
3/3/2017 17:02 – Facebook Post

3/3/2017 17:02 – Facebook Post

From Anissa Davis


I noticed three new Face Book friends, two of whom are to me not real people but rather “advertising their wares”-
I have noticed a few of them lately, but in the Spirit of the Riddle, I have continued accepting them and the decoding their name meaning and adding it to the weave, all of which have proven that they are not only part of the Script- used to continue way past the end.
Into spaces where there is nothing…
Because they are real people behind this face, the are all illusions.
But then must also see the point of view of the riddle-most of Humanity os not real, and are hiding behind masks, characters they play, at the office, on the streets at home..
All moved by a wave of “Wordly Trauma”and cause and effect…
Behavioral patterns… Mind Mapping, Cultural Historical, Mental, Psychological, Parental, personal, ancestral..
It is a wonder, if there is anyone there after you strip away all the layers of “Make Up”… Nothing there…
Which is True, at least what I have observed.. A Zero.
And yet beyond even that Zero- that “No Idea” of Self Identity…
(S.I), even there unknowing to them, there is a person..
A being moving them…

Just as was demonstrated with the “Scene” where Vivian Lavey was supposed to send 50 usd which she offered to send.
Weeks passed by ( never mind that perhaps I really required those funds to be able to continue posting, but what did I really care? Since if there was no funds to continue – it would have given me the excuse to focus my attention on myself and using the means of this System of reality to get out of this hideous set up…
But as I had witnessed for the last 16 years, a means always appears to continue “The Work” of solving the riddle…
through my own solving the riddle of course.
*You know it is a Riddle when you get the answer right and the “Knot” the inconvinience is solved…and you see your self move forward.
Harmonies Dimension does not require one to “Pay” such a price to move forward, to do what you wish to do. You are not cornered and given no option unless you are in a Matrix, in a set up preplanned..
Like escaping a Computer Game… Called the World…

*Sid Meier’s Civilization is the first in a series of turn-based “4X”-type strategy video game created by Sid Meier and Bruce Shelley for MicroProse in 1991.[3][4] The game’s objective is to “Build an empire to stand the test of time”: it begins in 4000 BC and the players attempt to expand and develop their empires through the ages from the ancient era until modern and near-future times.

Civilization was originally developed for DOS running on a PC. It has undergone numerous revisions for various platforms (including Windows, Macintosh, Amiga, Atari ST, Super NES, Sega Saturn, PlayStation and N-Gage) and now exists in several versions. A multiplayer remake, Sid Meier’s CivNet was released for the PC in 1995. The N-Gage version was the 17th game released for the system in North America.”

*I remember when it first came out, I was in Paris, and asked to play it..
And I recall saying no, though itching to, but I knew that I was there in Paris to do something and computer games where something which I knew would become a distraction for me. Because that kind of game would have been something fascinating for me…
It is the reason I do not play computer games…
My entire existence has been focused on what I later discovered is this very Game…
But not mine or ours but a Web of cause and effect which none but a legend called Christs or that line could get out of.
The next time I met that game was with Jon and Ben, J.B…one Christmas in London.
And Jons irritation by my refusal to play…

I was so focused on getting out this “Reality” finding my family and then I could relax.
The idea of being stuck in this reality, or the reality I have been living in horrified me.
And if you would have told me that 26 years after first consciously refusing to “Play” that I would be still be doing that work I would not have stayed in this world at any price.
Which is why They never told me..
Leading me on and on, until I got wise, then Durek Verrett arrival in Istanbul and the subsequent many events, including the beginning my being imprisoned in my own Body…
Literally, using breath to navigate the muscles and tissue and skeletal structure twisted and deformed… or the illusion of it made real..
Being the perfect projection of the maze which I have riddling my way through for the last 16 years in New York.

Hell, if I had known such a Evil could exist, such a possibility, there would ever have been this Emeka here today, nor this expression…
But here we are, the Betrayal of Existence for a lie of “Help the Poor”
Play the Messenger Hermes… Sacred Portal 28.
-To a race of beings who whose perception is so askew, that they add the added burden of Challenge and Resistance to solving that riddle of Civilization.. So many Civilizations and Nations all founded on lies and fear- and thus its product..?
-A people who are that same reflection.

No Vivian Lavey was a perfect examples that there is a force who does know you, who is in you and responds to that which is rising in me, to the point that it is fighting the “Weave- Dna?” of this Human Time Span, to say “I am Here” I am present.. and then compelling me to prove it into Existence,as it proves it Truth by moving through you all..

