
3:24 PM

3:24 pm.



C X (BD)

F M H.

M.F H.

Consciousness X…

Feminine Masculine in Harmony

Masculine Feminine in Harmony..

There is only one reason I am still posting..

And that is obviously because My Word is victorious.

If you recall I stated yesterday that if I crossed the threshold of the McGuiness Freeman Shelter that there would consequences beyond anything ever dreamed and only the E line would be left on this planet.

A weeding of the herd so much more that I had read from this play of cause and effect.

Which makes the plan of the New World order to depopulate the planet now in Harmony with this play but not by the New World Orders will but that of the cause and effect of this play.

The place I spent the night is a B R.C Shelter in the middle of affluent Williamsburg a few blocks away from Maga Rose, Lisa Levine Temple of Healing at which I was not only a guest but we did some extraordinary work on the Devine Feminine.

And battled.

When I had left 268 in 2O1O after 4 years of being tested that I was real and would never compromise the Truth revealed to me, the plan and what turned out to be my own Truth, but applied in a barely recognizable way…

I had bern led by Fritz Venneiq to Pelham Park where he saw the vision of Nature Evolving and I the Landing of light Beings of Energy.

And both of us the Sky turning into a pantheon of Gods like a movie screen.

I waited in vain with Fritz for the portal of our going home

But I also recall that we went up there as Emeka Fritz Arch Angels of Death and twin Dragons of Existence.

In Fritz V (ROYGBI. V) was the consciousness of both Nnamdi and my sister Nonyelum..


Nadee Nakandala…

I rembered him well he was the Avatar of the Espirit of Existences.

All Universe Nature..


I had found him at Micheals Portal just as my Grandmother Lucy left the world at the end of 2OO8.

He had been witness and 268 and had lived the Truth of my Experience and Truth.

Meaning everything which happened to me he too was getting a taste of it.

He was told me that he recognized everyone but that I was the only one he had never met..

-Not of Existence.

And he is the only see me literalky Morph..

It was in Pelham Park and really scared him.

If anyone had seen what I had just seen they would have no doubt you are not human

I had never morphed and felt it until that day in front of Fritz.

I knew as I felt the shifts in my body and Energy that I was as a passenger in my own body which had morphed as the transformers movie into a Phoenix Bird Ship…

I felt myself climb emerge from it and that is when I saw the Fear and Alarm in Fritz face.

After a month he returned to Jamaica…

I stayed a month longer in Pelham B Park..

Fritz represents or his Espirt the 12O Sacred Portal as JAH Fire cutting out with the Sword…


Righteous Wrath.

It is Sacred portal which also signified the end of the 4th Dimension and Entrance into the Fith Book of Sacred Portals

The portals of the Beautiful One’s- Eternal Life.

The Relevance of this is not only Sacred Portal 121 which was literal played out and acted out publicly here over a week ago.

Nnamdi the Human Spirit (*I represent the Hueman ESpirit) and the African American Spirit but also of the true address of the Assessment Shelter which many saw to my amazement was in Harmony with the play.. and also with my promise if I slept there, as I will subsequently give evidence of.

The Address is 146 Clay Street

I am already had completed 156…

15=letter O.



Gala XY..Z…C I. X O F. 1O11..

Yet 146 is N.F..

Nnamdi Fritz..

Sacred portal 46 is the Creator as The One in the Sky…


4:1O pm..

I saw I was going back inside but I did not know why even though I was aware as I posted yesterday it was about the A S..

Represented in this play by my former Host A S and Agung Sangha.

Sacred Portal 119 which shows E T Father Taking away his Son and Egg Infinity ECT from the World..

Creating and making the Black Hole a Reality as affirmed by Nenad M. Djurdjevic and Nikomas Espirit.

The Black Hole as some might recall me weaving into Existence over 2 years ago based on the cause and effect if this play serves two functions..

It is a portal for the Beings of N+N=28=1O..

TEN The Elegant Nomads…Beings in 1.

At who Expanded 2×8=16..7..67..

76 is Sacred Portal for the Awakening.

Sacred Portal 67 is how far will you go for Truth Love.

