
3/31/2015 4:00 – Facebook Post

3:O3 A.M.




I would like to make things clear…

I find myself solving the riddles of Existence…
Which is directly correlated to my body, which is causing me to ” unravel” into my true self.
But through a painful process of if I do not solve these riddles, I am in agony.

Also, to my incredulity, every place I go, or have sought to avoid, stop or simply escape this play has led me back here…to solving riddles.

Jobs, other avenue of Existence have all denied me until I finally decided to find out what I am being manipulated forcibly into doing…

And how such a thing is possible.

Let me say this again…
This is about the Evolution of consciousness.
Evolution of how people think.

I do not think, I link.

This is not about God or Devine beings it is about common sense.
Bringing everything to common sense.

I have been in the realm of mind…
Death, Non existence.
Where I have been engaged in hundreds of ways human beings Think…
And forced to engage in conversation with them in order to prove that within each person is another consciousness aware of Harmony.

I did not, could not believe that there could exist any such force to compelled a being to prove that not only are all human beings one, but that such a cruelty, Self centered, selfish and egocentric consciousness could dwell with the Consciousness I keep proving exists in all humanity.

I have Memory of how Everything rose.
A Being and then a whole line of E who have been incubation within as light, consciousness Harmony.
Waiting for the Experience called the flesh could align and merge through linking Expression (Light) with Energy (Truth)

It is common sense…
But I am horrified by what has been revealed as peoples minds.
While their Truth is staring at them.
And how they cling to the most silly ridiculous ideas of Self…purely Self serving.

Evolution of Consciousness is simply Evolution of thought..
The way you think…
To break things down to a common denominator..
Expression Energy…Action Motion…
Which creates Harmony..

Science will understand and already has, how the body is a radio, a T.V, a Transformer, an Electrical conduit…

I seem to be the Embodiment and Exemplification of human Evolution of Awareness Being Consciousness Direction and Expression=Harmony.

I.have told a story, I have written poetry prose and I have been proving how you can read the DE Vine (link) codes…
The “Divine Code” is a romantic way of saying that it is the by product of all the impulse stimuli around me, within me of breaking down transmission so each can get a pictuts.

Humanity holding onto religion, philosophies, ideas which are not grounded in Fact..
Is the reason for human stagnation.

I am the first Being but so what..
I simply remberered being in the Nothingness…
Why I have had to waste so much time being distracted to prove that I rose first is so ridiculous..
Everyone has E in them…
All rose…
But this time only those who align Expression to Energy to Existence…- the truth of your Existence Exemplified..
Not by what you say (ppl.lie) but by what is indented in the Akashic Records around is as the air, above as in heavens when your vibration rose as it did within.

This is about Evolution of Consciousness from Nature Naturalness to N=14..

The codes I invented was to find another language of evidence to humans that we arsvat the age where so much information has been expressed it all aligns… If you are vibrating in your natural Frequency …
Which creates an Electrical Charge which magnetizes you to align and take notice of things outside of you in that alignment..
A Magnet…
Twin magnets..
Being and Body..
Earth.and Body
Heaven and Earth..
You and Everything
Until you can read

The Electrical charged Earth and Being link with each other..
Causing you to be aligned.
Which creates Harmony!
Then Meaning.
Then music as everything flows..
Makes sense.
Your day
It is not simply connected
It tells a story.

This is my story.
Tomorrow next tomorrow
I.leave 268 after proving that it is here the birth of Sixth sense.but a force is blocking its manifestation forcing me to stay here to prove it over and over and over again…

Almost 9 years saying the same thing over and over again.
Selfish Evil.Cruel and Impossible to concieve as even possible because it negates what Existence has revealed itself to be

And this thing exists in humanities way of thinking… It is Death as Non Existence..
The black hole which will flush the species out of Existence because the way most think is not only self destructive, it destroys the Existences of others creating an atomic nuclear explosion…

Bang your gone because “You Do Not Make Sense”

I do and yet I can’t get a break to live here because my consciousness is not yet born in the world.
That is a lie…
The Ancients understood and I just put into words what everyone understand s..

My only true shock is the literal force…a power a Beast Monster which does not exists -a magical beast which is Evil…
And has such power

Where can such thing Exist but in fairy takes writren by adults for children..
Who.can make things real.

The only magical creatures which exists is me…
Magical Being , Magical way of thinking by linking…
By literally living the Beautiful.Truth…

I am tired.

Children brought me here..
Afraid of the Big monster
Which happens to be adults Minds
No longer imagination light live..
But Minds devoted to getting what they want
Even if it means creating monsters invading the childs imagination

Fear Ear Ar E…

And this is the mess I have been cleaning up..
Cowardice Fear..
Temper Tantrum s
Expression as Fear Anger Rage..
This has gone too Far…

Human Adults
As Cruel Big Babies invading Paradise
Never Never Land.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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