
30-5-9… 1-6-9

30-5-9… 1-6-9



The Name and word Afi means, Grandfather, Fire.. and Pure Nature in Urdu…

So we know that at least this day as well as yesterday when I began this post (Amid a great deal of Activity going on around me)… begins with the understanding of the link between the word AFI… which todays date aligns to…


In IFA is found the vision of the world , the destiny of mankind , the social relations, the morals of Life, from birth to death . We, are able to say that threw the system of IFA of the Yoruba’s, one can find the knowledge of the community .

Contained are the Odu or numbers that add up to the number 16 sixteen and these are called the principal Odu . From here and based on the number two , They accumulate to the amount of numerals to the Odu 256 and there multiples . Or to say a infinite number of combination’s.

The interest fundamental of this adaptation is that , If IFA was a derivative of the Arab divination how did conception of the cosmology of the Yorubas integrate with the IFA system, and in which manner , did it become different from its original form?.

The history tells us that Oduduwa , founder of the nationality Yoruba, came to Ile -Ife, and founded with Agbo-Niregun Or (Setilu) the founder of the cult of IFA. Setilu, was a narrative from the land of Nupe, who was born blind. Setilu was exiled from his country , crossed the river Nile and tot he lands of Benin and made his home of a time in the land called OWO . Later he lived in Ado. Finally emerging in the land of Ile-Ife. (7)

Another version talks of IFA as the revealer of events . And is called Banga, The god of the seeds of the palm, that is situated in Ado, a village on top of a immense rock , close to Awoye (8)

In other myths , it talks about IFA as a doctor and consultant, these myths are found in the city if Ipetu as a doctor and founder.. For this he was transformed into the KING of the village , and took on the name of ALAKETU . The disciples of Aleketu took their names from the sixteen signs known as OLODUS (9) To this God of IFA this is the domain of Orunmila

The Ifa Divination (Oracles)as well as the Arabic form of Divination have been a intricate part of the play, so I pay attention…

Erik Ebright was moved to post Elegua… Orisha or Lord of the Cross Roads…

And besides me where I sit is a gold statue of Chango….Orisha of Thunder and Lightening….

I am one block away from what was recently established as Little Haiti…

Erik is original from Columbus Ohio- and he suggested to the Mayor that it be called Arawak City… After what Christopher Columbus called The Beautiful Ones.. Which links to Igbo Landing – the legends of the Igbo people who were said to have walked on Water back to Africa, which then links to the Lost city of Atlantis…

Then we had Grand Father…1000 Father… In my personal case Chief D.N.Umeano….His name means Breath the four divine breaths, which links us to the four cardinal directions..

The 4 winds…

The four Elements….

then 44..8…

44..16… the 16 signs of the Oludu’s…

16 is letter P. which we have seen by play represents Planet…

Pure Nature… Fire…

The Entire code of the day now has begun to reveal its meaning..

My anchor before this is that Erik Ebright just showed me a book he was given from Friends, a brown version of the exact replica of the note books I had begun to use when I started to write down my calculations of the equations….

The Number was 16…

This is how and why I pay attention…

Source Codes…

Hello.. I would like to introduce the code of the names of my latest Face Book Friends…

Adjara Maneken

Akanga Beouncy Dilish

Swanton Ebony

Evans K Obeng

Paul Gborie

Sadia Afrin

Naa Tia

Suresh Sukumaran….

Egulina Morrish….

Adjara means from the name Ajara means

A Hindu name meaning Goat. Also refers to the high priestess of Mecca (African), or follower of Maya (Sanskrit). Often used as an alternate way of spelling the name Asia.

Maneken…Man EK..EN…Means Model…


The Goat..( Goat O) High Priestess of Mecca follower of the Model of Africa and Asia…

Akanga means Cock….

Beyouncy meanS One who is beyond others

Delish means…Delicious

The Cock… the one who is beyond others is Delish…Delicious… as in seductive…

Swanton: From the Swan Town or Farm…

Ebony… as in The Hard Black but Beautiful Tree -akin to Mohogany…

From the Swan Town of Transformation to White from the Black line of the Ebony tree…

Code Ebony Queen..E.Q…

…Comes the Equation..

Evans means God has shown favor and Grace it is the Welsh form of the name John…

Evanescent Light


Obeng…The word (surname) Obeng could be considered then to denote one or a company of people who bear or have knowledge, wisdom or understanding.


From the race and Favor of the Creator, comes the Light of the K, the One Being or Company of being who bear the Sum Total of Wisdom and understanding..

(O.B..E…N.G… O ..B.E.I.N.G)

Its a code…

9:19 p.m…


Its a Code..

