
3:02 PM

3:02 pm.



Something strange is happening, I had another dream vision last night.

But it wasn’t a vision, it was a visitation.

It involved Esteban Miguel Filgueria, Durrek Verrett, and Myself.

And something which Durrek did to me 20 years ago while I was sleeping in a space where Krzystof Solek, and his then-fiance Lisa, in abid to cure his then condition.

But in the Flash or projection, it was Esteban who was in my position but he was wide awake, ( in actuality, I was asleep and he did not ask my permission)

It involved the Cock and taking a man’s essence.

I am not going to go into detail about it.

But I have always been aware that the sexual nature of what has been happening to me since I was a boy, and the constant effort to rape me again since I was a boy or move me to sexual intercourse with a male which though I am very open and free about these things, I have always enjoyed sexual congress with woman, and it took me until my late twenties to understand how men have intercourse with each other.

I had no clue, that such a thing was possible, until a teacher at St Martin’s, amazed at my ignorance insisted on setting me straight when I lived with him and another person called Mohammed, who I was furious at how he took advantage of this youth simply because he was living without papers in England.

He spitefully would put on Gay pornography, and for a while, I was fascinated by how it all worked.

In my case, I knew, that it was something deeper, and it was only here in the United States, when it became so intense, that I began to understand the nature of sex Magic, and the power generated in secret cults and societies by energy generated by A man and a Youth.

And so, I found myself understanding the truth and the perversion of the story of two men.

And since no one could force me into that action, or rape me, the molestation and rape would come through the Spirit realm to the point that I not only felt it but had to give in to it but only in the realm of the unseen realm when I was made to understand by the E Line that I had to defeat it by not being afraid.

I was forced into celibacy, which as the line of the SEX God of Creation was the ultimate nightmare for me- but I was told that I was being used to clean up that which had been done to sex, and also enduring the rage of woman, and all the children who had been abused.

I knew that my Essence was being used but by not being a victim of it, they could not take it and use it against me.

See my Sacred Portal 24.

It took me a long time to not feel dirty but never did I feel shame, just incredulity, and the quiet understanding that from Africa to America, past to present, the ancient to modern cultures were aware of the true creation story of Two men…

Man and his Beautiful youth, but it had been perverted to a point of which that it was unrecognizable.

I knew, that it was not about pleasure, but about taking one’s essence by force, using rape and violence, and fear of Innocence and Purity.

But they got it wrong, the penetration between a man and his youth has nothing to do with sexual or physical penetration.

That it began as an Etheral and then E-Spirit Penetration.

Why was Esteban used as the one demanding from me…. something which even as I watched the vision sent, I sort of scoffed.

That never happened, it was what was done to me in my sleep by another 20 years ago.

I knew and understood that I was being given the confirmation via my own Cee of what someone had done to me when I was asleep.

A play that was reminiscent of a similar situation with Richard the Norwegian.

I have always known, that someone had taken my Cock, Phallus Penis from me… yes the Osiris story. A story because I can assure you I have that third part still between my legs.

There is no such thing as gay Rainbow Pride in the E realm.

We are both male and female and we only have sexual congress with those who are of our line because not only are they are Selves, but they recall the origin of that sexual and sensual play which began with self and then Myself and My Youth, and then Two Males both of Male and female or masculine-feminine energy.



Memory Foam.

Many males of the high frequency those Avatar Descendants of that original true expression had that energy, which is attracted to energetic beauty could not fight it but would deny it vehemently in actuality.

Confused, terrified, etc by the way the world, and especially this idea of woman would respond with such rage spite, and vengeance, seeing it as a personal rejection to their power of feminity which they mistakenly felt resided in their vagina, breasts, and ability to be a vessel for the physical matter- produce babies.

I never had such a problem, I welcomes both energies and made no secret that I was attracted to both, and that the male came first.

WE do not have that idea of man and woman, just Persons.

Free Persons Individuals.

I could not interact of engaging the imposed celibacy, was yes difficult but not so much since I had experienced woman and it always ended up as a game of power and need… and this idea of rejection.

With the guys, it was so wearisome, the play of fear attraction and rejection, I knew that none of these was the way we enjoy Light and Sex.

L S.

Facebook Friend Larry Sax.

