
3/9/2019 19:17 – Facebook Post

1:24 .. 25 p.m.


A X… A Y… A B D… A B E…


“Thomas, now thoroughly convinced He was the Living Lord responded, “My Lord and my God!” At this, Jesus said, “Because you have seen me, you have believed. Blessed are those who believe without seeing.” In the scripture that follows, we find the purpose of this Gospel of Jesus Christ and the reason it was written.”

John 20:29.


E… E T C…

E …J.M.A..

4 people…including myself.. twice. 44.

*Currently at 1244 Facebook Friends.

I was the one constant present in the play of yesterdays 3 people and 4 People…

3 4.. 4 3….

3:04 pm right now,

And the completion of the 4 4 people with the 1 constant present in both scenes being represented by myself…
As the one only one sleeping here-
There are officially Two people living here Myself and Mikky…
She and John..
Two sides of a coin Night and Day… 34.. flipped to 43..
which were the portals which Mckayla and John noted they had passed through.

Confirmed by the arrival of Andrey Klebanov who I met through John Mack all recorded here, had asked about the code E 8 he had been seeing.

That was the End People Equation of yesterday- the completion of the play which began with Eric Ebrights challenge or riddle placed on my H.P Computer 2 years ago where I met with him and Izzy his friend who the first moment we met in Eriks Bed and Breakfast, began a conversation about the “Kolo” the dance of the full circle and the movement she was involved with which was called Kolo which dealt with abused and battered women.
She had no idea as she conversed that my last name is Kolo.

In 2011 Marina Burini and Tom Truman found a beautiful black box in her loft, and to her amazement it had the the words Kolo embossed in silver on it…

Mckayla and John then encountered a Woman at a Bed & Breakfast who said “Emeka” explaining its meaning “Vast and Limitlessness”

I met Marina Burini through a dear beloved- John Shaw.
M B.. J S..
I met Mikky Burgos and John via Stephen….
M B…J S… 13 2.. 15 Letter O.. 6… 10 19… 29..
6 29…
6 29 Was John and Mikkys Boarding Ticket number…
Gate 29..
A-Z..+ 3… M J A…

They left from a play which took place at no 29 street, Stephens home where we all converged after the 8th time for a massage me E, which she then posted evidence of what she experienced.
They took off from 219 South Whitney..

M.B who on Facebook is represented as R.M
*( Room with a View The World Orb.. T W O. Every Thing, Every Where, Every One… E E E T.W O… R= 18.. R is Reflection..99..18 Ballons
Isabelle Ilic..I I.. M is 13 and it represents Manifestation.
R+ M= 31… C A../ A C..
Link arrival of Facebook friend Alex Carton.
Link 31st State.. California The Golden State. Au.. Gold.
The Golden Man.. Oscar…
* Kingsley Oscar..K.O… Knock Out.. Sacred Portal 59.
* P.S. The play of those who rise ends at 5 8.
E.H..E 8..
Sacred Portal 58 Show Two who are one E E E T W O Being Spirited Away Home the Correct Way..
At 59 it shows that which those who claim to be E…is they.
59= E.I.
5O is 9..9 is 6… 59 is really 56..= 11..1 ( 2=B)
11 1/ 1 11… K.A../ A K.. rep Andrey Klebanov E 8..

M J A..

13 +31.. M R M..44… 8.

John Mack passed through the portal of Stephen Filgueria.
and myself as the Original meaning embodied of that name and myself as Steven Kolo confirmed before I came to this dimension at Starbucks 1385 Metropolitan Woods.

-Steven was my Room mate in Paris when I went Home in 1992.
Manu and Erika were also present.
E S…M E… Add the 1.. E=1.. Confirmed yesterday with Andrey arriving with John.
Thus, Eq. E-S A M E…M.E (Manifest Expression)

O P EN..S E E SAM E..ME S E E Came through the portal of Eric Ebright completed at Flora Restaurant.

John then was “Crowned” by myself.
which was confirmed by the arrival of Facebook friend Stephen Johnson immediately I completed a post of a Perfect timing 10:19 p.m. J S..S John Son..
Yes 22 year old John Mack born 2-27-1997, could be my Son.

22 is letter V.

4;03 p.m
4:04 p.m right now.. 43..7.. 44…8.

