
3/8/2017 20:02 – Facebook Post

3/8/2017 20:02 – Facebook Post

From Pascal Koloko…

Yes, I am sharing this because the Codes align and link to my
Young Aunt Julie, representing 26..

Yes and very similar energy and appearance….

4:52 p.m.

If only you were aware of what I am really doing on Face Book these last 58 Months, and in New York the last 16, years and Paris 26 years ago…
I moved there Jan 20, after University and then Art School and Dance Training…

To be aware, of some ones body and being literally evolving through expression….
To Experience the Truth of this and then have to prove it into Existence through constant expression… Explanation Weaving what you know is normally a simple process…
Weaving your own body into Evolutionary existence, because a Force in you and all manifest being, had decided that it must be explained slowly step by step to Humanity step by step into Existence and into their awareness… Because of their addiction to Fear…
So that they will have no fear…
And doing it in a set up where they see it as a Show, a Story…
a Game….
But it transformed into the greatest existential nightmare beyond Human Imagination because no one really believes it, or want to believe it until it is fully manifest in their realty, in their being…

Riddling out their old beliefs, while reconstructing the Body manually to access its immortal Blue Print….
But only by decoding the lies, their belief systems… untangling the knots of the Weave and link of the Material body..
-Fighting daily 24-7 their perceptions, their challenges in set ups which reveal the utter malice of what Humanity has become…

There is no such thing as a God of Love or Truth in me Experience of this experience…
I post weave and link because my physical bodies agony is only abated by a play in which people realize only at the very end the Truth of this experience being literal and the Super Human effort it has taken to endure such a process.

There is no God of Love or Truth…
There is God as Evil, Sadistic, Mean, Malicious…
To create such a Set Up for some to endure…

Which is why God to me represents you… The People…
Because this is who you are.. And this is the “God” you created and worship…
A God who gets and gives you what you want no matter the Cost to others
Who creates Misery suffering for others to points of so extraordinary that Evil bows at the Superiority of this “Conscious” wave….

5:11 p.m.

This is God created by the people who do not care for justice, balance, fairness when it comes to what you need, desire, want..
All those morals go out the Window, all those laws, all that knowledge or Right and Wrong….
All that veneer of civilization disappears in an instant..

Many writers have written about this, philosophers and Tyrants who have seen this truth of Humanity…
Even Children..

And so for them Death, became the one place where they saw as that place of Grace..
Which ends this horror called the Lie of Existence…

That people care… only when their comfort is not threatened…

And lets be honest, all my Face Book friends witness to this 58 months play have witnessed what I have witnessed….this as the absolute truth.

I have no emotion about it, not any more, and am stating the Truth which of course will not be heard, because nothing else matters apart from YOU getting what you want…
Despite a True Nature of such savagery and indifference having risen as the I.D of Humanity…

The Beautiful Truth I guard…

But the Ugly Truth I witness..

Through out this 58 month Script, I had noted that hardly any person inquires about that which is truly important…
-That which makes people Human…
The sincere questioning of how am I physically doing…
How does it feel, to be evolving…
Which is because either no one believes my physical Body is evolving
( It was already evolved but was put in this script to make it seem as though the Human body never had this Blue Print)…
or that the Species of Flesh and Material consciousness are so evil and selfish that they simply do not give a damn…
As long as they profit…

I do not like speaking like this, but in truth I am living the Existential Nightmare and can not escape it because it is in my body.

And I have coerced into posting each day, having never lived a life..
but consecrated for this role in a story that is impossible for even I to believe is taken place if it was not for the evidence and proof each day…

There is no God…people..
God is Beauty Truth Grace…

God is your invention- a projection created by your own
Needs, Fears…

There is one thing which this Face Book Script has revealed,
it is This Ugly Truth…
That is what my 16 years and 28 years living in Limbo has revealed
There is No God…
But there is a God of Evil beyond words..

The Wave which feeds on the True Being of Creation and uses them to Feed an idea that there is a God of love, who answers your prayers..
Enslaves the Truth for you…
And this play has revealed that you do not care… if that is what it takes.

Pascal Koloko has 2,620 Face Book friends, as I write this…

Pascal means Easter .. which means “Transformation” linked to myself as my younger brother Nnamdi… 4-5-1969..
Koloko… Kolo..K.O… Is the Knock Out…
Sacred Portal 89….

