
3/31/2019 18:02 – Facebook Post

3/31/2019 18:02 – Facebook Post
3/31/2019 18:02 – Facebook Post

3:58 p.m.



C .C A. T S

Happy Birthday Axel Love

Axel Anderson
Axel Love.
A L.
Axel Rose..

He has been part of my journey and witness since 2005 when I met him at Cafe Kudos ( now called The Bean Cafe)
on 1st and 2nd in 2005, where I came down from 33rd Street and before that, Agusta Georgia on April 2nd 2005, when I wearily and with quiet fury began my last leg of my journey

4:02 p.m right now,
On 4-2-2005 the very day Pope John Paul passed away.

42 is the numeric code of John Mack
John Spencer MacDonald
J 10. S 19 M 13.= 42.

What is the meaning of Existence 42..
66 which is his Fathers Birth codes
C is his mother’s code 1969
And H.M 8.13/ 138 is his sister’s code

There is only One other who goes farther back in being intrinsic to the play.
Rob Barr.
And the Met,
O A.
I met him in 2002-2003 at University place and as I would later do with Axel, he read my piece The Elegant N omad and had noted to my surprise how I Jumped through so many dimensions in that piece.
He said the writing was like being in a multi Dimensional Elevator

Axel later Edited helped me Edit it.

He called my journey- The Hero’s Journey.

2005.. 14 yrs ago… smh.

And here we are.

At Epic Young
Linked to my Altar Art Science which I have sought to share with the world – a gift of the proof of an inner compass and the play of how I and I are connected Instinct and Intuition and how these two I I are bridged and connected by Contemation and Reflection to create H..
By linking the Two to One through Space
The Space In between
Reflection Mirrored in the Rm.
Room with a View.

R M. 31. C A
Conscious Awareness
3 +1..
4 D at Delta Quadrant
D has been aligned to.the meaning of the number 4 in sound colors nature life.

Heart Chakra
8 3
Balances brings us to 4 4
Balances Aligned
Reflection and Mirror to Its Origins and Source Creator 8 as Infinity.

Which causes manifestation in the 4 Stages room
STAG add E and E S ( Expression and Expression Supreme )

The 4 comes from The One Expression
Expression is the Source of the Manifestation of Everything
The Meaning Of Existence

4:21 p.m

I have long since, stopped trying to show you how I had been Spirited Away to the Invisible Dimensions many called in this 3 D, dimension the Astral Plane, the Spirit plane- the Ethereal Dimension
That I am speaking publicky to the Echo of myself, fighting through the interfence of the message sent in echo response by my Beautiful Past, The Sum Total of my Beautiful Past which include the first Family of E
The F, the first five gestures, fingers toes
The 5 5 who are 5..but had to journey as 5 5 through the illusion of they being Duality -Opposing forces and not the Beautiful Truth of their journey back to One.


When I watched O.A last night and got to chapter 5 episode 5 called Paradise
I recollected Johns Intel earlier on about the number 55 which he asked me about which led to the arrival of the Handy Man named Troy

It links to sacred portal 97 which cites the Trojan Horse and Achilles.
And is the portal attained called Light of Existence..Identified as the being behind the veil of Sacred Portal 23

19 97 is the same year John Mack was born

Axel was born 3-30… 33O..

4:33 pm.

Yes.. Sacred Portal 33

And 23..

Together it makes 56.
See sacred portal 56.

Eternal Family arriving evolved at last to the 5th Dimension
While sacred portal shows the arrival of the Family who had been undercover through the history of Time.
The Sacred Portal depicts the Family of the Beautiful human past existence arriving on the back bone, vertebra of the Universal S ensie
Rep of the Universal Understanding Victorious of the 5th Dimension the only Dimension and plane of Existence of the Truth.
Of Harmony Infinity and the literal existence of the Creator Home unseen by no one in Exisrence except the Two Men and now the 3rd Man and his Twin, Lady Supreme Harmony E.

When Troy came back yesterday, he told me how he had told his wife about me, and then from out of the Blue declared that my work should be sponsored and that there were people all over the world who would kill to sponsor my work.

4:43 p.m.

I.have been sponsored by three four people
From Marina Burini Tom Truman, to Billy Hung to finally Esteban Miguel Filgueira…
Each provided me with all the material comforts to create but none sponsored my work because they could not fully grasp it..
Except perhaps Axel..
But the three present here today, did fight to see me succeed and cared for the man.

