
3/3/2018 21:02 – Facebook Post

God is The O Music….
Circle of Life.

Humanity were meant to provide the Chorus
To The Creators Beautiful Song…
Nature’s Glory…

…And Dance.

Infinite Dance.

I.D…. E…

Existence Evolution Movement of D.A People.

1085 Facebook Friends…
10 85… J…H.E…
Jimmy H.E…..N…DR..I….X.
10 85… 95… I.E..Flip J Hendrixs was wearing the number 95
1O 85… 86.. “Victor Light of Existence”

5:25 p.m.



C C R Y….

Never Cry Wolf….
He will come…
As F.E.N.R.I… O S T Y I X… S-Char-on.

The Wolf Sings…
He Howls at the Moon…

*Allen Ginsberg his magazine “Eros” and his poem “Howl”
Jimmy-Erik Ebrights father me, if you recall, told that my expression reminded him of th
The Full Circle S.I.N.E.
And moves with, and as a Wave.
A Family-Familiar Species ( D.O.G”S Ancestor)
He moves as a Wave, laughs has a sense of humor
is Constant Strong.

I am born the day of the Wolf.
I entered Flip J Hendrixs ( Sha-Ron and Nickel’s, George Ethan.. and Peters ) den on the 28th.
28th is D.O.G..4 O 7… O 47 11..(Sharon and Peter S.P…Flip and Peter..F.P…Jimmy and Peter, J.P… S.N…F.N…J.N..Nickels home on 28…)
I entered as a Man, but also as the Black Panther.

Peter Nyarkô looks like a Black Panther.. literally…
Flip J Hendrixs looks like a Wolf… Literally.

And I am both… Panther Wolf Man Creator-Conductor Director of the Invisible Symphony.
I am still using “Opera” as my server.

This was a Song…
But now it is also a Howl of rage, a Growl of Intent
and a Roar of “You Dare..?” Daniel Yvonne.. Y.D.
No, it is the Roar of P… P..E T E…R…
Kemal Nickel!…

I passed through the portal of the completed line of the wave of Kemi Sara and then of Dawn Piercy.. D.P… Moises… Ar-c-Mondo
D.M.A- from Delta Manor through Allen Murray, D M A..
Flip!- A.M…D… A.M at D=4.. Delta David.. D.A…V.I…D… as D.A..
the four corners “Umeano” in One.
Da Enlightens. D.A.E. D.A..V.. Victor.. V.I… Sixth sense, defeating the Animal Reps of the Family undercover, “costumes designer by Nature”
And thus recover the I.D… Identity of the E Family undercover with “Super Natural” powers..
None in Mental hospitals, none of them imbalanced – but in perfect harmony, “En Familie” and the Wolf and the Panther as next door nieghbors and the Black Panther… or is He really a Puma? My Original Sister who rose in the Eternal Beginning when the play of Creation…
D A V I D…E…I…

Flip J Hendrixs recognized me as the Black Panther, through what can only be viewed as a “set up”-by Something else, to establish the truth.
He had not seen the movie when we meet, the day that Peter Nyarkô brought him to meet up, it was the 25th.
Only Peter had seen the movie.
A the next day he went to see the film and recognized my expression as almost that which took place in the film..
Fact Fiction Fact.. F F F … 6 6 6.. 18….18 22… A.H V.. Victor..
Adam to Harmony 5th Dimension… 22 4..4 is 5.. 9= I.
Red back to White Light.. Jamel White… He was the last person I saw last night at about 1.58 a,m in the morning.
He was dressed all in Black like a Cat Burglar… Yes he looks like a Model and a Warrior…

And on the 28th I went to his home, there were white roses..
1-8.. Red to white light.. Spectrum -Rainbow…S.R..
Sha-Ron.. S,R…
Full Circle of Spectrum Rainbow… back to One.

6:49 p.m

1 8 22… A,H… Victor… A.H…5th.

*”WAVELENGTHS OF VISIBLE LIGHT. … As the full spectrum of visible light travels through a prism, the wavelengths separate into the colors of the rainbow because each color is a different wavelength. Violet has the shortest wavelength, at around 380 nanometers, and red has the longest wavelength, at around 700 nanometers.”

