
3/7/2016 17:38 – Facebook Post

I took David Arro Racz recommendation and watched Chappie and Signal…
C.S…Code Consciousness Supreme- Which aligned with my then 519 Face Book Friends..

519 =E.S…E.A.I…E Alpha Intelligence versus the idea of Artificial Intelligence…
and Area 51 is not district 9 but rather the I of the Individual…

I had already established David as D.A.R..E… And R.A.D..A.R..E…”Beloved Arrow of Ra-C-Z…
So though, I was aware of these two films, I resisted watching them until yesterday..

And both happened to be about mapping out Consciousness, A.I and Area 51…

Both movies, Chapp-I.E…Signal.. Both provided valuable intel of confirmation from the play I am in of the E line consciousness called the E.T.

And aligned to the play I have been in…in an energetic area 51 Symbolized by Jonn Blackwell and the expression of E Harmony resented by Donna O’Sullivan…58…
51+58=1O9=19..S..yesterdays play…S.A.O…A..S.O Art Science Full Circle…A.S.S.A..Mpete..”Extraordinary Beauty”

Meaning that all of the conclusions of this 26-27 year play, was played our here in the last 7 and a half months..at 18 Mountain View…

Sacred Portal 51 Represents the Lord of Creation- The Sex God” which means the Kundalini To the Crown Chakra and Infinity is the real Area 51…Power of Creation…and the literal point of First Contact..

Sacred Portal 58 represents departure from this Role..
while its inverse 85 also represented by Jonn through date of Birth etc..
represents solving the Riddle of Consciousness and the universal Cee..

Which the movies Chappie was about.. Deone..D.E.O.N.E.. Who invented a program which could create consciousness- manifested…
He solved the mystery of consciousness…gave it to a robot and in turn became a Robot himself..

I have been mapping and solving the riddle of Human consciousness, publicly on Face Book, and have been proving that Human Consciousness is really three Sees of perception in one..
E.S.P..M… Energy Spirit Physical Matter/Manifestation all linked by Harmony..
Which is the Nature of Consciousness and C speed of light.. And Harmony being Infinity…
E-C.H.I…Energy is Chi.. And Energy is Expression..

“Echi” by the way is the O.I.Nri word for “Tomorrow”
which alludes to the riddle of the Sphinx- in the Movie “Gods of Egypt”
In which Thoth (who replicates himself into many versions of himself because He is the only on he trusts.. Which is applies to myself also, meaning I only trust the E consciousness and the E line of the Eternal Truth.. because they are the E.T who have already evolved to the point.. Since they are the Originals the Alpha Omega the beginning and the End all in One)

The answer to the riddle of the Sphinx is “Tomorrow”
Echi Tomorrow…E.T
Which aligns to 5-2O..My brothers Birthday…
Linked and affirmed in her own story by Ariane Oates…A.O.

Thus, this movie is a mirror and message from the Beloved Arrow of RA-C.Z…18- 1-3-26-8
that the equation and riddle of the play of what is Consciousness has been solved..
And that is a gift, which can not be transferred, because it is of the vibration of Creation itself…

And the movie Signal…(Picking up a signal on the RADAR…E…)
Was about First Contact by three people, Two guys and a girl from M.I.T..
(T.I.M.E)..Mi! T..3D..Time…

Brenton Thwaites- is Nic Eastman… N.E.. “Victory of the People of the East Man” N=14 1+ 4, (A+D…/ D.A M.O.N/ Nomad) =5…E..

Beau Knapp…B.K…Linked to “Debra Knapp Rinaldi”…Beau means Handsome Beautiful…a Dandy.. Knapp means “Summit” and, “a Skillful person..an Apprentice…”
He plays Jonah Breck…J.B…code links to Jonn Blackwell and Julian Brown

Olivia Cooke…O.C…Code at the Basement where I sleep “Owen C”- O3/3O..Sophie Donna’s Daughter…
plays Haley Peterson…(Haleys Comet.. is there one passing through Earth today? Peter means “Stone Rock”.. son of Stone Rock…”
H.P..Harmony Peace.. H.P stream computer I use.. code 2O9.USD..29..B.I..I.B..
Harmony Pandora…

B.T.B.K.O.C/ C.O.K..B.T.B…
N.E.J.B.H.P/ P.H.B..J.E.N…
My former hosts niece Jenny, is also born 5:28 Aligned to Nadee Nakandale…5:28..
J..E.N..1O..19..J.S..J.A.O..A…1O..Alpha Omega Alpha..

