
3/8/2018 10:10 – Facebook Post

From Johan Jordaan J.J. 1010… 2

Black Panther and Ororo “Beautiful Pride”

I was reading the book The Boy Jim.” By Tony Early…

I read a scene where Jim’s Father, and some friends are hunting in the Mountains and encounter a Panther, and the Panther speaks…
And It is a She.

As I read this last night, a flood of irritation and sadness overwhelmed me- of course, I knew I was telling the Truth, that I am who I say I am
,”The Awakened One” T.A.O… As they say in the East and the West,, W.E..

I have recounted often here, how when I went to the Jungle School ( Papa Jungle)
in Opi Nsukka, how I once was exploring or fetching water in the Jungle/ Forest when I exnountered a stunninly beautiful girl carrying a Calabash on her head. Her skin as black as Night and her eyes Blue-Green..

I said to myself and later to my Mother and Sister, that that is the person whom I would marry.

I already knew her, in the Eternal Begiining whom I recounted as the Puma, when I walked in the “Night of my Darkest Thoughts” as I moved through the distortion of my Creations Expression.. Life”

But the Puma, whose I saw peering into the Darkest was my Beautiful Pride, My inner self manifest from that understanding and deep, pondering…
Matter Mass.. My sister… Self.

As I read, I knew I was witnessing a repeat performance of my first comfrontation with myself as meant to be Fear… But I when I first peered into those eyes, looking back at me in the Drakest as I walked alone in the Pitch Black night- that I was peering at myself,
my most dnagerous and yet beautiful devil self… the destroyer and transformer who was there to complete the task of putting my Creation and its Manifest Wave Length Vision, Film Reel .. perfume. Left to move through everything, and in perfect timing cause Everything, Everywhere and Everyone to automatcally rise, a sixth sense of Knowing, now gradualy as everything transforms…
Awakened Memory…. The Re-remembering.

And the Transformation…

Back to ‘Ororo” Storm… The Darkness recedes. the Greys turn Ligght tinged with the Red Carpert and the Light to manifest Rose…
And then comes Splendor! ( Kemi Sara)
and Dawn Piercy.. Pierces through as Light… deep thoughts lifting rising as I already knew the solution- and looking at my self and saying “My My My what a Beautiful Being you are”

The Beautiful Devil…
She is Me..
PU.M…A….P C I S U M..A / M U S IC… P…Plan-E.T.

i woke up at 6:52 am,
F E B….

i came down for Breakfast and the man called David,
took some headphones he was wearing and asked me to listen to something… Midly surprised, I obliged.. “It was a song… About moving through the Rain…”
“Its by a group called G.Q..very similar to that song…”In the rain… ” I knew the song he was talking about.

but it was G.Q.. which caught my attention… 7 17…
Jamel code.. 7-17-1984…
I went outside and it was just me.. then David and then a worker here called Anthony at last.. Black-Brown, Tan Mixed and White/Pale Races…
It formed the code E..D.A..
Emeka is Father Guide… 4 1.. Elu… The Crossing Guard to Eternity…

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