
3/9/2019 0:45 – Facebook Post

3/9/2019 0:45 – Facebook Post

Oh Ye Men and Women of little Faith in Facts…

7:06 p.m.


The code written on my Computer by Erik Ebright is 83 69…
I had stated and proven even before I went to stay with him for 2 months in Miami that it correct alignment is 38 96…That he was still looking through the lense of Existence Life Reality through the Eyes of the past…

And yet for over 2 yeas, I found myself, discovered that I was working feverishly driven by a force inside of me and outside of me to align that code to mine in a full circle.

383… 838….A Full Circle of Sixth Sense.

He put the code on my computer right besides me, butt without my permission.
They said he was suffering from Mania- I knew that was not true, I had been once diagnosed with Mania when my body had started this intense movements…
He had reached the highest frequency in this reality “Enlightement’ which is what I know is the true attainment of the Crown Chakra… To see clearly everything in the correct light..
But he had no understanding of how to reach 8… 5 8..
Which is through Expression which creates Harmony…

The computer he wrote the code on is my H P Computer..
H P C…
Stephen, Esteban Miguel Filgueira was born 16 8.. P.H.
And my last Facebook friend is Christian Thrower. C T…
linked to Christopher Filgueira…
born 12-14… L N… 12= 3… 14= 5.. E.
P.H..Litmus Test… and yes Stephen did test me which is why I recognized his play as Satan The Tester…
A Role also played by myself…
But it really means Santana Dharma… Eternal Law.. E L…

I recognized that he was being trained to become rep of Eternal Law
E L..
Esteban Liberty C Liscomb..
He is linked to me E…

Just as Christopher was linked to me as Nnamdi…
Clarity but through the play of Lucifer…

And I played that role to.. Chukwuemeka Linked to C..

But it is Esteban Miguel Filgueira whose portal I passed through and so this entire dimension… the last 3 and half months I have been here, and all the people I met here and on Facebook come and came through him.

He is the chosen representation of this 57.. 58 portals I have passed through.
58 Host in 18 Years…
He is the last and it begins with him and ends with him.
Not only the 18 years in Ndw York, 7 .2 years on Facebook, 29 years of talking to the Silence…
43 Years since I wrote the Book of the Destruction of thsi World and the resurection of the Beautiful Truth of The Boy..
The Boy is what they call me.. even though I am over 50 years old ( actually I was born 1984-5 .. in the E code which is why I passed through his portal he who was born 1984…
Because this last portal.. The summation of 43, 44 45 years of my Existence fighting to exist in this world at present and find my place…
Until remembering that it is not real…
This last play in this 5th State, represents the Evolution of the Body.. and the defeat of Death as Age…Old Age..

This is what I was challenged to prove here, in a play of ignoble anonymity and disbelief…

He is the most important person in this dimension and without him, none of you can pass through to the E
Just as He fought for all of thee.
Without him being in Existence, being who he is, I would not have made any effort to link with the people he directed me to.

I want to make that perfectly clear…

Proven right up to this Script and his arrival today in which we sat down to make peace through communication and Sound linked Expression as well as E S P.

It did not matter who believed me, acknowledged me,
He represents the End of this Mission of 51 years…
35 years as the Physical Body Transforming which I am satisfied that his cousin is the physical proof..
As I am satisfied that just as Chris linked to Nnamdi links to my past..
Esteban links to my Sister my brother and my entire Bio Family representing the Family of E.

7:38 p.m.
T S Tree Sage was present earlier but not when Stephen and I conversed.
3:08 p.m.

Stephen Esteban Miguel Filgueira S E M F.. represents the Present..
Sixth Sense in perfection of the E.T E L Script.

See the Five people left out of all the people he introduced me to..

Tree Sage Kim Arthur Hines
Christopher Filgueira
.. C T
Christian Thrower my 12 45 Facebook Friend.

T C.. E T C… See sacred portal 20 Lady ECHO E

Rays McKayla
John Mack…

5 who all express in the Consciousness of E

And Sarah Kaizer who is present but we no longer communicate on the E.

5 6 People..

5 and 1…

I came to share the intel and each person had a right to reject it or accept it after I presented the Facts.
And if you accept then I was obliged to Train you for the post you would occupy after the Awakening.
And each was meant to accept my authority as the rep of the E who brought the facts of its Truth to your Awareness, and obey the Laws of the play which I have been used as an example to exemplify and embody, including the focus 24/7 and a body which acted as the Living Proof.. The Boy- The Body as the Living Past present as the Truth Proof.
-Which is why it is no surprise that it was is, Christopher whose body has perfectly represented the Truth of what I am physically enduring for the last 17 years.

But Esteban links to the present, and how I used the principle he represents as Supreme Sixth sense, the beginning
Which is the technique I used in this present incarnation, to observe my own Sixth Sense, and then begin to document it when I was compelled by Vogue Editor in Chief, Susan Train in 1993 after returning from Death and a Coma where in D E.C
1992 I went through a Darkness to a Portal of Exquisite Light.
Feelings Sensational.. F S../ S F

*See Solierys Rosario testimony.

…Through a Net.. E M Force Field/ F M.E Father Mother E
Moving linking through Hindsight, the pattern and trail I had left behind when I was forced to read my journals for the first time
which began a journey, a voice in the Darkness I had traveled to and at the very portal which I knew was the way out of this realm and back to my home asked if I would stay in the World to help people find their way home as I had done, so easily so naturally without codes books equations..
N.E..N=14…5=E.. Add =19..Letter S..
But S is For Stephan really E..Esteban.

Susan Train.. S T/ T S…Tree Sage.. T S 20 19.

1993 that was 26 years ago… A-Z..
27.. From 1992.. 92/29… A-Z-A
Florida the 27th State… Sunshine State.
To manifest through Nothingness that Somethingness present..
Constantly Present as Sixth Sense ( Guided Instinct and Intuition) to Physical Manifestation through continuous Expression Explained Embodied and Focused Attention until landed as a Fact.


FF TT O… 66 2020 O (6)

First to leave the 5 remaining were the Twins Female Male-
Rays McKayla & John Mack
R M… J M..Meaning ROOM ( The World Universal Simulation Awareness U S A is the Room)
is about to make a Quantum Jump manifested by a Man
called The Boy ( F I V E.. / E VIF) The Umbrella Academy, 7 children born in 24 hours not 9 months.

Christopher Filgueira was the 3rd
Then Tree Sage..


Esteban came earlier…

E.T.C…. I

Then Tree Sage

Rays McKayla

John Mack

And Andrey Klebanov code E 8..

All arrived a little, later…

11:43 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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