
3/29/2015 4:41 – Facebook Post

3:3O…A M.

3:39 A M.

Since I am still working with time and Space..
Meaning that I am in Harmony with time and space, I can read the affirmation of my Natural Harmony to affirm each post and image as perfectly aligned..
Meaning that my Expression and Time are aligned…
Meaning manifestation aligned to fact.

So 3:3O which is the code Nnaemeka Jude Charles was used again by the Ancestors to expose the truth of what the forefathers did..
Of course, the E brought forth that truth from him but if he had used his human consciousness as well as his sixth sense to read my posts he would have solved the riddle himself
This is why the humans were important..
They were the filters, the adjudicators…discernmeners…
That was thier function…our being present the mediators of the past and the future.. Both present.

3:3O to 3:39 is
Nnaemeka is Me…I have no father…
I am my own Father
The Furthest Gala XY seen through the correct view Beyond the Speed of light.
Seeing manifestation in Human years 4O 41 years before it manifests …then being forced to prove for 26 years how I know my See is correct from an address at 26-8 .,4th street..4 O Circle full…
Meaning my 26 years of proving that which I did not have to prove, is in Harmony 8..26-8 because I am in Harmony..
Because I am Harmony..
Because I am FA THE R…R=AH…
Who is Youth and never goes old.
So this life of man that could have been put to better use was never about making my View true…
It was about creating consequences for all those big mouths who judged condemned mocked punished …so brutally with out asking the correct question..
How do you Know
How do you Cee..
C K.
Chukwuemeka Kolo..
How do you see God Emeka…

4:28 pm.

Why that’s Easy…
I look to Earth Nature
I look to Heaven Nature
I look to Children Youth Mans
(M.Y.C) true Nature.
All I see is Beauty Harmony Order. .
This is how I see God..
Everything taken care of and in order and Harmony from the Get go.

They are not in Harmony have no order..
Therefore they are not real and do not exists…

Men Women. No..
Only Children and Youth have that seed and spark…
No, the Human race never existed.

And I knew that when I grew up exactly how I would like to be…
Naturally follow Beauties example..
Be Beautiful and thus Harmony follows and that is how I See clearly everything because everything is me.
At 26 I understood this…
I reached the Light…

So this is posts is not for those who could not see the Truth of the Beautiful and blamed God Existence and Sacrificed E and Me.

Why do bad things happens to Good people?
Read Good and Evil story..
It is because they believe thier are good and other people are bad.
And so they are not in harmony within and can not be protected by Harmony Beautiful Being..
Which means that they are in perfect Harmony…
Because Good and Evil does not exist
All are one.
In Non Existence
Or in true Existence all are One
Or all are 1EEEEEE.
Same thing.
Bit a world of difference…
To be or not to be. .
You never were so what makes you think you have a choice..
Become..or cease to exist.
Enough Grace for Non Existence.
Who refuse to see or take responsibility..
But blame God.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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