
3/4/2019 17:15 – Facebook Post

3/4/2019 17:15 – Facebook Post

2:27 p.m.


Still at 1240 Facebook Friends..
Which aligns in my Sacred Portals as 12 Which represents the Hologram,and Sacred Portal Africa Pangea which represents the completion of the worlds History.
It links to the history of the Planet Earth and the Universe.

From what I have read linked and had confirmed, the completion this last scene of the play film, script which I have found myself explaining and demonstrating, points to Rays McKayla and John Mack returning on the 8th.
Aligned to 3-8…C.H../ H C… Full Circle Consciousness Harmony Hartford Connecticut full circle.
And to the code which Erek Ebright having reached a state of Enlightenment at the time and who placed a code on my computer which I had to respond to as well figure out the play of it.
The code was 8369…/ 9638.. The latter being my original representation of that play.

I am fully aware that we are.. I am still being held up and contained by the Africa Pangea play. I feel it literally in what feels like muscles and tendon holding my body back from blossoming into a Body which I can feel its potential locked up and blocked…
( You should see or perhaps Feel, the epic battle going on inside of my body… Its truly strains belief.)

* As i was writing this I just looked down at my phone to observe that it was silently ringing.. I did not put my phone on silence…
It was from Renee, my Case Manager from the Shelter.
She called to tell me that the British Passport office wish to make a Skype interview for me tomorrow..
She had tried to contact me before, but it became phone tag and I am not sure because of the timming that iy can be donetoorrow but I have 6 weeks to respond. So I just responded.
And now await confirmation.

But it is the date and the time, and even the “Perfect Timing ” of it all despite the seeming chaos and confusion.

The date is scheduled for the 5th at 11:00 am.
My initials
3-5-@ 11.. 2019…
C E K… T.S…
3;50 p.m. Right now.
C E O.

After almost 18 years of not having any form of I.D.and battling to get my passport so I could leave this Play…
For the first time…That insane ordeal is coming to an end.

.. At the completion of this Script.

And the Oscar for Best Actor Direction Cinematography writing goes to…
Tree Sage offered me his Statue as a Gift…
I said yes…

5 11… E.K…. Emeka Kolo…
Again… what more can I say to you..

Its a Script.

3:58 p.m.

See the code meaning of 358 In the Ancient Kabbala Symbol of the Sepiroth Tree of Life, derived from the Flower of Life…
358 Represents Judgment… Judgment Day..

C E H..

4:03 p.m.
Sacred Portal “Door of Life”

“Tree of Life
Tree of Life

The Tree of Life (Kabbalah ) is derived from the Flower of Life. In Hebrew, it is a mystical symbol within the Kabbalah of esoteric Judaism used to describe the path to God. It is an arrangement of ten interconnected spheres (called sephiroth, meaning ‘spheres’), which represent the central organizational system of the Jewish Kabbalistic tradition or ‘cosmology’ of the Kabbalah.

The Tree of life is considered to be a map of the universe and the psyche, the order of the creation of the cosmos, and a path to spiritual illumination.

The ten spheres represent the ten archetypal numbers of the Pythagorian system. There are said to be 32 paths on the Tree of Life. The first 10 are the Sefiroth (not including Daat). The remaining 22 correspond to the lines or channels of energy that join the Sefiroth together. Each of these, in turn, corresponds to one of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet.

The Crown (‘Kether’ in Hebrew): the Creator Himself.

Wisdom (‘Chokhmah’): Divine reality/revelation; the power of Wisdom.

Understanding (‘Binah’): repentance/reason; the power of Love.

Mercy (‘Chesed’): grace/intention to emulate God; the power of vision.

Strength (‘Gevurah’): judgment/determination; the power of Intention.

Beauty (‘Tiferet’): symmetry/compassion; the power of Creativity.

Victory (‘Netzach’): contemplation/initiative/persistence; the power of the Eternal Now.

Splendour (‘Hod’): surrender/sincerity/steadfastness; the power of Observation.

Yesod (‘Foundation’): remembering/knowing; the power of Manifesting.

Kingdom (‘Malkuth’): physical presence/vision and illusion; the power of Healing.”

4:05 p.m.
45.. S P 45…Throne of God”

4:06 pm.
S P 46… E R IC E.. The Creator walking on cloud 9.

4:07 p.m.

4 7… Thomas Lang Susanne Lang.. T L S L.. TS.. L L
20 19… 39… 12 12…24.
C I X…
C 9.
The day Mikki and John Mack went to Costa Rica..

Cloud I.
C IS 100 in Roman Numerals..
I is 1.
X is 10..

100 1 10…
111… See sacred portal 111…
“Home Coming”
H C..

4:13 p.m.
D M…
Delta Manners
Dark Matter.

4:14 p.m.

D N… E

E N D..S

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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