
3/3/2017 20:48 – Facebook Post

3/3/2017 20:48 – Facebook Post

Back to 927….From 924…

Code of the Bottle Cap.. Bart Les and Jay Mes… B.L- J.M.

The name Bartle is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Bartle is: Ploughman. Son of Talmai (Talmai is a, meaning abounding in furrows.) Famous bearer: St Bartholomew was an apostle of Jesus Christ.

Jay means Victory in Sanskrit and to Heal in Ancient Greek…
It also means “Rejoice… Joy.. from Gaius…and J.B..Jay Bird..

J.B… James Bond.
B.J… Blue Jay.. The character in the books which featured here…
Ink Death, Ink Heart Ink Spell by Cornelia Funke… C.F..Fun.K.E.

Bartholomew is the Church we used to go to in Canada…
And where Geoff LaCour is from..St Barths.

4:48 p.m.

This is a play of Death… Sacred Portal 48… D.H..L..Lawrence…

Lawrence is the person I found myself sitting today…on the Wood Side of Star Bucks cafe..
And I reflect on Lawrence Station which Paul Franklin uses..
And the Guys, I met who all had the name Lawrence.
I was always aware of the relevance of the names which always repeatedly surrounded me…

Just as I had stayed with Geoff Lacour at Sarah Lawrence…

And how it made me think of D.H.Lawrence, a writer whom I never took to much to…

“David Herbert Richards “D. H.” Lawrence (11 September 1885 – 2 March 1930) was an English novelist, poet, playwright, essayist, literary critic and painter. His collected works represent, among other things, an extended reflection upon the dehumanising effects of modernity and industrialisation. Some of the issues Lawrence explores are emotional health, vitality, spontaneity and instinct.

Lawrence’s opinion of the masses is discussed in detail by Professor John Carey in The Intellectuals and the Masses (1992), and he quotes a 1908 letter from Lawrence to Blanche Jennings:

If I had my way, I would build a lethal chamber as big as the Crystal Palace, with a military band playing softly, and a Cinematograph working brightly; then I’d go out in the back streets and main streets and bring them in, all the sick, the halt, and the maimed; I would lead them gently, and they would smile me a weary thanks; and the band would softly bubble out the “Hallelujah Chorus”.[25]”

The Lawrences finally arrived in the US in September 1922. Lawrence had several times discussed the idea of setting up a utopian community with several of his friends, having written to his old socialist friend in Eastwood, Willie Hopkin, in 1915,

“I want to gather together about twenty souls and sail away from this world of war and squalor and found a little colony where there shall be no money but a sort of communism as far as necessaries of life go, and some real decency… a place where one can live simply, apart from this civilisation… [with] a few other people who are also at peace and happy and live, and understand and be free…”[21]”

Two Quotes.. One from 1908… and the other 14 years later in 1922.
Very different “The Intellectuals and the Masses”
And the private letter to friend in 1915..7 years later…
But I see no duality…

You maybe wondering as to why I am solving a riddle concerning D.H.L…
I do believe it is about aligning his expression to its Eternal Truth…

First observe the codes of his date of birth, age of death

11th September, 1885…
9-11- 1885 9-11-85
( I was in Staten Island with Donald.. 9 11)
Death 2nd March 1930…
2-3-1930… 2-3-30….
(This is code of my bed at Beach Street and the Address 1530..
Which then evolves to 15/51…6 3…First Contact.. See sacred Portal 15…Letter O.. Which is the Set Up of Delta Manor, proving it is the Full Circle…just as I did with 26 8.. Representing the End of this play.. And then now as Z.. Two Ends one as Zorro and the other Zombies…
30.. Please see Sacred Portal 30… It is about the Woods…
I take the Wood Ave route here everyday….

*Note, I am sitting at 1358- using every ounce of will to force myself to do this riddle..
I have lost patience with the Evil Hatred and Cruelty which defines this Equation and Set Up…
And why I submit myself each day to this, despite what it has been done yo my body and existence to prove the obvious truth.
If I am wrong let me go, or kill me and my line…
But this Sado Masochism of allowing myself to be so flaggletted by a force of Evil as Victorious when Every where I see the truth I represent being confirmed and yet the riddles of misery continue…
It makes no sense to that it continues…with out manifestation.

