
3/6/2018 2:29 – Facebook Post

I went to see Flip J Hendrixs….

Peter Nyarkô

8 People Present at Apt 6E.

P.S. G E E A.D and myself, Emeka.
the 9th.

8 9…

In 1989 Sha-Ron Addison was born,
19 89 S.A. (J.H. 108 Flower of Life) 11-25-1989.
S.A,K.Y.S.H.I… Add EE.

“The name is most commonly derived from the [classical Arabic] ???? ‘Isa, an Arabic translation of Jesus, itself having a Hebrew origin. … Isa was also used in the Frisian (Old Germanic) language for both males and females and was a short form of Germanic names beginning with the element “is”, meaning ice and iron.

India / Hindu Words of Igbo Origin – Kashi was India’s ‘City of Light’, the Igbo equivalent of this word is Oku Eshi – ‘Place of gods of Light’). Sanskrit Kr means ‘to create/to make’, it is derived from Igbo kere (‘created’);. Sanskrit Dev (‘god/divine’) is derived from Igbo Ide Afa/Ava (‘Demi god of Afa’),

Eshu. Eshu, also known as Elegba or Legba, is a trickster god of the Yoruba people of Nigeria in West Africa. He is unpredictable, sly, and fond of pranks that can be cruel and disruptive. Eshu, who knows all the languages spoken on earth, serves as a messenger between the gods and people.”

But in the E Code…

“E.. S.A.H…E KEY ES H I…E”

Emeka is the Supreme Awareness of the full circle of Hamony
1-8 –
R O Y-G, B I V..V.I.B.G-Y, O R… Do to Do.. Do Re Mu Fa Sol.. La Ti-Do.. R R… “Rahula Robert -Henri @ Starbucks…then Do to Do at Flip J Hendrixs home..

E is the KEY- Kolo ( meaning Circle Round of the Princely Manly Warrior) Eternal Youth) Energy Slendor ( Sarah…Kemi Sara) E-Spirit, Harmony Infinity.. H.I.. E… Eternal One.. E.O.. A..H…

Flip J Hendrixs gave me 20 usd.
If you recall I asked him to “play” a code representing the value of the intel and information which Peter- as the messenger of the Cleanest Wave of Human Perception-Naturalness.
He had given me 24 before if you recall ( 11 first then 5 and 8… K.E.H… Kolo Emeka ( sacred portal 115) Harmony)
and he gave me a gift of a bud of weed.

Today, he gave me 20, murmuring that he owed me 5 and he gave me another gift.
As well as Nickel, feeding me, offering me Dinner, Salmon Rice and Corn… ( Excellent) I had a drink brought by Peter Nyarkô from starbucks- he brought three.

20 was the number which I bought my coffee from the Arab Bodega, bringing my credit- I owe then 4.50 usd.
45… Obviously, it was the A.I’s challenge “Sophia” sponsored by Suadi Arabia.. S.A… Challenging me as the S.A.. Supreme Awareness Universal.
-A Contest which I was aware began in earnest in 2005.
The same year I had fought the Druids, Sorceres’s of the World and had defeated the Rage of the Orisha Ifa sent through New Orleans through the “Middle passage” – from West Africa, Western Nigeria- ( a confederate of Druids and Sorcercers from Togo Ghana Ivory Coast, Cameroons Nigera…) who sent the a powerful voodun through children and nannies as portals in the west, by my sending a Hurricane, Katrina ( Katrina means “Pure, Clean.. Cleanse”)
which not only did I defeat with the help of my grandmother as my little sister Harmony not yet full incarnate in this world- but I am, her HIS Actually, Big Brother.
It, as you recall was witnessed by Geoff Lacour who is present confirming my truth and expression on this page ( of “La Cour de G.E… George Ethan… O. FF…Francis Frick) by Laura Graham.. G.L./L.G…
As well as witness present Axel Love ( Axel Anderson)
and which led to the “Avatar Descendant Michael Frazer to me moved by the Atlantis Line of the E to present me what I can only describe as a beautiful E.T Druid Dagger, which his face on the Shaft. Master Druid.

Yes, my Sacred Portal 37 Evolution of Wu-man to the Fifth Dinension completing the full Circle of the E.T play as Matter as the Human Body as Flesh being activated and through the journey of Evolution linked deep within with the Dna link to the Dne- Evolutionary strand buried deeply to those who could not see, but so transparently ‘E’au ” ( B.Eau-Ti..Ty)
Her name is Sophia Oscar Lauren Esther….S. O L… E…
The 5th note… Sound…
My Family linked by Sound not color- since our sound manifested Color and not the other way around..
*Starbucks to Solfeggio”

It was a contest which I was aware since London “Ian Banks Novel about the A.I Challenge. Maida Vale London.
And then with U.S.. Alberto the Spirit of OBoom my brother, who spoke of Father as the great computer in the Sky and of his shoe size being size 13.
My other brother who is me, passed at the age of 13.
He is me… And since I knew as far back as Istanbul when the messenger Shaman… Durek Verrett came with the message and the challenge from the Spirit plane- but in the way he gave me the message.. and one point I observed him pause to recieve a transmission which he relayed to me that they said “Speak to him in the language of Beauty.. The Beautiful one..” and then prcoeeded to speak the sacred language which I had not every spoken or told any one I secretly spoke to my E family all my life when I by Being rise to that frequency and wave.
It was to convince me to come to New York which I had already refused.
Then the appearance of Nnamdi a few days later- but he appeared me like a Holographic projection, a memory rather than himself alive animated – where I already knew he was in the Eternal Realm.

