
3/3/2016 17:50 – Facebook Post

And the third post of 3-8-9…In a row appearing in my News Feed


Consequently, Jai Italiaander, Jude Rogers, and Shane Michael Robinson Sr….

And yes, I recognize this as an equation based on the Anchors of the play,
such as Nuno Ordens Miguel “Emanuel”
calling out “Shiva ya” in Praise, on my page over a year ago…

And yes, I have to keep all details of the 47 and a half month play in my awareness..After all, even the E.Q. is a Story in itself.

It is a play of Awareness with the Energetic Essential realm- the source realm of cause and effect.. Emotions and feelings…

J.I. J.R..S.M.R.S..

So in solving and decoding the message in riddle
or deciphering the encryption…


1O 9 1O..R.I.S.E..MR.S…(Rise married couples..Mr and Mrs Smith..:) )

Stone Ridge, Supreme Rooms , Supreme Resurrection (Ji..means “Holds” in OINri Igbo) the Balance J=1O

I have always had a problem with the idea of “Selflessness” as being not not only unnatural, but extremely dangerous…
A fore runner of Slavery..
“Does a Child Enslave the Woman who gives birth to it, especially when the Woman has not yet decided if she is ready to be a mother..”

Selflessness comes mainly from a sense of duty, some moral “conscious” of “Right action’- but it also makes people resentful, and others lazy…

The Hero and the Messiah complex which I have always despised..
Do not get me wrong, when people come to the aid of others, or go out of their way to deliver messages to uplift others, or show them a way out of a dark hole.. Is of the most beautiful aspects of Human nature..
But it must be natural, not imposed…
If one decides to risk ones life for others, it is a sad, but beautiful thing,
but not because of Glory, duty, imposition..a moral sense of duty..

It has not be Natural…

Resentful because of the load put on your shoulders, and the resentment of others who now have to contend with you being special.. better than they are..
Which creates admiration and envy, competition…
Because each person holds in the grain of their being, the idea that they are special to…

Historically, (since the equation has led us to Mr and Mrs…) and this is the first time in my New York journey that I have lived with a married couple..just two..

“You know what they say, three is a crowd..”

This was one of my greatest source of Anxiety,
not because three could not work together,
but because of how it manifests in this reality, and world..
And yet, it has been a recurring theme and pattern in my 26-7 year “Odyssey”…

I recall that I had arrived at Stone Ridge with two books
I had been moved to buy for 1 Dollar and the other I found.
I knew they were intel, mission briefs on what my stay at 18 Mountain View was about…
Sophie’s World was about Albert and Sophie realizing that they were in a Story a school, and that they had to escape the Book and become real..
And the other book was called “Committed”
Which is about a couple be moved by circumstances to stay together traveling the world after finding that after both having being married before and sworn of the experience are forced to get married in order for one of them to stay in America where he has his business centered.

And we know the code of MR. and Mrs aligns to Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie in this play, and that Mr and Mrs Smith Allude to Neo “Mr Anderson” and Mr Smith…in the Matrix… A.S..
And to Aphrodite Hephaestus…”The Black Smith husband to the Goddess of Beauty and Love”..The Craftsman and Fertility Goddess…

And the word “Committed’ alludes to being forced into staying in a Mental Hospital, Asylum.. “Bellevue” in New York
Belle Vue…”Beautifully Seen”
Or “Feeling Loyal and full, whole heartedly dedicated to a cause”

Commitment to a union- a marriage..
or to each other…
It can not be to a union or Marriage or it becomes a prison,
And especially if as in the Movie “Mr and Mrs Smith’
it becomes a competition of power..

Or worse of supreme imbalance of power between two principles
Selflessness and Self Centered consciousness..

One which excludes the I of the Individual for another – which in its own state is a action of Arrogance and Conceit-Superiority, in that it declares
“You are in such a state (I am in such a state) that you need me to sacrifice myself for you…meaning I need to take on this role to fill a whole in me, which I transform into the Hole in you- which I can fill for you by negating my truth- until I become a liar by declaring that I am not important.. you are..
Which I know to be a lie…

And then Self Centered, which feeds of the Selfless, because everything is centered on his or her existence.
They live in their heads, their Ego and False Ego traumatized by an event a hurt so deep, that they live in a fortress of self defense which prevents any other point of View or existence to enter but theirs.
But since it is not real, it requires to be feed, and so its ideal partner would be the Selfless…
Self Less.. Having no Self..
Self Centered… Having Centered oneself on that which is the False Self-Security..
But the illusion of Security can only be sustained by some one else feeding it…

This has been the Energetic play of Husband and Wife for Eons…
And hence the great battle of Balance.. Love or Hate…
Not Love and Hate…
But deciding to Love each other or hate each other
for settling in such a dynamic..
Which only creates War..

Where I find that the Selfless are Survivors…
This is the Root of this mentality, which morphed into the meaning of being Noble- servitude to your fellow man.. How Convenient…
And the other, is saying I want to Exist…at any cost…

What these two “Afflictions” represent
manifests into Irresponsibility of taking on too much responsibility and of taking no personal responsibility..
Which manifest via cause and Effect Evil Beyond Evil itself (Because it goes beyond the imagined possibilities of the reason that world came into Existence)
And Existential Death…

Death by feeding the Lie..
And the Lie being demanded to be feed.
This creates a momentarily terrible balance
Which then manifest as the Big Bang
of the Two literally manifesting Evil Hatred
Torture, Torment Evil, the transformation of the your idea or dream of Love into the Supreme Hate.