Yes, that is what caused the Big Orgasm which people here still refer to as the Big Bang.

it came from an explosion Above ( Third eye) which then was communicated below when the physical realm of creation was made manifest.

When I finally got up from the bed, my body loosening, I was aware of the fact that I had generated woman as Death in that Anamla Quayin to Quasharia Allah play.

recall what she had said, You and Kim are not meant to be here

were we waiting here because of the line of ben representing the Brown in Pale skin…

The Caucasian the white race who denied their origins and used it to their advantage?

Of course, we were, but people always forget, that even in my biological family, we and I had already found the original version of what became corrupted to become the term Moor.

Black Irish – Celts… it’s all over the Causain history- as well as the seed on superiority planted when the Aryan came to India and defeated the original peoples called the Brown peoples.

This story is all over human history.

Notice how Jesse Macias, Kim look alike and how John Mack is of that same linage, like Jeron ( who has not yet been corrupted by this silly infantile mentality of the diseased?)

I personally would have never indulged them, black or white superiority.

Or the fact that I was sent to be a bridge by the clean ancestors to bring the caucasian race back into the fold by noticing that the people i was being led to in this script in the next 5 countries where nearly all Caucasian and a few of mixed race.

I have lived black people… perhaps twice thrice tops

One an Alvin Ailey Dancer,

Maurice a writer in Harlem – but it was one of those experiences of sexual desire…just as it was from the moment I arrived in New York and my host Chuck and his girlfriend… smh.

to Todd, the person I chose to stay with…at Queen instead of Eric who i sensed had the same intention or desire.

And here with Kim at the end- where I do not feel that energy of sexual desire of confusion used since i can remember against me.

Arden… that was different, the desire was Self Love- and it was from the Eternal realm.

He is M.Y Beautiful Youth.

Suddenly my mind was shifted from Stephen Durrek play S D, to reflecting on the Play at how Stephen had been my Sponsor financing me since I left the Shelter ( and the quiet anger and resentment at the set up not at him at bay)

Then to Liberty and her giving me no money but buying Food which i often helped cook for the Family.

And how I had been set up, by his insults to cut from him and any monies he used to be really generous and clean with.

And to Liberty, and her genuine love for me, but which was tinged with this Female problem, and then the ultimate insult of being used to so abominably only so that that family could come back into harmony and with Thomas Lang.. and that play.

There was no way any many, any person with any dignity could accept anything from her after used in such a play.

Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against her and Thomas coming together…

But I was used in a manner right to her expecting her 6th child.

I have made my peace, with all this, and my leaving this realm.

I do not wish to stay, evolution awakening or not.

Not via being treated with such disdain by the Script and by this idea of Woman and this story of Adam and Eve.

really Emeka and Arden

E E = A

E E E= F.

Arden Fred Knox Gemino.

I am proud of him, or Aurelia, of the Gemino’s and of Kim.

And I have completed what I came to this world and this play to do,

My Nnamdi and Onuabuchi N O are no longer in this world.

I have no place in this realm nor was I welcomed.

I do not wish to stay.

After all, I have proven that this world is not real, all I have endured, and for 28 years, all I have ever wanted to do is go find my family and go home.

And I did not mind sharing my point of view of the Beautiful Truth, and my desire to share it with you.

But this went too far.

This insult to being Emeka Kolo and the truth of my even having to prove that I am The Source and the First Being.

First Man.

You have no idea, how much I have hidden what this has done to my Beautiful Pride.

And to be pushed to seek the solace of death, to leave my body over and over again for 28 years…

In such an unbelievable way, it brings forth the question if such a thing is possible, if such a thing can be done to one who told the truth, then why did existence Creation everything rise…?

if such a play can exist.

My beautiful pride in the truth of Existence moved me to get to the End to Complete this.

I have had years, decades to quietly meditate on this while fighting through this script.

So it was and is not a decision taken lightly, for truly without vanity, I have seen for myself that truly I am True Love, and have known this, as well as my true Identity for most of my life.

In the end, it was better than there was only E K.

Only me, my Self, and I.

My stance now is eternally and infinitely and now quietly No.

I have 3 new Facebook friends, the 3rd Soloman Maloma sent me a message, but I had to reply to him that I could not accept him as my Facebook Friend because he has reached the 5000 Facebook limit.