Echo Communication Harmonious O.. Full Circle Response of ..

Perfect Timing- T.I.M.E…

9:19 p.m…



This is another example of the play which I have sought to demonstrate to the General Public and my Face Book Friends…

That this is example above is the nature of the Play of First Contact…

One will see examples of this through the 4 year play.. and it is that Echo Confirmation Harmony O…I Agree

Which then manifested that full circle of confirmation all around me, from where I am.. For example Erik Ebright mentioned today the term Children of the Sun then I spoke with Nnaemeka Ifennanna and its was one of the elegant conversation I had ever had with him..

There was a greater clarity in perception..

This led me to browse through his page, which led me to see the Children of the Sun.. Which of course, because of todays earlier Play caused me to pause, focus and pay attention, which led me to perceive… Oh Shit. that is my, I recognize that position by transforming it energetically to see that it is the consciousness I reside in when I a more chill.. or nearer to my most natural self..

I walk the streets or interact with people on a higher place, which they can easily access, because like stretching memory muscles not used in a while, it all soon starts flooding back.

Then of course we ask the question.. okay so what is its relevance to this moment…?

And so I, (We) will soon find out…

But already a whole Movie Part A-Z, has be played out in front of an audience…

And even now, there are loads of relevant data, and things which transpired which I have not bothered to post..

All related and correlating to the Sun, and all its symbolism throughout the History of this current time Line…

Which enables the E.T to construct a bridge of meaning linking a consciousness and a language which exists outside of time..

And a Language which exists within a Time Line…

The Victory is assured by the Chief Programmer…

The real decision maker, of the Is it Real or Not…

Yes no yes no.. 10101010…?


The decision or the deciding factor in the play is not the one who is programed to Play in the Holographic World of Numbers…

It is the one who is the programmer of the play who decides…

The one who is giving the the Exam decides…

This is what this was all about…

What is real…Yes the horrors we see are real.. the injustices all those things…

But are they real?..

Are they part of Existence, do such activities match with the Vibration and the frequency of Universe or even Nature?

If not.. then it is not of Existence..

This is the Judgment Day – which does not lie in that dogmatic approach of some-one judging you in a court as perceived by this reality…

Rather it is an observation that .. your moving out of Existence..

Paul means the Few or the Small….

GB-Orie is the second Igbo market day, and was the only meaning of this last name which I could find..

The Few, who are of the 2nd day of 4 Cardinal Point of Direction

Short meaning of Sadia Happiness, Laughter, Joy and Delight | Successful

Afrin means Praise…Beautiful

The name Afreen /Afrin is used in many Muslims however other religions may use it as well if they wish In other languages, Afreen has many meanings including ‘trustworthy’ in Arabic, ‘excellent’ in Urdu, and ‘lucky/good-natured in Tamil, as well as encouragement in Turkish and in Finnish ‘likeable’;

The Oxford Hindi-English Dictionary by R.S. McGregor gives the translation ‘bravo!!!’,

* That is a nice message… Happiness Laughter, Joy and Delight, Praise. It is beautiful! Success…excellent… Bravo!

Nia… means Pleasant in Hebrew.

It also means Purpose..

And Bright in Welsh…

The name Tia is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Tia is: Goddess; godly. Also abbreviation of names like Althea and Dorothea. The mythological Thea was Greek goddess of light and mother of the sun; moon and dawn.

The Pleasant, bright light of Will of Purpose of Goddess of the Light… Sun Moon and Dawn…

We have been moving through those lines for the last year…moving more slowly than I could have ever figured..

As you can see it makes an equation… Light Sun Moon Dawn…



Egulina… Meaning..New Latin, genus name, from eu- + Greek glene eyeball, socket of a joint

Code EG.U.Line A.

Morrish means the Dark Skinned….

The Eye ball, the Socket and the connection to the power Source is Dark Skinned.

Suresh…..Suresh (sureša) is a Sanskrit word which means Ruler of Gods; from sur ‘god’ + iša ‘lord’, which is an epithet of the god Indra. It is used as [citation needed] a synonym for the Hindu God Vishnu. It may also refer to Devendra or Shiva depending on which branch of Hinduism.

Sukumara means…Sukumara…Tender Delicate and Handsome Male child…..

Meaning, Ruler of the Gods, is Tender Delicate and Handsome..

2:10 p.m..


This is cipher which I just deciphered as I have been for the last 4 years…

The non stop circumstances of my being compelled’ to decipher and show how I Read and Link’ reality, can only mean one thing, that the force behind this in me, wishes to make me write and write the codes and manner I read, so that after I leave this play, that there is the exhaustive knowledge recorded as to how I translated and read the Source Code, in for those who will only realize the value much latter..