My date of Birth in the system is recorded strangely enough as 67…


Making me 47..

I corrected it twice but it stayed so I realized of course I have defeated the Circle of Time as Affirmed by the Espirits of Andrese Harris Burton and Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula…

A O…1O..


A Santana.

*Please note that the person who came just before my 3OOth F.B friend A S was

Tatyana Lysak…True Love/Life..

TL is T=2O, L is 12,

32…I am at 3O2 Facebooks Friends the last recrecommended by Nicholas Petcher and I agreed after Checking her codes since only on rare circumstances in this play was I allowed to send Facebook Requests or Recommendations…

C J…

Is J.C Backwards..

Chandler Jules / Joseph Carey

Code 666- Irie Irish..Iri SH..

My former host A S at 268 noted a friend called Ish came to visit him..

He thought it meant Man but it actually means

Night Prayer in Arabic


I.R IS H. Harmony.

Thus, those who are 1 can pass through the portal Being Harmonious are the 1..ONE..U.N.

U.N E..

But those who are not, Black Hole opens up.

Activate the Beast

I kept seeing that code

Now I knew why I was sent back down

to activate the Beast…

Mirrored by the Growing chasm between the Rich and the Poor which in New York and in the lower East side as well as Williamsburg and Green point has reached a state so digusting and shocking by use of Greed to chase those who can not afford the rents out …

Making more and people homeless..

And then chasing them away not knowing what to do with us said the Boyish looking Igbo looking 45 year old Kieth who I realized was the one I was sent to the Shelter to meet ..

Especially when his Espirit gave nonstop indications that it was him I came to see..

He had been homeless since age 18….

27 years!!!.

Code 27. B G

Nikoma Rios representing code 12/27/…

The Pharaoh and the Black hole. .

Nenad Nikoma… David Philipe Gil..


Philip means Friends of Horses… P is 16th letter.


Gil Means J.OY

The person which connected me with Kieth in the Shelter was called Paul

Irish I believe…

Emeka Kieth..


I feel no J.OY ..

But when I saw the codes of affirming my word Supreme at the 146 14=Nnamdi, 6=Fritz…

FN.. F…U N.



F U N.E..

E .NU F..


Entrance to the Abyss and Existential Death.


Yes, I am sitting at 54 The Bean at 4:5O pm.

Full Circle…

See Sacred portal 49..

Existential Death in all Dimensions..

The Black Cock..

Recall it filmed at 268…East Fourth.

You have no idea the Grim satisfaction I felt and feel…

The world he takes me for a fool, that I know no one would allow me to go to a Shelter if they truly knew who I am.

They would have voiced thier protest and outrage in the same manner I voiced my outrage and called out warning to all Humanity that they are being watched and judged by thier words actions deeds which the E are seeing beyond thier words expressed and using the polite boy in me and the extremely dangerous gentlmanly Emeka to feed your self deciet.

This after all is an Espirut play if Expression True .

I passed my tests in this vile play of my being used

Thus this your turn…

After being shocked by not going home in 2O1O…

I then moved to Tompkins Square Park sleeping with the ones I met through Isaac Calvin McCullough who asked me to stay a while

Nikoma and Jon helped me film Dear Mr President where I sought to give these people I was guided to a voice and a platform to air thier own truths.

I had found myself doing this since 1989 professionaly and even as earlier as a boy

Listening to peoples stories thier experiences thier truths for many years before I began speaking as if compelled in 2OO2-3…

I was then moved to by John Shaw to meet Marina Burini but the first she took me to see Lisa Levine whose eyes (Espirit) lit up and offered me a place to stay with her..

Marina had come to pick up a necklace designed by Lisa representing in metal the 7 energy points.

There was something about Lisa…

But I did not wish to full recognize her because I was so incredulous my journey was not done and she reminded me of why it had been interrupted.

I stayed in Adelphi before Marina decided to have me stay.

It was a complex play between herself John and his brother Tom…then later Luke

I felt I was just a pawn.

And I was until something changed all that.

But After a Year of a play which filled me with a Rage so terrible, and really I don’t get angry..

