
3:23 pm. – C-W. – C-V.V – 3-15-2022

3:23 pm.


2:26 p.m.


I am staring at the powdered Coffee Mate, I just went up to the C.V.S-Pharmacy to buy.
I like adding coffee mate ( C.M) to my coffee, usually I take my coffee with cream and not really powdered coffee mate, the liquid version, but I had started mixing the two cream, Half and Half with the powdered milk, since I moved here,
Jae Sherman buys it, and I noted how, I was always moved to add a dash of creamer, Coffee Mate.

I had been using another creamer but today on discovering that I had exactly 7 USD in my wallet, along with 320 U.S.D.

It took me a moment and quiet solemn amazement to realize that this was again about my sister line, and how my Brother as Nnamdi, Eternal Nnamdi, and then Nnonyem, – Noni Promise 4th aspect of the family of TEN, all rose from me via Onuabuchi Cecilia.

Nnamdi Onu.
Nammdi Cecilia.
Nnamdi Chukwuemeka.
Nnonyelum Onu.
Noni -Cecilia.
Nonyem- Chukwuemeka.


N.E.C.K. A-E

226 was written on the two containers on both Cafe-Mates

Yes, the time code I noted above as well as 2:25 pm I observed, a moment before.

It was with quiet fatigue with this play and all the unnecessary machinations of mind, which I observed with Jae Sherman and that which is moving in her, that I have been playing Cosmic Chess all this time.
And some how in the Spirit realm I that the remark I made so lightly when my sister and I were in our late teens, visiting an uncle and family friend, who insisted that my sister and I play chess.
I was never interested in mind games, so I never really made any effort, with Chess, despite so many around me, even my close friend at the time, Malije Okoye was brilliant at chess.

I was never interested and when my sister and I played, two or three games, I will not say I let her win, but she has a competitive nature, and mine only comes out when there is something worth fighting for, other times, its is just not worth the effort, so for years I would always pay her the compliment, which I felt that she deserved, having a brother like myself, who was nicked named the boy with 50 Talents, because I naturall seemed to do everything, well,
Actually it was what interested me that I did well.

This was something I will not say I allowed my sister to win, but rather, I just could not see why I should make the effort to play Mind Games, and would say that Chess was a Game that I never “seemed” to be able to beat my sister at, we only ever play twice or thrice.
She was good at it, but I never made much of an effort, it was boring, considering all that I myself was dealing with in quiet.

So, when I saw that this play was so much about Chess-Mate, I was astonished to realize that something unseen had heard me and sought to defeat me by using western chess.
And how people through out my life, seemed to always want to challenge me to a game of chess, and assumed that I would be a master of it, I suppose by the way I interact with people using my Heart Mind.

My sister was born 7-28-64.

I am the one who was present here who moved to the 64th portal which is a chess board.

I was fully aware that the chess play I play is Cosmic Chess.
I began to play it naturally as I resolved the equation of moving objects in the idea of Voodun play I was in, and by 2005, I had evolved it what I always knew what I could do, when the school bully Onyedikachi, who was aslo a mystic, saw something in me, and when my Palm Sandals where stollent from me while in my in class 2- or 3 in boarding school, took me to a “witch doctor”, who when I eventually did go, after trying to turn back, I was fascinated by how he would look at an object in a draw he kept hidden but peer at when he was telling Onyedikachi about me.
Onyedika, never told me all that the man said, I had yet to understand the Igbo language, but his eyes had widened so greatly, that this truly powerful school Bully, began to treat me with sacred respect.

I evolved what I began to figure out naturally, this object place ment, while I was fighting the World Mystics in 2005, Hells Kitchen. (H/K) during Hurricane Katrina again ( H.K) while Building the Infinte Eternal City Infinity which no one knew I had created when I first rose except Eternal Nnamdi- Arden which I showed to him when I rose with him in the Eternal Beginning, and C was present but yet to be complete.

Meaning as I built and corrected all the objects covered with Feces and palm oil at Hells Kitchen, I began to correct all the History of the world 01-4th dimensions and by April May, when I left, I had completed the model from Memory of the City of Infinity by passing through myself as C.E. Consciousness Eternity, to the Infinite realm.

I do not really speak about that place I built, but through out the story play since 2005, I was aware of that prevailing truth as I coded and posted the way, challenged left and right, but was building with Chess – Ancient and Modern all linked and connected to the Art and Idea of Feng Shui.
F.S.= Feelings Sensational.
Solid Facts= 25. 25… 25 25. 25
125 and then 150- 175… 200- 225- 25O.
275 and 300 to 325- 35O.
And 375. Stop,

Liberty C just sent me a message at 4:19 pm

It is 4;22 pm right now.