The play brought me to two lines… Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan who listened to paid attention to the codes…and then when I left 9… I have no idea of what they are doing with it..

And then I am here in Miami with Erik Ebright Melissa Aldana and Izzi Creo…


Who are each in their own words and do not have time or patience to read or learn the codes…

Except for something which Melissa Aldana expressed to me last night, which raised my Spirits somewhat…

I find I have little patience to Judge, as I merely observe…

I am full aware that it is a play… North at Mountain View it was with people in their Fifties…here is it is with people in their Thirties….

5-3…and me in my Forties…no such thing…at least not for me personally…

I despise this game but not the players, I observe the Truth of the play undercover in the seeming chaos here, an illusion..

I am also aware of the Dis respect and dis honoring of this play to me, to the Eternal Truth, to its Beauty, to is sacredness…

Eriks Father is 69.. I was brought here with the code 111 and 69:69…

I have not stopped working since I got here, because it seems that for me to pass through to my Home and our home once more I am enslaved by the Nature of the Spirit realm and Human distraction…

I carry the greatest load, physically, emotionally mentally, intellectually…

I have been personally crucified and shunned for simpling affirming and confirming what is the Beautiful truth- accused of driving people insane because ‘I am too intelligent..ha!..

I have watched people use false pretexts to use me, and my knowledge and then act as though I am their servant, or constantly show such disrespect for the sacred play of E, that I am still shaken to the core.

There is none, I have met who is more affected and been used by this energy to help others.. And yet in the play, I have lived a nons stop false accusation and that a power exists which does not have to apologize, but which is arrogant enough to move me once more through portals even after realizing that I was Innocent and was moved by the True Light frequency called El…

Obviously, something is making a very powerful point of saying that I am the least important… and that what I have to say and the value of my contribution is not even worth of the respect of simply courtesy….

I am surrounded by Liars who each have thier own versions of the Beautiful Truth..

I am brought back full circle Ten years to the scene of the Crime, of where a Play represented by Erik Ebright took place Ten years ago..

Where I was accused…

Just as 14 years I was accused by the Line of David….David Roman Nicholas…of driving him insane…

when in truth it was the other way around…

That which is behind this, is malevolent…Competitive and Cruel…

It sneers and smells so much as that which was once pure being now corrupted by the Ego of its own projections…

Is this not the very Evil in Man.. The Evil which Points a Finger at others but refuses.. refuses… unless you wish to go to war and battle… to take responsibility and see where it is the cause…

They twist words to suit their purposes, to fill the holes in their own being, they want revenge… Vindictive Malicious. Wrathful disguised under the idea of Love, lets build peace and Harmony…

E.E. M.A.I..C… That is the code of 55 sacred portal 55.. May C….

I came here to Miami and Erik Ebright portal in May… and… Mi ami… Mi is the third note…. 3.. To C…

And what do I Cee…

I see yet another play, of the realm of Spirit and Mind… of such disrespect from the Eternal Truth that I wish to bow my head in such deep sadness at the Hypocrisy and that this was allowed to go this Far…

Are the players guilty… ?

Not really, each to their own and most have been set up without being aware.. set up to reveal their truth… and lies.. in a play which I no longer have the energy to clarify…

2:43 p.m

When bringing clarity is a constant War, and power is governed by what each determines as necessity…

And not the Eternal Truth.. not the evidence nothing..

And the worst of all is the horror of hearing people saying that they are doing this for the Light.. when it is all for the wounded Vets of the war to be and Cee.. all I see is a world fighting with thier demons.. and they can not see me, not in the North nor in the South..

Except Melissa Aldana who saw me last night to my surprise….

I am as invisible here to the Consciousness Mind of those who a re here.. and I witness the set up and the experience given to me here is not of Love or Truth, but rather to move me to rage by the Insult given in each moment to the Truth of this Play as being the Evolution Awakening….

And the Force behind it Woman Man- People, the non stop False Accusers… The Blame Lords and Ladies.. the Manipulators and the Mind and the Spirits who use Expression to create wrongs so great in expression to each other…

While ignoring the Beautiful Truths I see so so clearly it practically hurts to not say something..

But there is no one to talk to here…

There is no friend.. just kin who see only that which they wish to see..

I see the origins of Conflict not resolution…

And even this, itself being a set up…

And yet I wonder again, why would anyone agree to such a destructive play?

Why people agree to these abominable roles,




I am Sagittarius Scorpio rising…

I do not use such tools…

And perhaps that is why in these dimensions the sacred knowledge is so disrespected…

So much so, that if it was left to me, I would raise the Truth Fist of Shango, Amadioha, Thor… S.A.T..U.R.N….

