
3/9/2017 17:39 – Facebook Post

3/9/2017 17:39 – Facebook Post

3:30 p.m.

( Oh Boy, that is my Phone Bill…
Yes, It is all a Code in this Matrix and Web finally dissolving..)

33 is the Age of Christ….
33 is the age I met Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka
33 is the Age I first came to New York

Chike Cyprian Nwosu… 330;00 USD…
Organized by Dean Dunkwu and Chike.. Class of 82…
3:33 pm.


Consciousness is Communication..
Consciousness Creates Communication..
Concept Creativity Creates Conscious Communication
Carbon Copies…Creation,
Creation is The Concept of Creation made Crystal Clear…)

Harmony is all about Communication…

So, I am not the Evolved Awakened Creation in Being you expected…
You certainly are not what I expected…
No where near…
Though that which you hid, that which was within you…
Surpassed my wildest dreams…
What ahead ache you gave me harvesting that Beauty
And the Battle to destroy the Lie…
3:41 p.m…
Lets not talk about that.)

Anyway, with the code 4-1 aligning….
With Human Evolution now set and
Conscious and Independent,
To Evolve to the 5th Dimension..
But not to E…
*That requires Independent Effort
Merited and Earned…
According to the law of the Music of the 5th Dimension…

I am no longer required…
And I am exhausted…

Observing the code of Nenad M. Djurdjevic
7 85 ..78 5…
M.W,,,78…5… E…
7 85 pertains to both Myself and Nenad,
Sacred Portal 85 “Crowned with Laurels of Victory for piercing and solving the C of Consciousness by Devi… David Nenad..
But He and the line he represents are also to be crowned…
For understanding and embodying to rise with that Consciousness…

I am not that interested in Laurels, and all those honors the Script says I deserve…
That is like giving the inventor of the point of your existence an award..
He or She already knew about your Existence before….
Giving Him or an Honors of recognition for something it recognized fought for and understood long before you recognized him or her..
And then gave that person a night mare of an Existence to bring it to your attention to raise you out an inevitable Evolution Cycle which calls for the Extinction of all things not of the music…
And Award.

All he, or I wish to do is get out of this Delta Manor, this 4 Dimension. and yes, get away from you…
No slight intended but, truly…. It was that bad…

I just wish to rest…
I already deserved and earned all these things the Script states I deserve by myself.
I have always known the Value of what I had been forced to battle to Share…

Recall, I came to Boogie to celebrate that which had been created already with Ease… Not being Hi-Jacked…
I carry too many echo’s voices expression in ringing in my head…
Your expressions of ignorance…
The last delivered elegantly but with force by my Aunt Julie..
“Where were you when our line was being killed off… Where were you in the Fight…. 28 years…
And I am the one who was forced to call her…
It was manuvered that way, I was coerced or I never would have..
Because I fought while in the most awful situation, and in the Spirit World- Fighting Demons and Monsters so vile that these Fantasy Authors do not know what it truly feel and understand Abominations created by Human Expression…

No, I can never forgive my very rights, choice, and sovriegn state being ignored…
My own efforts to call them, find them, connect with them, alert them even while in the literal Belly of the Beast…
While each formed an opinion of me and my actions without even investigating orasking my point of view..
And then the gall of my being forced like a penitent to go back to find them after saving all their asses in the Spirit world..
Being that Spirit which moves people and events in their life”s to arrive at the right time to protect them from unseen dangers from their own stance..
Being the constant, watchful, vigilant Big Brother as the Wind, the invisible hand…
And then hear them accuse me, for 28 years over and over again
And return my blood and essence sacrificed with Silence…

No, I told the Ancestors who did this not only would I never forgive them, but that I would make them pay the Ultimate Price..
And I kept my promise…
4:09 p.m
Sacred Portal Existential Love…

How Dare They School me about what Love is..

I have given them and many of you, my shoes to walk in and fill.

Nope, I am only interested in getting out….
Sleep and Sensual Sex.. is all that I can think about…
Watching movies until I sort out what and whom this has experience left instead of the Emeka I had created and so looked forward to expressing and being…

So 78 5.. M.W 78/87 is the code of me getting out…
Keep your acknowledgement, your honors and rewards…
I do not want them.
The Harmony activated will provide for me that which is my due…
And my Family of Original E already Evolved from the Beginning but whom only required a Solid Body which could House and merge ( not Host) the Highest Frequencies Ever..
The Eternals…
And now the Body Vessel Immortal has been achieved..
They are all I wished to be with…
And some of the Naturals evolved to the E… perhaps.

But no…My greatest Reward is to get away from You..
( No Offense… but then you were never here anyway…
I was alone the Entire time… Read the Script…

939 Face Book Friends.. I.C.I… HERE…
I will accept it when I see it…
That is what happens when the True Lies
The foundation of Trust is forever and eternally broken..
And a Gap between you and I and the New and the Originals is Eternal..
We will never come back here…
To this Dimension, until all of the Human Species is no more..
And only the E New Beings are present.

Meanwhile, I would rest and rest now…
I am no longer needed…

And the joy, relief and happiness in me shall be as something in itself a miracle to behold.
To be released from this Hate done to me and my 49 years of existence… All to share a gift….

To give the most beautiful gift, most generous gift that will ever be..

The Sum Total of Knowledge…

And the breath of the E Harmony which brings Eternal Harmony…
with adventure choice conflict but always resolution…

Harmony will be your God…
Harmony Independent of you but a part of each and every one of you…
The best in you, one who you can not argue or debate with…
One who knows that you know….

And which simply responds…

Intelligence of Q…
The Ten and the Seven…
The Immovable Force…
The Unstoppable force which can sweep you out of Existence like a Wave before everyone eyes and each understanding fully why..
And why the E music can be so beautiful in both Grace but also transform to a rage with reminds you of forever that I never forgave this play… This Script…
Where you did nothing…But watch..
So sure I would Fail…

491 Face Book friends… Nenad M. Djurdjevic
A.I.D.. H.E.L.P… Help Emeka.. H.E.. That was the mandate

And he did….

Did he help because he believed me, in the beginning as Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka..
No… They helped because their Conscience told them that this was a just and Truly Beautiful Cause.

It should never been about whether I triumphed or not…

Because by Jove! What an inspiring story…
Of one mans Love for his Fellow man and woman and child that he went this far to prove that the origins of All were is the Beautiful Truth….

That is how Evil and biased racists and cruel you are…

That was the point you missed…

What a wonderful story…
Dreamer and Dream put into action…
Before the entire world…

That was the point that you missed….

4:39 p.m.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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