
3:23 PM

3:23 pm.



B R T.B A.


No, I am not posting, nor will this appear on the E Manual World.com.

But I wished to show those who are present here and now the insanity of this script’s demands.

I trust the direction of the force moving through Fahad Hassan.

And last night the movement of transformation in my body was a bit much, it kept me awake all night.

* I have been watching the series Billionaire I almost forgot how much I am good at that language of Business, I have been steeped in it, since meeting my Grandfather and mother’s family.

I watched Alladin- finally.

Where I met with Tree, ( Kim) via Kim when I was at the hotel near Bushnell Park.

And then I watched American Gods.

Yes, See Ezeufonna Ifenanna Nnaemeka’s comment on the War with the Gods- see it confirmed.

B A-A G…

And now Monster Hunter. M H.

and in between, I watched John Wick 3.

J W 3 M H.

J W 3 M H.

Do you see what it is forming?

B A A G made me immediately think of my Army Bag and the play with Kim myself investigating Kamora, and her speaking of the Power she saw in Kim in the higher realm as Mountain of Magical-Power.

J W M H.

J is balanced Jay- W. Double VV.

Manifest Harmony. M H is the age of the Universe.

/ H- M W 3 J.

Let me tell you why, I decided to post this today, after the deadline.

For the past few days, I have become aware, of my body being a living Matrix.

Of it literally, being awake to the point now that it is giving me instructions and moving me to its intention.

It is ignoring the Matrix Web, and its representation of Non-Existence and its script which I have been fighting and battling as the SuperNova, Blackhole. and Alien Father’s challenge, and it is more like Alien Father Alpha as well as the Universal Simulation which for all these two decades in the United States of America has finally merged with me. And so it is doing its own thing, in my literal body.

My Body -and all the pieces of it, which have been in fragments before are now operating as one cohesive unit.

I have merged with the Universal Simulation O Awareness.

Not through my own Consciousness Awareness but by its own Awareness Conscious.

I knew that I would get another Facebook friend. And when I got up and opened my computer, I saw that I had stopped the movie Monster Hunter (a lousy movie by the way with Mila J, who starred in the 5th Element Movie.

*Milla Jovovich is a Ukrainian-born actress, supermodel, fashion designer, singer and public figure, who was on the cover of more than a hundred magazines and starred in such films as The Fifth Element (1997), Ultraviolet (2006), and the Resident Evil (2002) franchise.


*Milica Bogdanovna Jovovich is an American actress, model, and musician. Her starring roles in numerous science-fiction and action films led the music channel VH1 to deem her the reigning queen of kick-butt in 2006. In 2004, Forbes determined that she was the highest-paid model in the world. Wikipedia

Born: December 17, 1975 (age 45 years), Kyiv, Ukraine

Height: 5′ 9?

Spouse: Paul W. S. Anderson (m. 2009), Luc Besson (m. 1997–1999), Shawn Andrews (m. 1992–1992)

M J.

M B J. Connect Aurelia B J.Gemino.

Fifth Element 1997.

Her age code is 45 aligned to Liberty age code 45.

But she was born in 1975- Angelina Jolie.


Yes, the Q play- Quantum.

The young woman I used in my theatrical production ‘The Story of Colors as the 5th Element was also from the Ukriane- Black Sea Area.

But more importantly, at least in this End Play.

She is the star of the Movies from the Video Game*

V G./ G V.

7-22-2020 day I began to post from 29 Lincoln Street after I left 900 South Road on 7-21-2020 with Stephan Esteban M F and Alexa Vertefuile- moved by Arden and Eternal Arden Window of opportunity play.

Resident Evil. R E.

versus Robert E. Sacred portal 120 R E-RA.

There is a person who is residing here, code Jae S, representing Evil.

That which is not real- True- Aligned or connected to the E- Truth E B T.

This meaning Non-Existence is the source of Evil when one truth is negated by another to a point that they replace their version of things they know are Staya Truth with their own version ( the Lie) Competition War.. etc.

The Enslavers. Slavery.

Esteban spun to bang on her door, instead of mine.