6th Planet from the Sun…

And exemplify a lesson in Good manners and Respect that they- those behind the scenes and in front of the scenes will never ever forget…

But for the moment, I must content my self with enduring the Insults of this play of the Culmination of my contribution being contempt, insults, manipulation deception… and the most insulting of all the disrespect paid to someone or anyone who fought with the True V.I kings to bring forth the Beautiful Truth.

I would have said Take a look in the Mirror and tell me what do you see, who you think you are or who you want to be…

But I have learn’t not to waste my breath and energy any longer…

Are White people the most disrespectful of the Ancestors, of the Brown and Black race..?

Or is it a natural consequence of History…?

I find that the answer lies in Hypocrisy… even unintentional…

But what I have observed is a Dis Honoring of the most sacred Truth in all Existence..

Even the very meaning of the God Code..

I watch incredulous as people have sought to manipulate me and my expression, to trick me with illusions to con the Source of the most beautiful Con…

I have watched (and understood the reason and logic) of people trapping me in roles so that they can use you without giving credit, I have watched the Insult to Harmony God Divinity, to Freedom of speech, to democracy to life itself…

Infact, for the last 15 years, that is all I have seen..

For the last 27 years that is all I have seen..

And I have addressed this Source Energy in me, that if it enjoys being insulted, if it is a bleeding Masochistic lover of being treated like a rag.. Jesus, the Messengers, the Prophets… then leave me out of this, leave my being and my body…

If you pander to the cruel and ridiculous natures of People acting like senile spoilt children who can go as far as to make a mockery of this Play…

Then I say BEGONE from me.. for it is that suffering Christ messengers which fills me with such utter contempt with creates a play to allow people to Walk upon, abuse the most sacred Truth of Existence… Then it is you who are the Evil in man… the Source of the Neediness and hypocricy because you celebrate the lie of the Lame rather than the Beauty of the Heroic in Man Woman..

And you give power to the idea of Weakness.. until I have seen the ultimate mockery of the Beloved line playing out that very role to the bullying of the Female Idea of strength..

And it is an abomination which I can not bear to see…

This is the play you have offered for me to see, forced beings here to act out so I would see..

The Horror of people being petty cruel vindictive and small…

Self Importance..

Is celebrated.. The Lie of Being Weak…

Instead of the Elegance of the true grace it takes to be Strong… And that Strength is the most delicate fragile, magical link of all…

Because it flows, bends, moves, fills and evaporates…. It does not use force because it is the True Force of Nature, pure Nature.. Existence…

You show accuse me of Turning People Mad, leaving me to die in the streets… then 10 years of Sheer Hell..

Then bring me back to show use me, and tell me that you wish to make amends…

You falsely accuse my brother Lines of Erik and David stating that I drove them mad- when they never did.. and then you had a entire peoples Shun me for 10 years…

Sean Bono… I tag you because you are also meant to hear this…

That the line of E.D…and I, must suffer, had to suffer in the male and female form while each had the Truth, used it as a super power for individual use, sat on the fence.. each disloyal to that Truth you each had…

Wax on Wax off..

One moment acting as though on the side of the Beautiful Truth, hedging bets…

You become prosperous, you choose the side of the Lie. when you know the Truth…!!!

Then poison the well with Gossip, with distortion of the Truth to make yourselves good…

And then when the moment of the ‘Rewards come, you would dare raise your voice to cite your demands and your rites..

While the Loyal DOG-GOD’ never betrayed and for that they suffered what I know is that unforgivable sin against the Holy Spirit…

This is the what people think that they can really get away with…

This is what they truly believe there will not be a reply…

The Lame the Weak being the Heroes on the Play of Evolution..

The ones who refuse to do the Work the Play the Transformations…

And the Beautifully Strong and sacrificed on the Altar of the Non Existence Collective, who do not even understand the meaning of the word Family…?

I begone the Weak!

Rise the line of the Erike Beloved… Eternal Energies of the Beloved..

Cast of your playing the weak in order to reach those who pretend to lame..

I invoke the Wrath of Saturn Pluto Earth…

E.S.P… Death and Destruction..

Rise the Dragons of Existence…

Rise my brothers and sisters from the sheep clothing..

There is no shame in Being Strong and Heroic…

Cast aside this Jesus Story of the weak minded being who dies for the ridiculous notion of the Sin of Others…

Rise as Wolves Line of Fenrir Skoll…

Rise Beautiful with lethal stride…

Be the Beautiful Assassins to the Liars.

Cut them down, rid them from the Earth…

The Liars and the Big Mouths…

I have heard enough.

3:30 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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