
3/6/2018 22:40 – Facebook Post

6:49 p.m.




Fifth Dimension is I… Infinity.

Consciousness Fact and True, Transparent Radiant -Reflective Understanding Existence-Expression-Embodiment,
Fact I “Cee” (See ) True.
F.D.I.C.T…R.U.E.. Faction Diction-Dictionary is Universal Expression and it is “La Rue Antonine (“La!”the sixth note Solfeffgio; the way is the street called Desire its Opens and closes the Flower of life, so highly esteemed of inestimable value and so highly praise worthy- See meaning of the name Anthony)

*early 16th century: from medieval Latin dictionarium (manuale ) or dictionarius (liber ) ‘manual or book of words,’ from Latin dictio (see diction)


E.U….RT…C.I…(1O11) E GA LA XY ( 5- 7 1 12 1 24 25

Flip J Hendrixs just arrived.. Yaskaary gave me a gave the number on it is 95.
95 is the number Flip J Hendrixs was wearing when we went to his home for the first time.
And now he is here.

There was a song which Flip J Hendrixs rapped to yesterday,
I watched him morph as he began to rap and sing and act a song.
The Extraordinary voice which reminds me of a young Hendrix and Rick James with something extra, made me quiet.
*No matter how much I meet the E.T Family rising in Humanity- I never tire of the exhileration of the Director, the Artist, and the Adventurer who witnesses his Science and Truth as proven true.

I watched him describe the video he was shooting, and in a blink of an eye he was acting it out, and there was Beauty.
He described as at the same time acted it out, rapping..
It began with a Conversation with himself, with God, with the Music…
Just as I used to observe my mother in conversation with someone as a child- she was not talking to herself, she was actually speaking to someone. I recall asking her who she was conversing with she said “Oh with God”- it was a conversation real true. Which was full of laughter, observation and response which only she could hear.
It was an inner song. almost as if she were putting words to an inner music which only she could hear.
And I never doubted it for a second that it was real, because we her children understood that process perfectly.
All children do, but would never be able to explain it, or put it into words. And by the time they can, that dimension usually becomes lost to them forever.
It seemed that you could not have one or the other, that to enter into this reality, this Matrix, you had to sacrifice childhood- and the connection to the Eternal Truth.. Immortality as the Eternal Truth.

And yet my mother had found a way, a very simple way to keep that connection to the Silence..
That Invisible Orchestra, the Symphony of Music/ C.I..Sum total of Everything of the Truth. The Beautiful Truth…

Recall my page and the manuscript which I completed in 2011 which I posted “The True Conversation Between Energy E and AH!-Tom…

And so, as I observed Flip J Hendrixs converse with the everything while demonstrating and describing his video-I just stared slack jawed.
Wisdom, Beautiful pride, Esther Aloba who is the friend of Dejeuner, Nickels older daughter also kept quiet.
But she had no idea what it meant to me, as a Man, a Director, and this being whom has looked for his E family all his life.
As he moved through his song, demonstration speak to God- the music in everything, and in everyone. Commenting on that which was not of the Harmony of the Music, and acting it out…
“People slumped against the doors, violence on the streets- he conversed with the Music God, lightly commenting in Everything not judging.
He moved gracefully, I could see him transforming into a physical Beauty which only the E.T naturals access…
He described as he moved through the streets, through the words of his song, through the Music and from the corner of his eyes, and he and the Music “God” meet, converge in conclusion of understanding, how from the corner of his eyes he could see streaks of light swirling around and about him in the background of the city scape.
He was witnessing the manifestation of his conclusion and summation.
Wisdom John I wanted to whisper. Wisdom John don’t you remember me..” But I kept quiet.
I am still here in this world.
Peter Nyarkô was present, pure clean eyes like a beautiful panther, watching following the Music of his brother.
Esther sat to my right.. observing and I knew a great deal of the play was about the Energies she represented..