‘Newton used a prism to split up light into the colours of the rainbow and project the rainbow onto a wall. To prove that the prism wasn’t colouring visible light, he then used another prism to refract, or bend, the light back together again. This caused all the colors to merge back together into what we call visible, or white, light.”

-Planet Science… P.S.

I just had a conversation with Peter Nyarkô by text…
He made a mistake in his text to me which could have given the impression that he had not read the post, he had promised to read ( not for my benefit, I must point out.. but his… yours)
But I knew that his “No” was a spelling mistake.
So I already posted that he had.. “The Knowing”.. Code for the T.K.O.. The “O” is because I have reached the Full Circle of the Destroyer Annihilator Terminator Executioner.. D.A.T.E…”
Birth Day.. B.D.. 28
Panther Wolf… Represented by Flip J Hendrixs and myself Emeka Kolo.. E Flips, J.H.. “108” – the Flower of Life.
E- S.H… S.R.H… (S A R A H..E)

I solved the Riddle.. “of the Sphinx”

I wrote him back saying that I he was the last person I would care about, and that it I am done with this..
( I have reached home the point.. Flip J Hendrixs…)

He mis understood and said that I had given up on him and had basically said :Fuck You…

I corrected him, :No Dummy.. blah Blah.. :why don;t you guys listen…”

After correcting him he said there was no response…

No apology, no, Hey I mis understood and I dumped on you my Paranoia which I accused my Big Brother, of..
No “Oh shit Emeka is so knackered, I exhausted him yesterday, he is meant to be meeting Flip J Hendrixs and he is living a a shelter solving codes after 28 years of educating Humanity and being led on a wild goose chase to rescue me.. We the People.. Only to find that “I am Safe” living right next door to my Brother in the Eternal Realm Sha-Ron and Nickel.. and George and Ethan…
That I never left home, or the comfort of my Big Brothers Bed who never stopped protecting me…”

George Orwelll..
I did not see George age Six…
I focused all my attention of Ethan age 3 .. C… because I wanted to C…
But my brother said that Ethan acts like a 5 year old.. 5..
I said Adult, but he said 5 years” ( believe me I took in Flip J Hendrixs expression as the one…)
That he is 3 5… C.E…”

…But alas there was nothing.. just silence…
No taking responsibility, no looking at the cause and effect which laid the impeccability totally at his feet.
Nothing to clean up his having perhaps disturbed me or perhaps moved me to rage that after all the work .. he had chosen to forget…
Once again… Who had really said “Fuck You” to whom?


Who had been ultimately and absolutely disrespected.
Made to walk 17 extra years from one who had “Cried Wolf”

Never Cry Wolf… N.C.W…/ W C .N… 23 Double V.. 22 22…23= 5.. 2222= 8… 5 8… Usd paid to me by Flip.. 13..M…

Farley Mowatt… F.M… Father Mother ( Big Brother)…Sacred Portal 54… April 5th.. 1969… Big Brothers Bed.

Film by Carol Ballard. C.B.. Chadwick Boseman.. 3 rings 2 rings.. Flip J Hendrixs….( Florence Ballard F.B.. Face Book.. The Suprmes”

I waited and waited for his taking of responsibility..
But it seemed that he was satisfied.. God was satisfied…

7:18 p.m.

But not I…

I noticed when I got up, as usual that Lorenzo sought to gain my attention having perhaps conveniently forgotten that he almost physically sought to provoke a fight .. over what turned out to be a temper tantrum in not getting Hash Browns…H.B..8 2.
I ignored him as usual….
Today was no different, I got ready to take a shower which every one is aware of when I do- having made myself so transparent which unfortunately created the altered effect of nearly everyone taking advantage…

And so this man who prays loudly god, in a strange mumbled language… knees on the ground, posterior stuck out in my direction…
Sees that I am about to take a shower, I pause to call Flip J Hendrixs wearily, already tired that I am the one always chasing after people to be impeccable…
I am anonymous.. no one.. until recognized huh?