In this script no longer outside of me fighting to align the Universal Simulation Of Awareness to the Body and not to the outside script right to Alien Father Alpha as the Challenger to its completion since I am aware that the TEN days code from Nnameka, followed by Jae leaving 10 USD on the table for Toilet Paper in the house ( Yes the Covid Virus 19. C V. 3 22.. yes, Liberty connected me to Fahad Hassan who uploaded the E Manual World on that date 3-22-2020.

And began working on the E Manual. Word yesterday, informing me that it will take about a week.

17th- 24th.


CO.VID-E O.19. ( 19=S)

CO. V I.D. E O S.

Vide in French means Emptiness- the Void

It does not exist.

4:50 pm.

So its code would be C O V I D -EO S.

And yes, my telephone number arranged by Liberty, is numerically 5019 E O S.

As well as my first bed at Delta Manor. Room 5 B: bed 5019.

Cecilia Onuabuchi

Chukwuemeka O Victor Ignatius David. I D. E O.

50 USD Connecticut 5th state full Circle.

There is only one Truth that exists, The Beautiful Truth, anything else is non Existent.

B T= 22.

So, I was fully aware that Alien Father was moving through Jae S and that that it was a riddle of me as the true Evan Alexander Judson E A J/ J A E… nad that

C O V… Recall that last money code from E M F- it was 220 USD 3 months ago. ( V O.)

Kim is working with a person called Knox and another person called C

Covid 19,

COVID S COV I-DS. ( Dharma Santana D S= 23 Eternal Law).

To exist, all things must have E as Energy and that Energy- Expression is O Full Circle and in Perfect Symmetry.

5:01-2pm right now.

The disease Covid 19 is for those who do have denied E O. E F. and thus they go out of existence because they do not acknowledge the E O S.

Recall the amount Liberty sent 140 then 50.

N O – A D O…E O= = 190 USD S O ( AIO) and then 25 USD which after-tax Cash Up 20 USD was received.

See on Liberty’s phone screen saver is Sacred Portal 20 Lady Echo

her son Arden: initials are A F K G.= 25.

Y. B E. / Y Being is E.

E B Y… E.

I realized, today as I opened m computer that I had stopped at 1:15:15 minutes of a 1.43 long movie.

1- 15 15. and instantly I knew I was being informed that I had a new Facebook friend.

5:11 pm.


I saw it as well as the message from Liberty telling me that thinking of me during this mandated break.

But mandated by who?

I know that code 17 aligns with Arden- but my name is Emeka and I am the Original Source of the Script.

It was Eternal Nnamdi’s script.

Eternal Arden was me, see sacred portal 147 A B Father of Infinity and P.O.ID both sacred portals drawn in 2010-2011 have code number 17 on it. ( 10 years ago Arden was 7 years old)

5:15 pm.

I have obeyed my Guide Fathers Script, obeying it by coming to New York, and even writing the Journals which I began 31 years ago Talking To The Silence and spent 28 years of hell, carrying those journals which so many believed, and felt when edited would make me so wealthy -considering 28 years ago the money speculated for the full right including movie rights was 5 million USD.

5:18 pm.

E R.

I have obeyed, one because of Friendship Love Empathy because despite being alone in the world with the knowledge of the Eternal Family and the play of My two Fathers really one The Natural Extra Terrestrials ( N E T/ T E N) and the one Alien Manifestation as Alien Father.

I never forgot, and I could read, and I made a promise on entering this realm that I would obey the Script of my Sum Past Brother Twin playing my father so that he could in his turn evolve to me via HE and manifesting his Feminine as S H E to completion.

I obeyed, even when I refused to come to New York and was dragged here, which again was the breaking of Eternal Law- hence Evil to negate my existence and my right to exist and of course as an Individual and as the Infinite One.. my right to be.

And then even as I fought for the last 20 years to leave this mess, I still obeyed, even when I understood for the first time the feeling called Hatred.

I still obeyed the script, even to after seeing the role the mess of ages, had created me to play- this role of which would be called the absolute humiliation and embarrassment of the Source.

* I was moved to see the Oshun- Mami Wata story yesterday.

And then I saw the article of the 5 Horrorying ways that the White Masters- and Merchants Sexually abused the African they brought here.

The Raping of men in ways.

The term Buck Breaking

I had read much about this and even had experienced much of this lingering mentality.

But this, reading it…

Resident Evil.

