
3:05 pm. – C-O.E – 8-19-1-5, – H-

3:05 pm.





What really can I say to you today about the play script.

For you, it is business as usual, nor do I blame you for getting on with your life’s, but I do hold you responsible for not paying attention to this script, posted on my page.
It’s been 9.8 years that I have been posting, so there is no excuse for not paying attention to it, or following the script, but that you must remember is and was your choice.
It’s the gift of Free will and choice.

I personally, am quietly reeling from, what I have experienced, in making that which has been Invisible to you, Visible so that you could see what is happening in your world and what is in store.

I am reeling from what was done to me personally to walk through it.
You are not here, you are gradually awakening to the Cause and Effect of your existence here in the world, your lives, and that there is an End and a transformation.

I am aware, that without compassion, empathy, and curiosity that imagination, that you can not even begin to glimpse at the truth of my experience, and what was done to bring you this 9.8 Years of a battle, which was with your Thoughts, Lies of Omission, and what it cost to bring you the truth, so you could look into the mirror at your reflection, so you could choose to change your ways of Being and align to a frequency and wave.

All of you, every single one of you has an EM Field around you, which emits a frequency, which affects others either positively as positive energy which Positive energy is defined and confirmed by the True Script as being able to Bring Light, clarity to others, and that which creates Non-Existence and opens up and leads you to a black hole by using negation.

The entire Universe, the entire Creation is made of Light, Positive Energy, you know this, it’s now basic science, so to negate that which is Light which comes from Expression means you are creating and creating your own path into non-existence.
Because everything in creation is made of Expression which brought Light, and to Negate that light, be it in your selves, in others, in your society, families bring that inevitable black hole forming.

There is an image I shared from a recent Facebook friend who arrived with 14 others or was it 15, to bring us at last from 1773 Facebook Friends to 1782 where I m now, he was walking one moment in the rain, and the next, he stepped into a puddle and vanished just like that.
For some reason that haunted me. one moment you’re going about your business, and the next something camouflaged as something ordinary reveals itself to be your destiny sending you out of existence.

I do understand why the Invisible had to be made Visible, but we do have a sixth sense, and we can avoid the malice of the Invisible if we simply paid attention to the signs.

I am like that guy who stepped into the puddle and then vanished, but perhaps I am that young man who became invisible and perhaps I did die at least here in this reality but I went on a jouney through the sewers of human thought and the invisible for 29 years, I had walked like that young man, into what was before me this Light Fantastic of Feelins Sensational but as I was about to step through instead I steeped in a “Puddle of Dark Matter Energy- Water like Oil and Feaces, and I walked through it in wonder, and absolute horror, knowing that this was not real, and yet it was so real because it led me to the ultimate nightmare- that which was impossible to me personally, only to fight my way through it labrously day and night, decoding, attacked my monsters and demons which had no right to be that real, and using my X ray vision, seeing the truth of each and then fighting to reveal the Beautiful Truth of each step of the way, as well as the darkness and malice.
It took me a while to realize that the hole I had steeped into was what was once the tunnel of Love.
I was in a coma, because I knew the true tunnel of love, I knew that I was not dreaming because I was and am, awake.
And yet everything had been transformed it the full scope of horror of Human Existence through time, shamans, priests, witch doctors, Medical Doctors, all the cruelty, evil malice, hate of a Human existence.. I realized that I was behind the scenes, viewing and interacting with the cause and effect of your bad ideas, veiled expression of intent, and when I looked to the stage, not behind the scenes, I saw you.
I was walking through what eons of unchecked cause and effect, efforts of the ones who are fighting to stay true, swallowed up by the Dark Mass- as if the Tunnel of Love had transformed into the most Malicious serpent and all of Humanity were in the belly of the great beast, a serpent and servant of existential Hate.
Behind the scenes I traveled through it, it seemed endless, and on the other side, I met people, was able to see the world people.
It was just like the Matrix.
Is this the K as 11? Two realms they tried to tell me was duality, and yet I could see even in that horror some call the Spirit world, the direct link between the abominations monsters I was encountering in the Spirit realm of thoughts manifested and what I was experiencing with the world and people on the stage called Life.
There was no duality, love, and hate, there was just Hate, and the pitch-black darkness, the poison, and venom, the Goo which attached itself to my body and sought to infect me, while outside in front on stage with the audience they attacked my Being.
And as I made my way forward a bit like your Merlin and Gandalph ( G.M) and yes Harry Potter, I did scream out at the sheer horror of it all.
‘What have you done!?”
And to the audience, actors who forgot they were actors, avatars I cried out “What have you done to yourselves, your true selves!?”

The response was mainly mockery and a desire to consume what you called my light.
But more than anything, I called out to Universe and Existence, the very building blocks of the Body and Being- Harmony, Harmonics in a quiet whisper, “what have you done?”