The Bringer of the End…

* I just saw that I got a message from my Aunt…Julie…
I had heard my phone ring, and as I tried to pick it up, it went dead…

Nenad M. Djurdjevic .. I wish you to hear this… the X Factor..

I called back but there was no answer.. how strange.. then I read the code…
And I understood it was a set up…
Some of you experienced this.. my Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka Elizabeth Clarizio Kasper Lomholdt Serup my phone would just call you as if by itself which would then lead me or you to get in touch and then an entire play would reveal itself..

This is what happened..
I found myself telling me Aunt just a little bit about my condition of my body here in a Shelter…
Very much as the expression I was writing here, but much lighter and briefer…
After writing sending the text, I wondered why I had written that..
I did not care, it was too late now…
This is the code of the Z… The Manifestation of the End..
Even in the Christian Islam Judaic Hebrew story there is the End..
The Revelations of JO.H.N…. Julie.. O.H…( Oscar Orient Full Circle..Henri Harmony H.E..I.N.R.I) Nenad…
Where Christ comes as the Sword of Justice…and Truth
Ab Justice….
So even though I loath that Story.. And have been brought back to the past over and over again… to that past of the “Orien Laplante”
Orient… Whose correct story is Ahura Mazda.. Zoraster…
Zoro Aster…. Z.A!… A-Z-A… A-A…. The Origin of that Stories End Point…
O.INri to Zoro… “Eternal Hero of the Golden Dawn… Asther.. “Star”
Stella Antley
Esther Uzoma
Esther Ufomadu

And the Middle East being the beginning of the Distortion of that Story..
It still retained the Truth…
The 3rd day he rose…
Born the same time as a Stat..
Winter Solstice… Spring Solstice…
David Cecila Nnamdi…. All the same person..

I am reading the Book Sword of Truth…
given to me by Rahul D’Silva.. unaware of the Harmony moving him…
Which is based on the series “Legend of the Seeker”
And the Book the Journal of the Magician called Kolo Journals…

I was sad when I realized that she too was being set up, tested and there was nothing I could do…
I had fought to alert people for 16 years to their being tested…
And did so on Face Book.. My mother was tested my uncle all on expression and a play in which it is how they respond to me…
How they treat me, as the Messenger of Harmony the True God.. Truth Harmony Expression…
THE.. BEGINNING…T.B… Truth Beautiful..

I had never asked for that role, and despised it…
Being used to see how people would treat “The Last Messenger”
and then having to prompt people, remind them to treat me well
with respect dignity courtesy because of who I represent, because the one who sent me is watching how you treat me.. the one who played his Son but really is his her father in this Story he created for the Middle East Story…
Manifest Expression linking A and B.. Heaven and Earth by Humanity by his she having planted the See and See -Cee of Heart Love Compassion..

I saw what was done to His Her Truth and refused this Mission point blank and spent my Life running…
I said they are a thousand a million times worse…
There is no way I am going to play such a role in this age and time…

But I could not run away fast enough.. I ran straight into that Role…
(Why is why I am so Angry with HIM/Her… HH.. They had such Trust that you would understand Their Exemplification of Love…
Yes they have rage David and Clara line David and Diana…line.. D C.. DD.. 43 44.. 7 8… And their Rage is Justified…
But I said this is YOIR play.. you created for the 4th Chakra and the 7th..
Leave me out of it…
I came to Boogie…!!
It was promised.. it was my Right.. to rest…
But instead they found no one willing to play that Role in this age..
No one who would respect their Truth, verify thier intentions and message and not dare take their words- Revelations.. in vain…)

Any way she Told me to leave in the Hands of J.C…
Jesus God.. in in one way she was right…
But not correct…
It is a Festival of Paylasmak… Share Help each other…
Share the Burden… Not each to their own Revelations because they are all part of the Whole… One,

Nenad M. Djurdjevic reached 78.. Ahura Mazda…
And later Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka because each volunteered during their own most difficult times to supply financial aid…
and Nenad provided Scholarship and put himself out there by revealing Visions and his Truth…
And even on my birhday defining the Slav meaning of Kolo…

Pascal Koloko… KOLO… K.O..

7:00 p.m.

Julie was the last the 8-9th Child of my Grandmother…
So that ends the DNA line…
I began speaking to the Silence in 1989…
Nenad links to Nnonyem.. Nnamdi… Emeka… 64 66 69…73/37…
3-4 Children my immediate family..
Linked to 26..The End….


7:03 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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