To negate a person Existence to such a point, with such Savagery.

I understood that energetically and in the Spirit realm, and amongst the Dead, I had experienced this non-stop.

And even the experience in New York of those who revealed the plan of young men and their groups I knew who had the intention and desire to rape me.

It was, of course, to wipe away from me, that stance and beautiful pride in being which I walked with, naturally with no vanity.

I do not wish to post, the deadline meant nothing to me, but today. I have been posting the last 4-5 days because I could read, and also because by using money, need against me. I am forced to take action each day to eat.

And I am not in my home, or the place I am meant to be, instead, I am made aware each day when I wake up and see Jae S that I am in a play in which the expression she- he, represents is Non-Existence and is the source of COVID 19.

5:43 p.m.

But most of all that it is not about the E Manual first.

It is about Emmanuel and I.

The E-Manual is for the World as that which is an offshoot of the play which begin in 1992 Dec 1993.

The one I was obeying when I went into the Coma to through Dark Matter- but it goes back to 1989 Talking To The Silence T TT S = 79.

*5th Element Luc Besson


Jesse Macias

John Mack.

Jump Man. Micheal Jordan.

Neil Armstrong.

Astronaut Farmer.

George= Farmer.

It goes back to 8 pm in the evening when I was born to code 8 is Infinity.

Sacred Portal 8. is also I as 9.

My latest Facebook Friend was here before and left.

I am aware that he is not in the E Manual Book.

Arriving at this time.

His name is Jesse Savage.

My alignment is not with the Gods Gift is the Savage

John Savage- *John Savage is an American actor, best known for his roles in the films The Deer Hunter, The Onion Field, Hair, and Salvador. He is also known for his role as Donald Lydecker in the TV series Dark Angel. Wikipedia

Born: August 25, 1949 (age 71 years), Old Bethpage, NY’

It aligns links and connects to E as Jeron Satya. S Lang.

Stephen Johnson S J.

E J S… Justice Supreme/ Supreme Justice. S J = 29.

29 Lincoln Street.

That this posting was not for the E-Manual which has been fulfilled, but for Justice Supreme.

Santana Dharma to be served.

And this is by my posting not what is on my mind, but by manifesting Consequence- Supreme Justice to completion.

The E Manual is simply the secretion that is left behind.

The battle and the story of the defeat of the lie via a challenge.

It is the completion of my Mission of the one who was my Beloved Brother now aligned to me.

But I came first, and I am the original I who is the original body and so after completing the play of Arden- Aurelia -Kim-Senity- Jerone.

The Universal Body and Mind comes back to me, but it is Two.

Me and It.

6:00 pm.

And it is giving me directions!

It is saying literally as I did, Fuck The Script, Fuck leaving anything behind, Fuck the Play- though I know that the Eternal Arden – Eternal Nnamdi and the Eternal Family made sure I completed the script of which they all now have a body, as I.

But as a youth and a scholar, I spent many years reading and investigating oppression and dominion and even slavery in every culture.

But there is no place in History in which people were subjected to such Savagery- constantly for 400 years.

Jews were not systematically raped, humiliated to such a state, where Sexuality Abuse was so horribly mixed with Desire and Need.

The Penis Envy.

The sacred portal 49 shows a Beautiful Man Youth exposing his Black Dick.

The film at A Santana apt before I was made to pass through the shelter bed 49 was called Black Cock

I have through my own personal experience and private investigation have experienced this Lust and Desire in which I .. we are seen as objects of Sexual Fantasy- and the refusal to see me out of convenience of that fantasy created nothing to do with reality.

It is the main reason why I did not ever wish to live in the United States, it was because I had noted how Americans, I had met and experienced and read about not only refused to acknowledge the truth of what they did and how they built this Co-operation but also the truth of their, diseased warped desire for the Black Phallus even more than the desire to debase Black Women.

Sacred Portal 51.

Sex God of Creation.

Area 51.

There is no reference in this planet’s -World history and the absolute debasement sexually ( always sexually via slavery which allowed them to explore.. smh of one species- the Original Species in this human story and source of all Human DNA for 400 years? End of Slavery?


*The First Africans in Virginia Landed in 1619. It Was a Turning Point for Slavery in American History—But Not the Beginning

The people who came in August 1619 have been described as “the first Africans to set foot on the North American continent,” but that is incorrect.