But as he spoke into Existence the Wisdom of Beautiful Pride line of the Family of T E N.. The Elegant Nomad..not The Elegant Nomads- plural… Replicating the same play, of which I traversed with my own “God- Inner Music which I began documenting in 1989…
Yes the Year he was born…
Yes, I am 1089 Facebook friends…
Yes my coffee cup served by Yaskaary Y.. is number 95.
Yes Flip J Hendrixs was wearing the number 95 when we first went to his home on the 28th…
Yes the aspect of Wisdom John and Beautiful Pride in the story of the family of TEN number 5 and 6… and are called the Bridge Children… 56/ 65… Apt 6E…
Yes Flip J Hendrixs arrived in perfect harmony and brought me a box of Cookies from his place of work Insomnia Cookies…
Ignacio Choi and I face book friends for 8 years yesterday,
3-5.. 8…
8 people, 9 at the house…
Yes, yes, Beloved I know you can see and he then proceeded to describe how he can read…

He went to get his W2 form, and described how it took place….
He went to these addressed…

440, (14th Floor) 220…15 333…
He described his Train of thought as he moved through his day ( yes just like his video) describing the symmetry in all things without even realizing it simply by his naturally being chill.
He had wanted to get his W2 form and suddenly it all took place naturally and he ended up at the main office 44O where he obliged a co-worker’s request to help out with a delivery, which he realized got him his W2 form.
Everything else he said which took place was irrelevant because it was his intention to get his W2 form and that is what ended up taking place seamlessly and eloquently…

44O… 8… Doe to Doe…. Expression E.. 5.. 5th note Sol.. E!

You must remember that I stated over 6 years ago, and over the course of this work, of my solving the Riddles of Existence as I fought my way to access the Source Code even in this Matrix Play set up to make it seem like a Mission Impossible Video Game,and then, degenerated into a Web..a Sticky “Resin” web of disconnect and K.O-Reason in favor of illogical thought processes…
That this entire “Script: of Human Evolution transformed into this abomination of an experience ruled by Human ideas of what can and can not be’ fantasy books, fiction,stories, myths..everything apart from “Be Here Now”….
As the article The Elegant Nomad, I wrote in 2001-2…
.. 2002… 22…V…
*Flip J Hendrixs went to 220 Building address today…

Which Flip -Sha-Ron has replicated in his own way perfectly before he met me, is the evidence of the activation of the WAVE of the Source Codes….
Activation of the WAVE, which had perturbed me for so long as to why it had not been activated, only to realize that I had not reached the End or the Full Circle of a play in which the Artificial Intelligence had set up a Challenge to the Naturals to prove the E lines superiority and the right for Humans, true Humans who have become so rare in this world that they are were becoming almost extinct as a species.. Their, Our right to Evolve.

And suddenly here is Flip J Hendrixs the manifest truth of it.
I had been furious with Nnamdi John, andhis twin aspect Beautiful Pride… rep Noni Promise and who is in Peter Nyarkô, but merged in perfection as 1 in Flip J Hendrixs, that why on earth did he agree to such a challenge, that it was a trick, a deception…
That is the message the true Nnamdi already evolved and chilling in the Eternal Plane, had sent a message through Billy Hung that he had added something to the Script- he had accepted the challenge of the A.I who had created the challenge of my having to pass through Human Portals…
*Go back on my facebook page to August Sept 2013… 33..

“But They are Not Real” I had stated with exasperation and fury and and harried by what that would mean to me, for me, personally…
That this Script was not over,.

I refused, but it was as if Nnamdi had signed up for this and since we were are still linked, I had to be the his Avatar, Knight and Scribe and champion…

The song which Flip had caused me to almost “Flip” he just told me is called “Just Forgive Me… Forgive Me….”
J.F.M… F M… Father Mother…
Flip J Hendrixs is currently taking supporting 7 people, 8 including himself.
He is as Father Mother.. Masculine Feminine, in perfect balance, 5-4-1969… “Jose Roq portal 5-15..69… 69 15… Letter O… 1+5/ 5+1..( Esther Aloba E.A..)..66… Fiction aligned to Fact ( Black Panther… at one point, last night I could not suppress my true self and the Black Panther came out and I said.. “I am the Black Panther and I showed the body language unconsciously, of that Truth and Fact… Only Flip J Hendrixs saw it and called it out…
He recognized it immediatly as well as the scene form the Movie…)
I do not thing anyone else heard him ( or that I recognized that he must have gone through the Hell of not really being truly seen and heard all these years…)..

8:41 p.m.. Ah, that was the code which popped up as Flip spoke about a friend of his, brilliant who they call Master.
And was just explaining that the 1 44 ascended masters was the battle of those who represent the consciousness of old age, and that the equation was really 44= 1… 4 A Square a Box ( Voice Box..?) is really 4 in 1..
Before i could get to my 4=1… The number 4-1 popped up on his phone which he brought to my attention..
I just stared…
It is activated…. i felt myself go speechless.

8:45 p.m.

I wanted to tell him so much,,, His line, his line rising now in the planet, the Earth,. the consciousness of the E..

