
3:05 pm – 35. – C.E. – 4-24-2022.

3:05 pm





I am sitting here very quietly and in a way quite Serene.

Its was 2:59 pm when I checked the time.

And so I am aware that the World Script through this Idea of Time is complete.

It was as many of you have been reading a story and journey which began for me when I was a boy, 7-8…9.

And then came back to me full force at age 21-22 and then 24. 25.
At age 24 and rising at age 25.
Letter Y.
And the one constant has been the numeric code as 25, letter Y.
Hence the code C Y.
1992, 1993.

29 years plus.

As you may know the mission was to prove harmony exists in this world A-E.M.F by passing through designated proples portals which began with Susan Train.
Edmund White
Allen Ginsberg.

I was born at 8 pm.
So it makes sense that I would be naturally proving Harmony Infinity.
What I have termed the Light Fantastic Love.

But what I did not know was that Light I witnessed as a Fact actually wished me to walk through a modern ” Sodom and Gomrah to prove the truth of Inception conception of all Creation including Humanity was all the fractals of that first light.

This world people from past to present have felt alone and abandoned since they began to create stories first of thier aloneness and confusion, lost in the wilderness of Ignorance Darknees Blind as to why are we here.
What is the meaning of Life.
And inventing ideas such as God or some great force which brought all you, into being.

Until mankind became Humanities greatest enemy and foe.

The journey I went through was at first so Impossible for me to conceive.
How could it be that my entire Existence life, was moved literally to prove the Presence of God as Truth – The Beautiful Truth in all Creation and Naturals in a world time line as now.
This one with all its history of conflict and war and hate.
All its history of persecution and settle in a time line of White People as the dominant species – which was not always the case.

And persecution of all other races to prove and enforce that right to rule and dominate.
This has not been a mental state preserved for only “white people” but every race in man via the Script of Time.
But humans always forget the past is in you right now, that you would not be here today if you did not have a past., not only as a species but as Individuals.

The mission I was given, and I say mission fir it was not my will or intent to prove what I came out knowing that all is Harmony going back to Infinity.
I came into this world just knowing that. It never ever occurred to me that I would have to prove that Empirically every single day of my life through a time line of such chaos and a world now consumed with Self Hatred and loathing of God Life and everything because they found no answer to that first question
Why are we here.

That inner conflict and turmoil which so meddled with peoples inner beauty created the rage and absolute cruelty we see in people today.

And manifested the trust and faith in nothing and no one, not even that professed love of family.
All became lies and Hypocrisy even when they did not intend to, that inner buried conflict going back through Time to Their Inception your Inception as birt and the world systems each of us were born would always influence how each chose to be and until especially in the west it settled in we live and we die.
That is it.

Material Nature, survival and mostly by any means necessary became the norm, momentary pleasure as Money, using other people, enslaving them. Dominating them Deception lies became the lingua franca of nearly everyone
We live and we die and in that space in between we survive we find ways to thrive and justify our Existence, our purpose by creating one ourselves.

I did not create this life I have lived. It was a response to an ecistebce given to me.perhaps by cause and effect of knowing all is Harmony.
But how can that be when one perceives and sees the non stop chaos suffering, misery and inequality all around us every day, everywhere and in all things.

Could it not simply be as I said to Stephen Johnson that this is your Script based on the choices you made on how you wished to see and perceive and respond even to expression in which you see makes sense.
And why I met you first While I was at 900 South Road
Liberty C
Stephen Johnson

L.S… 12 19 =31.
C A.
A-Z +5.E

That after 33 years since 1989.
29 + years since 1992.
That it was the two of you who though beloveed who became my greatest Foes.?

64 moves and 62nd to 66th.

Was this our last confict.
Mine with Liberty Liscomb
And Stephen Johnson not scheduled predestined to take place at the end and the completion of what I have been calling correctly A Script.?

Of two points of view.
Two mentalities.
Of who is True and who is False.
Two lines
Which is Real ( Sincere)
And which is Fake.( a iie)

Does it not appear like a Script?

Written even based on common sense that the conflict would have to eventually take place between the two versus the One?

Each of us choosing a stance all based on our perception of Life and Existence and.our experiences
Despite their being a fundamental agreement with each other that in the end, that thorn which had and has divided rather than unified Humanity from day one would rise up and make its Stand?