Which is the play of married couples
and couples, chained together based on a written contract..
Not on Love..
But Need… Emptiness already filled.

Which would mean the Adam and Eve story
or Man Woman (M.W..Milky Way)..13-23..46..Sacred Portal 46 “First Drop’
Is what brought Evil, Hatred, Pan-Dora’s Book into the World.
By perceiving reality through physical nature of Penis Vagina..
Difference rather than Oneness..
And where else is there Oneness, but the Energetic Dimension
Where all things come from before they manifest into Physical Existence..

And only in this story of Difference, Negation, subtraction as Man Woman,, instead of Fee-Male …F.M.
Fey Mirach…Mira Arch
Mirror Reflections of the same thing..
Two Men Staring in the Mirror..
And one of them transforming from
H.E.. To S.H.E…
Because Energetic Expression
means you are everything..

And so, I have been for 7 months 14-15 Days..
In the Play of the Marriage and the Couples and balance..

As well as it in Negation and Selflessness to have peace and even act complacent while the other forces as a weapon constant war no peace until he or she gets what they want..
Which ends up being of course, enslaving the Wife husband family, business office, world in do everything me way..
“Is it whats bests for the Family, the All.. the World?”
We ask.

“That is not what is really important” they reply, (though they will never say it)
What IS the only thing important, is what is best for me, me me…”

And it does not matter if all around me cease to Exist,
I am the Death Eater, I suck out all happiness and joy in all others people life’s and Experiences to make it all about just me.. but I need this ghosts of themselves to feed me..
but my Wife Husband..
They no longer Exists except by my Will”

This is the Dynamic in the World..
It is not really intentional but the problem is that people often take that road, not to Selfless but to be Self Centered and selfish, because there is one who always gains.. you..
Even if you have to negate the Truth, the one Beautiful Truth which you know can literally transform and save the World…
This how far I have witnessed in this Play Game War…of how far people will go.. Especially couples, when they witnessed that their Loves, have broken their Sacred Trusts of truth revealed to each other…

This is where I have witnessed the Hypocrisy of the Spiritual Seekers..

What happens when one they loved (Created an Idea of) betrays their Trust..
Of course, they will not pause to take responsibility, or see they expression as a cry, in the dark, fear…no trust..
Can not see each others..

And from here, the Couple
joined and linked together not because of beautiful Truth
But needed to needed and wanted, and not to feel abandoned and alone..
Not coming together, as Two Full formed Cees, who see clearly one another..
And Sing and Dance in Recognition of their Journey within found them Truth love.. the ability to See Clearly…A-Z..

Instead it became the
War of the Roses..
Michael Douglas -Kathleen Turner…
“Who is As the Creator, of the Dark River and Stream of Purity the Turner is a Song Bird, A Starling, Sterling Darling Black brown Bird which ended the War of the Rose..

So the Rose of the E line could rise…

War of the Roses had nothing to do with the story of the Couples
but it was the way Evil manifested, as the condition and riddle be solved so the Rose E could rise…

Infinity Consciousness

Can rise..
Justice Balance and Fair Play..
Which from A-Z,
I never found..
Because others felt they had the advantages of negating the E line point of View..
Because they felt that the E where not present in this physical world
and look at “Emeka” and his non stop pain and suffering, endless torment for heralding the E line in this World.. look at him all alone, a 4O years later…They did not protect him, so how can they be of this world..”

And so, each betrayed the E.H who made each of them experience the truth of the E, until we reached 5-8
Donna O’Sullivan
Ariane Oates that the E line do Exist in the World..

And the E line always recognize each other,
if one does not reciprocate the recognition
then that persons has denied, and thus is not of the E.T.

Aya (??, ??) is a common female Japanese given name meaning “design”, “colorful” or “beautiful”. Aya is also a Arabic feminine name written as ??? meaning “500”, “algebra 1”, “miracle”,or “verse.” Aya is also in use in the Hebrew language and means “to fly swiftly” or “bird”

The codes Starling and Aya… both came from Jonn Blackwell through his Higher E-Spirit who knows the play and the codes…
Act Your Age…A.Y.A..

Jay Means Blue Jay, Swift Victory…
Design, Colorful-Beautiful (D.C.B.A..Aya)
5OO.. the Glass I drink from…Algebra=1.
A Course In Miracles…
Jay…Blue Jay.. B.J..2 1O

code Jay Livesay…

Shane Michael Robinson Sr….

“Gift of the Creator- Grace, Praise “Who is as the Creator?”
Famed Bright and Shining Robert the Robin in the Hood..
of the Car, and De Bois…

Victory Praise Grace….


5 (22).. 16..7

Rosie the Cat,
Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan was 22 years old

4:43 p.m

Starling, Robin, Aya, Blue Jay..
S.R.A.B.J…correct.. Stone Ridge A,B in Balance of 1O…

Correct Code Rob Barr.
E R.J ..B.A.R.R.S

ER..Earth, Melvin Er-er M.E
the Way from 7-8..
See sacred portal 7…

4:5O p.m.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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