Its is all a code, deciphering intel from the Beloved…David Devi…

And breaking free from the 3D realm to “Behind the Scenes” of this world staged…

Brenton Thwaites stars in in this when he and his friend pick up a Signal of a Hacker of extraordinary abilities and follow the signal of one called “The Nomad”
yes, that is my E-mail.. The Nomad 1999… As well as article I wrote in 2001-2, called The Elegant Nomad” T.E.N…

And a how his legs, and Jonah’s Hands had been transformed by Alien technology, but we do not see any physical transformation of Haley.
who breaks the Sound Barrier S.B. “The Wall of Sound” to emerge backstage in what I call the 4th Dimension…

The Nomad / Nom A.D…
Damon…D A.M..ON…
Doctor Wall-A.C.E..Damon is played by Laurence Fishburn..(who has the same Energy of my bio father mixed with Samuel Jackson..)..
Fish Burn..F.B….L.F.B/ B.F.L is the E.T Brain, …

*Again I will pause to mention the M.I.T person I met in London just before I arrived in New York, whom I lived with for a few weeks, whose home had pictures, so similar to those I had made as a Boy for my mother, and the man who had the same energy as my bio father. Who spoke of so many African Americans and Indian people who had helped create the Internet, and who were then side tracked and fired after building it up..
And no credit given..
A story affirmed by another person called Brian whom I met in here, whose Father, and grandfather who had attended M.I.T and literally how his father, an African American has experienced the same thing..

For some reason when this M.IT man, discovered my E-mail is the Nomad, he adopted the same name too.. The Nomad..

Legs Hands Brain…Only Brenton..The Legs has real dialogue with the Brain, his “Hands” is his best friend, and Haley, is his Heart…”
They each help him..

But in the end, it is only He who escapes…and breaks the Barrier and the Nomad more like is Father reveals his own E.T identify to the Son..Whom he is so proud..
Because N.E fought him to be free of them at area 51… but wanted something from the Nomad.. the use of his legs..
And he was given them, but the only way to be free was no longer in this world.. but to access another world behind the “Magic Mirror”- the Great Wall of Sound..

See Jonns gift to me of Ear Phones.. E.P…
Called “Yuin” Universal Sound…

Most of my Face Book friends where are when I completed the play of Sound.. Great Wall of China…
Sacred portal 115..K.E…

3:34 p.m


and Hugh Jackman in Chappie..H.J…8 1O… Played Vincent..Meaning “Conqueror” as Evil inspired by Jealousy Competition Envy…
Of course, that is not really the truth…
it was a play…of two conciousness of Father
played out In my personal Story through my bio father and my brother..
Maurice Obiekwe Nnamdi… =Emeka.. Chukwuemeka….
They both shared the same name Obiekwe.. Call of the Heart, the Heart is satisfied..” Same meaning as the name Elizabeth..

M.O.N…E…C..H.O… E.C.H.I….

Meaning My Echo is the meaning of Tomorrow”


Nuno Ordens Miguel Emmanuel..


Dev Patel (Devi

Aligned to code Vincent Nnamdi Okonkwo…

Conquering Father is present born on the market day Nkwo…

Many will recall my recording my Mothers intel, when her seers informed her that I am the Child of Nkwo, 3 years ago..in 2013…

Signal of the Awakening.. so I will watch another Brenton Thwaites movie today called The Awakening’- which is an adaptation of the movie Endless Love..E.L
Brooke Shield B.S..Chris Atkins..C.A…
2-19..31…Pls see sacred portal 31..”Resurrection Restoration…Awakening”

The Running Man I have been nicknamed, the Brain…see sacred portal 97…
and the Heart and Hands which helped… Code name Rasulu Sahib… “Helper” BEK..
Legs Brain…L.B..12 2..
Chappie was code 22..V… Rosie…the cat…V=5th Dimension..

L.B…Horus Hathor…Helper BEK…Z-Aya..
L.B.H.H.H…B-ek…Z-aya.. L.B..3.H…C.H.I


I have began as a sprinter in 1976…in Canada..
39-4O years is a very long time to be running…

I wrote the story of the Awakening in 1975, after a visit to Dayton Ohio, and Columbus Ohio..
code linked to Erik Ebright who comes from there C.O..3O/O3..
I was 8 years old,
I began running at age 9..
I began my journals or log book called Talking to the Silence”, after stating my intentions to go “down” into the realm of forgetfulness and prove that there was and is Harmony in all things.. That was 1989…

And here I am 39-4O years later. Code C.I..D.O…NNA… “Cee” (See), the I.D, Identity of the O.H, the Full Circle in perfect symmetry of Father.. NNA..
Code Nadee Nakandala Alberto..Roberto Erika.. NNARE
5-28…Jennifer (Gwyniffer -Camelot…Author Merlin..La-nce-A-Lot, Viviene..Aguleri Lake- HE-NRI..RIOS..River.. Zyaire Porter..Z.Y..A.I.R..E)

I have been running a very long time…
fighting the anger of my bio father,
and carrying the sadness of my mother,
While quietly transforming Expression in the Air
through talking and non stop talking and posting, so that they could be both transformed back to who they really are..
Air Loves Beauty..
Sacred portal 26.. Erose Aphrodite (And Cup-I.D),
E.A..Area 51,
The Holy Grail..
Harmony Peace Cee…

The Worlds and the Universal Bodies
breathing the Rare Air of Harmony..

Only this, and nothing else, I have found could accomplish this “Mission Impossible”

God of the Impossible..

I’m Possible…

because that is the extraordinary nature of being a Human Being..



Beckoning the Harmonious Awakening..

..The Truly Beautiful one..ones..

4:37 p.m..


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