
3:22 PM

3:22 pm.


Curriculum Vitae.

From Benjamin Melendez Brooklyn Manhattan..

*Yes I am posting from Manhattan after getting a photo I.D for the first time in 14 years from a Church…!!

Holy Apostles…

H A!

A Soup Kitchen…

*Is there no end to this plays effort to humiliate but which fails…?

The play of the code bed 49 switching to.94..



I.Did the J.O.B…

And thus, N moves to 14-1+4=5..V.E…


In this play…

Thus, my getting a photo.I.D at the Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen H.A.S. K…

Has the K which represents Kieth 53 which really means From the Woods which is where I have emerged from after a 5 year battle with Nature via Pelham B Park…

See back posts for that story.

Which basically had me having no place to keep my own bags..

Because my Palace was not ready and I had to prove it into Existence while battling the Nothing called Death as Oblivion.

Thus, the play of my getting a photo.I.D after trying to get my passport as well as my body and being back…

A guy met in the Church also getting his I.D called S.Shalem born 65 but who looked much younger…than me (I look haggard elegantly so but haggard) told me that I should get a lawyer for what the British Embassy put me through..

How could I explain that I have been an incredible Cosmic play, where I was spirited away by the Power of Nature and with the blessing of the Beautiful Ones of Humanities True Past to prove the E line Supremacy to the jealous Human Animals Supremacists of that Spirit of Jealousy (the tester the jester the Nothing) used to help purify human consciousness…

Yes the twin Serpents…

Wisdom Venom.E.. or VE NOM…E.

And that I had no idea what was going on or what was being asked until I fought to regain my memory back by cleansing and refining myself and then Creating and Moving around with my Inner Compass which allowed me to begin to.read and remember…

* Yes as Jason who was sent to the underworld to fight the Eternal Night Demon…E.N.D..

Made manifest by man…worshipping Physical Matter instead of Praise and Appreciating Expression Manifests Being Beautiful V.Expression…

Who would have believed me..?

Until it was too late…

I have 4, then 3 New Facebook friends…

Because 4 sent request then one dissapeared …

Just like that..

But obviously this is an equation to read

Note that the address of the place I went to get my I.D was at 28 and 9 Th Avenue…

28 is B H…


Being 5…Harmonious.. H 8…

9 is letter I.

I H B..

I Harmonious Being.


3:47 pm.

Meaning that HA…or HAS K…

Is really K.S…K-ISS AH..

Authoring Harmony

1-8…Light to Lightness through the Beautiful Illusion.. B I.

I saw the code 28 on my Facebook page

Then sat down to post here at 72 Spring Street Starbucks when a girl wearing the number 28..

I.am.born 11 28…


Kolo Be Harmony…


Jonn Blackwell..

Julian Brown



The Bean at Bedford on N 11..




Then 129—B.I…


3:57 pm…

Yes rather tedious and exceptionally cruel for me to unravel the true meaning of the E play versus the awful cruelty of the Physical Material play…

4:O3 pm..

Which is why I knew that 28 street and 9th really meant that I am Seen Acknowledged True..

S A T..

See Lady Moira Judith Mann texts to me..

What a way to get news that the world this world will have the concrete evidence of my Identity..

That is why even the 4:3 new Facebook Friends are all of Harmony.

43 is the Sacred Portal True Life…

The post of Benjamin J.M…(Link Lady Moira J.M…Joshua Moses in stories of this realm),

Was code time 8:43 A M.

Harmony of the Portal to True Life.

Welcome Christine Yoffe…

Christine Means Messiah_

Yoffe comes from the word Jaffe which means

Beautiful .. Pleasant….

The Messenger is Beautiful and Pleasant.


Yeshua Christ.

Welcome Helene Ngono..


Harmony Nature…

Helene Means The Bright and Beautiful

Ngono means SeX…Love making..Exchange’

Which is constantly on my mind…

So long time comming…sigh..

But SEX is Creations as Six Sense made physically manifest ..

But six sense came first…

Notice NGONO aligns to the Author of

The One Story…

The Pass Over

By Celeste Ng.

NG is 147..

Sacred portal 147, is Me..

NG ON O..hmm

Thus,The Bright Beautiful Sex is the Exchange…

Love making..

That is a private play and message to me which I agreed to for this Awakening… A Rite of passage and a Ritual..


Cynthia Rollo is the name I did not see appear…

Cynthia Means Goddess Artemis..G.A the Moon Goddess and refers to Mount Cynthyus where She and her Twin brother Apollo was born….



Rollo Means Famous Wolf and the Famous Viking who became Duke of Normany..

Setting of the Norman invasion and landing in world war 2.

But the Famous Wolf is Fenrir…


Thus the Moon Goddess and the God of Wisdom. On mount Cynthus as 18, Mountain View

Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan…line

Are of my aspect the Wolf Fenrir the lords of War and Destruction..

Justifed Beautifil Rage C.

And Welcome Wills Way…


See Sacred portal 46.. The Creator in the Celestial Heavens I

Cloud 9.

Wills means Will Desire..Protector Helmet ….

The Protector of De Sire, the Will.and the Beautiful.way…

And in perfect Harmony I recieve a text from Alfie Nze Ndubuisi Ezeifule


Meaning Grace..Harmony.


E is Father.

Eziefule Means The Lost Way

Obviously not.

Welcome the Four.



C R.


Read the code…

See Why Harmony Naturalness

See our Way…WW…VVVV…

4:39 P.M.

D:C I….


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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