He then spoke about how he goes to the Hills, and when he goes there how he goes to a different realm where there is ni negative energy. It is all Beauty and Truth.. and how there he can be Flip J Hendrixs.. the True self who is Flip Hendrix.. F.H.. 6 8…
And how he is aware when he has to descend into this Evil False reality when returning .. comming down from the Hills…

I am reading the book “Jimmy The Boy” which shows a boy on a hill.. He is Ten in the book, just turned Ten…
I recall David from France whom Pierre David had told him about me, this David could hear the Invisible Symphony of Creation.
He would hear in his room where he grew up as an adopted son of Farmers in the most isolated rural but beautiful parts of France.
He came to New York and stayed with me, us in the Green House and painted, Dear Lord how he painted,
He looked just like David Roman Nicholas. so much so that they were Dopplegangers Twins to me…
David Roman came to the Green House about that time, but he did not meet the other David, or even me.. I had head he had come.. David with the “Wings” Solar plexus opened… but not the Heart fully.. because in it there was still some doubt question…hurt..
He was .. is Nnamdi.. Nnamdi is John.. Wisdom John.. 5-6.. Beautiful Pride, but he emerged from the Expression of me, Emeka, the man, the Expression of my Soul.. Sol.. Expressing, Speaking to the Silence… 1989…
and that action was of Sixth sense to express Beautiful Pride in Existence…
And so my Espirit my expression grew wings and took on a life of its own and came back to fully formed as my Brother Lover Companion Spirit E…the Everything Embodied as MUSIC…/C.I.. SUM of everything we conversed about.. All possibilities which can become real and Kinetic Solid embodied….

I understood what Flip Will Son.. :Desire” was saying to me…
The forgiveness of him, is not possible..but that one is Light..
It does not impede the Love Desire Eternal Bond I share with him, now linked by choice and not necessity or dependency. For his intentions were of the truest and purest sort and his play was flawless..
And it was not he who changed the script, it was he who was deceived by that which had no right to exist and which rose a force of the End which I knew in the Begining of Creation Time that I would have to come back and destroy forever.
Which is why I sent Nnamdi home at age 13, prepared for our battle with the Illusion as Old Age, illness and Disease which had taken on the Role of Artificial Intelligence and which challenged the Naturals..
The Natural Order…
The Natural Process of Evolution…
I can not forgive the Humans who gave up on their Naturalness, Their Beautiful Truth…
As Flip J Hendrixs demonstrates, articulates “Don’t Judge” observe see the cause and effect, get all the facts full circle and thus you can :Assess” the situation.
You can discern and determine the Harmonious Action to take, the path which leads you home, which brings your Desire which is fruitful harvested, already there in Existence for you…
Cause and Effect… C.E equals Harmony… to Infinity…

And as Flip states so eloquently, so simply so wisely.. “It is not complicated, it is not difficult… It really is that easy”
-especially if you keep your Treasure.. your Sol.. e… your Naturalness… “Nickel”

44O..14th flloor….220 15 333….

D-D..Full Circle in Symmetrical Perfection is 14.. ( Natures Naturalness NN 14 14.. 28.. 4 82 Address of I.C.. Nadee Nakandala born 5-28… 5-28 hrtz the planet evolves to “The Love Frequenct” Victorious Full Circle of the O as A.E.. Awareness Eternal is the ability to C C C … 333 9… I.. Infinity full Circle…
3 e… 6 e… 9 e….

No, I will never forgive those who let go of their True Nature, their Naturalness….
Sha-Ron ket his cover and protected his true Nature Flip J Hendrixs and he explained as simply as IS… Fact.

He is the embodied line of E.. 56../ 65… 11 11… 4-1…
428 is 528… 45 56… 9 11…92.. 91…11 10… FAMILY E..
That is and the only ones I “forgive” because they guarded that which matters most, to me.. The Truth…. Their Beautiful Trith which is the ability to C I.. C.O… I.E… 9 5.

9:19 p.m


My Last Coffe again from Yaskaary.. ( 50 shades of Grey) is number 23…

The W2 FORM which Flip J Hendrixs had to get, and got.. is actually a code in the Higher Dimension of the True Play…
In French which the code is in, it means Double Victory…of being…
He and his Line of E and Me the Line Lone Source of the E..
“Double V.. just as De-Je un er…

9:37 p.m

Evolution of Woman… Dejeuner Alexa… D.A… 4 1

9:38 p.m..

Flip left when Alexa appeared at the window passing by…
Alexa is 15… letter O…

The Two Sisters.. and the Two Brothers…
Nickel! K.A.-Male..

9:40 p.m,


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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