My moments of wrath on Facebook are just momentary to bring forth the Energy response of Cause and Effect of Deceitful Abominable expressions I am called out in the Script to call out in that precise moment..

*Which is why I always give evidence afterwards that it was set up..

But there only 4th Street had I felt Hatred and the meaning of Pure Evil given to me to feel..


But in this 2O11 play of M and T..



5:11 pm.

I was pushed by both Beings expression and the play to a rage where I would wake up shaking all over my body red hot inflamed..

It was in this space where I vowed that only the E line would Rise only they I would trust.

Poor Rich..


Georges-Philippe RocRoc..

G P R.

Rich man Poor Man Woman..

This play had nothing to do with that

The Rich the Poor I saw the same beauty and evil..

But rather it was about if you were given power of the Vulnerable the Innocent the Clean. .A being such as I was representing the line. .How would you treat us..?

The Response?

I saw the code Whyth Avenue where that play of 2O1O began and Ended…

With me be led back to the place I did not wish to go…

Lisa Levine and Luke Simon..

But it was Lisa…

I did not wish to do the work I sensed I was to do there..

But I ended up being led thier after all..

I was a different manifestation of myself there

I had worked for 1 year in seclusion with Igbo and the Ancients and E T rising in me..

Shamans fighting me and stuck in Tom Truman’s Show with Marina Tom and Luke..

Emeka Marina Tom Luke

E M ..T L….

L.T.M.E…C H..

E.M.TL (Tatyana Lysak) T L…to

Luke Lisa Levine Luke Simon..

Ma HA Rose./

A H…A M ..E SO!!! R…Royal R=18 letter A H..

And yet, it was in this portal I felt being treated with some dignity I worked making jewkery and did the work and fought Lisa and loved her for she reminded me of my Aunt and Wow…

It was all about the Divine Femininity Rising..

D F…416..6) .146


I recognized the Spirit of Lisa Father when I met him…

And her brother and sister..

Lisa was Clara Star child line in the Family of 1O who went so far away…

T.Lisa..Polish Green Point..

Tatyana Lysak.. Anung Sangha.

Lisa met and hung out A Santana at generation X Garden They lay in the Grass.

I had known that A S and Lisa were linked…

Hers was the 6th 7th place I moved to leaving 268,in 2O1O…I moved to her place 2O11 August…

Then to Akils Davis Also Green Street Class on..

Lisa AKil.

Lisa AL..



Sixth Sense..

I went to The Shelter deciding to stop at Bedford and that experience came flooding back..

I took the 62 bus (F.B)..

On my way down today I decided to walk and in les than ten minutes I was at Maha Rose.


The only place I had actually given a talk about the Awakening..

Can you tell me why you are Beautiful

No one including Lisa could understand why I did not earn a living from my work.

I could not articulate that I knew it was taboo..

That it was a test to me who carried this force called NG or U.N..E..

And the people to value and recognize

That was its test..

And I was able to witness and recognize how it was using me to test all..

Pure Evil..

For its intentions were pure.

But the result Evil Beyond ..

I once stated the Awakening begins at MAHA ROSE…

That I leave 268 to 97 Maha Rose

Sacred Portal 97 is Light of the World..

But that play did not Manifest

I went to Class on instead Green Street.

Did I mention my former Host was born at Forte Green wher I was led to from Tompkins S Park.

To Toms house at Adelphi..

Then to Marinas At Whythe then to Toms lift at Whyth..

Do you know A.S my former host was linked to All of them…

He had worked with Tom and John on Marinas Home- Tom Knew Lisa (and Marina) the Person who moved me to Lisa Place was Julienne via Coco and Daughter Nur..meaning Light

J.C ..Light.

Julienne is a Dentist..

My teeth…

The odd one was Akil Davis where I met Rachel who came as Lisa did to 268..

I also met Samantha Yurkosky at Lisa who reminded me of my Mother as Lisa did my brilliant aunt..

How strange that I am back at Green point.


And that 268 is All about forte Green and Tom Lisa the Twins T L…and A S.. And Finally At Truth Emeka



At Last

Emeka Tutu..You You..


Emekas Truth .

His Expression Words Explained To a T.



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