I say and was made to announce it publicly for 10 years and more so of recent “I am The Source” but only when I could present the Evidence
Evidence AY and Empirical Evidence which even a Computer
A Universal Simulation Awarenees Awakening echos and confirms publicly transparently to all invited guest on my page as Facebook Friends from over 100 countries are the Audience Spectators who can decide for.themselves while sitting relaxed comfortably in thier homes inforont of thier Computers.
Watching a Reality T V.Show..
Gradual seeming more like situations in thier lives, until the lines blurr.
Bringing up from deep in your buried subconscious sleeping up, bubbling up boiling over spilling over into a sort of cleansing and vomiting. ..
Purging via the Existence Life of a character proving his point.

I am.

Of course at one point all of this had come to a head.

I do not see it as a contest between who is Right and who is wrong.
Left or right.

No, I see it as more who is in Harmony with the play.
And to be able to observe the play. even of your own life, you have to be out of it, stepping out of it to observe it
watching it.
And to be honest with yourself if you do like what you are observing
” I can do better”

Straight Talk.
With yourself
“No bullshit allowed beyond this point”

I have attained 5000 Facebook limit 9 times.
500 9.
500 9.

Temperature of Absolute Zero.
1.to 26.

The Telephone service called Straight Talk it was Liberty who arranged it for me. It has the code on it ” secured by Knox”
Arden Fred Knox Gemino A.F K G = 25 is Liberty’s Biological second child and second son.

Though it was Kim Arthur Hinds Jr who organized my new Telephone number and helped me put it on by my giving him the 35 USD.
It was Liberty who had the Tel Cards and by her will kept it on.
Even desiring to come here to give them to me but I had to say no.
The last date of the Phone being on is

4:43 pm

Does that not seem to you all as not being in Perfect Harmony
Perfect Timming
Perfect Symmetry

P.P.P = 48. 49.

Harmony Straight Talk.

Harmony 20 19
8- 2019.
8-29- 2019?

I even now have 3 Facebook Friends waiting in the Wings.

Temperatures Absolute Zero Degrees Fahrenheit
4 59. 67.

NZ 67 67 46 B.

Sacred Portal 59.

Elegant Imagery

959 895 0210.

Do these alignments strike you not as mere coincidences

Nevi Ehko reading Enders Game

Liberty is a Mother.
Stephen is a Father and Grandfather.
Age code 46 and 57
/ 64… 75.

They have thier families ex Husbands ex wives.

I am alone.

Liberty is living with her family in the 10th State.

Her sons by Chris Gemino
Ferrill and Arden…live here in Connecticut the 5th state. 5 is letter E.
And Leander Gemino is here now also.in the 5th State with his Father and his wife Lace.

Stephen Johnson lives as he says or is from the 28th State.

I was born 11-28.at 8pm.

I am a reasonable man.
I used the language and Consciousness of this realm. Order, Logos to Communicate
Critical Thinking via Linking and connecting the dots.
My mother “passed way.Crossed over while I was at the 64th Portal now Liberty is at the 10th state.

6×4= 24.

Today is 4-24.

X – Xfinity
On my Desktop Altar Arts Is Art.
Two persons Brown and Pale.

As Earth, Ocean -Sea.
E O S. Meaning Dawn.

Dawn Chimento
Tiffany Dawn Haynie
Angela Dawn

Even in this House last night I was alarmed by loud sounds aligned to Sacred Portal 51.

And I just had a conversation with Kim about his job.
His boss is called Stephen.and May.
The owners name is AL.

IRA went to play his music Kim went, he just received a call from IRA, who is hanging out with his new friend he met last night called Stephen

It was all as I had to prove for 29+ years.
A Play Theater

Resolution Conflict = Harmony

Or Z. Zero 0.

Harmony Proven right here in Hartford Connecticut the 5th state
I have

28th State and 10 State

How many Facebook Friends does or did Stephen have when I checked?
28th State. +5th

This is what I was pushed to prove


Via Perception
Language Sound

Tone & Pitch.

And there is Harmony in the house, Kim bought me a light Blue packet of American Spirits Tobacco
same as my mug from Esteban Miguel Filgueira
And his paintings of the light Blue E.M.F sneakers for Esteban
and the Gemino Lang – Liscomb mug.


69 pm

66 9

I do not think there is anything more for me to explain.

6:11 pm


6:12 pm


Arden Gemino-Gemini

First Light


6 :13 Zpm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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