
3:17 PM

3:17 pm

C Q.

Aurora Borealis

Appeared this morning up until 5:00 a.m.

Many older face book friends may recall that 4-5 years ago, I had waited in vein for my portal to open.

It had been identified as the physical representation of the Aurora Borealis 7 years ago while at Tom Trumans Loft and with Marina Burini but it was represented by a Restaurant.

It was at the tail end of my stay there when I had completed everything on a Wood- table in which both witnessed a remarkable thing take place on that table-

A Message.

First Contact with two others present which they could not deny what they saw that day…

But as all that is off this play on human doubt of perception in which you must be certain in the face of a script which celebrates Uncertainty.

2011 was the date 6-7 years ago and 5-4.

There was no uncertainty on my part till this day just a betrayal.

And though one can not be Betrayed as Axel Love pointed out I am Full – there was a reason that word came into Existence and this Script is it.

3:30 pm


So you know who did..

Yoruba Igbo even O I Nri

N G. As Nigeria and Pangea


As you may be aware we have already proven the alignment of the physical world comes from the E line represented by myself as Emeka Kolo

Aurora Borealis


Laker Brenda Aaroyal L B A

Lisa Natalie Johnson



Sacred Portal 147 A B

Brenda Alejandro Lisa Lilian

F. L L A B. F I L L. A B. F E. L L A B

Flor Elena

B A L L. E F

Add R R. Richard Reginald

L B A R.


Rob Barr. Code 56 Met

Dawn Marie code 56

Aurora means Dawn Morning Light M D L

It is named after the Mythical Roman Goddess of Dawn.

Sunrise whose tears turned into morning dew

( yeah they made me play a Goddess and God to transform those who actually believed that they were Gods and Goddesses and two who assumed their head)

It became a popular name after

Charles Perrault C P wrote the Fairy Tale

Its an Electrical Phenomenon E P

Produces Green Reddish Light and Violet Blue Orange.

Electrons colliding with Earths Upper Atmosphere according to Human Science which is based on the Physical.

North Pole. N P

South Pole. S P

Borealis means Personification of the North Wind


Nicholas Wittingham N W. Bed 4-008 and I sat in the same table- a place he knows I usually sit.

And the code of I am Full by Axel

Anderson he posted Yesterday

You will recall that after returning to New York in 2005, from Augusta Georgia.. I had met Axel Anderson at the Bean Cafe.

I had completed the everything at 33rd Street at Michelle’s Apt ( from the Earth Elf World) who is from Michigan and was at Michigan

And Geoff Lacour Cielo from the Sky had come and told Your Brothers have Betrayed you

That was 12 yrs ago,

I knew it when after that I had been sent to Augusta Georgia by the Ghost of my late Uncle Lord Charles whose moved through a man begging me to go to Augusta Georgia to help his kids-

Who then betrayed me after each getting into Ivy League schools.

It was all a Lie, I knew but saw no recourse.

He wished me to help my mothers sister his younger sister Aunt Caroline.. Who literally had a seemed possessed- She was.

I could not doubt what my rational mind had seem and my super Intelligent Aunt Iseaha had come down from the states to prove not true but could not.

4:03 pm

I knew who it was, the Betrayal of Blood Lines- Earth.

4:04 pm

You will notice that I am going into detail despite saying that I leave this Putrid script today.

The date 2011 when this portal was again meant to open links to Lisa giving me the intel 20 yesterday

Enough to buy American Spirits and some decent food which enabled me to observe the play last night.

56 is 11

11 represents K Kolo. But also 1 1

In this perverted Script it was played out as The Evil Twins

Not sacred portal 11 a perversion of it by Yoruba Igbo even Oinri betrayal

33 USD.

Cyprian Dean Patrick

Not them but the were used

By N G. Nigeria usurping I E

Sacred portal 147

Brothers Betratal

They were not my brothers

We were in a pre set up script and no brother leaves his brother in the Shelter or on the streets fighting Existential Death

Nga Sydney

Nenad M. Djurdjevic

But I am Existential Death now

And so the two who qualify for that were revealed last night when I got back.

Two Security Guards whom I had noted for what they represent at Delta Manor.


Hill and Anderson

H A.

Even then I knew it was the Script of Evil and Hell.. Okwu Mmuo

They as everyone had caught my attention and were given grace

But yesterday I saw in a set up

That it was they who represented the Abomination as Woman

Cruelty Wickedness

Malice Malevolence

Vindictiveness Viciousness

Hatred Spite

And indeed, that is what I felt for these two female Castrati Bullies who thought my politeness was that I could not see.

I was fully aware of them but was concerned with focusing on the Script for the last 9 months

And knew that they would manifest their own part.

But what made my blood boil was that the portal out of the Hell of Nature had been assigned to these two who had allowed themselves such an abuse of power as to let these Dopplegangers of Evil as Wickedness Deception. W D

Not W E D. Or D E W , to be possessed by that Evil which deservers the Existential Death in its worst aspect on them and that that is what I felt rise in me for them

And then for the use of Power by Kelsey and Bey the Directors of D M to refuse to work to get me my passport out of petty spite that I provide an address as to where I am going first

( having changed her mind after my Confidence and way of Being irked them)

I knew it was the play

K B. Cassandra

Hill Anderson


Yes Kathleen Beard

Bilal Khan correct code


Andy Holton A H

Andrese Harris Burton A H B


I began this post at 2:55 pm


But my computer crashed

So I knew it was better to use my

33 Monthly Bill Phone

Dealing with the N G and Pangea Past as Physical Nature myself

Hill Anderson.

H A is Sacred Portal 81


So it is with great pleasure that I pause today to enact out that which I have finally regained, which is my power to bring Existential Death – Hate. By Eternal Hatred for that which these Two

20 11. Represent

At Delta Manor and in the World

And that which dare usurp Brenda and Lisa as the Dopplegangers

Yvette Brenda

Brenda Elizabeth E

B Y.


To manifest the encoding

And if the people used as portals for this awful abomination are attached let them incarnate the same destination

Eternal Hell Fire and Draining of the body and Being

The same Evil done to Venus Williams with what is called Sjogrens Syndrome which is really Succubus Vampires

Witches which in Africa ppl still identify as those who suck on peoples lifes force.

Yes, I am fully aware it is a Story but made real by the power of the Dark Arts

( yes the Spy in the Room with Donald Trump Jnr when he met the Russian Woman…

Dark Arts)

Harry Potter

Chambers of Secrets

Death Eaters are Life Eaters

And in this story they became real

See Albert Santana and the Succubus

How does it manifest as real

I have answered that so many times

But yes, it is by accessing the Force meant to bring the End of All Evil

Existential Death

Who is now. I E

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