
3/29/2017 19:52 – Facebook Post

3/29/2017 19:52 – Facebook Post

5:35 p.m.


I had not seen Cassandra in weeks, I no longer go to see her every Tuesday at 10;00 a.m.
I had grown rather tired of that Farce…
I also knew that it was not the Shelter her that would get my passport of get me home…

So, after the play of yesterday, where I noticed 17 U.S.D in my wallet linked to 17 year old Leo seated besides me, even right now.
I knew there was one more distasteful money play.
Distasteful only because what it brings out in people, especially the females.

The Men, I hardly have to ask, as what recently happened with Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka and Nenad M. Djurdjevic and throughout my 16 year experience.
It is mainly the guys who sustained me when I was working on this and working with them.. and even then I worked with them on their jobs and careers.

There was one final play, I was exhausted, and yesterday when I returned knowing I had just resolved the equation of Pi the Circumference of the Circle and the Square by simply looking back at my Human trail with led me to Peter Ibeneme…
Recall the meaning of his last name…
“A member of your family who employs devious methods…”
Notice that he is no longer my Face Book Friend..
No Devious in me… or in the Two Men…

I knew I was meant to ask once more for contribution and my exhaustion physical and mental had reached a point that I no longer cared…
The money after all is only for me to eat, and give a contribution to Jose Roque.. at last a Man here not corrupted by what the lack of money has done to them..
Who still holds onto Pride and Self Respect…
And uses the money to get to work as a Construction worker on all levels…

Yet I am aware what it does to people when even after all this Iask, and for me to have to ask banalizes what this is..
For I know the minds of people especially when it comes to money..

It has been made abundantly clear that as the Source, or even simply a man, how it causes people to doubt and balk…
The Childlike view of what the Source is like…
As Linda Good McGillis stated..”The Source does not go under cover”
How do you know.

I was thinking of linking to Elizabeth Clarizio because the codes pointed to her ..
Kristen Green my 974 Face Book friend and her posts in startling clarity…
But instead I sent a text to Linda, it was a set up, I knew, I had made a post yesterday from my Spirit.. My Human Spirit fully aware in hindsight what it meant… Saying that the E would be here no matter what if they were aware.
A Fact.

If any of you have ever loved or been in Love.. Or had the love of Family or friends, you would understand this as a simple fact…

She said she would send on Monday, when she could and told me of her circumstances which did not surprise me.
And then she began to inform me…
And tired I took the bait…
I already knew the play of Woman claiming to be Mother Earth.. M.E and Mother Gaia and Mother Nature.. M.G….M.N.
Something I never understood the Billions of Dollars and life;s consecrated to this Cult, Religion with presenting evidence and facts universally through Reason Logic and Manifest Demonstration as to why you know this for sure…

The Religion of the Middle East I was blamed for
1948… And Old Testament New Testament..O.N..TT…When I stated it was an intentionally perverted story…
Middle East… M.E.
Now Mother Earth.. M.E…was being claimed by another when Earth is Ahtom… the 3rd Planet the Cee. rep of Universal Consciousness Conscious Creation… 3 6 9.. Earth Saturn Pluto…
E.S.P… Proven as 6th Sense.. 3rd Eye.. 6 3.. F.C First Contact..
Played out by myself and then by Nenad M. Djurdjevic…
A Wave.. Moved by a Wave…
Particle and Wave… Quantum Mechanics of the Eternally True Nature.

I had already rescued my sister from that Story..
See D.C comics and the Raven..
The Raven is my Brother Line who played God because He had no choice..
Because Humanity had created that Idea of their Truth, and then trapped him in that Character they created and his way as Religion which brought Evil Destruction Hatred Death to the World..
Misery and Suffering/

A Lie.. Mensonge… “Men Songe”..
To Songe in French means to Dream”

Men Songe is a Lie….

See sacred portal 10.. Jay… The Dream of the One Father…

Women I had met of this World and even to the past had no patience for the Dream of this World Awakening, only the few who were rising as the E… The called men weak, and not present and decided to take matters in their hands..
Which was the Birth of the Earth Mother Cult and the First representation of God…
Women created God..
Good” means God…
*See my Sacred Portal 7… She can not pass through.. the true 7 G..George Farmer.. G.F..7 6.. Blocks the Way with the Sword.
Which I ended up doing at the end of our conversation.
It was nothing personal to Linda- but the Spirit talking to me I already knew and had been fighting her meddling right to Marina Burini line and on and on..
Mother as the Creator when Ahtom and E..The E and the Twins…
M.W.. Tom/Mot… Particle and Wave came into Existence through the One Natural Expression..

