
3:20 pm – I got up from where I

3:20 pm

I got up from where I lay in bed,
I went to the Kitchen and Kim Arthur Hinds Jr had left 4, 5 USD Bill’s on the Table.

It was 12:59 pm

I had spent most of the last two nights contemplating reflecting on the truth of this play.
The fact that is in Perfect Harmony
Using Perfect Symmetry
And Perfect Timming.
To make its point.

That everything was literally designed this way even to the 4 USD in my wallet which is now 24 USD.
Aligning in Perfect Symmetry to the play of Liberty C and her withdrawal of Funding in Almighty Gods Play of Existence: Extinction Evolution play

The code was 24 Alicia Norris Kim and Stephen Johnson may recall

And now I have 24 USD mostly for Anerican Spirits.

121 Sacred Portal is Nnamdi and it played out yesterday literally acted out and recognized and recorded.

And now by having had to take my cue my solving it and proving No Lack, I had to tell Kim to leave 20 USD

I felt once again angry, manipulated and had to ask Kim.
Which though it is not manipulative in that sense because I have always shared whatever I have with others even my donations while in the shelter, I shared based on my own discretion and observation as to how they respond and react when given a gift.

I always shared what I had with Kim and made sure if I knew he had nothing even when he started to work and earn good money. I would share mostly without asking because he is Proud.
Nor did I feel that I had to remind him that I am The Source
But then what was I doing being used to solve the Riddles of Existence via Experience in front of the whole world?
Even having to post everything I buy eat…on a public access format called Facebook
Or prove I am GOD which I do not even believe in God as understood by the minds of Humans.

G.O.D for me is Nature. GOD.
Naturalness God

14 -26.


All an Arithmetic Mathematical Equation one learned 1-6.
1-7 in Grade School.

Oh, I am aware why I had to Impulse Stimulated Activated to prompt Kim.

I just spoke to him about it.
It is even now people are not paying attention
They do not read their cues because they are in their minds heads.
Thinking about Money despite having the presence right here before them.

And A Arden as E as well as E David Nnamdi who by the way was present last night in my room as an Astral Projection knew that people, the Chosen Ones would not do the Natural thing and share or care if I ate or not.
In thier minds and hearts they hold onto their own Individual ideas of how God is and should be.
Not a man used undercover who experiencedms the world himself to get an unbiased opinion of the true state of peoples mind sets and Mentalies.
Even after being made aware.

Trust in God?

Of course he would use money to gauge the Truth and Faith Loyalty of the people of the world.

No, it is not money which has brought the Destruction of the world

It was used as the measuring rod of Energy God.
Expression Generosity
Amazing Grace.

No it was the tool used and measured versus the Energy Expression of people even while being given stop Empirical Evidence AY
Of the riddles of all forms of Expression
All forms and planes of Existence having been solved by a man.

Who God who is really Harmony Clarity has been released from the bound age.
A G E of the definition of that idea of God. Allah, Yahweh. Chukwu all confines created translated defined caged I’m a definition none truly sought to investigate and understand but which nearly all adults would use his name in vain. Her name to get what they desired wanted demanded in the name of God.

4:19 pm
D S.

Dharma Santana
Eternal Law.
Eternal Truth

No.even I to be honest am truly horrified by Hunanities response, I knew it would be bad, hence my saying no to this mission and Job.
But it’s true, nothing could have prepared me for this the World People and public response even after moving me literally by force to prove it in your Many layers of languages of the Unconscious and the dead Language of Empirical Evidence Facts.

The blatant ignorance ignoring of it shocked me.
But what has really stunned me was the Script itself and the long, long tedious Expression of having to explain over and over in beings who have made it clear that they do not give a hoot unless it is Manifest which of course is too late.
Meani while you leave me here like the Absolute Village Idiot with the fall out.knowingly leaving me here even to 4 USD in my wallet after Liberty Liscomb play…?
After seeing and knowing with foresight what each would choose by their own free will and choice to do?
Which even I in Human form knew exactly what they.would do…

But not this far… not this far when True Clarity had been brought forth to help people find thier way.

When was this Facebook play meant to have been completed.
And it was left this long…?

What is this Arrogancce of Almighty God?

I do not recognize any part of him in me
I understand the Mind, his Hurt. His heart spell ink and death.
But this…
Keeping his… her True Source waiting and creating uncertainty and doubt when I am sure
So sure that I am still announcing it, proclaiming it even to this point.

Ah.that Almighty God is nothing as I or me.
Just an abomination a Human Creation just like its creations and his, her creators who allowed themselves to go too far.
And thus abusing the Unconditionally Love and trust given to it freely from the heart of the one who knew his… his her Original Truth.

He Her..I and All the W.E – A V E.
Knew that this would be the response and result without Manifestation of His… his her presence present as a fact.

It is like once having an Eternal Beloved Brother, Brother Sister who disgusts you so much so that you disown them cut ties with them and never ever wish to lay eyes on them again for if that day should ever come then even that which was so beloved would pay a price that it knows only I can give it.

And In that I am waiting for this ending to make up my mind and heart.
But it will pay, that is a vow.
Nothing, I mean Nothing I do not care if you are Eternal and saw yourself as Omniscient
So vast and unlimited
You will pay for this Script, this play and most of all for making me endure the endless trite nonsense of your Avatar and Avatar Descendants all these years on the E.M.F as well as this Script

5:00 pm.

I an ordinary man
Am your Source.
Was your Source and I no longer recognize you.

That love frequency I once had for you is gone forever.

Because this time you went way, way too far.

5:04 pm


5 64

5:05 pm


565 I am talking to you.

5:06 pm


I am 5 A.
5 1

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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