But it was hard, so very hard to accept the generosity of those who did not fully accept my Truth ( thiers) when they could not conceive of the Truth of the Script, no matter the proof.
It was scary for most to accept the Evidence Facts and Proif that they were, are in a Script.

But I will never forget the generosity of the 3,4

Who never left the play.

But look..at what the first letter of their initials form..
A.M.E. tell me how is this not a Script?

Designated to the A.M. (Dawn) of E.
Existence .

A-A.. A L
E F.


A B F…H..I. Harmony Infinity
L B F ..C B F. H. C B is 3 2 ..F is 6.

5:00 p.m.

3-20… 32. 5.
2012. 32. 5.

When Troy said that to me again and again as he left, I understood that there was no deciet in this incarnation of Troy.
Just the affirmation confirmation of Value Worth and that the Sponsor of this great work of 29 years of study and documenting equating expressing to The Silence as pure space which connects us, and to the designated Human Avatarv portals line, literal Equations which complete the Cosmic Egg which like a Silver Disco play sent out rays out into all Creation at the moment of the Explosive Epiphany of The Creator
I Come
I Cut.
I See-Men
See Same Me! ”

I knew that my work should have long since been sponsored in Itself
I knew this as far back as Paris and Istanbul
As far back as London Institute of Contemporary Art, whose director offered me a slot to show my work.
Only in the U.S.A has my contribution to Evolution Awakening and Evolution of Consciousness been completely overlooked by not only the mainstream the academia but even people on my Facebook page.

And so, after 18 yrs of mostly elegant poverty only because I stood constant to The Script we are in and it’s resolution of all Humanities Beautiful Expressions while discarding all the
( separating the Wheat from the chaffe)

There is no doubt that I have been traumatized by those who chose to enact out that I was a charity case, while knowing my Human worth not just because of my own self recognition of my works benefit and how it benefits the whole world.

( I have Facebook Friends from over 72 countries all arriving on their own accord
6th degrees of Separation
Will Smith. W.S/ South Whitney)
Men In Black..
Fresh Prince of Belle Air…
I am sure you get my point).

So, no one was more stunned than I
That my work was not sponsored, my books, films, art sciences choreography, poetry or Art and Design work was sponsored despite non stop interest from this realm.
I also know the Value and worth of the Man behind the work.
Which far outshines the pride I have in the offering to all for free- the summation of my Life and Exisrence work going as far back as the origins of Man and Life itself.

Instead I found myself being used as the Guinea Pig used to test check and exam in and constantly refine and clarify my own expression to Everything and prove that You, and It, echoed back with Mirror clarity embodied that It is understood.

I am proud of my work, it is a work of art and purest devotion ..such love in.each expression such an effort of what is really easy.
It is my greatest work ever,
But that does not come anywhere close to the Man, the Source of all this effort..

I See him.in the mirror when, and as I reflect back on my life, and the rare times I read observe my Art and Science or what I have endured and surmounted.

I See the Man in the Mirror, behind the Viel of Veronica Secret
22 19
Ages of John and Mackayla.
Viel of Veronica.
22 O 22
4 O 4. Rani Syng Ichal

I See me,
Not often because there has been no time based on the 24/7 nature of this work which is based on my constantly having to act a role and play at being less than I am, so others can feel comfortable with me in their homes where they make the rules, and can give, and just like that, take away.
All because I have access their Intel through their years which are the pieces of the puzzle which completes the Picture and transform it into.a moving True Story, True Narrative of the Evolution Awakening of the World .

I.am not my Truest Self, this Script, role and job did not permit it until Its play was complete.

But I see my face beyond
Behind the Viel
Mirror Reflection

I See the Face of the Source
Behind Beautiful Handsome
Because I See the Source of Value and True Worth
And I gasp in Awe.

But it is the tired, face deeply lined, body twisted version of me,here present here right noq who is the Original
The Source of the One I See reflected back at me behind the viel.

Sacred Portal 23


But the One True me who rises is the Original linked to the Mirror Reflection E…Exquisite Eternal Exemplified which merges to Reviel
Me As I am.
Manifest ing here in the present in the Room and world stage in the 4th who before your eyes ascends and transforms with his ( my) entire family undercover in their Human Avatars also of the same Descent or blood line.
Evolving in a blink of an eye to total recollection and the rise move in One majestic exodus to the 5th Dimension, now present in the physical space of this 3D world linked to the 5th

O. C E H

Father Of Creation
C O F. F E E
C F F F. E.E
C 666. E E. -E
C 18 15

C I F A C T. I O N

@ 1241 Face Book Friends
A B D A.

1. 24. 1

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