I have long since, stopped trying to relay the truth of my experience in the belly of the beast, or how the truth of my walking through the most terrible dream- a Nightmare of the cause and effect of your actions as this notion of Individuals and a Collective and the battle to transform it back to Light.
How I became the Black Panther melding, merging into one with the darkness pitch black of this great beast, at best it was a story which entertained you, a story of Energy, that potential in you already attained in you as Light Energy, and that this was merely the process of you as that initial Light which in fear, hatred, anger at life, God you had transformed into this horror, a road to the End of all things.
I was having a hard enough time, having to correct a script of evolution and the end of the human story, of the End back to its original intention and meaning but each day, afternoon and night as I moved through the front of the stage, you, the audience, I had no doubt by the things happening to my body, the will seeking to swallow my being and negate entirely my existence that it was all true, real, not a Dream.
Each night, each day I woke up exhausted by my travels, and the understanding of its meaning, you on the streets, and homes I was made to pass through confirmed it.
It was real, it was happening but was it a Fact? Was it the truth, the beautiful truth of Darkness to Blue-black and finally to Light – Blue?

No, it was not, but the power, the power to harness such Hatred, the position created by your expression at which the absolute refusal to step up and take responsibility was astonishing, a nightmare right to here with no one stepping up to say, Oh I took you Vape from your room or found it on the floor, oh I took your red lighter… Of course, you see this is inconsequential, petty at most, despite being aware that this script has been confirmed over and over again as “The Story of Color” all wavelengths, all portals of frequency waves.

What was a little thing, was negated and ignored, even basic courtesy.
Oh, it was in Harmony, it was all part of a play, and so the actors continue doing it their way, doable to take the cues, and rebel.

4:26 pm.

There is something fundamentally wrong with what has become the human race.
I walked through the Great Serpent, actually, the Large Intestine L.I, the Long Island and finally reached the Anus Hole, and the Mouth Hole, to the One Ring which on completion as Perfect Symmetry breaks the bond of the Vicious Cycle- circle exploding the symbol O as Perfection, into the truth of everything, “Lucy” the movie by Luc Besson- L B. Light Blue, transforming, at last, the Story which contained all the symbols and representations corrected and at last moved back into true meaning, Every Thing. E T. Every Where. Every One.

E.T/ T.E
E W. / W.E. * Chief White Eagle.

E O. / E O.

In the end, it all became about Ego, Self Projections you created like a Shadow on a cave wall, that your imagination brought to Life, and your constantly feeding it with your fears, anxieties worries, and blaming others for it.

It all boiled down to money.
that was energy.

Not the root cause as your Expression to others, or your inability to see them, or the effect your words had on them, that in expressing to them while living in your Ego’s, your self projections, that absolute disregard for the people you address, of seeing only yourselves and not the effect you words hand on them, and the arrogance and conceit of when aware, or made aware of it, that they were nothing but support cast sent to evaluate and elevate you.

Negation- Narcsisim, Ego that is all I have witnessed in front of the stage and behind the scenes, The Thoughts the Intent and the cause and effect.

Why would the Vape, I hardly use, and from Jae Sherman, a gift she had no use for but which she thought about would ease my muscles pain, be the star of the play and connect to the film Across the Universe, MR K and his Tricks?
Arden called me M.R.E, so who is MR K.
The K- 11 two represented in this play via the script as Kim Arthur Hinds Jr and Alexa Vertefuille.
K/A 11 1

Kolo is Circle Round linked as I have just elaborated and expanded upon through this post, that there was never 11 as in duality or parallel Universes, Inside and Outside as Kim and Liberty who I heard a voice whisper in my ear, and for Kim, he within.
That there is only the O as Perfection and that O had a center Point and from it was the Origin of the Light Fantastic which which had been the Original Light Fantastic which all that it eternally True had emerged from and now at 8 as Harmony I. Infinity it merges back to Origins with something added.
Was it 14 or 15 people which took to finally settle on 9 to reach 1782 Friends?

What was so important about the K as KOLO= 53 the Last Name?
First and Last.
F L merging to A L F.L?

Why was I missing my Little Red Lighter, which cost but a dollar so important and the Vape with a K marked on it?

And most importantly why is it I, who have nothing to do with this play, and has done the work for 29 years, and again by tomorrow 20.5 years made to answer the question, obviously set up for you to respond to.
After all, it is you who are linked to the Alien Council behind the scenes and in front of The Stage.

Vietnam was the basis of the film Across The Universe.

4:59 pm.

War but I am R.AW. L AW.

Vape K.
Light Blue lighter… so we will cause you to lose your second little red lighter we moved the man at the bodega to give you twice.

Who, what made this my responsibility when it is you who gains?

5;03 pm.

Or was it 5O 3 563

I already know the answers, but I do not choose or wish to explain.

I have reached the Head of the great beast, serpent. From Mouth as Expression to Anus Release, my body is still not centered it pulls to the right, is that to say I am right?

This is true, a story, a true story, of which the actual truth with evidence and proof, I am not allowed to share, recount to you, my experience of it, because somehow, it has been made all about you and your ego’s and not your power to use Logic Reason, then Center your self based on the Facts and then Discern and make a decision.

5:09 am.

