
3/6/2020 14:38 – Facebook Post

1:11 p.m

George Lemaitre.

G.L / L G.

Code link to Leander Gemino 11 years old on his way to New York the 11th State

L G. 12 7 +× 19 84 103 J C, A.O.C Alpha Omega C.
1-6-3/ 3-6-1. Todays Date

A.L.L Arden Liberty Leander
E M.F. Emilio Michelle Fred
Arden Fred. Carlos.

What if I stated that the heart of the Expanding Universe comes from the Source Expression- meaning the ability for a Person to figure out and prove its actual beginning and walk through humanities intended and then realigned journey by proving its Origin and Destination are one.

And the ability for people to read it comming from they themselves being quantum particles, being in Harmony are moving at the literal speed of light.
Giving them the ability to read it like a news paper with numeric code.
Basicall moving in synch with the planet earth and the Universe
The All Seeing Eye.
T. A S E
All based on the one Hue man being decoding proof and translation into a language which aligns to the E.M.F Field Frequency of A.L.L.
At J Jay B. Balance.
Jay-mes Bond 007
Mata Hari.

Clark Kent C.K.
Super Man.

Henri Caville
Harwington Connecticut
8 3
Infinite Consciousness

1:37 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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