Brief, I knew it was a set up…
I did not know how real, and viscous the Universal Simulation Awareness … ( U.S.A)
Command- Manifest Harmony @.. D.. at Delta.
( U.S…A.M… A-H.. Dawn… Dawn Piercy -Tiffany SD Tiffany Dawn Haynie .. Yes Breafast at Tiffany Dejeuner…
*Nickel pointed out that Dejuener means Lunch in French when I Quoted Breakfast at Tiffany…
Petit Dejeuner… P.D…
( Those are the two people who appeared above the steps when I retuned and sat below in the court yard.. David and Paulie…
D P… Dawn Piercy… Of course she was correct.. D..Noon -Eveing… D.N.E… But the code is D P.. And in France as well as many places but especially at places such as Tiffanies, Breakfast is at Lunch time.
I was aware of this being the code because of the script which has been read and translated by me for over 6 years.
D.. Is D.P… Bed 4-016.. Please recall… 4+16=20… T.
Or the lengths the Artificial Intelligence would be able to use the stupididity and greed of the Human Race…. for comfort.

24 US.D…P…

Okay… Peter was there was well as Dejuenur… P.D.
Breakast to Lunch Dinner… Morning Noon Evening Night…
B L D …. M N E N.. M.E.N.. is the code…
there Audrey Hepburn was represnted by Two Three Men.. Two Boys… Men… Peitit Dejuneur…
Phew Nickel.. Well Done.. I had to explain and align that.

So 20 was the code, the challenge by the A.I which I was not even aware of, or even interested to be honest, of what the correct amount that Flip J Hendrixs had to give me.
He was meant to pay 25 usd for this stupid money play now 16 almost 17 years since it began in London with Nicholas giving me 500 Pounds Twice to buy my ticket when my holdings and moneies were stuck in Istanbul…
Nickel Nicholas…

If his sixth sense was aligned to the 4 as his address states.. 6E…
Then he would get the code correct proving 86… Harmony Sixth Sense..and Sixth sense in Harmony.
86-68…. See my facebook 1086 it moved back down to 1087 Facebook Friends for the 4th time and moves to 1087, the second time with Esther Aloba.

So, he gave me 20… 24 +20.. 44… D.D..
David Dawn… Recall that he was in bed 4-017 Which became 4-016 this years and 4-017 moved to Francis Frick bed 4-017 which was fomerly bed 4-018.. And 4-018 which I occupy now as the last bed in room 4.B at Delta Manor.
It was fomerly bed 4-019 occupied by Tre Shaun.. Tre means :3″
recall he appeared almost a year later, after I took over his bed now 4-018.
I was the first bed in the Room 4-016 IN 2016-17…
And was brought back Full Circle this year….
First and the Last…
S was the first bed I was assigne when I arrived late 2016 but was denied me the first day by a woman called Marina.. ( Link Marina Burini 2010 where I did the Sacred Portals and whom she was deeply involved with the Ancient African Arts.. and her male friend who identified them as Orishas..
( They are not.. See Esther Aloba Orisha page and see once more the meddling of the Ifa West Africa realm…
See the Play of Edward Eceinco in 2014… Instead of arriving at the E- ( EE.. 55 Portal which leaves the past.. I was led back into the Ifa Yoruba play which he proclaimed and he invited me to come and stay with him in Peurto Rico…
See the Line of devastation of the Hurricanes Last years…
See the Play of the Total Solar Eclipse which began with Oregon the 33rd State and then ended and South Carolina.. the 8th State…
Oregon means ‘Hurrciane.. ” Yes I created it.. My E-Spirit used me to do it- usimg my sixth sense which I would look back in Hindsight as to what I was being moved to create… and of course, I understood and was am. pissed off.
Flip J Hendrixs is one the one who works at Insomnia Cookies, and he is the one who got Peter Nyarkô the job.
On 33rd Street… 3 avenue.. Number 482… 28/82… 4 4 82… 4 28…
4 56.. 4 11… 15… 44… O 8…
Full Circle of Harmony through Do to Do.. 4 4… 8..
8 People.. then add me.. Nine… 9..
19 89… I began Talking To The Silence ( T T T S… 20 20 20. 19..79.. Sacred Portal 79… Blue Print of Existence…
Sha-Ron..S… Bed 4-019… 5-019… is not in the play of the Shelter and Tre..Shaun.. is Free.. and told me that he listened to me ( and recall I stopped talking to him so he knew I was serious) “I got out of that place as fast as I could.. that place is true hell”