Excuse me, most of you probably have no idea what I am talking about because you are not experiencing, nor have not experienced what I witness and experience 24-7… witnessing it through 6 Sense and Fact…

I see no point in going on with these Riddles..
Not because they can not be solved. but because it has proven to me that Existence and Creation is Truly Truly Evil…
Which is impossible…
I really have had enough…

I really do not wish to continue.. every part of my being refuses this and yet I am still being cornered extorted forced to do it..
This is what I find unbearable…
The True horror of this set up and the horror of that can compel Being to walk this path of constant resolving in conditions which even I who know the truth., spent my entire life fighting for it.. no longer wish to continue because of what this has become and what Control and Manipulation is possible…

I will continue because I my body and my world and my environment is all infected with this..
But I make this personal note once again…
It would have been better than nothing ever rose or ever existed than to have endured this… especially people.. imagine If I really am representing the Beautiful Truth which agrees to become the Vilest lie and that it has this can of power… all a lie but made real..
Existence then is Absurd and Stupid…
Not as an emotional expression but through reason and rational…

As you can see, from what I have endured… God as Death…
Bog…Boggy man.. I Boogie…
I.Dance… it has twisted my Words.. this God meant to be once of the Truth.. the Word.. to rescue Humanity voluntarily chose evil over the Beautiful Truth because of this God… This Abomination in my Body and Being…
I despise speaking this way, but I have been trying to keep this in
the 24-7 Insult allowed the torture the rape the Sado Masochism the sheer abomination of what I have experienced in a Script that has been changed from original meaning… to become this Filth…
And this horror sum total of Betrayal called the Peoples Truth in One forcing one person in such an insulting set up to prove its Truth to Its own Evil Nature…
Nenad M. Djurdjevic i had text…

He confirmed that which I am reading every around me- the Awakening….
But at such a price…?
While one carries Its Truth of the E Harmony and used, his power taken away…

What is This…
What the Devil is this…
And what purpose can it serve because I am full aware of whom I am and it this being allowed, this play that yes, I E am victorious still..
Because I proved it…

I, am the last portal, despite what has been done to my I.D…
and my existence and my Truth and Power, that It could make me, force me into such a Role- blinded by its own Self Idea of being God or Goddess only to find itself Wrong…
After going so far, go to places of Evil Beyond mention to prove that it was not wrong..
Only to find it was Is wrong..
Then have the power to turn around and make a Script in which another cleans up its Mess…
The Messenger Hermes…

Ancestors as Gods…
With the Power to Put the Truth of Trial and even after he is Victorious, having the power to continueto defy Eternal Law while Eternal Law appears like a weakling and who allows such a play but uses some one else to fight its battles…


No one wants to take responsibility…
Not even God Goddess.. Ascended Masters…
“Oh, I made a mistake…”
Go back and Clean it up…
Instead out of Pride, they move some one else…
Manipulate use Deception and Guile and to not take responsibility…

I was talking to Nenad M. Djurdjevic about it…
Citing the sacred portal Awakening as 76.. and that of 17.. Q..
1776… The America Story.. founded on lies…
The Europe Story.. founded on lies…
Middle East… All the Great Civilizatiobs founded on Lies..
Just as Africa.. Egypt, Ethiopia Nri founded on lies…
Even if the lies were not intentional…
But they assumed, the did not wait for confirmation Affirmation Echo response which confirms their understanding…

7:06 p.m..

That very manner of Assuming, being impatient to wait for the response…
Me, I had to get a response, confirmation for Everything and because of this. because of my respect for the Truth..
The truth betrays me, to go back and teach others to tell the Truth
To remind them how Truth works.. its process..
It manifests…!!!

