
3/31/2017 17:06 – Facebook Post

3/31/2017 17:06 – Facebook Post

And from Nenad M. Djurdjevic

Please recall Kristen Green;s comment…
Which I called a Map..
It was on a Black Board as well…

K.G/ Kieth Grant…
Bed 53… E.C.. Elizabeth Clarizio..
Emeka Chukwu.. E.C..
H.I.. Harmony Infinity,…
Recall the man who sat besides me yesterday wearing all Black and blue genes with a Sleeve code 89..

Nenad M. Djurdjevic
A reconstruction made by physicians
My visions, drawing of children, and reconstruction made by physicians all show the same
In the morning after the vision when started fb the first thing I saw was a comment you made in a post mentioning a circle ?
The day before I had a short vision while sitting on the coutch
In the evening
I saw a man sitting next to me
I could not see his face nor his race
The only thing I saw was a close up of his right arm and shoulder
He wore a quiet elaborate robe with some embroidery
What I saw on his right upper arm was the embroidery of the hexagram Star of David
It was a very short but clear vision
That’s it for the moment
Anyway I wish to underline that from the energetic viewpoint it was the most powerful quantum vision I had. I felt the energy it was strong really strong..”

Emeka Kolo

Yes the Children who did created this…
They put me on Trial in the center of the pit
Sacred Portal 2-3
See Kristen Green comment. I commented as it Being the Black Board of Existence…
The Dark Matter
Carbon Copy
Carbon Paper which I passed through
Children as I proved who know Everything all is within
Then they turned to Adults and forgot they already knew and put me on trial and made me pass through their darkest cruelest thoughts and imagination
I just completed it…
From Rahul
“Sum total of Suffering and Misery of Being in Existence”-
A horrific story…
But they forgot to speak of the Beauty given them
The most beautiful moments in their lifes
They focused on only that which they saw and created in rage and tantrums
That is what happened with Rahul yesterday
He was used to reflect and determine through the Truth of my expression.

(I was Mother put on Trial ..
But in this incarnation I come as Father who brings forth Mothers Truth.. With the Sword and I went to the place where they put my Feminine expression on trial
Represented by the 4th Dimension but as a Lie..
As the Pit of Hell…
And I transformed it with the E line back to its Truth…
But the Human Children H.C..83 went to far.. to accuse and put on Trial..)

But it is too late
They will be destroyed even after they have their awakening
They will see the Truth but All this Earth M W will go
It is too late and they went and were allowed to go too far
Lisa here saw the play of Rahul and was full of disgust but not surprised
9:56 pm.

Note the Time…

I just had a conversation with Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka and just as Nenad M. Djurdjevic he read the posts and sent me a money code.. 79 usd…
See Blue Print of Existence Sacred Portal 79…
It shows TWO MEN…T.M..
Trahe Micheal Code… Meaning of his name is the “Raiment, the Dress, the Clothing.. the Body of the One who is as God…
Water and Mass… Phi and Pi.. Body and Being …
The Twins.. AH-Tom…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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