
3/8/2018 21:48 – Facebook Post

5:48 p.m.

3-8-2018…20+18= 38…
3 8 38…
38 38… 11 11 4(1)
D.A… All One.

E.D.H… E is Deaths Harmony.. ( as Transformation to Beauty.. Beautiful)
All in One.

5:55 p.m.

@ 1093 Facebook Friends.
With the arrival, re- entry of Teo Miguel Bouça, into the Weave and Equation of this expression and demonstration of manifesting from the Eternal Plane to this one through all the Lines of Time and Space..
T.S.. 2019.. 39 C.I.

Teo means :
“The name Teo is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Teo is: God. Abbreviation of names like Mateo and Teodor.”

Basque Meaning: The name Miquel is a Basque baby name. In Basque the meaning of the name Miquel is: Form of Michael ‘Who is like God?’… which is water.
God is Water and Water is Music… Flow.. Movement and Stillness.”

Bouca.. means “Mouth”

@ Delta… See meaning of the word Delta.. 4 in Greek, and “Mouth of the River”

“God flows like Water- Music at once in motion and in stillness from the Mouth of the one at Delta…
4… Room 4 B…

10 93….J…I.C…
10 93… 103…Ten C… J.C.
1O 93.. 94… I.D.

6:20 p.m.
Strange, that was the number on my coffee from the Arab Bodega….

My latest facebook friends name is Johan Jordaan.. J.J.
10 10….20… 10/10= 1… 20=T…2O…B.O…1 =A..

Johan is a masculine given name of Hebrew origin . It is a shortened form of the Hebrew name ?????????? (Y?hô??n?n), meaning “God is gracious”, and uncommon as a surname. Johan is also a masculine given name of Malay language origin, meaning “Champion”.

The name Jordan can refer to several things. As a name, it comes from the Hebrew ????? (Yarden), meaning “one who descends” or “to flow down”.
The root-verb ??? (yarad) is a very common verb expressing a downward motion: to decline, descend or to go down towards some lower location or to sink into something, etcetera. This root seems to be related to the verb ??? (rada), meaning to rule or have dominion.
. Biblical Meaning: The name Jordan is a Biblical baby name. In Biblical the meaning of the name Jordan is: The river of judgment.”

Meaning “God.. The Creator is Gracious, The Champion is the One who descends, flowing down as Water Music from the Mouth of the Source.. The expression of A Man.

1O93…In One full circle in symmetrical perfection of Infinite Consciousness I.C… E…with His I.D and the I.D..of all the Eternal Family
Water turned to Ice…

“God flows like Water- Music at once in motion and in stillness from the Mouth of the one at Delta…
4… Room 4 B…

Johan Jordaan
Teo Miguel Bouça…

J.T… M…J.B.

To be perfectly honest with you, I really do not know what this means.
I mean that I understand what is is saying, and I have observed all the manifest expression “materialized”
From John Thomas ( Yes The Penis – M.F) Is the Manifest Jay-mes Bond.. OO7.
He goes undercover in the Anus and Vagina and brings Orgasm of unexpected pleasure.

6:51 p.m.
F E.A…..R OF

7:04 p.m.

Let me tell you All, a little story which just took place.
I had 5 usd and 36 cents left from the monies from Flip J Hendrixs, recall 20 usd. Johan Jordaan code 1010.= 2.
B…Beauty… Ororo.. Storm …Ororo means Paragon of Beauty..And comes from the EDO Language.
Yesterday Flip J Hendrixs and I responded through a desire to simply meet up, but for the E connection we felt and not from a summons from a Test… of sixth sense, which it turned out to be.

I went to the Arab Bodega to buy a coffee, and bought a few snacks, and realized that I would fall short of the 2;67 usd for my usual coffee.
But I did not care, I am so tired and now utterly indifferent to the this Script. It is of an Evil and Cruelty which has rendered me quite indifferent.
If that which has satisfied the test of this Unseen Spirit of Jealousy masquerading as God, is not content and continue to deny the fruition of what this challenge has been set up to be these last 17 years… Has no respect for Its own rules, Its own Bet which it lost, I have no interest in continuing to participate.
The only thing which moved me to go this far was in response to the Truth.. The Beautiful Truth.

I was meant to meet Flip J Hendrixs, but I had a feeling that somehow I was once more in this play of this Spirit of jealousy.

