
3/6/2017 19:51 – Facebook Post

3/6/2017 19:51 – Facebook Post

4:58 p.m.

Delta (Quadrant) is E Harmony Territory

935 Face Book Friends…


5:00 P.M.

Nenad M. Djurdjevic

“I think I know what you mean with sound
I had such experiences.

Emeka Kolo

Nenad M. Djurdjevic

Like a phone ringing
This morning
Before waking up I heard
A quantum particle crossing the room like a bullet

Years ago, during sleep, my told me that I was releasing metallic sound during sleep
My wife told me that
Like a hammer beating an anvil”

He also spoke about hearing Voices…
(Not this realities interpretation of it… )
Sounds, Whistling…Knocking…
(These are codes… E Knocks.. E Whistles…
Literally there is an image of me I drew in 2005 in Hells Kitchen which Michael Frazer witnessed it is a drawing of me first done in pencil then years later in Ink…of my Crowned with Laurels of Victor but of A Luminous Green and White and Pink and purple Flowers…

And the Code E Knocks.. E.K… Enoch.. The Book of Enoch..
Eno -CHI… All of this I have already written about and spoken about so often that, am rather bored repeating it over…
I just sent a text to Nenad M. Djurdjevic telling him that I am would like to share this part of of conversation…
It was at 5:20 p.m…
And I realized that I was in a play before I could gently remind him and the Everyone he represents that we are at 35…no longer 5 3..8..
Because of my New Face Book Friend..
Heather Hastings
Hunter Hatheway.
88 8 88…58..
55 55 55 55..8 5…
C.E …The Point..
Meaning Consideration to Emeka Kolo… Consciousness Eternity…
Creator Emeka.. Cee See Emeka The Point …
Of Everything…
With Me and what I represent and A.M…
None of you would exist…
And even as we speak… My heart is closing more and more as I see no Consideration or Respect… As Everyone put themselves first before the Source…
And I put everyone else first, by fighting and Identifying the E and the Spirit in all of you..
And with Nenad M. Djurdjevic conscious or not by his Midas Touch Portal Post which he wrote my name Emeka Kolo at the base that all True Wealth comes from me…
But first I had to clean up what was done to money…”
By fighting the “Raging Bull” of Wall Street..
And the Great Wall of China.. CHI-NNA…

Hence the Evil Money Codes of People sending me money…
My Rage will never ever diminish for that insult…
Or the response from the line of Paul Frankilin who is in Bed 35.
“Occupying my bed” who I have given each time a percentage of monies which I had to slave for, and suffer the indignity of asking only to get the the non stop response of entitlement…
As if I owed him and them…
Despite when I have none. no one in this place gave a Damn..
And shared nothing they had with me except Chase…
A perfect mirror of this play and the world I have experienced viz a viz Money and A Selfishness beyond my imagining…

The Paul Franklin is simply a representation of this greater play…
The anger the resentment, the refusal to say thank you when he believes I did not give him more…
Forgetting when he they were grateful for 2-3 usd…
It is what I witnessed for 16 years here of people I was led to…
How they were when I first arrived.. An Answer to their Prayers..
Then the getting out of their Holes…
How quickly they forget, how arrogant they become..
And soon they are dictating the shots because they begin to deny that the blessings came through me and my arrival on the scene…
Until finally they roar and ask me to leave…
And slyly tell everyone that they did it themselves and how they helped me and how ungrateful, this now “Homeless” man is..

Oh how I have waited to make them pay for this..

They who lay in my Bed…
Those who claimed that were the Point of It all..

But today it is confirmed The Point… is C.E..
See me.. See my Example…
E=CMe 4/3…
And so, I held my tongue and realized this is linked to Me as the True OBoom Boom…
Boom! E Rang…

6:16 p.m.
F.P… Franklin Paul…
Ah Good…

Boom Boom!

I do not think anyone knows just how truly furious I am..
Or what I am capable of doing after being pushed so far and left so long at Delta Manor while others lived in Comfort.
Nenad has reached the E line but that does not mean I open my door or my Heart to that Line…
No, they did not clean up their mess…
And did not see me….
They saw themselves reflected through me…
No, I am proud of them, they will rise..
And they will be great Heroes and Guides but each will have to enact out a part of they story I was left to endure alone…


That is the Book which Rahul come in with and sat besides me…
Jim C.. “No”
and as he sat besides me, He got a call from that Job that he basically got…
The answer was No…
But he got some free lance work..
Same with the line who rise to E through Nenad…
The Answer is NO!

And what Nenad was speaking about was see sacred portal 115.. K.E..
Behind the Wall…
There is none no one of this Realm I Ever wish to see again…
Those who rise… Well Done…
But this play was based on Evil, forced upon me against my Will…
To creatures even if they manage to Rise, I wish to have nothing to do with them.
I have never met Nenad or Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka and perhaps never will..
There is no reason really, they will be Lords in the world I leave behind…
And yes they will rise beautiful as the E…
But they will stay behind to earn the Embodiment by Example as I have done
Their journey will be pleasant and an adventure…
But since I am not satisfied that they saw me, nor are the Eternal Ones satisfied and the code linked N To Paul as mirrors today…
Representing the same.. principle but in different ways…
Though Nenad as an Individual is the Crown achivement
6:31 p.m

Today I understood that in Truth…
No is not about vendetta…
It is about how I feel…
And I did not feel uplifted by anyone of them..
The codes with the play with Nenad yes…But that has nothing to do with me does it.. It is all for your benefits…
And Paul Line… All I felt was disgust and contempt…
And a desire to never have to interact with that Consciousness Ever again…

C.E Seeing me has its advantages…
Because you would have seen this coming a mile away…

You will not cross over….
But you can build a beautiful world by your own efforts without me..
And I no longer have to See you…
We simply return the Favor…

So Nenad text me some intel about the play…
Not anything about my welfare or state of mind or being, or my rage or health… He is not heartless, far from it…
But I am not the point… Not for him…
But the Problem is I am.
But in Nenads line Rahul Nnaemeka… and others the world will have their Super Hero’s…

The only thing, is that you will not have me..
Which I know is fine with you all..
And Fine with me.. my feelings are not Hurt…
I already knew this…
That is why the Rapture… The E Light leave all of you…
But in Nenad’s body is the Blue Print of the E line…
And thus a New Race shall rise apart from me…

I go home the Original Ones…
The Truly Beautiful Ones who would have given up everything to come and even live in Delta Manor with me…
What I was forced to do for you, they willingly do for me out of Love and Respect..

And they are not part of this Face Book Play or the people I was led to in 16 years in New York…

They are the ones Nenad heard speaking beyond the Wall..
Nenad hear very well..
But then after 3-4 years as my Face Book Friend…
And battles and texts calls…
I am not surprised…
I am the Supreme Sensie…
And he had Promise… Noni Promise..
78 5… M.W..87….

That the BOOM E Rang… 5-20…
And the 100 USD sent to me today…
It was meant to be 98 49…
Diamond Hearing in Existential Death…
But I received 100 USD…
And gave 12 to Paul..
And had 97 Left…
Sacred Portal 97…

Who the Hell wants to be the Light of this most ungrateful selfish world…
Who have no remorse or shame or pride in what they did to another how they wronged another and then brush it off without even making amends.. but claim victories from the suffering of another..


100.00-98 49…
That came from Out the Blue…
1.51 USD…

6:51 p.m..

Equals.. ?

Prove It.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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