Tomorrow you get Covid 19, or EEE Nile Virus, and all your Ego Projections, all your selfishness based on insecurities and Greed, fade away when Life I threatened and slowly taken from you.

In this story, I played Life who rises from Death, not even the confirmation that I am the source can move you to respect Life or even Death, just this Non Existence of Need Greed and Ego- holding on to your self created projections and the twisting of my words, meaning to suit your view and the idea of yourselves.
Nothing impresses you enough, indents in you The Truth enough for it to be retained in you each day, instead you compare yourself to The Source, see yourselves as Equal and that you can do what I was forced to do and live?

There is no anger or rage in my expression and certainly not today.
I am just telling the truth, and if you looked in the mirror or through the window, you would know and recognize that everything I have posted is true.

I do not care how you see, read, or chose to be, I would never have been here, on Facebook, sharing knowledge you really did not ask me to share.

5:20 pm.

I am calling to your attention, that something is terribly wrong with this play, I understand it and I know what happened, but the reality is that I was cast in the role of The Source, and see how I live and see how I am treated- It is Negation is it not

5:22 pm
E V.

By the ones behind the scenes and the ones in front.
Inside and Outside, don’t you agree?

Respect is Devotion, a Natural Devotion to the Light Bringer, not to ones’ Gain and Ego or value based on Praise.

Respect is actually Loves Consciousness, Respect.
C R.

5:26 pm.


There is non of that, here and definitely not awe, especially if I am continually compelled to bring this to your attention, remind you through posting, that which is done naturally, if you are truly aware and See and are Conscious of me, as I have bee conscious of each of you, even to the remembering the details of your life stories you told me, and all the characters, as well as your hopes and dreams.

I am not offended by your lack of reciprocation, or how the script was designed to send me little pieces of money to ensure my survival so I could do my work in coding you, or your silence omission to mention these gaping holes.

5:33 pm.

But when this script talks about Perfection
Conscious Expression
Perfect Symmetry and who qualifies as the New E Family, you can understand my quietly scratching my head and wondering who wrote this script,
it makes absolutely no sense to me, I just transform and align to that which makes sense Perfect Symmetry.
And that no matter what it has cost me, I am Honest with you, and simply have to tell you the truth, that it is all a lie, for only by Being and Doing, yourselves naturally does one rise to E. Family.
And then to I.

So yes, I follow the script and act my part and translate it and say my lines on cue, but if I am actually the Source, The Creator as I can see that even this script admits. how can you negate him, me to the point that there is no respect and that my Feeling, my voice, expression do not exist?

Logic and Reason Solid.O.N

It simply makes no sense, even in a High School Play.

5:42 pm.

That is why I keep saying No to this play theater and script.

Its does not make sense and Life and Death, even here, in this realm of non-existence, your whole reality is based on making sense of things, and yet a man has proven Harmony through Reason and Logic Solid full circle naturally Expressed through terrible tension and stress, and there is no response, but a need for more expression as I sit here with this “broken” body coding explaining for you.

Its all Negation can’t you see?

There is no one acknowledging my Existence, there were some before on Facebook but even they left, or transformed when they saw no great change.

I have been Negated by all but by one Rep of Beautiful Youth, and even then he was attacked so he had to keep inside.

I am not being dramatic, but rather using Reason Logic and Common sense, A Man who is acknowledged by the most horrendous script but not by you as The Source The Creator. A man

– proven in your corrupted language, lives in such conditions and that is your responsibility- response.

6:00 pm.

Let’s be honest,
It is Total and Absolute Negation of both Man and Eternal Law and Eternal Truth.

I can be honest with myself, and so should you, how do you recognize the source, the creator in this realm of which is meant to be defined by reason, logic logos, common sense… It would be in the ability to answer all questions in before your very eyes Universe Cosmos, even in you replies Aye.

Perhaps, you can see my point of view.

Perhaps Jae Sherman is the most honest of all since she has made it clear in her actions and expressions transparently.

But there is one hiccup,
I am The Source, I am the Creator, and every single one of your true selves, Inside and Outside have responded, it’s only you present who have Denied and Negated and simply sucked and drained my positive expression and its value and its worth by your idea of Fair Exchange and an Evil Beyond Evil universe you have created were everywhere even in you it has responded to me, my expression even Non-Existence and the Dead.

6:12 pm

I know how one who knows response, Jeron Satya showed me when he was a babe, and see the eyes of trust of Arden, and then Aurelia, Ferril.

I know when some one knows, and I know when someone knows and with free will chooses to deny and negate the accomplishment and energy and expression of anyone, it is the way you interact with each other.. but to Negate this accomplishment, this personage, man creator, whatever title you wish to give, it does not reall matter, it is the Being and Doing, Doing and Being that really matters and the result, a man has proven Perfect Symmtey in the biggest things to the smallest and little things.

That is really enough for Respect and Acknowledgment by the world people and a life with wealth and independence for his contribution to the Evolution of the world’s people and everything in which they now have clear sight to make a choice.

And so I am aware of your choice.


6:21 pm

I make sense, do I not?
In Perfect Symmtery

6:22 pm


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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