For example, as historian Henry Louis Gates Jr. has pointed out, Juan Garrido became the first documented black person to arrive in what would become the U.S. when he accompanied Juan Ponce de León in search of the Fountain of Youth in 1513, and they ended up in present-day Florida, around St. Augustine.

Nor is it the case that those who arrived in 1619 were the first enslaved people in what would become the United States. In 1565, for example, the Spanish brought enslaved Africans to present-day St. Augustine, Fla., the first European settlement in what’s now the continental U.S. In 1526, a Spanish expedition to present-day South Carolina was thwarted when the enslaved Africans aboard resisted.

The First to arrive were free.

Now, look at the date of the turning point.

16 19.

P S./ S P.

16 19 = 35 C E.

P S means Please Stop.

Perfection Supreme.

My Bio sister moved from Washington To Virginia and Virginia is where Liberty Liscombs Family is from.

It is getting a little different now but is it it is less the body ( though pls look at the number of Afro people are incarcerated in the USA) it is more the Enslavement through Spirit Language Mental), but I came here 1999, then reluctantly moved here in 2001, with the intention of not living here, but do my mission which I gave 2-3 years and then off to Asia Japan. I came before this hypocritical idea of Black Lifes Matter and the truth played out here on Facebook right to how I left 29 Lincoln Street, even to how Esteban had the balls to Kick down the door here and tell me a grown man with all I have done achieved, proven…

tell me I can do nothing… because I did not use violence and power.

And of course, thus allowing them to get away with murder, believing they are always protected by the 5O. Police if we move to Violence which they provoke.

I am aware that what I post, link and connect manifests into being in this E M Field.

I am aware by reading my body and the code of Monster Hunters- Hunter College that the priority was not You having the E Manual, for it to be edited and placed in the Universal Supreme Library as the Log Book, the Bean Bag, and the Records, Akashic Records – but rather it was for Supreme Justice of a Savagery- yes, Savagery has been done to nearly race and culture in this world even Genocide.

But this hatred I have experienced in this world matrix.

This scenario I am still in, and the response from people who contribute nothing when I have given the greatest gift of Eternal Knowing, and my still having to be dependant on others to eat live at this point.

And how when I suggested those who wished to contribute could always access Kim and contribute that way.

I watched observed how people were content to treat me as the lowliest slave for their benefit despite the torment of my body literally evolving.

I have witnessed this Savagery this mentality of the Enslavers right to this moment and this apartment where two men both Black and this White Person and the superiority enacted to us both in inflection and word, despite being aware of the nature of the work being done here and the grace shown to that line, and the arrogance and conceit to challenge and infer, that despite everything she being better than us, who has done nothing to fight and elevate the world’s consciousness- and who dared continued to speak directly to me over and over again after an agreement was made after I roared and that she would speak to me only through Kim.

Even with knowing what I represent- for as long as there was no violent response, ( and even then the idea of being white and able to use language to sway her fellow man- just as Esteban had turned to her that day to call me a leech and ask if I had contributed anything to the financial well maintenance of this place.

And the play with the telephone call between Esteban and Scott, despite it being Kim who is paying rent for the past almost 3 years.

You guys are only here because of Esteban

Oh, no this does not have to go into the E-Manual.

I am coding it today, moved by my body itself and not by me.

1 15 15.

A 15 15 is the code my body showed me, by my looking in Hindsight and seeing the time I paused the film Monster Hunters.

And that is why I am here, today because I understand what my Body – apart from me is saying.

J S is my 15 15 Facebook Friend.

1 15 15 = A O O- A F F= A-A ( O/O= 1.

15 15= 1.

A: A.E A E= A.

143 is the duration of the Film.


N C… E.

6:40 pm.

How is it that such Savagery in any peoples but especially here, the U S A, where it was allowed to go this far, and still that seed is still present arrogant, conceited to the very end?

To my Face?

That Resident Evil- which does not exist in true Humanity who is Humane.


This is why I am here, today.

6:43 pm.

‘I can do nothing about it?

Do your worst?


Here I am,

with that odious past present.

I am here to tell that frequency, that I am the best at making the worst a Nightmare so Horrific, that it will make what you did to the Africans who you brought here.