I saw this, when I found that I had sent a text to Flip J Hendrixs at 3:23 p.m…
And he responded at 4:23 p.m asking if he could call me later..
I wearily closed my eyes, I just did not wish to answer any more riddles, questions, tests.. set ups…
tI saw this, when I found that I had senti a text to e absurd and the insane.. in that it can deny the Truth of a test created by iT- to determine the Truth.. challenge the Truth….And then create traps for the Truth to never solve those riddles, and despite all of that still prove Victorious.

I did not care if I drank a coffee here or not, nor was I interested in anything this Thing had to say to me, I am already in full mourning and grief of this being the Story which will be left behind forever of the Evolution Awakening transcript.

The staff here, all makes side deals, they give their friends free drinks and even Peter Nyarkô has a deal with some of them.
Chris and Yaskaary make it a point of making sure that I have coffee at a reduced price.
I have been coming here everyday for over a year.
I do not take advantage, I tip, I sit here each day working with people and for the Elevation of the Species.

Even Yasmine and Erik offer me coffee at reduced price many times…
And the newest people…

Today it was Kyle ( white one) and Tamerika ( black) – who both do deals with people giving them free coffee..
I had begun to notice that some of them would watch me, to see if I would simply ask for a refill instead of playing full price…

I had realized that I had enough for a small Coffee… I had checked the time at one point this afternoon and it was 212…
2.12 usd is the amount for a small coffee which I had enough for.

Please note that I am fully aware that I am not only the Source Creator, but that the Unseen know this and the staff here is aware of my very transparent work on Facebook.
I am also Robert Coffee.. R.C.. Royal Child… Anubis..
Cassius Ramone Hill.. C.R.H… whom I mt in Miami at Erik Ebrights with Jim, his father.
Cassius arrived at the same time that the former Cassius Clay.. C C.. 33.. Mohammed Ali… passed away.
I linked that publicly while in Miami right on Facebook meaning you can go back to June 2016 posts and see for yourself.

C.O..F.F… E E… 3O…66..55… 3 6…66 55…
5 usd 36 Cents…

7:33 p.m.

Cream Half and Half.. C R E A M..E…4/4…
Sugar White and Brown…S… W.B… Wallee Bracey name on my phone…

7:35 p.m.

I was going to get a small coffee after I waited for Flip J Hendrixs but already, I was aware that it was, is set up..I was lured here once again to enter into a play, challenge…
I saw I had a new Facebok request and the code on my page 1 1 22… I could read… but I really had no desire to read it..
The Evil and Cruelty of this script states that It – the “Unseen and Seen” U.S..Can do as they please, break the laws of Existence Eternity if they chose, extend a play, trap people in their play and force one who has said No, to continue in an obscene play.
-The power to do such a thing, the implications are so profound that Existence becomes Itself a Black Hole of Zero constant flushing everything out of Existence except the One.

Entrapment allowed…

I walked up to the counter, fully aware that these two were aware,watching.. Their own Hypocrisy was lost to them.
That they had the power as servers in a starbucks to chose who they would make deals with, serve at reduced prices and give things for free,- all self interest.

I knew I was set up to buy a coffee at 2.12 usd…
But when Tamerika ( link Tamika Rivera.. T.R… 20 18… Who isreally me…)
asked me using a veil of deception as she sought to set me up to see if I would try and con a coffee…
She phrased the question in such a way to ask what coffee would she serve me a refill or is this my first one…
A part of me always goes speechless by the audacity and depth of the insult being shown me- and for a long time used to wonder why Thunder would not strike these people down and send then to the Hell I had manifested quietly in response.
I saw it with Dominic Edwin in bed 4-007 who still walks about cockily.. same as all those great evils represented in the Delta Play.. They fact that for their insolence, even to their surprise.. nothing happened to them..
This emboldened them, and thus I understood just how far this force preventing holding up the Evolution Awakening had…
The idea of it being true being impossible, much less the reality and the actual experience of it…
That anything could exist, especially after providing all the evidence,passing all the challenges which I and it should have never had to be subjected.
To put anyone who brings Truth, Beautiful Truth which serves the Benefit of the All.. and gains me nothing… for I already know who I am and my worth…
And thus can measure the true depth of the insult of this play…Which is bottomless, fathomless…