So instead of being at 15 33 Facebook friends I am at 15 32.

But yes, as I was thinking about Liberty, and the play in which I am proud of her Spirit, and will, I went to get some clothing from my Perry Ellis Earth Brown suitcase, a Gift from Jon and Donna at 18 Mountain View, it was basically empty, but within it appeared the rose quartz heart I had been absolutely sure, I had left at 29 Lincoln Street.

I just stated at it…

4:45 pm.

The heart in the center of the Earth planet?

I simply murmured quietly to myself This is magic at work

and simply continued cleaning the kitchen floor and doing the dishes.

I opened my page and saw Liberty’s presence, curious I saw she had liked a really cool picture of Kim and Serenity.

Stevan to Liberty.

S L. = 31.

Self Love…

Light Self…

S L.. 31

S L.. 31

1 62…A F B…= A H…=9 = I.


S F L.

Yes, Arden Ferrill Leander.

No, simply Emeka Arden

Sensational Feelings Light.

That is True Love.

Fawaz Wazzy. F W.

Gary Babcock Bob Cock. G B

*Solomon Maloma. S M.

F G W B 6 7 23 2. 13 25 M Y.

My Youth.



S M.

G S is God Spark.

S M… Sado Masochism meant to

Actually, the code is


S A M E.

Adding O E.. I E A E.. I Full Circle E A E.

Kim just presented me ( from his heart) 20 USD.

20 a week ago.

20 today.

2020 vision.

5:08 pm.

5-year-old Serenity leaves today after 3 Days 5 3.

She and the children will never be held hostage ever by the Ancestors in order for me to bring them home.

Yes, the age code is 67… I am 53.

E C…H.O… HF.

5:11 pm

E K.

As most of you may have realized each new Facebook friend is a personal message to me, from who?

My Self as Adam and E.V.E.

It comes through you, but it is a mirror from my Beautiful Youth, my Twin to be formed by my expression which moves you the Human Avatars to open your hearts from perhaps a moment, and thus via Holy Expression, to my Song and Songe ( Reflections contemplation) the message is E.C.H O E D back to me as The Elegant Nomad T E N and you as the N E T…SUM.

N E T C- C I S U M…

M U S I C T E N of the Elegant Nomad.

Jeron Satya… He Sings Satya.

* Satya (Sanskrit: ????; IAST: satya) is a Sanskrit word loosely translated as truth, essence. It also refers to a virtue in Indian religions, referring to being truthful in one’s thought, speech and action.

Meaning in my Truths Essence

T E ( Sacred Portal 10 is T E)

and yes the essence of the Body as Truth… already manifest.

it might be seen as Semen, but is actually the C-Men and it comes from the Bean Mitochondria DNA in the Cell which produces Energy in the Body.

and Being Everything Arden Needs ( that dude… what a beautiful ego.. chuckle smh)

Fawaz means

Fawaz (sometimes, Fawwaz or Fawez) is a male, Arabic given name. It can be translated to a person who wins, as it is the adjective from the verb (faz ???) meaning (had won). Therefore, it can be thought of as the equivalent to Victor or Victorious.

He has won, he who wins.

Victor Victorious.

The name Wazzy means,

Origin: Islamic/Muslim. Meaning of Wazzy. Find Family Tree.

it also means… Meaning of Wazzah. Wazzah is an Arabic name for boys that means “handsome”, “good-looking”. It also means “clear”, “manifest”, “visible”.

Find Family Tree… yes in Kim as E T. Extra Terrestrials.

Eternal Truth. 5 20 520… 25 25

1 50…

51. E A.

Handsome, Good Looking…

Clear Manifest and Visible.

H- G L…C M V.

Gary Babcock.

Gary – which is believed to be a name of Germanic origin meaning “spear” – was the 10th most chosen name in the US for three consecutive years from 1951

Yes Spear… S P.E A R… Earth Body Truth. Earth is the actual body, not this Planet.


P is 16… Perfection LA! Naturalness Eternal Truth.

P… Pose I, Don. Poise I Don.

Babcock has two origins of meaning.

Bob Cock.


O is A. B A B is a Full Circle.

but it is the latter meaning which is the one I chose as the more accurate, and I will explain in a moment why, to this play once more of the Unseen-Seen.

G L is Geoff Lacour who lives in St Barths.