And then to not manifest the Truth I have proven so that I can continue to edicate and feed the most selfish and evil laxy aspects of Humanity…
Who can leave a being like me in a Shelter, in the Streets with all my qualities in order to teach the world who crucified me to remember what they already know- but as Spoilt children Spoiled by this Idea of God…
Who betrays Truth.. they become lazier and lazier more and more corrupt and suffering anyone who is of the Law who is born or summoned by Prayer into an Existence of such Horror!
And It is accepted as Okay…

Nenad M. Djurdjevic
The point is that most people even those grown up should visit a psychologist. But most do not.

Emeka Kolo

No Nenad I already proved that people are fully aware and conscious.. that is what the play was about… Yes.. He is you.. same thing… A.C.. 1 3… It was not about Awareness or Consciousness it was about Being… Be… and you will See that there is E.. planted in you A B C D E… Which leads you to fact… He challenged me to prove this knowing full well that I spoke the Truth but he did this so that I would do what He could not do- he playing God and Goddess was too proud to admit that he did not know how to correct this mistake.. so he used power in stead as Her the illusion of himself… Yes it is you alright, you played that part perfectly from the moment I met you on Face Book.. But I knew it was Nnamdi as the lie of the past.. Pride… Not humbleness.. I am the Humble one because I walked where he or she refused to walk…. But I do not wish to speak to you about all this.. I already know… Flor is Your line… N.F…The code is F.N… F.I.N… F.U.N..KE… I FUN ANYA…

I do not wish to speak of this any longer … Each to his or her own revelations… I focus on the Higher Play not on a individuals used as Avatars because they mirror these Ones Mistakes…
They used you your Human lines to hide behind and correct their mistakes because they knew I would not let you and your line take the fall for their mistakes… That your Humanity saved you just as my experience of being Human enabled me to understand your point of view… I am tired Nenad.. I spoke and wrote about this for years…. on face book and lived it since 2004 when theyy refused to admit their mistake… but instead used you guys.. 7-28 P.M.. There you go.. My sisters line…

But Nnamdi line allowed it because though it was innocence on his part, he did nothing because to come home he had to get his feminine aspects… I am going to share only the last two parts of this txt.. I have no interest in blaming you or Flor…. or the Humans – but those Humans who refused to listen after all this explanation. All this Sacrifice… Who did not. clean up their mess…. 7:31 p.m.
And the last part about the inner child offended… I agree I experienced with Evey Single person…”

Age 44.. DD…

But his name was David Herbert Richards… D.H.R…. and he took the name Lawrence….

Excuse me, I must end this post…
I am so upset and saddened by this…

I wrote about this for years..
Lived it at Marina Burini and Tom Trumans…

In 2010…

It is all here written and documented here..
My incredulity is that They who who of the Most Beautiful Light were so blinded by their own Pure Intentions… and Pride…
That they went into such a rage when they found themselves transformed into what they created Cause and Effect…
Devil and Witch… as Evil…
They who were once D.E.W… Light of Such Gentleness and then in that rage of feeling that the Eternal Law was unjust created this Script for me to live in and prove them wrong…

I had pleaded, roared… “What if You are Wrong”

And it was in 2010 when I was at Willamsburg I vowed that they would not rise with me, and would make rise the E line…
Enbodiment which they would never rise to E…

And when they saw the Truth here on Face Book they of Nature used their power to fight me to Forgive Them and to force me to clean up their mess…
And they actually did… Went that far…
And I made a Vow that they would pay the consequence and that I in my Human form could not only make them pay the full consequence of the law but send they who thought they were indestructible out of Existence.
Which I have done.

7:43 p.m.

And the Others.. they could rise in the New World… but they would never enter the realm of Eternity…
Not without Embodiment and cleaning up the mess they made me clean up…
Which they can not ever do….

But you the public have no true idea what that part of the Play is about.
To you, I am this man on Face Book, claiming to prove the Truth of Existence…

The Nnamdi which did this is not me..
It was an expanded Nnamdi using the blue print of me as the First Emmanuel Nnamdi to rise become apart from me and doing the same thing but in His- Her own way…
They felt it was impossible in the END..
And set me up to prove how it was possible.

This is for the Future and for those Unseen Present…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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