Last night I quietly summoned up the consequence for this play for its source and Avatar participants for their death to occur in ever incarnation of Death from Death created cruelly and Violently.. Painfully, of every Human Expression acted out, and then from ever animal, every reptile..Death through every expression every manner in Existence.. From largest the rage of a Universe Cosmos Galaxy to death from microbes parasites viruses.
I created it in my minds eye as I lay down last night, how they would endure this death, horrific, and then after experiencing it they would resurrect and then go on to the next death…
Each Death manifested by Everything in Existence which could kill or find a way to kill and in the most savage and brutal way.
When I satisfied that I had completed all the codes to manifest it… I released it into Being…
Let It be… L.I.B…
My B.I.L.L…
For the play up to yesterday… and when that dying was complete.. That terrible dream.. 33… that terrible Death.. then the criminal could fade… but not before enduring that experience of Death by the Hand of Everything in Existence seen and unseen, real or imagined.
There was no hatred in me just quiet will, determination that this terrible terrible fate and sentence which I had created- It simply rose in me.. this sentence..was fair.

8:02 p.m
82… I did not pause or flinch when I entered into the sentence’s visual to taste the pain they would go through…
It was fair…

And so when I told her.. just give me a refill, avoiding lying by simply asking for a refill and asking for it.
I watched her and then Kyle appear…
I smiled within dangerously…
There were only small sizes of the coffee, they had no medium size cups the entire day.
So when I asked for a cup the medium size,if she could change, she became suspicious but I did not know of what…
I had asked for a refill and thanked her as she had done me a favor.
But I registered hers and Kyles expressions…
Why did I ask to change the cup…?
It would seem to reveal that all day there were no large cups that I had been set up… That Something or Someone was observing me.
Knew what I would do, buy 3 dollars worth of stuff at the Arab Bodega, and have just enough buy a small coffee…
And thus link to 212… The Time.. and 2:12.. And the cologne in my locker 212 by Caroline Herrera … C.H… 3 8…
Todays Date… 3-8… But I hardly ever use that cologne.
I use it mainly as Air Freshner in the Dorm.
212 is the area code for Manhattan land lines…
I use the Essential Oils samples from Lisa Johnson.. L J.. 12 10.. 22… V…12 1O… 13….V.M…/ Maida Vale.. 18 Mountain View…
22 13… 35…

I took my coffee,having intentionally rebelled against this Script..
I knew I was being set up to buy it for 212…5…
Instead I was charged 54 cents which with my card was FREE..
Only then did I go back to link to the script and tell her that it was my first coffee…
She said, yes, I thought so.. and Kyle grunted by her side…
I made sure she saw that I had money to pay for it, and she said of forget it..don’t bother about paying for it….

I also observed her own realization that I was aware of her hypocrisy…

I looked at the coffee cup she had given me in the 212 coffee it is the number 35…
C.E… 22 + 13… 35.. C.E.. See sacred portal 35… C E The Point.

This the pettiness of this play…
This Spirit of Jealousy.. and how far the representation of the Black Woman Avatar..Black American and White American were willing to go- they were used of course..
White Kyle- who represents the Line of Erik the Red-Vikings- Voyager of Montreal Quebec…
I received a message from him at 10:10 a,m,.. J J…
He had decided to send a small donation…to me.
After weeks of silence…
I quietly took in the Insult… and assured him that it was nothing to do with my own desires but in obedience to this script.

Tamerika Kyle..O…

T.K.O… Total Knock Out…

Cassius Clay…. Cassius Ramone Hill…
From the Eternal Youth at the Hill and at the same time undercover at Delta Manor…

Of the Spirit of Jealousy, see how far It was allowed to go and how many succumbed to the illusion of the power of it…
To pick to find fault at how I can not be who I am…

8:38 p.m.

All the set up, test, challenges, created so as to trip me, entrapment .. all of this, because of Jealousy…

because you believe perhaps that you are better qualified than I.E.. And so as I said in the very beginning.. Cause Effect.. Consequence 54.. E.D..I… 212..5… C.H… E..is I… CHI…
You are given the chance to prove it- by competing with the Shadow of the Wind.. until you you fade painfully layer by layer…
Ah.. Shadow of the Wind.. that was the book Rahul D;Silva said he is currently reading…

COM.E PASS ME.. Terrible Death… T.D.. 20 4…
Yes the 20 usd.. from Flip J Hendrixs and the 20 on the Cup from the Arab Bodega… 20 as Temerika… T…
See Sacred Portal 104… 14… / 41.. N.D.A…E.

So Be It… S B I…

8:47 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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