Based on his Natural Expression and Embodiment of the Grace of the E line.
4:06 p.m.
846 Origins Olive Oil..
Sacred Portal 46..It shows 3 droplets of Semen descending from the Source Creators Penis..( S.C.P)
See the second pamphlet on the Shelf “Balsmatic Vinegar of Modena” which reads’The Three Eternal destinies of Man”
( TT E DOM..Please link the place where Esteban Miguel Filgueira led me to, a Coffee house called D.O.M..
It was also the last of the Altar Art Science I posted on my page of the Table here.. – Joint production.
And completes the C A F (Christopher Andrew Filgueria) and I
C A F E../ E F A C..E… E F.ACT.S
As well as the code F.R.E E D O M..and Liberty.
F L… Florida the 27th State of Being is the Sunshine State.
Link Sacred Portal.. 27.. 27Months at Delta Manor..

Only myself and Christopher Filgueira, are at 219 South Whitney.
The rest have gone Stephens Friend Aaron Weston at his 509-511 address portal up the road for his birthday and grand opening.

Emeka Christopher… E C/ C E… E. F A C E..
Tree Sage is not going either he is downstairs but he Chris and I spoke before he went downstars…

His daughters name is Izzy…
He has it tattooed on his forearm.
Father and Daughter
Izzy and myself and Erik Ebright in Miami..
E I..

Isabelle Ilic whose portal I passed through on my way here -See Money Code play on my page.
C I.

My name is Chukwuemeka..Emeka…middle name Ikemefuna Victor…But I am called Emeka since birth
E.C I V..K

V I.

4:40 p.m.
44. 8

*The time code of perfect timing states that I have completed the Equation Reason Meaning ( E.R.. 5 18..Izzy Birthday, that date I was in Miami two years ago having met another Izzy
55..1818… 10 36…J C F…1 O 36..A O C F/ F.C O A.. F C F A..
C F is Christopher F.. 1 O 9..A O ..is I.
55 36… 55 9.. E 59.. E.E I
Add M.. Izzy’s birth name is Marget..Mother of Pearl.. which would be the Oyster Shell… Aphrodite Venus
Rising from the Sea.. Painting by Botticelli.. ‘Birth of Venus”
Yes the Winged Being Mikki brought, holding an Oyster-Clam which John Mack placed crystal orb with Sage and torn one dallar bill.
And then link it to Sacred Portal 87.. and 1
E R M..Rays McKayla…
E 31
E. C A..
E 13..M.
E 44 D D
E 8.. Link Andrey Klebanov

E.C A M . H.

5 8… 59..
There is only one E.I..
Rep of Eternity Infinity and anyone denying that truth the Script or denying that truth or usurping “his” (M.Y.) space ..

5:08 p.m.

Is given M.E..OW!
5;09 p.m

..The same pain which they and their kind gave me to endure for representing and telling the Truth.

This is no my script, I am just translating it publicly, as if to give notice, very much like Douglas Adams ( D A) Book and Films opening sequence in Hitch Hikers Guide to The Galaxy.
Which means that it is not I who is watching and observing and judging this – rather the Energetic Force which sent me.

Putting up the notice on this realms Cross Roads- Crossing.
*Link Travis Michael Pace
name meaning.. he just liked something on my page twice.

E C A ME In Harmony…
Peace and Harmony.

5:20 p.m.

So, you have an Idea as to who sent me.
I did write narrate and present that truth to the world as a 7-8 years old boy in Winnipeg Canada…

43 44 years ago..
Thats a long time to give notice..

Adam Waldron A W.E..
A Double V..
Alexander Venus Victor Aphrodite
Alex Vidaud
Alexa Vertefeuille
Adam Dollins A.D

A W E E K…

S P 35… (S P..A C E..H)

That is what the E T Equate as the correct response to the Intel-Message I bring.

To choose to take notice of the posts, set up as Milestones and here at the point of Crossing, the requirements listed proven and explained or ignore them is entirely up to you all you.

5:44 p.m

There is a Toll at the last gate.. A price to be paid of coming so far and far and still contesting and challenging the truth and not giving the correct response to the message intel shared.

I personally loathe this Script, nor does it interest me, I was just doing my Job so I could be Free.
Nor am I overtly concerned by therespnse to my Gift – of my Freedom Song of the last 25 years, but I do understand how this script came to be this way, is it sought to get each person and each dimensions truth.
-Is because of how people lie and deny, not realizing that you are all being “Observed Watched’ (O.W) by my Manifest Expression, (M.E…Black Panther B P.. Beautiful Pride)
My Eternal Family.. present.

11 K.

M.E O.W!

6:04 p.m
64.. S P 64.

As my true Sister stated
To Each Their Own.. you have nothing to Prove to me.. or Any One.. ( A O Alpha Omega 1-6.. 5 in 1)
I already Know.

6:09 p.m
SP Breath First Note.

6:10 -11 p.m.

Got you Rays McKayla and John Mack 6 11!

Father Nature
Father Awakening Independence D A Y..E

F A I D.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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