
3:00 pm. – C. – 3:27 pm. – C, A-A

3:00 pm.


3:27 pm.

C, A-A.

Murder She Wrote.

A C.A.S.E of premeditated Assassination and Murder of the Being of Evolution and Awakening and the Evolution and Awakening of the Entire Planet – People by the Evil Trinity represented by the Being an occupant of 217 South Whitney.

Being Attorney General.
Geoff La-Cour.

Supreme Justice,
Justice Supreme.
Rep Stephen Johnson
aligned to Stephen Popiotek
28 Mutal Facebook Friends. 28 is my date of birth and the code of M.AN. as well as B.H. B.I.
15 as the Full Circle Letter O and A-E.
Total 43.

Judge and Jury.
J.D as Dee Jay- Beautiful Death- D.T/ T D. Divine Truth aka Terrible Death. Sacred Portal 109.

Witnesses: The People, The Public, and Facebook Friends the Physically Present
Seen and Unseen who saw.

And the Tenants of this building, I name Kim Arthur Hinds Jr, the Landlord, Julie, & Douglas- the Garbage man, and Facebook friends and people who have known me going back as far as when I was in High School.

The Charges are of not only the 5th Dimensions Consciousness but as of the Earth World, 3 Planet from the Sun, as well as the illusion called the Matrix Universal System
A.M. The World People at Being at Quantum Transformation.

Thus these charges on Intent to commit murder over and over again using sound and the weapon and innocent little dog can stand in any court of law even right here.

Power To The People.

I am now at 3444 Facebook Friends.

9-10/ 10-9 is currently on my page.
Judas ?scariot 16 Mutual Facebook Friends.

3:48 pm.

3444 is Planet Earth’s 3rd Planet from the Sun.
444 is 12.

Represented by Liberty C. L.C.
3 12= 15 Letter O.

And code C- 444 is C.M.e 4/3.
“The Door of Life”. Sacred Portal 43.

3:51 pm.

There are witnesses here present Seen and Unseen as well as The Surprise witness who are all aware of the Evidence and Facts. coded as Evidence AY of not only the Resident Evil I have been fighting and dissolving but the Truth of what Sound does to my body, and how it has been twisting my body, forcing me into this state of existence, where movement and walking, even talking has been made such a nightmare. and so I charge the Evil Trinity and the Being a Caucasian male residing at 217 South Whitney who was knowingly made aware of this condition & its effect of my body, that his action aligned with the two accomplishes was to incite and cause my death through Torment & Torture without cease, to stop and prevent me from ensuring Liberty and Freedom for all Human Naturals, and thus prevent their own awakening and suffering and entrapment to a cycle of misery which Jae Sherman was representing as the Rat Race, trapped in an endless cycle of suffering until they died -faded out of Existence.

I & I Charge that even in this current 3D Illusion of reality and Delta System- of the damned that Law, Common Law, Natural Law exists here.
And that no one, not even in this realm is above the Law of Cause & Effect and Consequence.

Devils Advocate.

4:01 pm.

And that there is enough evidence, witnesses and documentation to through the book at the three beings and the one in particular the Caucasian rep of the Darkest Nature of Evil to throw the book at Him- Then in any court of law in this world right here right now.

That to thwart, endanger and seek to cause with Malice and Intent, what can still be called the Infinite Possibility of not only transforming this reality through Investigative Art and Science, to a better place and all peoples lives who are of Natural Nature, that with 10.2-3 months of documentation and proof revised and affirmed by The People, and the public, to throw the book at the One at 217 South Whitney and his accomplished who willing have used the Darkest Evil Intent and Cruelty, to prevent the awakening and evolution, have the book thrown at them and locked up forever, even in a prison of this reality, such as Alcatraz.


It wasn’t until this morning as I heard once more the Intentional Malice of that creature of darkest malice and intent, using the little dog, he had placed next door and downstairs as yet another act of violence and intent.

Suddenly, I heard a police car, Sirem- one in which I did not call, but desired to and realized that I had been set up not to have a phone working though I have 5 and that there was a reason that Officers Ken Carter and his partner had no returned my call. our call.
That it was all set up and I was part of the bait.

When the police sirens started blaring, the dog was forced to be quiet- and to me, it simply indicated that the creature of darkness and the blackest hearts was aware… well not the blackest heart, not really.

Immediately he realized that I had not called the Police on him and the police cars were not for him, I heard the little dog being impulsed and the barking resumed again.

There was no one present even on the street who could not hear the little dog, I was focused on the intent and action of the Being of 217#apartment.

I was not really bothered by the little Dog, and quickly surmised that I was placed in the situation intentionally where I was not able to call the police, that this was about my post yesterday and the Evidence Facts, being observed to see the Truth of my expression by his response.
It was even more intense than yesterday.

But I was more aware of the play of the End of This World. End of this story…
And that is when everything came together, I saw what Alien Father, Arden I, and all the lines of Truth Satya had set up.

As I stated, this is not my play or my script- well it is in a way but there is now the I & I, leading the way, and they have been using this worlds view.

5th dimension is Expression.
3rd is Consciousness.

Conscious Expression

I made a version of this post before, and it vanished, the time I began it was 3:00 pm and then a pause at 3:05 pm.

So though, sort of pissed off, I saw their play script and intent.
And Rose- * David Rose D.R. Death Ray, D.R. I.VE. A.M.P.
Rose Kriszta R.K.

Kyle Murphy Aka Robert Kyle Murphy rep Terrible Death, and simply am taking my cue for the play I am directing but via them I and I and The E Family S,P 110 all for the Sacred Portal 56.
Expression Facts.
Energy -Facts -Solid.

4:27 pm

Doing Being- GOD;S Truth.

4:28 pm.

The Crows in this area, I had noted have become even more vocal these last couple of days.

4:29 pm

Crows… Raven Crows…

You have an idea why they are called messengers of Terrible Death…

4:30 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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