I met him in 2004 and again in 2005.

at Cielo Night club which the promotor Michael James instigated our meeting.

And at 57 Street where I was living with Michelle Lobsinger and he stayed with us, as well as Johnny Larkin.

* yes Kims Mother Delois is Delois Larkin … yes Family Tree.

He was the one who wrote the book about me, telling me about the light he entered my body and saw, and how there was a sex demon planted in me, not mine.

G L = 7 12…+x 1984. 103 J C 13 M. Linked to yes Estebaban Stephen Miguel Filgueria-but also Kim.

He was with me, us at 33rd street when we moved.

He was with me at hells Kitchen – the only person who lived with me for some weeks when I was fighting that battle, he flew in from St Barts.

And was the one who Grandparents I recognized instantly and had invited me to St Barth’s but Geoff had said no, that I had two other missions left, including the destruction of the Church, despite my desperately wanting to go.

I knew him and had met him before the same physical at 25 Green Street Soho in the basement in a play with another called Shelly.

As well as the Portuguese version I met at St Lucien’s restaurant where he worked at e Bar and where I met an Avatar of Lord Charles who implored me to go one last time to Agusta Georgia where his children were without a Father.

His brothers name was is David.

Geoff David. G D. 74 11 28 39.

I stayed with him in his apartment at Sarah Lawrence

S L.

yes… SOL.

And Rob Barr, whom I met in 2002-2003 at the university place and who invited me to the MET in 2017 when I was at Delta Manor, also contacted me while I was at Sarah Lawrence with Geoff.

And I had worked with Geoff on his graduation project at Hunter College.

We Built Ceramic clay Serpents, which I suggested we photograph the twin Serpents, by placing them in the Tree.

The serpent idea was mine.. but since he is me, it was ours.

Bob Cock…. Bob comes from the name Robert, which means Famed Bright Shinning Of light.

( F B S O L…F 2 19 O L.. F L… 62 SOL)

The other meaning of Babcock

is from the name Barbara.

Barbara James was my girlfriend in boarding school, she was from another city Onisha where my mother went to school, she was wearing a leopard print outfit the day we met at a school dance, it was years later that I met up with Mary Jane in university. I never really chose Mary Jane, rather people on campus pleaded with me to help her because they thought she was mentally unstable because she was not of this world.

Barbara James is someone I actually chose. B J.

Aurelia B J Gemino.

J B/ B J.

Yes, she was.. is me as my mother line, My mother went to boarding school in Onitsha, which has the biggest market in West Africa.

Yes, Market Days… Eke Nkwo Orie Afor ( E – N O A…H)

Elemental Goddess linked to Eri. We Choose our King Gods KG

A F KG.= 25

6:04 pm.


64th Move.

*The Babcock family name is linked to the ancient Anglo-Saxon culture of Britain. Their name comes from the personal name Bartholomew. Bat(e) was a pet form of this personal name and when combined with ‘cock’ which was a common suffix for other names like Wilcox, Simcock and others became Batcock.

*Bartholomew is an English or Jewish given name that derives from the Aramaic name meaning son of Talmai. … Talmai either comes from telem furrow or is a Hebrew version of Ptolemy. Thus Bartholomew is either son of furrows (i.e., rich in land) or son of Ptolemy.

Meaning: son of Talmai

Language(s): Aramaic, Hebrew

Related names: Bart (diminutive), Barry, Barr, Yes Rob Barr

Yes George means Farmer

Yes, I have tilled the land and have a deep Furrow on my forehead which first appeared and stayed in 1986-1987.

But the Barbara Weeden play, Weed E N links to Mary Jane the name for Marijuana. sacred portal 34. and her seeing my expression as a Novel which could inspire people, though a beautiful expression was not aligned to the understanding of the E Line.

See the Barbara version of the meaning of Babcock B A B Full Circle. C O C K.

Solomon, we are already aware means Peace

Maloma means

A submission from the United Kingdom says the name Maloma means Gift of God and is of African American origin

Obviously, there is no peace here, but there is in me and Gift of God.

Peace is Harmony.

Perfect Harmony.

So perhaps this is why he is yet to become my Facebook friend 15 33 Kims Age Code and the code of Manifest Truth, which according to this Script. It is already Manifest and Visible.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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