
3/5/2018 11:42 – Facebook Post

9:26 p.m.



C.E. T R…


Last night- just before I went up to bed, I was stopped by a man called David.
He asked for a rollie- a cigaratte and said he would pay for it,
he placed all the coins he had on the table, 32 cents,
then he asked if I could roll it for him, sighing I obliged, he then went back into the bathroom where he was playing music and place three more cents on the table.

I looked at it 35 cents.
Todays Date.

I stared at it,
“You have to be kidding me?”I thought to myself, I am meant to take this seriously?'”

But I had just complted the Oscar post and witnessed a person advertising with the name Soni Prahatma S.P. “Golden First”
G.F…. “Goldsmith the Leader of excellence”
And the Oscar goes to.

Sacred portal 32 Ëros Kalle”- Rahul D’Silva is 32, and sat besides me watching Ragnarok.

Sacred Portal 35 is C.E The point” Conscious Evolution.
“Cee Emeka’s Consciousness is The Point'”

9:49 p.m.

And the consciousness which I represent is a non stop awareness which then links it, weaves it to meaning which then is posted on this page, and aligned to perfect timing, which moves everything to become aligned, lined up to manifest.
It has been 6 years of constant expression, decoding and solving a riddle, answering questions from an invisible realm.
The only evidence of it existing being the constant interruptions going on in my physcal body, and forced awareness of my communicating with something not of this current world.

And yet, I am physically in this world, this world which is not aware of such a play or script apart from my daily reporting, from that realm and small and large miracles which occur which they can brush aside, or simply put down to coincidence or nothing at all… denial would be a much more accurate word.

There is no doubt that I have walked a fine line between the two worlds the One, I call the E- as in Expression, Energy, Embodiment, Exemplification Evolved… All E.. Every-Thing, Every Where and in Every One..
And the Two who I have found myself resolving back to the E,
the so called Spiritual which I call E-Motion, Music; and the Physical-Manifest to Human Beings in this current reality ( not animals who see and perceive beyond the current Human senses).

There is the forth realm called this world consciousness of 0 Zero which I call “Non Existence” an illsuion of being in Existence but only being sustained until the the Equation of Duality of the 2 are merged back into one.
It forms the V then the Y.. and then the I…
We can also call it One E..
Where everything is resolved back to E.

This is what, I this Exaination and Test was about, resolving the Physical -Material To the Spiritual to the E…
Represented in the human form by Peter Nyarkô and Sha-Ron ( Flip J Hendrixs) and myself,Emeka Kolo.

I am meant to see Sha-Ron today, and I suppose, if it is resolved I will see him and.. well I do not know.
All I know that this has come to an end.. a end which has taken such a long time and at a cost which has me baffled.

The three realms can also be broken down into the Natural, the Super-Natural and the Truth, Eternally Naturally Supreme.
( N…S.N…T E N S…) Basically they merge to form the Eternally True.

i personally do not feel anything, that I have been in contact with these three realms and been aligning them into one, have no doubt. I am lived it.
That I have lived in Non Existence of this reality and it was the greatest battle to exist, and finish this Script and document it while it was is taking place in actuality and declaring to THIS reality that I am affecting reality through a play which was set up to demonstrate the Supremacy of the Eternal Realm which ended a 28 and 25 year trial with a yong man born on the 25 of November who is 28 years old.
C.E.. 3+5= 8…
E.C. 5+3 = 8…
49 and 53 being the two starting points of the last stage of the play in 2015.
49 are the last two digits of Flip J Hendrixs’s name
Flip would mean flip 49, the bed I occupied in 2015 and 53, the bed which Keith Grant occupied.
( 2015= B.O O…. B 15 15.. B 6 6… B F F… B C.E.. B 35 Cents)

And the Flip- would be 49 53 flipped 94 35 .. I.D…C.E… ( 13 8…M.H..Manifest Harmony.. D.H.. 48… Death as Beautiful Death as Transformation… but we have already done that 48/84…So it end at
ID.. C.E… 13 8 Manifest Harmony. 13+8=21 Universal Understanding of Consciousness Creation C C .. 3 3.. 6.

In infinte Harmony.. Eternal.

Ás I stated before, I am baffled by this play….

Jonathan Wayne Scott
Laura Graham were my last face book friends

The name Jonathan is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Jonathan is: Jehovah has given. Jehovah’s gift

English Meaning: The name Wayne is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Wayne is: Craftsman; wagon-wright; wagon driver

Thus, the name Gael (from which we get the word Gaelic) is likely of Hebrew origin. As for the Old English word for “happy,” it’s likely derived from the Hebrew word “gil,” meaning “to rejoice.” Gail (usually short for Abigail) thus means “joy.”

The name Laura is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Laura is: Laurel tree or sweet bay tree (symbols of honour and victory).

Graham means; “Grain… Warring… Grey Home.. Farm House… Grant….

The Creator has brought forth a gift, a Craftsman, a wheel makes and a ‘the wagon driver’who brings rejoicing.
He comes from the Laurel tree bring sweet vicory and honor granted to the Grain, the seed the farm house.. the Harvest is granted.

10;42 a.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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