

Light of the Word the Cee of the O…

And 4O;OO USD given to me while sitting at the Bean at 54 2nd Avenue where Joseph Carey showed up with a beautiful Ridgeback Dog, of a man I had met while passing through Joes (my) Dimension..over a decade ago…I knew the mans Espirit as Father…undercover…

*I Am going to Ridge..something

To see Donna and Jonn.

He lives just opposite at 91…

*See our plays in Earlier posts

He is holding my sacred portal and very last manuscript as well as some other things in safe keeping.

In Hindsight I figured why he was the one designated to hold the most valuable Sacred portals drawings…Fritz has the Images and the Creation stories and much of the Data…

David Phillip Gill (Beloved Friend of Horses..JOY) has my computers Silver and Black code the Matrix (the Silver one a Mac G4) and a Black A.CER..code the images of the Family The Beautiful Ones..

He returns it to me tomorrow for I take possession of the Matrix and my Family…The Beautiful Ones Ransomed…

Just as my Mother left in Nigeria not allowed to leave because of the Spirit Play and influencing reality instead of the E line who are influencing the correct play…

Not the Play of the Lie created by Spirits of the Dead and peoples Ideas and Thoughts and Opinion of Existence Life etc..

Joe reached into his pocket and gave me 4O USD…

So you don’t have to go through the (Hell) of having to Ask)..

You don’t have to I said

He had 😯 with him and had given me half.

Look at Sacred portal 91..

It is Ms Manners-,Hell Fire for bad manners

After all this hideous Story I am leaving after 14 years of Hells Kitchen rage…came to become the force power the lie which manifested into this Evil Hatred beyond being

(Meaning the Body and Being can not support existing in such a space creating a void death of both body and Espirit leaving Being..

The code 4O is of course affirmation from J.C line he represents of my passing the ROYG dimensions.

And today my host recieved a visitors film scouts to ask permission to shoot a scene of Blue Bloods in the generation X Garden and in front of his building 268- opposite 269..

B B…

Brooke Benwer ..

Blue Blood.

BB .

Body Being




End of the 7th Dimension

G.as God

and onto the 1-8…AH…

Mountain View.

Meaning in three Dimension

of money Codes



J C…


Add Nenad and it is 4 Money codes.


D.F….J.N….(Jonn…JO…1OO USD…Sacred portal 1OO..Pan…Pan o Rama Mountain View)

3:53 pm.

Keith is 5′ 3..

Bed 53.

The monies three of them



Donna all passée through Keith Grant..


Kevin Gordon.

Affirmed Like on my introduction of Kevin Grant at

5:53 pm..

I affirmed at 7:28..

My sister in Virginia.


Proving my See .

And Donnas see..

She sent me the images as I was looking into the Garden…

See the Share.

A few moments later I was having my coffee in the Garden…Generation X Gardens

One of the Bills I recieved on getting Donnas money gram is marked with the number 42

Time now 4:OO pm.. O1 pm now


The See of Foresight

I am Hindsight Fore Sight

The line…

And the curve the Full Circle.

Panorama and Line

Liner and Circle Vision Cee.


I have now 12O;25 USD with me.

*Subrating the code earned by Keith

32:97 USD.

4:O3 pm.


True Life portal..

Pls see Sacred Portal


The Sword

24 is X…letter X.

B.D..E Emeka.

I have a new Face Book Friend

Welcome Alex Reyenga ..

The third 324 FaceBook Friend

3 24,..


I.met Joe at The Bean on the 3rd Street side of 2nd Avenue…


Near door 45…

The Beans front door is 54 2nd Av


D E-E D..


In Deeds did I manifest Creation in the Begining and the end.


There was no NE-ED to test me…

It is all written in the Deed…

E.K is the Landlord of Galaxies MW78/87..

11O1 6O X I.C..

NASA and Space

And Beyond …his Home.

Physical Universe and Energy Universe.



University Place:

Robert Barr…

E U Esther Uzoma (Way of the Beautiful Star)

The code Fritz sent me (Confirmation nu ended with 4554..DEED.)

I A.M.


Alex comes From the name Alexander…

*See sacred Portal 97..


Alexander Hamilton’

Treasure U.S

Founder of the US Treasury

E A.H.

Achilles Hector..

The treasures of the True Human Cee of thier Truth and Beauty

(And will settle for nothing less which is why only your Beautiful Truth will he recognize as your True Self…and the rest, an illusion..

A lie…

See Sacred portal.87)

And protector of the True Human Heroic in Man..

Lover of Man Warrior Heroic Man

And Lover Lady…

Sex Sensuality.

I am Eros.e.

DE S.I.R..E.

Alexander means Defender of Man

Paris and Tyresse


Royal Reign..

R R.

The Point ..R and R..




See Sacred portal


Reyenga I could not find the meaning so in code.

Rey …King….Doh… Rey …Me

Elegant Nomad





7 is G and V.

G V…7-22….29…11..

A.E…1 5…Alberto is Emeka

Sophie’s World.


Began today with 22 likes




Gave already.

Why did you make him.pay the full price all over again and at an exaggerated Price.

P.R …


4:28 pm.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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