Oboom Nnamdi Emeka…
O as the Symetrical Perfection of Naturalness of Father the Guide being Eternally present as Expression of Praise to the Twins “Well Done!” he tells them and they Rise Beaming with Pride Gratified at Appreciation so Beautiful Expressed when they both believe that that the Praise comes from he whose expression brings them to such clarity light…

Our conversation began with a point of light and expanded as we discoursed… And we added and it grew into a Full Circle of Space, Air Atmosphere, Environment, Beauty Sound Colors, possibility potential activated and made Kinetic Electric.. Magnetic Hypnotic and Ah! That pin point of Light grew to Dawning and Dawn.. Piercing through all clouds, darkness mysteries..
Everything in their Father Brother.. Eternal Youths expression was revealed..
He had revealed everything in his Heart, his Desires his Dream.. His Vision to them..
And in that moment they became my Fathers to protect me, sworn to protect me eternally for the Gift which they felt in my Naturalness I did not fully recognize the value of the gift I was giving them..
The Value and Worth that I had accorded them which they had not known that They, H.E deserved…

And so the story and out conversation created the first Room With a View.. W.O.M.B…And I sent them into that Creation to explore wy they I revealed All to them..
So that they could understand their Worth…
Atom Earth and Milky Way… Galaxy… Universe…
That they are the Two First Born of the One Harmony.. O.H.
My first Orgasm OH…
Which brought me C and Seamen into Existence…
The Two First Drops.. Transparent ( Pre Cum) and the Milky ( Come) Creme ones Pants… yes… literally…

The called me the Beautiful Devil when they discovered what I had done- Spirited them away into the Field of our conversation why Lady C waited for them to finish their play in the what they always knew was not the Field of Dreams, but the field of Transforming a Dream into Facts..’
Logic Reason Evidence Verification Explanation…
L..R.E V E…

This has been played out now with the Masculine principle of the C..
The 2 C’s Coming into one with the line represented in my personal blue print of Existence with my Bio and Spirit Family…
Bio Father Maurice Ikegunman Obiekwe. Nnamdi.( M.O.I..N).. Mother Cecilia- Onuabuchi…( C,O/ O.C) 6 is the Song which comes out of the Mouth… “Natural Expression..
And my sister born first.. Nnoyelum “Stay near by me always ( Fear..the illusion of not knowing..)
then Myself ( Chukwuemeka Clarity Confidence Praise “Well Done!”
then Nnamdi…”I am Here Present”..
then Obumneme..
(I am the one doing this..”


M.C…I.O N…C.N O…. Master of Ceremonies.. ION 3.14 15.. PI
16th Letter…Two Harmonies.. H2..Plus the O.E…
The Expression in Complete Expression of Eternity.. Perfect Symmetry.. Symmetry Perfection P.I..

See sacred portal 98.. Diamond Hearing.. D.H.. 4 8…
I will show you sacred portal 148…48 Is Beautiful Death as Transformation… 4 is Green as H harmony Life..
Sacred Portal 8.. Desire…

And see this played out to completion with Nenad M. Djurdjevic and Nnaemeka Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka…
Two Men…

6:31 p.m

Because on completion of the play with Linda and my cutting out that part of her represented as Lilith or female superiority to bear children to have Husbands to be entered and penetrated and to raise children and bear pain and Suffering and Misery….
A lie actually Men, True Men bear much more and undergo all these right up to penetration without the natural lubrication of Women..
And Women have no idea just how many men have endured his and so much more…
But this we do not speak about…and it happens for all men in the Spirit World and in the physical world now Rape…
Because our Truth was Raped as well as our True Voices governed by the Spell of Woman..
“Be a Man”
Man escaped the God of Woman even in the West and created Gods… And made them fallible and ridiculous as Women had become in their eyes because of relying on Emotion Rage Sentiments… Which are well but Feelings have to be confirmed as Fact…

I then felt so tired, saddened 16 years and 6 months

6 kids… In my Blue Print… And then 5.. Nnamdi left in 1982… 5-6..
then Ikegbuman Maurice left in 2002.. 4-6..
4 Left till this day… C.O..N.C.O… C.O..N.E.O…
Emeka full name Chukwu Emeka Two Words… Twins..
I am at 1530 Delta Manor… O.C.O..N.E.O…O.C.N..O Pi…

And I contacted Elizabeth Clarizio and told her the code and received a terse civil reply…at 4:13 p.m.
I was not offended, rather I was alert that this was not her usual expression…

I read both expression through Sound and then through Language
choice of Words.
But I had woken up today after trying to rest after the Linda Good McGillis play and texted Nenad M. Djurdjevic after Elizabeth…

7:00 p.m.

