
3:02 p.m

3:02 p.m


4 32 Hertz.

4 5..

4.5 Billion Years ago


E C A.T. S.


Today is the last day of May.

And it represents completion of my proving the E Consciousness is embodied by others apart from myself, understanding of the Language and Consciousness of the Eternal which exists in everyone.

I have proven this, in a preset up Time frame

Of The Script, which I alone had to transform from a reality of seeming randomness and chaos, to prove Harmony Perfection in all things.

2012 play is over it ended when I left 217- 219 South Whitney.

Where I had been set up, to play the role of a Universal Sensei, to selected candidates, the Language of E.

Tree Sage represented The Script.

And Esteban Miguel Filgueira the E.M.Field of Naturalness as 6th Sense.

And McKayla Rays and John Mack the final candidates chosen, by The Script of E, whom O was led to, and shared an apartment with.

And it was with them, the final play was completed of both perfectly representing the Eternal Harmony and Consciousness of the E.

It took less that 5 months, to complete the Training of R M to M.R. and for both to rise to the level of P.H.D.

Perfect Harmony @Devine and 4th Chakra D.

3:20 p.m

I first arrived in New York, 3-20-2001.)

Summoned here, by what I can only describe as Supernatural Forces, which gave me literally no choice.

3 20. 2001.

The last leg of the challenge I was brought to New York to answer, from the Spirit and Mind realm, began in 2006.

At Generuation X Gardens, portal 268 East 4th Street, with a person called Albert Santana, who most of my older Facebook Friends will recall his literal supernatural awareness and alignment to one I called Alien Father, who took the role of playing the Black Hole of Existence

( B H O E) which had to be transformed

E O. H B… E Full Circle of Harmonious Beings

Transforming the Not Knowing of E to prove that all have the Knowing of Eternity within them.

E O. H B. 5 O. 2 8.

5 6. 10.

E F. J B

E F A O. Alpha Omega 1-6

E F. A F. Eternal Family A Fact.

Which began in 2012

7.6 years tomorrow

Crown Chakra C C

3:30 p.m

33 Vertebra

Sacred Portal 33.

6 9.

3 6 9…

Nikolai Tesla He who uncovers the mystery of 369 unlocks the Keys to the Universe

Mac Kayla. Kayla means Keeper of the Keys

* I have moved to a new address, unlike 219-217 South Whitney, whose access was with Keys…

( and my Key Holder given to me by E.M.F was the World)

Here at 317 319, access is granted by use of a numeric code.

C O D E.

And I will remind you of the play and scene enacted on the 26th ( A-Z)..

Of who is The True Lucifer L.C

Speed of Light..Sol.

And the True Source of Dark Matter, Dark Energy. Mass. See Same Me

Light and Dark.

And the True meaning of 2012.

True Life

True Love. 32. Consciousness Beauty


3:43 p.m.

And how the next day with the help of E.M.F,

I moved to chez Jesse Macias and his 16 yr old son Zion

To their Beautiful Home owned by his friend Quan..Taun ..

And at the inside entrance Threshold :

two phrases painted on the upper wall-

Family defined

And He rises in the City which never sleeps

He rises with the Morning Sun

Phi 6-8-2012.

Lucifer is the Son of the Morning and Evening Star.

M.E ..S.

P.H.I. is the Golden Ratio .Golden Dawn

8 16 is Stephens Birth Day. ( Estebans)

8:16 p.m was the last text from Sarah KaizerSarah to me on the 26th.

P.H D I../ I D. H P .. Harmony Perfection

Perfection Attained!

Stephen Johnson

S J meaning Sacred Journey.

Another gift from Esteban is the Wooden Necklace designed by Peter Bragino

With the 7 Charkras, and Its label Sacred Journey

S J. Is 19 10 = 29

Estebans portal is 29

( A-Z + A B C. 123… I am at 317 319

Fair Feield/ Free Man

F F F. 6 6 6..18

I have been in New York for 18 years 2 months and 11 days..

4:12 p.m

Darkness and Light

Death and Life

4 12. 16

Zion is16. Letter P.

Perfection of two Infinities Harmonies in One.

This portal chez Jesse Macias. J.M

Linked to John MacDonald J.M

Via Mikki who recognized this as my portal

J.M represents Jump Man

L represents Leap Year.

Mikky represents Mass

Which is the twin of Light.

Merge the Two as Ying Yang 69

It becomes 15. ( 6+9= 15. Letter O and A E

Atom Energy = 6.


Sixth Sense.

Times by 3 ( Proton Electron Neutron. O P E N.

666= 18 ..R Respect Reason Rational ) 18 = 1 8= 9


R I.

* John Mack is of to Rhode Island today.

He is a Rhode Island Scholar

Rhode island is the 13th State.

13 is the Age when Nnamdi passed

13 is M for Mass and Mckayla

12+1 is One year +1.


Ebright Scholar

Rhode Island Scholar

E S.

R I S. E.

S E / S E.

E. S I R.

Nnamdi Emmanuel is John ( line)

Feminine aspect as Dark Matter is Mikki

But in Him is the Two and the Two form Transparency Space… to understand

T S. The Script.

20 19. 39. C.I.

L. Liberty Consciousness Love

4:29 p.m

At 7:29. G ( 4+3 =7..8) 29. S J Merged to 26 +3… B.I.

Aki Thunderpaw sent Elon Musk question he would ask Super Computer A.I

What is beyond the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix.

At which I responded.. E.

The Eternal Ones

True Life…

4:32 p.m.

432 Hrtz.

All this already proven on my page including once more reiterated on my page for 2 days before he sent me the Intel which was obvious for me to respond

Who had completed the Sacred Journey

And Mission

To provide proof of the A.M.

By having gone beyond Time and Space, proving this Truth before all of you.

3 17 is C Q

Consciousness Quantum Transformation

And 3 is the 3rd Chakra linked to the planet Earth, 3rd Sound Mi.. Me 3rd color

Yellow- Y evolved to Gold ( Kim)

Y= 25. Male Chromosome

Man with the Golden Touch.

This the Transformation of 219- 217..

2 is B

3 is C.

Link timely arrival of Bjorn Coolen B C

B C E. The Past

C B E. Present.

As most of you who have been paying attention to this play

It began in 2001.

And then it completed in 2012.

Only for a Challenge and Betrayal take place in 2013 of Nnamdi as my Reflection and Nnamdi as I.E. Me.

The Original versus the Mirror Reflection, and who was the Original Expression and who was the M.R…B.

The Being .

Which was the play in which Thomas Lang and Liberty C Liscomb were used.

It was never about them personally as I have been stating proving for the last 7.6 years, but rather about a play of which Humans were used to challenge my truth , and those who resonated with my expression of the Truth.

6.6 years later,I faced the script of Nature Mort

And it’s rage at Humans and their phenomenal Abuse and disrespect of Nature as The Ancestors and the Black Hole humans created from their ingratitude to Nature their Guardians, and your Ancestors- Parents

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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