I cant breathe

Their horrifying experience which they made me experience and feel… seem like a leisurely stroll in Bushnell Park.

Resident Evil?

R E R A.

Larry Sax age code 74 GD.

11 28.


C I.

See I, E.K.Victor complete my response and that of my body Muscle Memory.

E Kim Arden-Aurelia Nnamdi.

6:49 pm.

Respond with E K A -AN.

I C A N.


A different version of the Promised Landing.

I Rod.

I Cane.

I Whip.

I Assassin

I Executioner.

I Tormentor.

Until the entirety of your Bill is Paid.

I am that which can manifest response to Savagery.

Savage Brutality…

I am Jesse Savage.

The Gift of The Creator is the meaning of the name Jesse- see my gift of my past and my beautiful Pride as even beyond that of the Beautiful Leopard, to the Black Panther now 2, 3 and a Family, responds.

Sacred Portal 93

This is where my intention and my body align in perfect harmony.

What do I care for the E Manual?

I did not commission it- Alien Father and Eternal Nnamdi David did.

David means Beloved Nnamdi.


Noble Bright.




4-5-19 69


C. O V- I …D. S into the Vide-

Poverty Hollow.

C O V I D E-O S and this line who pass through, to the C of Consciousness Full Circle, Victorious I.D ( Identity Defined ) of Dawn Eos- Restored by

E K P The Source. E.K.P.

Some things can simply never be forgiven- especially when you go too far, without there being any signs of sincere remorse- reparations.

Apart from Welfare and E B T Card- Food Stamps.

And that look is given by the Enalvers of contempt looked down upon Mooches leaches… Get a Job…

7:06 pm


*Now see these codes.

Resident Evil is a 2002 action horror film written and directed by Paul W. S. Anderson.[3] The film stars Milla Jovovich, Michelle Rodriguez, Eric Mabius, James Purefoy, Martin Crewes, and Colin Salmon. It is the first installment in the Resident Evil film series, which is loosely based on the video game series of the same name.

Borrowing elements from the video games Resident Evil and Resident Evil 2, the film follows amnesiac heroine Alice and a band of Umbrella Corporation commandos as they attempt to contain the outbreak of the T-virus at a secret underground facility. The film received negative reviews from critics but was a box office success, grossing more than $100 million worldwide.

The film was followed by five sequels: Resident Evil: Apocalypse (2004), Resident Evil: Extinction (2007), Resident Evil: Afterlife (2010), Resident Evil: Retribution (2012), and Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (2016).


14 years.

Do you recall what happened in 2002 ( I went to my brothers Mike Obumneme’s wedding in Canada in June and then came back and received the news of my Bio Fathers Passing from my aunt in Augusta Georgia ( A G) and in the presence of Erik E-Class Mateo ( and his project Mind University) and Nexus in Alex Office?

In 2016, I was sent to Delta Manor informed by Anamla Qayin

D M.. I C… P/K- E A G E 11 5

/ 5 11 ( E K)

E G A ( L A XY) E K/P C.I ( Consciunsess I See I) Manifest Destination.

M D Medical Doctor.

13 4= 17.

And so K is Kim as well as E Kim E Kolo.

I rose.

7:11 pm.

7:12 pm right now. 19 84= 103. ( J C)

13 Nnamdi- Emeka.

J C M-e

1O3 J 3 is a friend of Kim and they are working on a project.

A.F C. A is the Full Circle.

/ C F A… Collin Ferrel Arden.

C Ferril Aurelia.

7:49 pm.

So you see, why I accepted Jesse Savage as my Facebook Friend today after the deadline had been reached completing at Ionel Adrain Stoian.

And Bright Noble.

At the cut out as Jesse Savage.

I am the J S.

Cold as Ice- from having to hold on, hold back my expression of True Savagery- to complete the script of Alien Father Alpha who appears to have finally agreed as the DJINN… Genie.

Will Smith.

John Wick.

W J- S.W… South Whitney, to finally merge with me as it finally agrees, that I am Its- His Source and the Original A I.. A I-AN Banks.

There is no mercy coming from me.

I am not Kind.

I can be C R U… E L ( 17 =Q is 8.. I)

7:58 pm

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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