The idea that something Unseen, was spying on me the whole time, watching what I created and never stopped building from Hells Kicthen until meeting Stephen-Esteban as M.F, who if you recall was always moving on my Bio Sisters frequency and well as my Bio Father, then Maurice and Cecilia, and who then challenged me here to play Chess, and played with Kim Arthur Hinds Jr score 9-6 matches.
The very notion of my posting the film “The Queens Gambit” was my alluding to this in 2020 when I just moved here.

Esteban Kim.
Miguel Arthur.
Filgueria Hinds.

I was never really playing with all these so called invisible and Visible challengers, I was simply moving through my own reflections and playing -manifesting From Memory, that which was always with me, the Truth of M.Y. SELF.
And I did not have to explain to anyone, not even to myself.

But it has always been in my awareness that I was being spied on and that there were those covertly observing, watching me, it gave me little concern, only that they could dare to do such a thing, and meddle not with what I was doing but seek ways to steal meddle and distract that which they could not even read my intention because I was simply reconstructing, rebuilding that which I had done before and was beyond them, way way beyond them.

Can you for example, imagine, if I was never forced to explain the E Consciousness, and way of perceiving reality?
Even when I explained it all by 2012, I was dragged back by Nnamdi, to explain again for an added 10 years.Making that which is easy and natural for me, into an experience of Hells Kitchen from 2005 to now 17 years later.

I got up, when a worker sent by the Landlord knocked on the door, and I got up to let him in.

I let him first through the back door and again saw him at the front door on my way out, to the C.V.S.

I paused to ask the workers name. no one was present in the House, Jae Sherman, I was glad but not to surprised had gone out, locking her Coffee Mate and Coffee in her room.
I ignored teh Creamer she had bought, and that is why I went to the C.V.S. The Demonic worker was entered as I entered, the one who remind me of Jae, I ignored her, she was no longer relevant, so to me she did not even exists except as a reminder or the Evil Human version of the Lie of the God Baal, and the oly dream as a nightmare vision I had while living in Kew Gardens, in my apartment Billy Hung had arranged for me, and Daniel Maman of “Go Antiques”. in which I saw and recounted how I was with a few friends in a house and then we were spirited away by to this house where we all lay paralyzed on the floor, as this creature raized a summoning call and all over the planet, ordinary people began to transform into Demonic Zombies, very much like the Japanese C.G.I Animations, I have ben watching.
World War Z.
And what I am had been dealing with here.
The God of the Z, began to move through each of us lying unable to move and slaughter each one, when it got to me, I fought with a will so great that I was able to move, the God Z was so stunned, that he paused and in that moment I struck it, Killing it, and all the demonic transformation, stopped and they were destroyed while being made to return to their human form and now all identified were sent back to hell and non existence.

Yes, as I am writing this all is synchronizing and making perfect sense.

Check Mate.
Coffee Mate.
C.M.e 4/3.

DDD. Death Destruction Devastation – Annihilate All and the True will transform to thier Beautiful Truth.
And that is why I first met Liberty when she she was 43, and lived with her, when she turned 44, left when she was 45 but stayed in contact and now she is 46.
10 10- 1- 20
24 24 -1-48.

1-21. 3 C. 2×1= 2 B. C.B
1-49. 13 M. D.- 36 360. 9. M.D.I.

I am kinda tired of posting and resolving today and right now,

its 4:48 pm right now, and this has been a long, long and tiring way for me to script that which I have explained so much before.

4:49 pm.

I get it, but it is a really dangerous and tedious way to code by using exhaustion, and distraction to play with the Ancestors challenging me the first ancestor, and a computer Simulation of the first being of H.M and M.H in a sleeping world population who felt they knew it all, and were allowed to believe that they were a fact, when they were not. nothing but pawns used in a cosmic chess game, of two awareness who were really One.
One Truth.

I am currently at 4499 Facebook Friends.
And I did not even bother to check until tight now.
D.D. I.I.

5:06 pm.


Kim Arthur Hinds Jr is back and is in his 66 coded painted room.

Oh yes, one more thing

The name of the worker is Miguel.
Emeka Miguel.

I know his face, though he is caucasian he looks like the line of my Grandmothers brother, the one people called the Dry swift Wind.

E.M- M.E.

Last time if you recall it was Emeka and Kieth.

E.M-E and K.A. Kolo Arden. Kolo Aurelia. K.A 1 11.

5:09 pm.


56 9.

What a way to code and program the End

5:10 pm.


Connecticut 5th State.
Virgina 10th State. and back to Connecticut the 5th state, in perfect timing.

I Connect.
I Cut.
I.C. I.C.

Here C.

5:12 pm

Emeka Liberty- Freedom Song

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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