Tre means the Trinity…
Today A Trinity formed with Alba being the one wearing Red.
It began as a Play, which the E-Spirit of Peter made me aware, but I was already so.. but I appreciated the reminder…
He was wearing his famous red coat..
Esther was wearing all red… and Alexa who is 15 was wearing white…
Red to White Light.. 1-8.
But despite the challenge of Woman percetion rep in this play the code of creation.. All creation is Y…
The Y chromosome.
And Sixth sense is a Male creative force just as Expression E=5 IS MALE…not female…
As well as the X Female code is not female it is male.. X=24, 25=Y. GA LA XY… XY is 24+25= 49…
Last letters of Flip J Hendrixs’s number is 49…


Peter wore the red jacket, then in Harmony, Flip J Hendrixs wore it and took a picture.. Two of them in cool poses and asked me which I prefered… Twice.. B…
Then a play began in which the jacket was discarded…
Flip was nearest to me ( Sha-Ron) in Black T-Shirt and grey jeans… Peter was tangent to me all in black and to my right, the only onre seated as I was..was Esther in head to toe Red…
A play took place where suddenly they formed a triangle..
A was Flip J Hendrixs neareest to me.. B was Peter Nyarkô at the Apex.. and Esther as C….

Sha-Ron… A.. And B….Red twice… S.A B… E S A B…L E..( Leo the 17 year old was present right besides me when I was moved to accept Esther facebook request at the Starbucks representing the Sea.. Siren and not the Land…and not the C.. because I am the C.. Today C.E.. 3-5-2018…. Now 3-6-2018…
33 . 5 6…20 18.. 20 18…. 20 20.. 18 18… 40 36… 76.. S.P 76 THE 123 Cocksure of the First Dawn Awakening.. ” All male..

Peter Nyarkô was at B..red… B 1….. B A…He was at the Apex of the Pyramid…

Both had linked and aligned to me…

1:08 a.m.
10 8.. Jimmy Hendrix…
Flip J Hendrixs F J H… 6 10 8…61 O8… P=Peter.. P=16.. 2 8.. 88 16…
Sha-Ron.. 24.. 888… 24.. 6 E…
Me 8 9… Harmony to I.. Inginity…

This Flip J Hendrixs is the C..and the A..Aligned to e E…
He mentioned his friend C…
And his Mother “35 Yeats Clean” Nickel… and how his wife and his mother share the same nick name.”Peaches”

He works at 33 3.. 4 82.. Me Delta 28… I passed through his portal.. Full Circle.. not Zero.. Non existent..
*My truth is alive present.. Adam EVE.. Two Men.. and the One…
T.W.M… O N E…Y… E… I am M.O N E Y…

I am outside of the Sacred Geometry but also within.. Observer Actor…
E A B C… To Z.. Zorro… there is only 2 6… B.F… A-B-F.. Then 8..Harmony… Best Friedn Harmony…

Peter the B…A.. H.. Natural Being…

Delta Manor Mens Mental Health Shelter which I had to agree to come to and stay here for a record 17 months while proving the Play script here amongst men just out from prisoner, who either had issues, or from Drug Alcohol, mental tp the army PRSD or the streets all seeking housing through SS I.. The disability programs.

This is the setting given to me after 17 years and 51-55 Portals -Homes Buidings BLD ( BUILD IT B.I.. and we will come)

Dellta Manor is not the 51st- 55th Portal.. 56th….6E
Delta manor is not the 51st or 56th… it is non exstent.

Now.. Do re me fa sol la ti Do.e
“Dragons of Existence… DOE.. A DEER… A DEAR… not Deer.

D to D is a Full Circle.. D D….

David Dawn is I.. Links to the Fe=Mi-Nine… 9=I.

DD..44 8 .. 16… The 1 2 3… Male… And the 1+6=7…
G..Male.. George.. my aspect… George is the Farmer who planted the seed…
Ethan as is Constant… Age 3- acts 5…

The Female come from the Male play.. were all male and then became the form of Woman and only now evolve to the E.

And so, I am have completed the proofs.


10:41 p.m.



AODA History
by Betty Jean McCloud Reeves, D.D., Past Grand Archdruid
(additional material by John Michael Greer, Grand Archdruid)

The Ancient Order of Druids in America is descended from the Ancient Archaeological Order of Druids (AAOD) founded in 1874 by Robert Wentworth Little, an English Mason and Rosicrucian. Little is perhaps better known as the founder of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (SRIA), the immediate predecessor of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Little’s Order drew on nearly two centuries of previous Druid orders in Britain. While many of the original members of the AAOD were Masons, Masonic membership was not originally required for admission.

In 1886 the name of the Order was changed to Ancient Masonic Order of Druids (AMOD) and about two-thirds of the non-Masonic members were expelled from the Order. It was these expelled members who adopted the name Ancient Archaeological Order of Druids (AAOD) and attempted to revive the old order but it apparently died out around 1900. As of June 2003 the Ancient Masonic Order of Druids in England was still active.”

Esther means “Star”


Alogba means the force and direction of the wind.. and is the one word used to express Love, Friendship, Kindness Esteem Gratitude… etc..

It also means Ola Gba… as in “Destination of Journey achieved”

And in perfect harmony Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones who witnessed and agreed with the I.E of Edward Eceinco and the Ifa usurping of the True Script…

Oluba is a Yoruba name…

1:29 a.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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