Vivian Lavey, was delayed sending the monies, but Rob Barr did, then Nenad M. Djurdjevic, and I knew that she was observing that and then she sent me her message, that she would send- after I reminded her.
All a play, set up, and though She was in harmony, she did not know she was…
That is the gap about personal responsibility… each person is responsible for their own action based on their intentions and conclusions.
The E.T in you may move you to perfect Harmony, but that is Not your play.
Your play is your actions- and thoughts as to why you did not act impeccably, and it could be for the purest reasons…
The who idea of your “Mess” is why you did not send that monies (for example, it could be anything” – at the time, nor communicate why there is a delay.
That is where people are judged observed and measured.
By the Gap between that which was is already aligned and Will move to Harmony no matter what… But that pause is where you are observed and if when you see everything resolved in Harmony if you would come clean..
Clean up the mess in your “Doubting”the person- especially if you had told that person publicly that you believed trusted understood and respected him or her.
That person took that in, only to observe the opposing expression of that Expression.
Betrayal even if they He or She does not want to acknowledge it because they are tired or do not wish to see any more negation of those who expressed that and their E gave them Harmony to lets say me. that they are in Harmony with the play and house your beloved family whom I have searched for for a life time through the War so terrible, created by those Unseen called the Naturals who despise the “Unnaturals’ – because of Expressions like this.

It is the cleaning up of that mess, which is the key. the Crossing point..
When you realize that you did not trust that person, but lied through expression that you did…
It is the taking for granted that this person you treated in such a way, and not considering His or Her feelings…
Responding to them only when it is at your convenience, which creates War…The Mess.. Rage…
This acting as if your Existence is more relevant than the one who is bringing forth through the most Hideous darkness and “Pandora’s Box”
of confusion all by your lack of communication or Expression which no one forced you to say or express…
But you did and then you lied…

The Doubt or whatever, is not the issue, everyone has the right to their opinion and to judge if you will the actions of others..
But it must be fair… and it must taken into consideration that the other person is also forming a picture of you.

I am fully aware of the picture people form of me, it is easy to see by their response, actions expressions.. even simply by reading the numbers and codes on a Face Book forum on a Computer…
It is easy to see by the Harmony of response- in business we see this, if you are looking for a job, you do not keeping the one offering you a job, waiting… Do you?
You will get no work…
In this world it is a power thing, an idea of who has the power and who has not dictates the level of respect accorded to that person.
Or the level of Need, and self interest.
Not just for what the person represents, is doing and the Words you expressed or did not express to acknowledge it..

It is there, at this place which I have observed that the E.T.. Have been observing and judging humanity.

Of course, there is a bog problem in my case, if I am the one offering a Job, the one who has the Power, the Message within.. I am the one who should be able to walk away when not treated in the balance of fairness of what I was put through to bring this message, and whose benefit it serves.
If it serves nothing to me if you listen or not, respect acknowledge or not…
Then I should be able to simple demonstrate the True balance of power by being able to walk away.
Not being forced to stay in that space, waiting for that person to finally acknowledge.
Because we all know what will happen, the person will treat you with less and less respect,
They will feed thier ego and the little respect they did have for you, they will take and use to buff themselves up.

Creating the situation of Need, using money or even the Evolution of a species- creating a set up where the ones who is saving your life, is treated like your Slave, and “Charity” case whom you can decide to respond to because he or she has to be there to pass through that portal…

Is the denial of not only the value of the person, the message , that which he or she represents, but a negation of the Self Identity and even Existence of the other..
His or her Breath, Expression, and then even to lie.

This is not about Vivian Lavey, as far as I am concerned She was just set up to make a point, which I found myself, to my quiet indignation- now expressing… or my E-Spirit within me trying to make me express.

Manners… Even to this thing which is in me…

Adrian Mesarea probably has no idea that he is in a Script in which he is reflecting me, in a Riddle as being the brother in the States representing the New World- the Fifth Dimension, reaching back into the past through a hideous Set Up to reach back into the past where she is Stuck in..
Be it the Christian Story which took place 2000 years ago, 5000 years ago…Or another stuck in a story of the Great Mother and each having stayed in the Truth of that story…
Waiting for One to come backwards to that place where Its Essential Truth they believed they represent and thus made a stance not to move forwards until it was acknowledged….
Yes Shqiponja Mesarea lives in T Albania…

As do Flor Elena Medina Vivian Lavey Alanis EL Blanka…etc…

But it was Shqiponja who Vivian in purity testified that she was present when they as a close group where speaking about me, and probably obviously the “Money code” – which she had suggested she would send 50 usd…
And recall I had stated over and over again, it is never about the amount- but what you can afford, and yes you were being measured by that too as in Truth…

But Shqiponja had been so intrigued and had been moved by her own will , to suggest that she send send the money herself!
A 54 year old woman who, yes same age as my aunt I had just called who lives in Texas.. and is a Radiologist as well as a Pastor in some kind of International Universal church, whom I have not heard from since we spoke, and who ended our conversation with the almost relief in her voice
“Well I can see that you are Strong”- And Vivian Lavey who testified to her work about helping the poor..
Something I know Nenad M. Djurdjevic does… maybe not the poor but people in developing countries or those who ask him for help.

