
3/29/2017 21:44 – Facebook Post

3/29/2017 21:44 – Facebook Post

Time 9:12 p.m.


Infinite Limitlessness…

Individuality Limitlessness…

3-29- 2017…

C. B.I..( A-Z 26 +3 A.B.C.) . Consciousness is the True Speed of Light.. T.Q..True Quantum Mechanics…

C Bergamo Italy.. Linked to Nenad M. Djurdjevic.. True Q…

C (A-Z) C…2017… 37.. 10.. 1 O…
C -C-A.O…A

B.i.C…Truth Quintessential 37.. To Consciousness it is called Grace the 7th Chakra “Vision” of 10.. J..Justice Balanced.. Jay..

( Jay Livesay Jay Reid.. Jay R.E…Robert Emeka I.D.)
1 O..Alpha Omega..

Robert means “Famed Bright Shinning of Light… Emeka means “Praise of and to the Creator.. Well Done!”
See sacred portal 1A..

‘Love Links JOY -US.. Existence Divine is Well Done!”

Cracking the Riddle of the Comic Egg.. C.E ‘The Point .. Of Existing… “Solve the Riddles of your Existence”

I knew this day would be a bit of a Sad Battle once more to bring the alignment of the Eternal Truth to the Two Men..
Now Emeka Kolo linked to Nenad M. Djurdjevic..

And that there would be a challenge once more of the once beautiful illusion called Woman who is really C Wu-Man of the 5th Dimension..
Eternity is Her Name… Twin and Beloved of Infinity…
I.E… Exemplification Embodiment of your Expression which manifests as Echo response for all tho see…
The Truth Manifest outside of you.. from within you… ( :)Smile.. Namaste… Nna Mast E Day..Light Consciousness =Dawn)

974.. I.G.D… Back again the 4th Time..


Kristen Green.. K.G…

Kristen means Follower of Christ.. meaning Follower of the W.A,V.E.S.. Expression… M.W.. Music of the Energetic Harmonies…

Green is the 4th Color… 4 x AT 9 74…

Recall that the very nature of the Milky Way is as something that is a kind of Carbon Paper and that Light is the Writing which people see only in Hindsight just as Light which Humanity Physically sees is of that already passed.
The Only light which ones can see in the Alignment with the Writing or the Universe… Aligned to C as Speed of Light is C as Consciousness…
A.B.C…B.A.C… Being ( Naturalness) Awareness = Consciousness of the K.. K=11.. Light and Dark.. EQUALS…= 1…
The Two are called in this reality of Physical Science and Theoretical Physics.. Particle and Wave… Which creates “Quantum Transformation ” – itself an Illusion of Transformation of the Material and Physical Nature back into what it always was is.. One..

But this Time All Separate from the Source.. But now One..
Meaning that which was One like Snow..
Can now exist as Snow Flakes… Individuals …
And yet still be One…

Dorothy Maya Smith.. D.M.S…

The name Dorothy is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Dorothy is: Gift of God. A vision.

Latin for “great” or “larger,” Sanskrit for “illusion.” In Roman mythology, Maia is a daughter of Atlas, whose name was given to the month of May

From Indian mythology, Maya is a name of the goddess Devi, the consort of Shiva. Alternatively, it is a variant of Maia, the name of a Greek fertility goddess, the daughter of Atlas and Pleione, and mother of Hermes (Mercury) by Zeus.

Maya is a feminine name with multiple meanings. In Hindu philosophy, M?y? means “illusion” and in Hindu mythology, it is also an alternate name of the Hindu goddess Durga. According to tradition, Queen M?y? of Sakya was also the name of the mother of Siddartha Gautama, the Buddha. In Hebrew, the name Maya (??????/???? in Hebrew) is a short form of “ma’ayan,” meaning “spring” or “brook.” In Old Persian the name means “generous”

“Behind the Name: Meaning, origin and history of the name Smith. From an English surname meaning “metal worker, blacksmith”, derived from Old English smitan “to smite, to hit”. It is the most common surname in most of the English-speaking world”

97… 4… 4th Dimension Color in Rainbow Spectrum….

E.N… play of AGAPE.. The True Meaning of Brotherly Love
Is not through the Initials or codes…
Richard Schooping… ( Pls feel free to inform me if you do not wish to be tagged.. It probably will not happen again since that play of Agape I met you with in your post has been played out in this play script of determining Truth and Meaning of Words as the Waves which create Quantum Manifestation Divine..
And I do not like tagging people either but it many who have no idea what is going on since they decided not to follow the Play Script unraveling and have decided that it is not worthy of the investment of time and attention.
This has not bothered me, I respect the choice, my only concern was that it was an act of love, to show the Light of Clarity of that which concerns every person and creature in the planet….

But I do not any more..
Thanks to what has been revealed of the Nature of many through this play I did not create but which my energy and expression is being used as well as my embodiment…

K.G… D.M.S…

( My brother Oboom was born 5-20..73../37…20-5… E.T..G.C..A O..)

Kolo Granted Divine Manifestation Supreme Splendor of the Family of The Elegant Nomads…

The Follower of the Wave M.W is at the 4th Dimension
at Delta Manor ( Sacred Portal 9 74..”Mouth of Gode”
Green are the line of Fertile mind.. Imagination…
The Gift of God, The Creator is the Vision
( Nenad M. Djurdjevic) greater and larger than any Illusion such as Time Limited…Greater than any Map.. Atlas, or pleione Hermes Zeus..
It is beyond Durga 9Shubhi Gautama) and is the Spring and the Brook.

*See sacred portal 5…

Spring as Transformation…

Generous and Giving
Alexander Hepheastus Aphrodite…

The Black Smith who hits the Point Home..

Thunderbolt Ross
Dawn Piercy.

9:45 P.M,

I D E.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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