
3/31/2016 0:54 – Facebook Post

11:36 p.m.


Vanessa L Cunningham..V.L.C…5 12 3…Add O.E..

E.V.O.L…V.E… Double VV…22 22 44..8..
David Cecilia both born 11 22..

Vanessa means “Butter-Fly”

Butter Fly Effect… :).. See recent shares in back posts…

Derived from the name Esther.. means “Star”

In Greek the meaning of the name Vanessa is: Butterfly. Also, from Phanessa, the mystic goddess of an ancient Greek brotherhood.

“Vanessa is a feminine given name, especially popular in the United States, Germany and Brazil. It was invented by the Anglo-Irish writer Jonathan Swift for Esther Vanhomrigh, whom Swift had met in 1708 and whom he tutored. The name was created by taking “Van” from Vanhomrigh’s last name and adding “Essa”, a pet form of Esther.[1]”..

The name Cunningham..is very interesting..

Here are some meanings…

Around 500 A.D. a group of Teutonic (German) peoples had spelled the name as “Konigheim”; “Koening” (King) with “Heim” (Home); properly signifying “Cunningham” or “Konigheim” as the “Kings Home.”

Several Gaelic words are tied into the meaning of this ancient name. Before the lands were inhabited by Friskin (generally considered the progenitor of the Cunninghams), they were called “Cunygan” which comes from the root words “Cunny” or “Coney” meaning rabbit and “Hame” meaning home. Hence comes the meaning “Rabbits Home.”

Some research seems to affirm the word Cunning did indeed come from “coney” or rabbit. This theory is especially popular because the full achievement of arms of the Earls of Glencairn reflects two coneys as the “supporters.” It is interesting to note that in a Gaelic dictionary, the word “coney” (or rabbit) translates as “coinean” and the name Cunningham translates as “coineagan.”

Another translation of “Cunning” is “milk pail” from the Gaelic word “cuineag” and the Saxon “Ham”, meaning “village.” The district of Cunninghame’s agriculture has traditionally given it the reputation as the “land of milk and butter,” but this theory is less plausible.

Historian and member Nigel D. Cunningham of Australia says “Cunning” originally signified “courage in battle” and came from “Cunedda” who was a king of the “Gododdin,” a Celtic branch of Britons known by the Romans as the “Votadini.” The district of Cunninghame (not the surname) may well have taken its name from the Cunedda Britons.

“The Butter Fly Effect on Land Air Water -Expression L.A.W..E, from the Esther Uzoma, Esther Anandi Adams, of the Beautiful way and wave, of Joy and Bliss for the line of the First Family, The Beautiful Ones, moving underneath the Human sub conscious, leading the Evolution to the Kings Home.. the base of the Rabbit hole to the E-village, through their representative in the battle field using great courage and cunning in battle to arrive there…
While manifesting a rippling effect in their wake which literal changes the structure of the physical world…”

Irena Lorenc…I.L… Infinite Love..

Irena means..

“Origin of the name Irena: Derived from the Greek Eir?n?, which is from eir?n? (peace). The name is borne in Greek mythology by the goddess of peace, the daughter of Zeus and Themis.”

Peace Bee

Lorenc… Form of Lorenzo, Laurentis, Laurence, Lawrence…

*Jonn Blackwell father’s name is Lorenzo…

This ancient surname is recorded in over one hundred spelling forms ranging from the Scottish and English Lawrence and Laurens, to Laurant (France), Lorentz (Germany), Lorenzo (Spain), Renzi (Italy), and Vavrik (Czech). However spelt the ultimate surname derives from the male given name “Laurentius”, which itself originates from Laurentium, the “city of laurels”, in Italy. The idea of the laurel as a symbol of victory was probably the principal reason for the popularity of the name
From the Bay or Laurel Tree..

“Peace Be!
Now crowned with the Laurels of Victory! Peace has landed its sweet expression in the Bay of Paradise the Energetic Blue Lagoon area 51..5th Color Blue, 1st Color Red.. Blue Red.. Violet..
5th Note Sol! 1st Note Do…
6th Sense Indigo La…!

Irena Lorenc


See Swan image Face Book shared of memories posted on the same Date March 30th some years ago…

How is this done..?
The people each arriving in perfect harmony…
When I am not Speaking or using my voice…?

Intent.. See the definition of the name Tormod Hvidsten Gjedrem…

Will Grace Focused Conscious Intent…
When one is aware, even facing all of Time Space and Creation…
Confidence =Truth…

Energized and Electrified,
Ionized Charged Electro Magnetic Expression..
loaded with Direction and Intent..

Gravity.. I pull, I draw forth..
because I.Know..Energy…Existence

is made of Truth.. the Beautiful Truth…

12:52 a.m



12:53 a,m

L.E…. C…

The Consciousness…


12:54 a.m


The C.D…E

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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