
3/5/2015 2:25 – Facebook Post



Code in letters

L.A! O…the Filled Circle of Perfect Symmetry

E:C H…

Existence Consciousnes Harmony..




Just got back from a smoke at 11:49…so I was glad that Sacred Portal 49 Death Ray Equation has been fulfilled and satisfied …

How do I know?

Well every Facebook Friend represents a physical as well as Energetic portal to a Dimension and a part of the weave

And with every Facebook friend I link using E.Truth to manifest it..
Yes, I am acting as a Bridge using Energy and Expression…

I have to tell the Eternal Truth from Essence to the Body (Avatars for lack of a better word) who represent time…
Yes, this is a dance between Eternity and Time linked by E T…

And each dimension is as a chapter moving us to the climax of this ridiculously long ride and riddle to complete everything before the Awakening..

*I for one, know that my twin aspect David I..
DI…E as 49 has been delaying this play for you at my expense…
David Philipe Gil even let slip and stated “innocently” there were a few things left to take care of.
I can not tell you how frustrating it is to know my Eternal David is inside of David…And all humanity as the Body (now merged to immortality through 1-7-1O regeneration activated in the E.T D.N.AE encoding through this re alignment of the sequences as well as the consequences for tampering with the plan ET)

-and not be able to reach out and strangle him and his line..for what they have put me through bearing mind that I am doing this homeless, even in my own body…

Centrine as last Facebook friends Centrine Paulson represents, is also an drug used for spasms in animals..
My body does not really spasms but more it screams out to be free of the locks within my body which I am.only able to unlock when I solve riddles.
But as Penelope in the Odyessy, (Greek Epic) each time the weave should be completed I am rewoven and bound, just as Penelope each evening would un do the tapestry that she was to complete in order to forestall the marrying one of the suitors as she waited for Odyesseus to return.

The Short film I shot in New York with Jon in 1999 in this almost ecact area was called The Ethnic Odessey, so I am actually being literal.

12:53 pm.

He is literally fighting me to buy more time…
My disbelief is beyond comprehension…

Well I have a new Facebook Friend which will signal moving away from the two who played me as Nnamdi and David…
Meaning the aspects of myself I lent them I had to fight for them.to return it to me

My new Facebook Friend is Cheryl BelovedWine Faison…

267 according to my last count…
The correct count.

2-67 represents Sacred portal 67…
How far will.you go for the Love which really means the Truth…
And perhaps here is the reply of Nnamdi David Clara and Noni promise line…
That they went this far to find the E Truth…
Which I find ridiculous because to go this far by creating such a play of Cruelty and Indifference, the equation goes both ways …
Meaning now that they this 4 “Dimension I renamed the dimension of Death Ray…DR..
(D=4, R=18..22..) Existential.Death…
That as they have finally been clarified that my E Origins is True..
I have also discovered thier Truth..
Which I really want no part of…

Well here is thier reply to who they see me as in the code of my 267 Facebook friends name…

Cheryl means ” Love” in Welsh

Beloved is the true meaning of the Hebrew name David, which finally means we leave that Jewish Hebrew story and Books Total.Bible Kabala Quran etc…
Which was extended because so many “Christian” names have thier source in the Hebrew Language and entangled with that scripture..imprisoned.
Unlike African names which are free and are present in everyday language and usage

Wine of course, is the affirmation that after 35 months and 35 years …since 198O when my younger brothers were kidnapped…
That the knowledge I have brought forth from my “Lafont” Fountain, Pool of Reflections, Encircling Sea and sees of Paradise which turned into mists….
Covering Everything until the De-Vine Linking of my E Truth brought forth not the grapes of wrath..but myself as Dionysus… Erose…the Being I Car Us…who flew high enough to get a better view, passed through the Suns A..Awaress
Then the Black hole of the A.N.U.S…Anus Anubis and back to earth as the Moon who brought alive the Line..
The seed of Eternity planted in the onset of Time…

Water to Wine…
Faison means in French “We Do …Let’s Do”

Code “Love beloved wine We do.E..
Faison Nous”

1:21 a.m

Well will you look at the time…I began at 1:21pm with 1-21 likes ..

P.S..Cheryl sent me a text stating his birthday

That is the code of 69, Nnamdi Sacred Portal 69,HOmme Home..
And the same date as my host here

So a Full Circle ..

Indeed..Sacred portal 31…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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