Nenad M. Djurdjevic and Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka are the only two people who offered to send me monies to support mu work even before they were full convinced of my authenticity…

3:10 p.m.
(Damn why am I being compelled to write all this… I really do not care.. Except of course, to give credit where credit is due- that I am solving a riddle at the same time is just a consequence of this Manipulative play which I personally do not believe is of Existence because it is too damn Evil, Filthy way of getting what you want- no matter the intentions.
Just the mention of it, makes me think nauseous by the filth of such a way of thinking and then execution..
And it makes everything I am doing, solving for it a lie…

From A.M..to S.M…through S.M overhearing a conversation about me which caused her, who has no job,no income, to call her brother, who then sends the money to her to send to me..
And I receive her text and her elegant and grace full message with Alanis EL Blanka being my guide to locating where it is..
And I wonder who is Alanis EL Blanka really, is she Flor Elena Medina is she Hary S Lang, because like these Face Book friends advertising Sex Communion they use other names to and face book covers to represent themselves to people without letting the person know to whom they are addressing…
I have never experience Alanis EL Blanka doing this but, they are meant to be as close as brother and sister..
And as usual, I am at a disadvantage, because I am naked revealed 58 months on Face Book and nearly every one else is veiled.
Hiding behind facades….

Anissa has 194 Face Book friends as we speak…
194… A.I.D… Meaning Help…
You were all meant to Help in this Play..
Just as Shqiponja did without having read my posts..
Only by hearing what was said about me…
She contacted her brother to send me monies and then I revealed the code publicly to the Entire world..
28 35… All Aligned… Sacred Portal 28 “Victor- Her MES”
Mes area..Adrian- Shqiponja… A.S… A Santana…
… Sacred Portal 35 “C.E The Point…:
I am born 28th… My name is Chukwu Emeka.. C.E…

I am the A.M Living in the States and Sent money to my Sister Self stuck in the Old World to Help me in the Future Present.

-And that the natural E harmony as the truth should result in what the equation I have working towards, already confirmed through Visions from both Nenad M. Djurdjevic, and Flor Elena Medina and the reading of the
Echo response of this “Universal Simulation”- and weave and riddles which I have been solving, where I am fully aware that based on my own personal and private reading of the equation, and 27 years of being forced to continually focus on it…
This should have long since concluded and my portal out of Delta Manor, and this World Dimension of Consciousness- playing a character, of the James Bond Ilk…
– Yesterday A lone bottle cap, which by the way, I found in the Caged Terrace last night..”B.J..Bartles & Jaymes”..
I heard it as I stretched and fought for control of my body, something which each night people come to watch or stay away from…

Bartles& Jaymes…

BAR..L.E.S… The Bar Lower East Side…. ‘S.E.L..Salt… Dead Sea…
B.A..R.L…E.S… B.A…Robert Lorenzo…Emeka Stephan…
Not the Lower East Side.. nor is it Bar Le ( The) S.. The Crowning of him with Laurels of Victory…

Jay…M.E.S…A.R.E.A….. Messenger ARE..A…?

Jay “Swift Victory” MES…(M.Y…Plural… Mes Famile- my line…)
M.E…S A.M…Eagle “Shqiponja… Andrian… Line of the A.B….

There is a play going in in the Room with Rosario in bed 5008, and Clark in bed 5007… R.C…
Where they act as if they are the owners of the Room- they act that way because the 12 other inhabitants of the room allow them to…
I did not, do not… I spoke up…
I observe the hypocrisy of the two of them, but at the same time their lack of respect for the others who do nothing..
I speak up and only once did someone speak up and back me up which was the one who arrived after I did, the newest to Delta Manor…
Bed 5004…S.M.. is 54…My Aunt is 54…But she is not my sister…
My sister is age code 52…53….One Dai Has Come…
I modeled Noni Promise after my sisters True Eternal Espirit..
Dimension 4….Delta…
While I am code age 32… and 49, 50.. and the lie of 51…which I transformed to Truth.. and even 52 53 54. 55 56.. Because my Sister is I…

3:43 p.m.

The person who spoke to me last before I left the shelter today was Jay… And he kept turning to look at me…
And Will Gave me a Gift today…
They are both in their Twenties and Early Thirties…
Both have never begged.. each has Self Pride….

So I accept these New Face Book Friends.. Because I can see beyond the Lie and Deception and still move it to the Eternal Truth…

My sister as Shqiponja… sitting in the truth of my Past in Macedonia….

3:47 p.m

Alexander The Great Hephaestus Roxanne…
Olympias of Epirus, mother of Alexander the Great and Cleopatra
Cleopatra of Epirus was his sister… C of E… E P.I. R..U.S…/ Sur I.P..E

Not the 4th Wife Cleopatra later Eurydice…

3:55 p.m

The Usurpers of 57 and 58… Carl and Rosario… C.R…O.SS…
Are anything but the Examples of E Harmony…

Rather bed 5006 and 5004… 56 54….
And the 6 arrived before the 4…. The 4 is really 2 2..In one T.W.O.. In O.N.E…
5 6.. 5 4…
55 64…
5 5 10…
5 6… 11.. 1…
41…5.. 54… 9… I.

3:58 p.m
924 Face Book Friends.. right now and back to 9 26..and 927

4:00 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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