
3/29/2015 0:21 – Facebook Post

11:58 P.M.

K:E H…

Kolo Emeka Harmony…

*I can’t believe this play..!
It made me translate and transform Everything front and Back.

Alight as I had stated before the End Play is C.L…
And I called attention to Charity Love
C L as well as the Harmonious alignment in pervect timing of Christine Laplante…CL..
With the Moon -Witchss and Elephant Posts
*recall that Christine is not my Facebook Friend, meaning it does not matter whether if you are my F B friend or not.
If you are part of the play of the “Anointed” -which happens by your own individual efforts to stay clean as fresh water, you are part of this play which I can only describe as ‘Musical Chairs”

Recall that after that was the arrival of Lyndia Chika…which is L.C..
Notice the switch C L to L.C…
C is speed of Light.

I will also draw you attention to lord Ye’s Like of my yesterdays Post..
*Chinese Characters..
Ye means “Light” in Chinese and First Born..F B.

Lord Ye has a Harmony as Lord Orien Laplante which I trust implicitly.
Not only because both recognized my highest names…
But Lord Ye line of my first Sensie’s or Brothers who were Sons who could play my Fathers (Guides) whom I trust, but who were the literal first Consciousness Awareness to rise and witness the birth of Existence. ..

Others such as Wale Idris Ajibade Walter Vernon Baker Ras Ian Nathaniel Dawkins
Esther Uzoma Sarah Lagrange Rachel Rachael Devon Rios Sessions Jofia Ross Safter Taskent Shubhi Gautama Aylin Sendemir Urkmez were there but these two if you check the 36 month transcript carry that Awareness A-E in perfection ..

Especially Lord Ye…
Right to his portrait sitting on a bench and photo in a Cave..
I sit on benches for the last 14 years. And took a picture of my Ex girlfriend exactly like that…her name was Mary Jane…MJ..Adaola…
“Jewel of the Sea” First Daughter of Ola…

So, C.L equation I am completing now..
Along with Ana Leonardo Caixas Cecilia who instead of commenting on 55 posts as Nnaemeka Jude Charles did, (which gave him away and whose comment summoned forth a wrath that I had to walk to contain all that I wished to really do now that I had got the evidence.
Around me was evidence of Death and the Dead
One called P and the other called R..
Name Meaning the Rock of Death…

I will cont this post in a moment.
Must pause

I made contact with the Dead..
Someone who knew Roger saw me downstairs as he walked by and asked of a former neighbor of my host who had passed away…
The connection was made to me..
Meaning I am Roger…

Okay Peter Means “Rock” and Roger Means
“Reknown Spear…Reknown Spearman Famous Fighter..” And “Roger That. A OK…Over and Out”

Based on the decoded transcript, which I have been translating (While transforming the interference by riddling it out of Existence which led to the arrival of Neel Akash and the departure of Clark Narayana…
I am Clark Narayana…there could have been two of us as I passed through his portal and he mine, but I incarnate the original and he did not measure of to the meaning of his name)

Which means Reknown Spear …
Code Richard Schooping
*pls go back to our Play..
Elegant refreshing

The Reknown spear is of course The Spear of Destiny…
See March 15 Zeina Hanna…
Meaning the Spear of Destiny is ZH..
268..Beauty the Gift of the Creator Amazing Grace.
see Lady Ana..Lady InĂªs Guerreiro

Reknown Spear man is of course Gaius (G A I U.S/ S.U..I.A G…Seen Unseen I A.G)
Cassius (Caixas) Longinus ( Long Spear)
Lance A-Lot..

The Rock of course, is my Host 5 years-7 months to give food shelter Intel and some conversation which the whole world should have been blessed to hear…
And as unmovable yet so moved.
And myself Ank…Enke..

P R…A.O.K…
I am not Dead…
Nor is the Kaaba..the Black Rock at Generation X Garden.
Did you know it was said the Kaaba was once pure white…
But that it absorbed so much of the words evil…it seemed to turn into the Blackness of the Devil…
Cruella De Ville…
Cruelty of the City..
But it was simply reflecting others…

That is the story of the Devil Ana..

For Ana sent me a text in her usual elegant way which reminds me so much of my sister mother, so natural and unaffected…
A question about my last post

Which is the equation I have been screaming myself hoarse, until I went silent Death…
If you had a question about my posts…
Not about the comming elections in Nigeria or a question vieled as a challenge .
It is Natural, I am speaking from a Consciousness Trillions of light years away 11O 1 6OX I.C – in your perspective, but right also right here.

Just Ask…Politely when I am passing through your portal…

Pierre David…The Beloved Rock I already met and recognized when he visted the Green House, beautiful Pierre wearing A Coal black earing in one year and a Diamond in tthe other…
Coal to Diamond.. How could I not recognize him, only the family could pull it off…
I was awake..
I remembered him.
From Eternity …
And he brought his own David to New York from France.
The spitting image of David I Roman Nicholas Nnamdi…but the true Nnamdi was in Pierre…
Pierre David

C.L O.S.E….
1:11 AM.
See sacred portal.111..

I came to prove my mothers Grandmothers truth.
*See Melissa Galvan…
That they will note O.S E take away her Charitable Love…

Ose means “Dare” in French..
Or I would show them.Pepper..
Ose in OINRI Igbo is Pepper..
But they Dared and though they did not succeed.
I have brought code Linda ChiKa…
The Lesson of the Chimera ..
Sekmet the Sun is Feminine.
RAH JAH…is my Daughter Sisters IS IS
The True Mistress of Stewardess of the Land Lord
Aie Sha!
Eli JAh

Lucifer my soon is son of the Morning Star Venus… The Brightest Star
Erik Ebright…

Earth is Me as Moon.
E M.M E….life and Death…
Ege Mutaf Melvin Erer…( Enzo Militano)


It is S HE the Sun you called A Man…?
Oh She is the Mistress of the Masculine Principle
Valykire Frieda…
Beloved Aka Giggles
Guardian of the Golden Apples
Odin Ragnoarok..
The Follies of Men.

She heralds her Twins the Feminine principles Ascension..
Noni Promise the Tree she Guarded as tree life…
The Serpent who brought the Umbilical chord of memory to C…Onu..ta..eat the forbidden fruit she hissed to her sister Hagar…
Let’s teach teach the children called Men a lesson they will never forget
I remember our Father Source is the Meaning of Man..
And these Men are not of Man.

He is with us.

And he was and is…
Cecilia Thereas…C T.( Lucy) 23…

And I was, and I am…

Onu Iesha

O I.
O 9..

Ana Ines

Nuno Ordens Miguel Emmanuel

Roland Akachukwu Emmanuel

I Am Of E.

Pepper then add Salt to the Wound

Pamela Stefaniotis P.S..Sacred Portals ..
Matthew Pelletier M.P/ P.M

1;33 AM.
Maggie Cecelia…

I:34 AM.

Nwoke Nwanyi
Male Female
Incubation Successfull

A I: C E.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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