
3:14 pm. – C.N. – The second pos

3:14 pm.


The second posting, the last one vanished.


The time code was 2:09 pm.


I just made my coffee, before I began posting,
I noted that the microwave oven I stopped is now at 29.

The thing about these interruptions and meddling by the so-called “Unseen Forces”, is that it no longer frustrates me, but simply is a ploy to waste my time, and things I schedule to do, I am delayed from doing, all to buy more time.

B.I. is Being of Infinity.
B.I is 29 years ago, First Light.
Light Fantastic which I experienced in Dec.1992.
So that is 29.2+ years ago.

Date 3-4-2022.


The Eversource Electric Bill arrived.

512.74 USD.

E.L G.D.

E.L is 17. 8.
G.D is 11.

Hence 8-11.
Hells Kitchen

Kim Hinds.
Kamora Herrington.

512- 8. 74 is 11.

Burger King 6.74 USD.

EL means God in Hebrew.

E.L = 17 Q-H./ H.Q.
8 is H as well as I. Infinity


E Lucifer= 8.Harmony. Infinity.

47 = 11 28
74 = 11 28.

I was born at 8 pm 11 28.
8-1 28.
8-2 -10.
8- 21 O Days

I am currently at 3758 Facebook Friends.
C- 75 8. That is the World Planet. 7 Continents and 5 Oceans ( 4 in 1) in Harmony.

Sacred Portal 37 & 58.
Total Numeric sequence ADD= 23.

Sacred Portal 23.O Full Circle.

C.G… ( GOD) E.H. Emeka’s Harmony. E.I. Infinite.
Elegant Imagery
in numbers 58 and 59.

It is easy to read the Caveat placed an imposed on my going home, being not until A.LL. A.N-E Awakened.

Allan means *”The name Allan is a boy’s name of Irish origin meaning “handsome, cheerful”.

Handsome Cheerful H.C.

*”In Celtic Baby Names the meaning of the name Allan is: Harmony, stone, or noble. Also fair, handsome. Originally a saint’s name,”

Harmony Stone. H.S. Hand Sanitizer.
Noble, Fair, Handsome. N.F.H.

*”Jan 21, 2022 — Allan means “rock” (from Irish “ail”) or “little rock” (from Irish “ailín”), but as well “handsome” or “beautiful” (from Irish “álainn” or …”

Rock. Little Rock. R-R.L.
Handsome. Beautiful H.B.

Harmonious Being

Harmony Beauty.

Harmony Beautiful.

H.B. 2 8.

I have always been aware that my body was being used as the new program of the hue-man body.

And since there is no such thing as a Human Being, only a Harmonious Being, ( H.B) I was made aware that I had been sent into Non-Existence, Zero to climb out of the Nothing as Zero,
N.Z 67 67 46 B, stripped of all my True Nature of Being and set up in non-existence to use your own ideas of being, to move through 64 Portal and the extra 2,as Hindsight, to find and recogize The Chosen Ones, in a pre-determined script to find the chosen ones in Nnamdi Okolo’s script, Nnamdi Kolo and through a resolution of the conflict of those Chosen Ones, selected by the One True God, to complete his expression, of which all the chosen ones who had memories of their roles, as Children to Youth, simply chose to forget their mission and that they were meant to be ready and prepared when I was sent to them.

Instead of their being ready, I had to battle every step of the way for them to remember and then take responsibility, for each was a representative of the Jigsaw puzzle of the Cosmic Body, and the Cosmic Egg. C.B, C.E.

One may ask oneself, horrified at such an idea and script created for any being, undercover as a Human Being, to walk and navigate, but the ideas came from you, humans, “Human?”
No, Harmonious Beings, but I found none, all had abandoned their Sacred Mission and became reliant on the 3.D Non-Existence mission.
And so my mission became a war, a battle of which I had to use Expression with each and code everything on first Journals, then E-Mails and then Facebook, of the resolution of the non-existence conflict in your- their lives in front of you, until reaching Arden Gemino, and then Aurelia Gemino in which no great work was required because they had not forgotten as all the so-called Adults, masking as Grown ups did.
And through that experience of the forgetting, and the Battles and Fights while caged contained in this world and a script that had become Hells Kitchen.
I.K I had to Prove Harmony.
Each portal of the 64 placed in 20.11 years, I had noted that I could not leave the venue no matter what I did, only by resolving the reason I was sent to each venue, Person Place and resolved the Thing, and the reason I was sent there, was I allowed to leave, but each time instead of going home, I was sent to the next place, and each time the same forgetting, the same battle, and the play which was about Evolution Awakening transformed to the story of the Black Panther and Rage. Death Destruction Devastation and Annihilation and seeking the cause and the one frequency which blacked locked the gate, the doorway out back into the Light Fantastic, Feelings Sensational.
The closer I got to the end completion the more my body became unmanageable, taking away mobility, my teeth, always negating, taking away, while I was gaining my original Blue Print distributed by all The Chosen Ones.

At 900 South Road, I attained my 64th Portal at the last instant, and 64 as you know is the Square Root of 8.
Arden Gemino was 16, I was the coded age of 51 / 15 letter O. AE.
51 is E.A/ A.E.
O and yes, see the photo of Arden age 9. code A.S. O.8 was written on shed in the background where the photo was taken.
It was meant to be done.
Perfect Symmetry and we were in Harmony as well as with Aurelia.
And Ferrill but not with Liberty C and definitely not with Thomas Lang, nor with Leander Gemino, but it was present in him but he was battling with his truth and being a man and a boy of which Anger and Superiority, Need all illusions, he had picked up from the “Adults”, none of which were of his true nature.

4:35 pm.


I have had enough speaking, posting this.

It’s all the same thing, Nature Meddled and Nature Man.

4:36 pm.

4- 360 degrees.

As Woman evolving-

4:37 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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