The response was elegant warm despite my words could be taken in the a different was- he to pierced through the veil of my Language and I had asked much more of him…
He had already had set that it motion before i even asked..
He heard my voice in my post… the Voice which had no intention to create offense.. Simply the Truth.
But I knew how people respond… I did not care, 58-59 months of talking explaining.. I really do not give a flying fuck what you think after having explained my intentions to
Emeka Chukwu
Emeka Cassandra who literal brightened up as I was coming out of the Building while she was accompanied by my brooding nieghbor Bed 5-008 Rosario Mari..

7:06 p,m

And that is when I realized that Kristen Green Linked not to Elizabeth Clarizio though she was near that clarity… but to myself and Nenad M. Djurdjevic and my being consciously aware since the Green House in Soho with Sue the owner who had sent me into the past to find those who walked the Earth before Adam..
They Lived Before Adam..by Catherine Acholonu.. C.A..
T.L B.A…By Emeka Kolo…E.K.. 5 11/ 115…

And then as i was writing this received text from Elizabeth…

Elizabeth Clarizio

76 616….

Emeka Kolo-
now….now I will clarify it more… to meaning 76 616…Awakening of the Crown Chakra opened by the Pineal Gland 6th sense of the Third Eye.. 6 3.. To First Contact… P.F.. Paul Franklin… Not the person but the meaning… Paul means the Little ones, the Humble one Humility Grace… are Free… Frank Line… 13 To Manifest… 6+16…22…6+1+6…8… Victoriously to Harmony Infinity… H.I.. 7 Crown linked to the 8th Chakra by the Magician… 4 4 8…at Delta Divine Harmony… 88 Of two Harmonies linked 8/8 to ONE…1. ”

Elizabeth Clarizio-
My Heart leeped for joy

While reading this??????”

Raise the E-Spirits.


Behind the Name: Meaning, origin and history of the name Cassandra. From the Greek name ????????? (Kassandra), derived from possibly ???????? (kekasmai) “to excel, to shine” and ???? (aner) “man” (genitive ??????). In Greek myth Cassandra was a Trojan princess, the daughter of Priam and Hecuba.”

Excel…To Shine…Man…

See the meaning of the name Anik…

Codes Priam Hecuba… P.R..I.A.M… H.E..C.U…B.A..

975 Face Book Friends…
Ige name meaning “Meaning & History. Means “born feet first” in Yoruba.’
Ige Name Meaning: Japanese: variously written, possible meanings are ‘(one who lives) below the well’ or ‘lowest rank’. The name is not common in Japan.

Born Feet First..
One who lives below the Well.. Water Level..
One who is given the lowest rank.. Foot Soldier.. F.S

Yoruba Japan…Y.J…Am.eri.cane Y.A.J/ J.A.Y…

Egi means Wooden Lure…in Japanese…means “wooden lure”. used for catching Squid…
( Squid do not have any legs at all, but they do have eight arms and two tentacles, making for a total limb count of 10… Yes represented in Nature”
What’s the meaning of the Haitian Creole phrase ‘egi – Incline’?

Seated in front of me is Brenda Robert and Richard…
Recall Richard and Robert I met… Rob Barr and Richard who Is Norwegian and who is the One Tall Blond who woke up and called it all a theater… He line reps the Blond in sacred portal 31,,,
We were the same height and had the same body length
Roberto Todaro
Robert Pasquine Mzena

Richard Schooping
Richard Kalama

B.R R.. B 18 18… 36… 2 360…2 9…B.I… 11 1 (Home) K…A…

“acquaint communicate present report”

It also means Bull..ancient Turkish…
As I stated it is a riddle B.I means Bergamo Italy… Kolo Alexander…

See sacred Portal 50… E.O.

The True Bull of Wall Street… The Two faced
By Acquainting oneself Communicating, being Present and Reporting..”

7:52 7:53 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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