
3/7/2019 23:27 – Facebook Post

3/7/2019 23:27 – Facebook Post

6:03 pm
63… / 36…

F C.. C F..


37 20 19… 2 O 19… 2 19..

See sacred portal 37…and 39..

Link Liberty C Liscomb Thomas Lang and Son.. 5..7.

The Number 43 is on top of my page as number of Likes…
2 Comments 43 likes…

I am at 1243 Facebook Friends after a battle with the 1-4 Dimension contained in Time.. 1-7…
4 7… 1-1… 74….
11 11…
1 4…
Alexander Darius…: Brothers Fathers..
Christopher… First Cousins… F C

The Angle of the first perfect Pyramid of Egypt
43 Degrees.
E=CMe 4/3… C Speed of Light= Consciousness… M as MA S S.. ( S S AM) Mass Communication
The little “e” represents the Energy generated by the Human Bean Shaped Mitochondria Dna…
4 is the Base of the Pyramid..
3 is the Triangle Shape…Face… 4 sides in a pyramid..3 Trinity..

Big E is the Expression of Everything and to link and Align them Big E to Little e
expression Human Person to Eternity…

Sacred Portal 43 “Door of Life”

Many are called .. few are chosen…
I fully understand this now…
Those who are “God” meaning “Summoned”
few of them I have witnessed are of Truth or True..
They break so easily the laws they choose..
So few are impeccable with their words.. mainly because they do not embody it and because most do not cherish the gift of true life and because, all that they do to rise to E ends up being all about them, what they can gain and not because it is not they who are carrying the load or the pain.

There is a reason why the Humans could never lead their Evolution. which is because they chose not to- that that someone else will do it..
And always they will have an excuse and even attack those who call them out.

Each day I witness people battle with their Eternal Self and the Human Natural Selves.. These two I find Constant..but it is the Ego which is the problem.. The lies which they created as ideas of themselves which they force and act out onto others
despite that Self Projection not being the Truth.
Because there is an Eternal Self linked connected to the Human Natural Self… and the Bridge which Connects them is all the True Incarnations of themselves which they enacted undercover and which their Parents MF.
S..Source has met and acted, played with them in all these Arch Tunnels of Love .. Thus, it knows your Ego Truth.

So as you can see by the number 43 that we are literally at this moment at the Sacred Portal 43 ‘Door of Life”- which suggests that this here is not Life but a Holodeck created by Death -God
D G…Who came down from the Fifth Dimensions Universal Harmony Frequency 5 8 – Descending through Music/Mind to 4 The stage to reach Him Her and The Vision Proven Truth- perfectly reflecting its Original Truth behind the Wall of Time or the Body represented IN THE Rainbow Spectrum, Solfeggio from a Hue-man throat where the 5th Chakra is located and linked to the 7 chakra or energy point in the Huaman Body-
that 20 20 Vision of seeing building from 1=7 stages the exact alignment to the Truth aligned with Vision.. Sixth Sense and Second Sight linked with reason…And that opens the “Curtains” to exit or pass through the physical body as Time and link with its Original Truth – Source of the reflection of the Vision built when contained within the Body.

Travis Michael Pace


The name Travis is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Travis is: Crossing; crossroads; toll gate.”

Michael meaning

The name Michael is commonly translated with Who Is Like God?, but, more accurately, the name denotes an inquiry after the identity of God: Who’s God? or What’s God Like? As captain of the heavenly armies and expeller of satan, Michael’s main mission is perhaps to inspire humans into seeking the identity of God:”

Meaning of the name Pace..

As a name in England, Pace has at least two possible origins. The first is from an early medieval nickname for a mild-mannered and even-tempered man, derived from the Anglo-Norman-French and Middle English word “pace” or “pece”, ultimately from the Latin “pax” or “pacis”, meaning “peace”.

The name Alexander is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Alexander is: Defender of men.

The name Carton has a long Anglo-Saxon heritage. The name comes from when a family lived in the village of Carden in the county of Cheshire. This surname is derived from the Old English word cairn which was a rock structure, often as simple as a small pile of stones, serving as a memorial or marker of an important place.”


Carton Name Meaning. Irish: reduced form of McCartan or McCartney. Northern French: occupational name for a carter, charreton, charton. French: from Old French carton, a measure of cereals; hence a metonymic occupational name for a grain merchant.”

To get the meaning which would align to the convergence of the manifestation and script linked to the number 43 and its meaning, mine and the Echo Response from this world Script from Pyramids to Nikolai Tesla and from the anchors of my actual journey and portals for the 13 years.

“T M P… Ti Mobile Police ( of the Universe)
“We are currently crossing The Cross Roads.. The Toll Gate
enquirig as to who is as God, who is the one identity who “invoked summoned everything into Existence. The Mild mannered and even tempered one.. the man of Peace?”

A C..( Alternating Current.. S P 36.. 69.. Earth 3rd from the Sun 3 69)

The one who wards and fights, cleans being of illusion Virus and Diseased point of view , the Defender of the I.D of Mann.
The Rock marking each mile stone of the way to the crossing from time to the Eternal.
Who is as the grain, the seed who measures existence, plants a seed linking the Smallest to the largest- micro-macro aligning them all to One.”

I know that there is one who is looking for some one who is Mild Mannered, Even Tempered ( M.M.E T)

Yes Rob Barr and I and his friend at the MET.
H.Q… Met Rob at University Place 2002-2003.

It enquires at the crossing as to who has the I.D of God “Namaste” reflected outwardly, while atthe same time he knows the Identity of the One True God is the one who is Constant inside or outside aligned as one i every dimension and every possible way..



Check the alignment of The Script and what it points to..
9 6.. I D. M A NN..E.K.. 5 11.. 5 55 ( 1 1..1.. A AA)
Y A! H E E E M. A A C Chukwu (meaning Supreme Being S B/ B S 219 South Whitney)

9 Names of God.. Now TEN ELEVEN…10 11
Chukwu/Chineke- Harmony
C H/ H C
… 38 / 83

And then a play took place with Esteban Miguel Filgueira confirming this Equation but my Sister line 7:28 and a feroscious and dramatic play enacted atthe Crossing based on Point of View.
Reflecting the literal play which caused my sister and I to not be in contact 3 times since I left her apartment in 1988
yes, the year Sarah Kaizer Athena was born.

It had nothing to do with Love but rather with Truth not Proof or Love, but rather could I exist in this world with my Truth and to show the way out of the Body 7 28 and its transformation back to 8.
7 28.. 7 10.. 7 1O..G Alpha Omega 7 1..8O.. 86.
14..5.. N E
86 48 32.. 6..F.
Natural Evolution…Filgeuria– Frank… F R E E D O M
Flora..Flower of Life.

I always knew that my sister and I’s conflict was so absurd that even then I knew it was a set up, that she had been meddled with, but more so I knew without her doing that action I would never have embarked on this mission or started Talking to the Silence, and free to seek out the E.
And the Truth.. Nnamdi…

I always felt this was the truth.. to demonstrate to All my point of View..

The Two men who I knew Meddled were called Uncle Sam and Dominic..
Uncle Sam..U.S…A.M.. E
United States.. Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix E
U S D.. United States Dollar ( Cash Dollar and Christopher Filgueira)
Understanding Santana Dharma..

10:19 p.m.
John Mack and Stephen Popiotek
E,M.F… Emeka Michael McKayla Frank “Free Person”
1 A.
1 is 5

E M E.. K A.-H, E.

S P 88

10:25 p.m.

J Y J Y A O. J A Y J O Y
10:26 p.m
A O Z…

10:27 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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