And he seized the opportunity to go into the bathroom and use the shower…
If he was in such a hurry, he could have asked me..
That is the courtesy I extend them all. and which even Francs who uses the bathroom sometimes for up to 2 hours each evening respect..
But the laws of impeccability are always seemingly one sided.

Because you are Nobody…

Anonymous… No Power no Fame no Riches…
What I need from you is Freely given…
How can there be Respect..
And the WAVE of Selfishness God and its Authors and worshipers have shown that obvious Disrespect by not even having the courtesy. the Decency… The manners to ask the one who came before them all.. Who has publicly proved through an evil evil abominable unfair imbalanced script that he recognizes All… Pan Pam..
having reached those codes in the Challenge YOU created…

And after all the Hypocrisy Gossip… the way you crucified him.. me.. Crucified me with every breath- hurt betrayed stabbed murdered because He.. I cared…

…They find that they had falsely accused him, me.. us.
Used us, done the most unspeakable acts of cruelty, torture.. sentenced Him, me, us to living Death…
No allowed to live die or even exist… but simply unending torment of mind spirit soul .. materially physically…

And after all that…
They found that they were wrong…
And their first thought is am I safe..
And they use manipulation to determine that…
Taking the one who they have negated His expression, My Expression the Sums Expression into Non Existence…
“He does not matter.. only you do..”

And a response of Love and Cee is given.. Correction…

Little Caesar’s is the Pizza Peter Nyarkô bought for himself and shared with me…
I in turn shared it with two people- Jean ( Yale Lock) and Tyrone..( Erika Badu Song)… J.T..
John Thomas… O PENIS…

Correction.. C C.. 3 3… O.. 6.. O F…

And then waited for the naturally expected response..

Nothing… So I flipped the switch.. back into the darkest night…
Black Panther and the Wolf..
to teach a lesson, as to who has the say as to who Exists and Who does does not..
And whose Word Being and Existence can not be treated..

Lorenzo I called out to him.. To whom do you pray to…?
This one who claim to be the Chosen one of… ?
The Devil…. Delta Evil”

Because it certainly can not be God.. G O D.. 7 O 4… 74 11 28.. 39…C.I…
7 O=15….6… 7 6 4….. 764… 76 4… 7 64…
God is Music.. Manners Graceful.. it expresses it explains..
It Loves.. It Sees.. It percieves… it has Empathy…
Em path I.C!
It does not require Reminding…

It is not Apathetic..

I went down stairs to clean myself and came back up stairs..
Lorenzo kept very quiet… what do you say when you have been caught in your own hypocrisy, gossip over and over a gain..
That room you have locked yourself in… which is not your secret garden or the den.. or room with a view… or a library… but your self made prison cell of your own making created by your own thoughts and point of view… Room for only you.. not even 2..

I went to the Arab Bodega place and bought a coffee, still bristling by the virus the stench of Hypocrisy and Gossip.. lies which make me literally physically ill because it is was literally brings disease…

“Do you pray?” I almost snapped at Ali…


“To whom” I enquired..

“God.. Allah.. ” he said looking at me as if I were dense…

And it is all Hypocrisy and Gossip… Jealousy”.. I said quietly…

Now understanding me .. he broke into a wide grin and adressing me as if I were a child…
“Yes.. he said smiling broadly.. it is every where .. everywhere you look”

I saw later that the number on my coffee cup was 18…
I just took a coffee from Chris.. Yarskaary is here and Yasemine…
C..Y Y… C 50… C 50 USD..
25 usd from Flip J Hendrixs twice… I am here no Flip J Hendrixs..

But at 7:45 p,m… after my Beautiful Rageful justified text to Peter when he did not respond or acknowledge…
He aplogozed.. He was set up… I can see that clearly…
I accept his.. but not the People of this World…
Destroy them All….
Let them Evolution begin and replace the Vermin with the Original Plan E.T… The… E..
The Eternal Ones…
Eternally in Harmony.. from Infinity to Eternity…

Destroy the rest… as I have destroyed their God…

8:02 p.m..


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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